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Corner Stone PT & Wellness Center - March/April 2021

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Corner Stone PT & Wellness Center - July 2020

Corner Stone PT & Wellness Center - July 2020 JULY 2020 CORNERSTONE Monthly 77 Brant Avenue, Suite 1

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Corner Stone PT & Wellness Center Aug 2017

Corner Stone PT & Wellness Center Aug 2017 August 2017 CORNERSTONE Monthly 77 Brant Avenue Suite 101

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Corner Stone PT & Wellness Center November 2017

Corner Stone PT & Wellness Center November 2017 November 2017 CORNERSTONE Monthly 77 Brant Avenue Su

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Corner Stone PT & Wellness Center January 2018

3 cup goji berries DIRECTIONS 1. Heat a large skillet over low heat. Add oats in a thin layer and to

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Cornerstone PT & Wellness Center - January 2021

4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped DIRECTIONS 1. In a large frying pan, heat oil and fry salted chi

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - May 2019

2 cup gluten-free rolled oats 1–2 tablespoons olive oil • 2 teaspoons cumin DIRECTIONS 1. Place half

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - March 2019

2–3 hours. 5. Remove, slice across the grain, and serve. 3 732-499-4540 Inspired by Food Network 77

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 tablespoon Thai red curry paste 1 tablespoon

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - December 2020

CornerStone PT & Wellness Center - December 2020 DECEMBER 2020 CORNERSTONE Monthly 77 Brant Avenue,

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CornerStone PT & Wellness Center July 2017

health-tip- of-the-week. ONE-PAN Mexican Quinoa This healthy, tasty, filling dish is a cinch to make

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Corner Stone PT & Wellness Center - March/April 2021

MAR/APR 2021


77 Brant Avenue, Suite 101, Clark, NJ 07066



Cornerstone PT Patients

DAVID’S TOP 10 1. Start slow. Just because you could run three miles a year ago doesn’t mean you can today. Be kind to yourself while you figure out your new pace. 2. Stretch before and after your workout. This will lower your risk of injury and inflammation. 3. If inflammation happens, fight it with ice as needed. 4. Walk away from your desk. If you work from home, take breaks to move your body throughout the day. 5. Find an exercise routine you enjoy. Running isn’t the only form of exercise out there. If you don’t like to run or your body isn’t up to it yet, take a brisk walk, use a rowing machine, invest in an elliptical, or do gentle resistance training with free weights.

A few weeks ago, I was browsing the American Heart Association (AHA) website, and it struck me all over again how scary the statistics on heart disease are in our country. Honestly, reading through them was enough to make me wish my heart was one of the cute paper cutouts kids give out on Valentine’s Day instead of a muscle to worry about. HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THOSE NOT-SO-FUN FACTS: • Someone dies in the U.S. from cardiovascular disease every 36 seconds . • Heart disease costs the U.S. more than $200 billion every year in health care expenses, medicine costs, and loss of productivity. • One in four Americans will die because of heart disease. Fortunately for us, there are ways to avoid becoming a heart disease casualty. Diet plays a huge role, but one of the best things you can do for your heart health is exercise regularly. This goes for everyone! Whether you’re in great health, recovering from an injury, or recuperating from surgery, there are things you can do to get your heart rate up in a safe, responsible way. Even if you have health risks, exercising regularly is very important. Without regular exercise, you can start developing heart disease, and it’s impossible to reverse the symptoms without surgery. I’ve seen this firsthand with some of my patients who come into the clinic after open-heart surgery and cardiac recovery. Here at our clinic, my team and I talk about heart health all the time. One of the great things about physical therapy is that it can help people regain their ability to exercise and/or find the confidence to start. When patients ask me about how to exercise in a smart, safe way (a question that comes up a lot because of COVID-19 and the “COVID 15” weight gain it brought), these are some of the tips I like to share.

VIP Referral Patient of the Month!


The best compliment we can receive is to have one of our patients refer a friend or family member to our practice. If you refer someone and we are able to take them as a patient, both you and the person who was referred will be entered to Win a $25 gift card! It’s just our way of saying

Aim to increase your heart rate. If you can’t feel your heart beating, you probably aren’t working hard enough! That said, exactly how much your heart rate needs to rise to achieve good cardiovascular fitness depends on your age, health conditions, and cardiac history. Visit the AHA website,, to learn more. Set a movement goal that lines up with AHA recommendations. Again, the amount of exercise you should get each week depends on your situation. You can find guidelines at Drink water before, during, and after your workout. Staying hydrated is key to performing well.




9. Find a safe place to work out. If you’re recovering from an injury or surgery, or just don’t want to be exposed in a gym, our clinic could be that safe place. For $20 per month, you can use our equipment with the supervision of a physical therapist who will make sure you aren’t pushing yourself too hard. 10. Ask for help when you need it. My team and I are experts at developing exercise programs for people of all ages and abilities, and we can help you, too!

Thank You!

Just let us know at your next appointment that you’re interested in putting together a plan.

Good luck!

1 732.499.4540

When Life Gives You Lemons ...

“Being back at PT for a second time, I was frustrated. But Tyler made my transition just as easy as the first time. Immediately he had a plan of action and knew what needed to be done in order for me to manage my neck pain. Thank you, Tyler!”

–Brianna R.

