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County Civil - June 2022


JUNE 2022

Watching My Sons as Fathers


I recently renewed my fishing license, and I was told I now have a discount because I’ve reached a certain age. This got me thinking about how grateful I am I can live to see my sons as fathers and spend time with my grandchildren. I think about the people my age who are no longer with us and how they cannot see their families. This is why I appreciate the life I was given, and I will never take it for granted. Seeing my sons transform into fathers is amazing. I love seeing them come into their own and witness the relationships they have with their children. Their parenting styles are also very impressive. They use some of the parenting techniques I’ve used on them. For example, they taught their children to treat others with respect, be hard workers, and never give up. But they do some things differently, and I’m okay with that. I don’t expect my sons to follow the same parenting tactics I did because times are different now. We didn’t have as much technology when I was growing up or when my sons were. So, they have to parent in a way that goes along with the technological advancements we have today. Every time we all get together, I learn a thing or two about technology by watching my sons and grandchildren. Spending time with my family is very important to me. I’m happy my family is very close and lives near each other. My wife and I try to spend as much time as possible with them. No matter if we get to see them for a few hours or a few minutes — any amount of time is enjoyable. We talk about all sorts of things when we’re together. It can be about politics, what we did this week, or anything. The best part is that we are all engaged in that conversation. We don’t branch off and hang out in other areas of the home; we would rather be together in one room — as a family.

lives. I have two grandsons who are old enough to shave and a granddaughter who is learning how to walk. Watching them transition to different parts of their lives is amazing. That’s why I don’t have a particular “favorite” stage of their lives. I get a big thrill at any age they are because they hit milestones at every age. It’s been a blessing to see how my grandchildren have grown physically and mentally. I’m amazed at how they all are coming into their own; I’m so proud of them and the individuals they will be when they are adults.

This Father’s Day and every other Father’s Day, I’m celebrating my sons being fathers. I’ve had my Father’s Day celebrations, and now it’s their turn.

This Father’s Day and every other Father’s Day, I’m celebrating my sons being fathers. I’ve had my Father’s Day celebrations, and now it’s their turn. I want them to spend time with their children and strengthen their relationships with them, which are already so strong. I enjoy being the grandfather, being on the sidelines, and spending my time spoiling my grandchildren rather than disciplining them — I’ve already done that with their fathers! To my sons, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your lives. Watching you two transform into amazing husbands and fathers makes me proud to be your father. Happy Father’s Day. -Rick E. Risk

One of my favorite things about being a grandfather is watching my grandchildren grow. I love watching the different stages of their

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Some people love the rain. After all, there’s something magical about thunder rolling through the clouds as lightning illuminates a multitude of raindrops. Yet, if the storm is too strong — or even dangerous to be in — people might not enjoy it at all. And that certainly appears to have been the case in 1996 when an Israeli woman in Haifa, Israel, sued a television station because of their incorrect weather report. The weather forecaster, Danny Rup, predicted that the day would be beautiful and sunny, but the weather had a mind of its own and ended up being rainy, dark, and gloomy. Because the woman relied upon the

accuracy of the report, she left her home without a raincoat or an umbrella and got caught in the pouring rain. As the old wives’ tale goes, if you get caught in the rain, you’ll catch a cold. Well, the woman claimed that after being exposed to inclement weather, she caught the flu and subsequently was out of work for four days, had to visit the doctor, and spent $38 on medicine. Due to such a daunting experience, she also said that she suffered additional stress from the entire situation. The woman ended up taking Channel 2 news station to a small claims court where she sought financial compensation to cover

her sickness and suffering — as well as an apology from the forecaster who wrongly predicted the weather. The woman stated that weather forecasts are legally binding. Many of us would see this as a frivolous lawsuit, but the TV station settled out of court and the woman received $1,000 for her pain and suffering and an apology from Danny Rup. Despite this case, most people take weather predictions from television and radio forecasters with a bit of skepticism thinking that forecasts are just a well-educated guess based on available resources — and it can change on a whim. It’s just the nature of it!

Drop a Line and Stay Awhile 4 Benefits of Fishing

3. It improves patience. You may be out there for a while when you’re fishing before you feel a tug on your line. This will teach you an abundance of patience. You may be sitting there for five minutes or maybe even 30 minutes before you get a bite. You may even leave without catching any fish at all — and that’s okay. Fishing can teach you how to walk away even when you’re empty-handed, and being able to do that can help you in all aspects of your life. 4. It builds relationships. No matter how old you are or where you come from, people from all walks of life can bond over fishing. You may meet some new friends while you’re out on the water. Also, by talking to those nearby, you can learn something new to make your fishing experience easier. Sharing information with one another can help create trust and relationships. You can even take your friends, family, and grandchildren fishing with you and make memories that will last a lifetime. So, if you’re looking for a way to ease your mind and body, go fishing this summer! It’s a fun and easy way to decompress and make memories along the way.

