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Cool Renew MedSpa - October 2020

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Cool Renew MedSpa - May 2020

4 cup olive oil DIRECTIONS 1. In a food processor, blend avocados, chipotle peppers in adobo sauce,

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Cool Renew MedSpa - April 2020

2 tsp ground mustard Salt, paprika, garlic powder, and pepper, to taste 12 large eggs, hard-boiled F

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Cool Renew MedSpa - March 2020

2 tsp salt. Bake for 6–8 minutes. 3. In a saucepan, combine ghee and garlic and cook over medium hea

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Cool Renew MedSpa - June 2020

2-inch pieces • Flaked sea salt DIRECTIONS 1. In a small saucepan, heat coconut oil, peppercorns, co

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Cool Renew MedSpa - September 2020

4 cup fresh mint 4 chives, chopped 3 tbsp olive oil DIRECTIONS 1. To blanch the carrot tops, bring a

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Cool Renew MedSpa - August 2020

4 tsp ground black pepper • • 2 cloves garlic, minced Cayenne pepper, to taste 4 tbsp fresh parsley,

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Cool Renew MedSpa - February 2020

4 cup of the mixture onto the griddle. Repeat until the griddle is filled. 5. After 3 minutes or whe

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Cool Renew MedSpa - January 2020

2 hours. 5. Remove from oven, and let stand for 20 minutes covered with foil. 6. Slice and serve wit

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Cool Renew MedSpa - July 2020

4 cup parsley leaves, chopped DIRECTIONS 1. In a small bowl, combine salt, pepper, Italian seasoning

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Cool Renew MedSpa - December 2020

2 tsp lemon zest 3 tsp caper brining juice 1 tbsp olive oil Salt and pepper, to taste Hot water, as

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Cool Renew MedSpa - October 2020




I FACED MY BIGGEST FEAR So I Can Help You Face Yours

Halloween is just around the corner, so no doubt we’ll start to see all sorts of spooky decorations and costumes: ghosts, skeletons, and witches riding broomsticks all over town. While all the spooky holiday monsters aren’t anything real to be afraid of, all of us have had very real fears we’ve had to face in the past. Hopefully, most of us have come out on the other side of those fears for the better.

At the risk of dating myself a little bit, I started my first business in 1987 when I was just 25 years old — and it was one of the scariest things I ever did. I left a job where I had a guaranteed salary, benefits, and some measure of security all to see if I could make it being my own boss. Becoming an entrepreneur wasn’t a fear I necessarily had to face. I could have stayed at my comfortable job and never struck out on my own. But I had grown up in a household where both my parents had owned businesses and worked for themselves. I think, subconsciously, I knew that someday I would also follow in that path. Opportunities to turn away from the things we’re afraid of and go back to what’s comfortable are always there. However, I knew if I wanted to start a business that would help people look better and feel better about themselves, I would have to leave security behind and take a risk. When you start a business, you have zero clients and spend lots of money getting everything set up, and there’s no guarantee the business will succeed. On top of that, no class or course can truly prepare you for business ownership. You have to learn as you go through

trial and error. You could just as easily be the new owner of a failed business as you could be the proprietor of the next big success story. Jumping from stable employment to entrepreneurship is a tremendous leap of faith. Through that transition, however, I never gave up. My tenacity, or my refusal to take “no” for an answer, is what led me to ultimately be successful. Fast forward all these years later, and I have the privilege of running a business that helps people look better and feel better about themselves like I had wanted to do all along. I never would be where I am today without facing my fears all those years ago. Maybe for you, the scariest thing is looking older or feeling older. If that’s the case, we can help you face that fear at Cool Renew. Whether you want to melt away belly fat through CoolSculpting, tone your abs and glutes with EmSculpt, or take advantage of another of our several services, getting older doesn’t have to be so scary.

“I had grown up in a household where both my parents had owned businesses and worked for themselves. I think, subconsciously, I knew that someday I would also follow in that path.”

