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Core Solutions: The Next Step To Treat Arthritis Pain

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Magnolia: The Next Step To Treat Arthritis Pain

2 cup shaved Parmesan cheese For the Orange-Shallot Dressing: • 3 tablespoons fresh orange juice • 2

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Kinetic: Take The Next Step To Treat Arthritis Pain

2 cups of the mixture to a blender and puree for 15 to 20 seconds on high speed. Return the pureed m

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Family: The Next Step To Treat Arthritis Pain


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Achieve: The next Step To Treat Arthritis Pain

2 cup shaved Parmesan cheese For the Orange-Shallot Dressing: • 3 tablespoons fresh orange juice • 2

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Your Next Steps To Treat Arthritis Pain

leg back to a leveled position. Repeat 6 times. Helps loosens tight hips KNEE EXTENSION STRETCH Whil

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Activa: The Next Step To Arthritis Treatment


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Take The Next Step To Treating Arthritis Pain


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Body Gears: Take the Next Step to Treat Your Arthritis Pain

2-inch-thick patty. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium- high heat. Coat pan with cooking spra

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Core Solutions: Helping Arthritis Pain n° 45619 - Level Expert CORE SOLUTIONS PHYSIOTHERAPY

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Next Step_Helping Arthritis Pain

Foot Pain • Knee Pain • Sports Injuries • Shoulder Pain • Physical Therapy • Low Back Pain • Neck Pa

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Core Solutions: The Next Step To Treat Arthritis Pain

Bucket List Item...Check! NEWSLETTER

Do you have a bucket list? If you do, hopefully you are chipping away at checking off those items on your list. This past May, my family and I were blessed to have one of our items checked off our list. Laura (my wife) and I have been dreaming of getting back to Europe. We were last there almost two decades ago for our honeymoon, and since then, we have wanted to revisit Italy with our three children so that they can learn their family roots. What made this trip even more special was the fact that we travelled with Laura’s parents, who were also fulfilling their own bucket list items. Laura’s Mom always want to go on a Mediterranean cruise, and her Dad wanted to go back to visit his childhood home to show my kids how he grew up, and the hardships that he faced as a kid himself. So we started our trip in Venice and left on a cruise ship toward Dubrovnik, Croatia, an absolute gem of a place. From there, we went to Kotor, Montenegro and then on to Greece, eventually returning to Venice where we stayed for three days and soaked in the local culture. The seafood, pasta and wine were to die for. From there we took a high-speed train, a very cool experience travelling at 260 km per hour, to arrive in Rome. We spent four days touring around Rome and a day visiting Dad’s childhood home. Our children were thrilled to see the

very small stone house nestled in a rural mountain region called Veroli, and to hear their grandfather tell them stories of when he was a child living in this small house. He met up with a childhood friend, now in his nineties. It was a memorable experience that we will cherish as a family for many years to come. By Michael Boni, #blessed!



Do you suffer from back, knee or hip pain? It is possible you may have osteoarthritis in those joints. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common condition of the joints, affecting approximately 27 million Americans. With OA, there is a breakdown in the cartilage covering the ends of bones. As the cartilage wears away, the bones become exposed and rub against each other. Thedeteriorationofcartilagealsoaffects theshape andmakeupofthe jointsothat itno longerfunctions smoothly. The ligaments and tendons around the jointbecomestiffand themuscles thatsupport the jointbecomeweak.This leads toevenmorepainful rubbing of the joint surfaces. Therearemanystudiesandpatientsuccessstories promoting the effectiveness of physiotherapy for osteoarthritis. Our expert therapists at Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness are trained specifically in treating patients suffering from osteoarthritis and work to obtain optimal results. Study Shows How to Relieve OA Pain In a medical study, 83 patients with osteoarthritis were assigned to receive either hands-on physiotherapy(treatmentgroup)orapillthatactually didnothing tohelp theirpainwithout themknowing (placebo group).Tests were done to measure how well the people were doing 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 1 year later. The results were very impressive with the patients who had hands-on physiotherapy combined with gentle, specific exercises. They showed significant improvements in their pain, mobility and function.

INSIDE: • 6 Tips To Help Your Arthritis Pain • Healthy Recipe • FREE Arthritis Pain Analysis

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By 8 weeks, patients were able to walk further and faster with much less, or completely resolved pain. Their joint stiffness, aches and mobility had improvedby55%ascomparedtothegroupwhohad no treatment.Atoneyear,patients in the treatment groupstillweredoinggreat in termsof lesspainand moremobility.Otherbenefits included lessneedfor surgery with only 5% of patients in the treatment group having undergone surgery as compared to 20% with the placebo group. If you are suffering from osteoarthritis, our physiotherapy treatments relieve your pain. Isn’t it time you did something about your pain and movement? Call us today at Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness to learn more about our ARTHRITIS PROGRAM so we can make a positive difference in your life. Annals of Internal Medicine: February 1, 2000 vol. 132 no. 3 173-181. Gail D. Deyle, MPT; Nancy E. Henderson, PhD, MPT; Robert L. Matekel, MPT; Michael G. Ryder, MPT; Matthew B. Garber, MPT; and Stephen C. Allison,PhD,MPT,ECS

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Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness includes another source to connect with our patients. We invite you to like our page on Facebook where you will find awesome blogs to read!

“6 TIPS TO HELP YOUR ARTHRITIS PAIN!” When it comes to treating arthritis, you may have more options than you realize. There is a lot you can do to reduce your aches and pains from arthritis, while gaining more mobility and function.