National Go Fishing Day is June 18. Although fishing is primarily known as a hobby to unwind and relax, there are several health benefits. Fishing can improve your health both mentally and physically. Here are some of the perks you can experience if you go fishing. 1. It allows your lungs to breathe! Air pollution kills almost 90,000 people a year in the United States alone. But if you were to go fishing, you would be outside taking in clean, fresh air, which we all need. Also, the water you’ll be surrounded by is good for you because moving water produces negative ions that have been shown to boost your immune system, increase your metabolism, and regulate sleeping patterns. 2. It gives you a little exercise. Now, when most people think of exercise, they think of running, lifting weights, and high-impact training. Although fishing may not seem like a workout, it is! It’s a low-impact cardio activity you can make as difficult or easy as you want. Reeling in your line is a great way to work out your arms and hands, and it even helps improve your balance and posture. You will also get a workout by carrying your poles and equipment to the area where you will be fishing.


4 Summer Safety Tips IT’S SUMMERTIME!

Learn boat safety. Be sure there are enough

Summer is quickly approaching, so it’s time for another seasonal safety tip feature! These tips will help you and your family stay prepared for the hotter months we will experience here soon. Whether you’re planning a vacation, taking a day trip somewhere, or relaxing at home, keep these tips in mind this summer. Stay hydrated. When it gets hotter outside, our bodies can become overheated or dehydrated quicker. So, be sure to keep water with you if you plan to be outside this summer. It will keep you hydrated, but it will also keep your body cool. You can even take sports drinks with you because the electrolytes will give your body extra potassium and sodium it loses during the warmer months. Watch out for rip currents. It’s essential to know how to get out of rip currents if you’re in the ocean. The water is greenish brown when there is a riptide, and there will also be a break between the waves crashing against the shore. Whether you’re out in the deep end or by the shoreline, the powerful undertow of the ocean can pull you or anyone out to sea. To safely escape a rip current, you want to swim parallel to the sand line until you are out of the current.

life jackets on board for you and your guest(s). Check the weather before and during your time on the water because you don’t want to sail if the water is rough or a storm is coming your way. This can make it difficult to come back to shore safely. Also, if you will be boating with people who may get seasick, bring some remedies that can help their uneasy stomaches. Lather up on sunscreen. The sun’s rays are hotter in the summer because of the humidity and where the Earth is in relation to the sun. To protect your skin, whenever you’re outside, put on a broad spectrum sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays and has an SPF of at least 15. This is especially important if you’re going to be near the water. The sun reflects off the water, making it more powerful. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on your face, hands, feet, and ears!

We hope these tips help make your summer activities safer and more enjoyable. County Civil wishes you a safe and happy summer!



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2383 Tamarack St., Lake Odessa, MI 48849 616-374-7170 | COUNTYCIVIL.COM R isk & A ssociates

Rick Risk is Founder and President of Risk & Associates, a legal support service provider in Michigan, and has assisted hundreds of attorneys, municipalities, courts, Sheriff Offices, businesses, and others with their strategic process needs.



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I’m Grateful for the Life I Was Given

Woman Sues Weatherman

This Lesson Helps in Many Ways

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Summer Safety Tips

The Salem Tomato Trials

Falsely Accused and Condemned THE SALEM TOMATO TRIALS

Surely, you’ve heard about the Salem witch trials in Massachusetts, but did you hear how the people of Salem, New Jersey, put tomatoes on trial in the 1800s, believing that they were poisonous? It sounds like a fictional movie plot, but it really happened!

tomatine, a toxin. Within the fruit itself, a small amount of the toxin exists in a much lower concentration. However, people feared being poisoned if they were to consume any part of a tomato. Today, we know there isn’t nearly enough of the toxin to create a problem for us.

on a regular basis. In fact, he even hosted tomato competitions, granting a prize to the person who could grow the largest tomatoes. People thought he was simply mad. To prove his point and redeem his reputation, he showed up at the Salem tomato trial with a giant basket of tomatoes, frantically eating them in front of the crowd. He ate the entire basket full and stood before everyone, as healthy as can be, hoping to coax the crowd into dropping the “charges” on the healthy fruit. When he maintained his health days, weeks, and even months later, tomatoes were no longer regarded as evil and poisonous. Today, the tomato is actually the fourth most popular “vegetable”; after all, how could we live without salsa and marinara sauce?

Even back in the 16th century, people were very suspicious of tomatoes. As if enough confusion didn’t already

In 1820, wary of the poisonous red fruit,

tomatoes were put on trial in the town courthouse, made to answer for their

surround the tomato — is it a fruit? Is it a vegetable? Deemed a fruit but treated as a vegetable, the tomato

toxicity. But, there’s always one who goes against the grain. Colonel Robert Gibbon Johnson, a farmer and historian, refused to believe that the tomato was harmful and ate them

is a bit of a contradiction. To make matters worse, in the 1800s, it was discovered the stems and leaves of tomatoes contained


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