Scrub the Microwave

Lemons don’t just add a tart flavor to your favorite desserts or cool you down in a refreshing drink on a hot summer day. In addition to bold flavors, lemons also have powerful cleaning properties. Their acidity and oils cut through grease and can sanitize many of your household items. The best place to clean with a lemon is in the kitchen. For the microwave, simply juice a whole lemon into a bowl of water, then plop the used peels into the bowl. Microwave the mixture for a few minutes, let the bowl cool before removing it, then wipe away the grease in the microwave. You can also use this method for your oven. For odor-blocking properties, you can use a lemon as an air freshener. Leave half of a lemon in your refrigerator to trap and block potential smells and toss old lemon rinds down the garbage disposal. Run the disposal to clean the blades and freshen up the sink. As for your kitchen tools, don’t toss them out without trying this lemon trick first. Start by sprinkling salt on a wooden cutting board, then slice a lemon in half. Using half the lemon (flesh-side down) like a sponge, scrub the board really well. Wipe and remove the leftover lemon juice and rinse the board before using it again. Not only will the board appear cleaner, but it also won’t smell as bad, and the bacteria will be gone. You can also use this method to polish dining ware, spruce up copper, and even remove stuck-on food from plates. Now, here’s the real secret: Once you master kitchen cleaning a la lemon, you can use these same principles to clean other parts of your house. For example, salt and lemon can be used to scrub grimy sinks and faucets, while a few squeezes of lemon juice in a cup of water makes an excellent cleaning solution for mirrors and windows. You can even make your own reusable cleaning spray by fermenting lemon peels — and the peels of other citrus fruits — in white vinegar for two weeks. Remove the peels after two weeks and spritz the mixture over surfaces you need to clean!

“When I came to Cornerstone, I was still in shock over how bad my injury was. I could not walk on my own. After amazing help and support from Tyler and the entire staff, I am ready to start playing soccer again. It took many months of hard work but my knee is better than ever, and I can’t wait to get back on the field.” –Rachel B.


DRAIN AWAY YOUR STRESS WITH MASSAGE 5 Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

Have you met our new massage therapist? Samantha Merritt, LTM, of The Celtic Touch has officially partnered with Cornerstone PT Health & Wellness Center! Samantha helped us pamper couples all through Valentine’s Day, and her work is also a big part of what we do here in the clinic. For many of our patients, massage therapy is a vital part of their recovery from injury or surgery. If you’ve never had a massage before, the idea can be a little intimidating. But don’t think of it as the introduction to a romantic comedy movie. Instead, look at massage therapy as just another facet of PT that’s chock full of health benefits.

loosens your muscles and boosts your serotonin (a mood-stabilizing hormone that makes you feel good) by an average of 28%. You’ll leave your appointment feeling happy and relaxed! Improves your circulation. Research has shown that massaging fatigued muscles can increase blood flow, raising the oxygen levels in your body and lowering your heart disease risk (see Pg. 1 for more tips on that). Increases your energ y and alertness. According to Live Science, a 2012 study found that massage increases the production of mitochondria, energizing your body at the cellular level. Boosts your immune system. Yes, that’s right — regular massages can actually help protect you from viruses and other forms of illness. In a global pandemic, every little thing helps!





1. Lowers your stress levels. According to the Mayo Clinic, a 60-minute massage will decrease the cortisol (stress hormone) levels in your blood by an average of 30%.

If all those things sound good, you can book a massage therapy appointment with Samantha. Just call our clinic at 732-499-4540 and ask for a spot.


Reduces muscle pain, soreness, and tension. As it drops your cortisol, massage therapy also


If you’re looking to get your green on, why not try this light smoothie?


• 1 1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

• 1 1/2 cups fresh organic spinach

• 1 tbsp chia seeds

• 1 organic apple, peeled and chopped

• 1/2 medium avocado

• 1 medium frozen banana


1. In a large, high-powered blender, add all ingredients.

2. Blend on high for 1–2 minutes, or until all ingredients are well combined.

3. If necessary, add more almond milk to thin the smoothie.


Serve immediately and enjoy!

3 732.499.4540

77 Brant Avenue, Suite 101 Clark, NJ 07066



INSIDE This Issue


How to Lower Your Odds of Heart Disease



The Best Cleaning Tool Can Be Found in Your Kitchen


The Secret to a Stress-Free Spring

Green Goddess Smoothie


Make Gardening Better With These 3 Ideas!

Do Something Better in the Garden

There’s something beautiful about cultivating your own harvest, but you can grow more than simple backyard vegetables. Help your garden “grow up” by trying something unique this spring.

found in nature — trees grow at the top, shrubs and bushes are below, and other small plants and vines intermingle within. Choose crops that help each other grow (like corn, beans, and squash), and offer aid to your garden

without digging up too much soil or disturbing its natural process. Permaculture gardening requires thoughtful planning, but once your crops are in place, nature will take its course.

GROW FUN FOODS We plant gardens for a purpose, so why not make it fun! Plant fresh basil, tomatoes, onions, peppers, oregano, and more to create a garden worthy of your next homemade pizza. All you will need to buy is the crust! Pumpkin plants can offer fresh gourds for any Halloween fanatic, while new species of fruits and vegetables can create an exciting home-cooking experience. Try the silver cucumber for a sweet taste or pineberries for a mix between strawberries and pineapples. You just might find a new flavor you love.

PLANT FOR YOUR HEALTH Mass production of your favorite fruits and

vegetables reduces their key nutrients. Instead, choose fresh, home-grown varieties to yield greater health benefits. This is good news for those living with heart disease, joint disorders, or other chronic conditions. You can grow a garden chock full of nutrient-rich foods! Colorful fruits, root veggies, onions, and beans are great for joint health, while leafy greens can boost heart health. Grow pumpkins so you can harvest the seeds for better brain function, while berries can support your liver.

GO WITH THE FLOW Creating a year-round garden that practically takes care of itself means using principles of permaculture, a philosophy of working with, rather than against, nature. Start by analyzing your space and yard. Determine your soil type and layer mulch or cover crops to protect it. Then, begin planting the same way that’s

Before you dig into these new gardening methods, consult with an expert

at a nursery or greenhouse to get the best possible results.