– Grant Miller

814-864-9969 • 1

What Does ‘Clean’ Really Mean?


DON’T RELY ON COMPANY CLAIMS Large retail companies are pros at stretching the truth or sugarcoating it in a way that’s appealing, especially when it comes to marketing techniques. Don’t trust a beauty business simply because it says its products are clean. Businesses can say just about anything they want when there are no legal requirements prohibiting them from doing so. Also, be wary of products that claim to be “100% natural” or “paraben-free.” Products labeled as such can still cause allergic reactions or contain toxic heavy metals. READ INGREDIENT LABELS CAREFULLY Ingredients are always listed in order from the highest concentration to the lowest. Just because an ingredient is featured on the front of the packaging doesn’t mean it’s going to be high on the product’s ingredients list. So, be thorough in your research and avoid products that contain potentially toxic ingredients, such as:

The “wellness economy,” which includes any business or service that focuses on wellness

• • • • • • • •

Parabens (methyl, propyl, butyl) Ingredients beginning with PEG


Mineral oil


activities or a healthy lifestyle, has soared over the


Propylene glycol

last few decades. Consumers increasingly care about what goes into and onto their bodies, and this has led to $4.5 trillion in revenue in 2018 alone for this subset of the economy. COVID-19 has brought about a new interest in wellness, and beauty and other personal care businesses are riding the wave by increasing their output and marketing. But “clean beauty” is a new enough concept that it doesn’t have a legal definition or strict regulations yet, which makes it hard for consumers to know if the products they’re using are actually as safe for them as they claim to be. So, how can you know if your products are safe?

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)

These are just a few commonly found ingredients — with mixed safety reviews — that are lurking in products that claim to be clean and safe to use. When a trend spikes in any industry, some take advantage solely to make money. This can create a market that’s flooded with products, leaving consumers questioning which are imposters. When it comes to beauty and wellness products, there’s still a lot these imposter companies can get away with. Be your own advocate for your health and do your own research before applying any products to your body.

Why Fall Is the Best Time for Laser Hair Removal

While it might seem counterintuitive, fall is the best time of the year to get laser hair removal done. You might think that’s strange because the parts of your body that typically need laser hair removal for summer (arms, legs, swimsuit areas, etc.) will be bundled up during the fall and winter. However, that’s exactly what makes now the perfect time to make a laser hair removal appointment. A major part of any summer is, of course, making sure you get the best tan before the sun disappears behind the clouds for months on end. However, the darker pigmentation that comes with tanned skin can make it more difficult to get even laser hair removal. The lasers are attracted to the darker pigmentation in your hair, and because tanning darkens the skin, it makes it harder for the laser to differentiate between your hair and your skin. That means tanned skin can prevent you from getting the best laser hair removal experience possible. On the other hand, laser hair removal also makes your skin more sensitive to sunlight, which means that after appointments, you have to avoid direct exposure to sunlight for up to two weeks! On top of that, we recommend you wait four weeks after exposing the treated area before coming in for your next treatment. That’s a lot of time out of the sun during the summer! If you schedule an appointment with Cool Renew for laser hair removal during the fall, you won’t have to worry about uneven treatment or avoiding the sun. And when summer finally rolls around again, you won’t have to worry about visible hair in places you don’t want it! Whenever you schedule your treatment, though, you can come to our office knowing it will be pain-free . That’s the beauty of the LightSheer laser hair removal system we use here at Cool Renew. Give us a call today at 814-864-9969 to schedule an appointment.