People often experience pain from arthritis because of stiff joints, muscles and other tissues. In addition, muscles become weak, therefore not supporting the arthritic joints. Our customized physiotherapy treatments promote muscle strength, improve range of motion, increase mobility and ease pain. In addition, coupling your treatments with the following can also help you live life to the fullest and get you back to doing the things you love: 1. Education and self-management When your treatment is over, our experts will have equipped you with the knowledge and exercises you need to continue your progress on your own. 2. Weight loss Maintaining your recommended weight or losing weight if you are overweight can lessen your pain by reducing stress on your affected joints. Weight loss specifically helps ease pressure on weight-bearing joints such as the hips and knees. 3. Footwear and insoles If arthritis affects your knee, special footwear and insoles can reduce pain and improve walking. 4. Knee braces For osteoarthritis with associated knee instability, a knee brace can reduce pain, improve stability and reduce the risk of falling.

5. Heat and cold Many people find the heat of a warm bath, heat pack or paraffin bath eases arthritis pain. Others find relief in cold packs. Still others prefer alternating the two. Learn more about what can work best for you by talking to our Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness specialists. 6. Exercise Exercise has been proven to help reduce arthritis pain while increasing strength and function. Knowing the right kind of exercises to do is the key. Talking with our physiotherapists will point you in the right direction. There is a lot that you can do to relieve the pain from arthritis and protect your joints for the long-term. Find out more about our ARTHRITIS PROGRAM by calling us today and discover how to relieve and reduce the pain of arthritis.

Healthy Recipe


HOT APPLE CIDER INGREDIENTS • 1 (64 fluid ounce) bottle apple cider • 3 cinnamon sticks

• 1 teaspoon whole allspice • 1 teaspoon whole cloves • 1/3 cup brown sugar



DIRECTIONS In a slow cooker, combine apple cider and cinnamon sticks. Wrap allspice and cloves in a small piece of cheesecloth, and add to pot. Stir in brown sugar. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat, and keep warm.


A Natural Solution To Aches & Pains

At Home Hydrotherapy Soaking in Epsom Salt can be very helpful for the release of muscle aches and pain. It is important to remember the actual name of Epsom Salt is magnesium sulfate. Among magnesium’s many functions is it will reduce the rate of calcium binding after a muscle contracts as it competes for the same binding sites as calcium, which contracts a muscle. Simply put, this relieves tightness and soreness in the muscles. Something as simple as an Epsom Salt bath can be of great benefit in relaxing a tight muscle. It is easily done by: 1. Adding 2 cups of Epsom Salt to a warm bath full of water. 2.Soakyourneck in thebath for15 -20minutes,allowing themagnesium to be absorbed through your skin. Put Down The Pain Medication When you find that you are suffering with headaches or neck tension, come in for physiotherapy. A few sessions can go a long way to helping you feel your best and learning what you can do to prevent your headaches from returning. Put down the Ibuprofen or Tylenol and pick up the phone to speak with one of our experts today!


Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For a FREE ARTHRITIS PAIN ANALYSIS

WE CAN HELP YOU: Be more productive at work. Prevent hip and knee pain. Prevent further injury. Have more energy. Move better without pain.

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LIFE BRINGS GREAT INSPIRATION Two Successful Stories With Michael Boni, Physiotherapist

seems to tick a little slower than in Canada. The ceremony lasted a total of five minutes, but it was a beautiful and memorable experience none-the-less.

By Michael Boni, #married again!

Why Wait Until 25 Years? Have you ever heard about people renewing their vows or have you renewed them yourself? Well, I have been told many times in the past that you are supposed to renew your vows when you have been married for 25 years. So Laura, my wife, simply asked the question…”Why wait?” She figured we could break the unwritten rule and renew our vows whenever we wanted. I agreed! And months later, to my surprise, she asked me to marry her again. Of course, I said, “Yes!” This year was our 17th year of marriage and our 27th year being together. Yes, we dated for 10 years before getting married! We decided what better place to get remarried than in a small church in Laura’s Dad’s hometown in Italy. Off to Italy we went, with our three kids to witness the event. It was a quaint event but not without its surprises. What else would you expect when you involve three kids? The day of the vow renewal, we rented a car in Rome to drive to the church about an hour away. If you ever rent a car in Rome, remember to bring your passport despite having other photo ID. I forgot mine that day and basically had to plead with the car rental company to give me the car. First hurdle was overcome. Off to the church we went. Well, if you have ever travelled with kids, you know you will have to stop for at least one bathroom break, which we did. What I didn’t expect was the second emergency bathroom break because my nine- year old son, Julian, had to go number two after having already visited the bathroom. At this point we were feeling pressed for time since we had to be at the church an hour before the ceremony. We were 10 minutes from the church when Julian started complaining about feeling carsick. So the third emergency stop occurred and Julian vomited at the side of the road, getting some of it on Laura’s shoes! We finally made it to the church thinking we were late, but soon realized that we were early because the Italian watch

Doctoral Studies Near Completion Haveyoueverthoughtaboutgoingbacktoschool?After10 years of contemplating it, in 2013, I went back to full-time school. I started a Doctor of Science Degree in Physical Therapy from Andrews University in Michigan, USA. Let me preface by saying that going back to school, didn’t mean putting my career on hold. You might be thinking, “Why go back to school?” Well, I had a few reasons: 1) I wanted to complete a graduate degree to compliment my university teaching career, 2) I needed a graduate degree to become a credentialed examiner for the Diploma of Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy Program with the Canadian Physiotherapy Program, and 3) I simply wanted to learn more and contribute to clinical research. While taking two courses during each of the fall, winter and summer sessions, I continued to teach at York University, treat my clients in the clinic, drive my kids to their sporting events and stay married. In 2016, I completed the required coursework and since then have been working on my dissertation project. I am studying the effect of a soft tissue massage technique on hip flexor strength. I am trying to validate a clinical manual therapy technique that I currently use with my clients, which helps with hip and back pain. I am currently collecting my >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6

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