FOR MAKING YOUR SMILE SEEM BRIGHTER World Smile Day is Oct. 2, but if you’re self-conscious about any yellow spots you’ve seen on your pearly whites, you might be a little hesitant to celebrate it. And while your first thought for a whiter smile might be whitening strips A Few Makeup Tips and Tricks

or costly dental work, did you know you can actually make your smile seem brighter just by emphasizing your lips? A few simple changes to your makeup routine are all you need. The first thing to keep in mind is that certain colors, namely yellow, orange, and pink, will emphasize any yellow stains on your teeth. Fortunately, you can make sure the color of your lips doesn’t bring out yellow stains in several ways. To start, simply add a thin layer of concealer to the area around your mouth to dull the colors that draw attention to the stains. You could also try applying some highlighter to your cupid’s bow (the upper part of your lips). The brightness of a small dot of highlighter will draw attention away from your teeth to your lips. However, while the bright glow of highlighter might make your teeth seem whiter, avoid shimmery lip glosses because they actually leave your teeth looking a little lackluster. So, stick to more even-toned lip glosses. Another consideration you can make for an eye-popping smile is lip color. While yellows, oranges, and pinks are no-goes, lip color with blue undertones will actually enhance your smile and deemphasize yellow stains.

As an additional tip, you can apply a similar trick to your eye-makeup routine using blue, green, and purple colors to draw attention away from your smile. While ideally you might want to actually brighten up your smile, any of these simple tricks will work in a pinch. Don’t let yellowing teeth keep you from smiling with joy! Makeup can help!

If you’re having trouble getting the kids to eat Brussels sprouts, try this delicious vegan recipe as a side dish. Every vegetable tastes better roasted! BRUSSELS SPROUTS AND POTATOES Roasted Rosemary

Take a



“We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.” –Tony Robbins

1 3/4 lbs fingerling potatoes, halved lengthwise 3 cups Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved

• • • • •

2 tbsp fresh rosemary, minced

4 tsp olive oil

1 1/2 tsp sugar

1 tsp sea salt

3 cloves garlic, minced

1/4 tsp pepper


1. Preheat the oven to 400 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients. Toss until the Brussels sprouts and fingerlings are evenly coated with oil and seasonings. 3. Spread the mixture on the baking sheet, then bake 35–38 minutes, stirring halfway through. Add more salt and pepper as desired, then serve!

Inspired by ‘The Oh She Glows Cookbook’

814-864-9969 • 3



The Biggest Fear I Ever Faced Inside This Issue

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Give Your ‘Clean’ Beauty Products a Second Look


Why Fall Is the Best Time for Laser Hair Removal

Make Your Smile Seem Brighter With These Makeup Tips



Roasted Rosemary Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes


Is Celery Juice All It Claims to Be?

The Catch-All Cure or Just Juice?


Every couple years, a new “healthy” food or drink makes its rounds through celebrity social media accounts. Some of them are okay and actually have health benefits, but others are outright dangerous. Over the past few years, it appears that celery juice is one of the latest health fads purported to help with weight loss, skin health, digestive issues, and more. Some claims even border on the miraculous. So, how many of them are true?

Some downsides to celery juice, however, are the loss of fiber and the high amounts of sodium. Celery stalks are rich in fiber, and juicing them removes this nutrient. A 16-ounce portion of celery juice also contains around 400mg of sodium, which is roughly 17% of the recommended daily amount. If you already consume sodium excessively, like many Americans, drinking celery juice might not be good for you. In summation, drinking celery juice certainly isn’t dangerous and could even have some positive effects on your health, but it’s far from a miracle cure. It should also be noted that none of the claims made by the self- proclaimed celery juice creator, Anthony William, have any basis in science. William, who describes himself as a “medical medium,” holds no degree related to health care. The bottom line with celery juice, much like any purported single-food solution to all that ails a person, is that even if it’s healthy for you, the only ways to a truly healthier lifestyle are through a better overall diet and plenty of exercise. No one should expect celery juice to substitute for that.

Celery juice is what the name suggests: celery stalks that are juiced into a drinkable liquid. Proponents of the trend suggest drinking 16 ounces every day to break down fat in the liver. Celery is very nutritious and contains flavonoids, which fight inflammation, and nitrates, which promote heart health. Celery is also relatively low in calories (85 calories per 16 ounces of juice), which means that if you drink it in place of another beverage, like soda or a sugary coffee drink, it could aid in weight loss.