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D4A Magazine - Issue 3 | COVID ISSUE



P.T.S.D. P CPLGLAWGROUP P L Signs and Symptoms After A Car Accident Working through COVID

MAYLANLAW MARKETING TORKLAWGROUP Suicide Awareness Mototcycle Ride 2021 Strategies Future Forward Doing My Part For Armenia















Jean Paul Anderson EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Nikole Kinsella ART DIRECTOR Ray “Jussray” Floyd ( IG : @jussrayunplugged ) LEAD GRAPHIC ARTIST Simon Park ( IG : @Quitesmalldoodles ) SENIOR STAFF EDITOR Juan Carlos Piñon

With 2021 ahead, we are all eager for a fresh start to move for- ward. At the same time, it is important to look back and recognize the hardships we’ve endured together. We acknowledge that our industry faced continuous adversity, but nevertheless we perse- vered. At Doctors For Accidents, we are thankful for the growth we experienced in 2020, both professionally and personally. In this issue, we feature some of our most significant supporters that played a huge role in our success. We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with some of the brightest minds in the Med-Legal industry. We would like to formally thank and credit all of our advertisers, contributors and providers who have contin- uously believed in our brand. It is with your support that we are able to efficiently publish such a high-quality product. We hope that this new year will only further our success and expand our influence within the industry and beyond.



Doctors For Accidents Magazine is published four times a year by D4A Media, LLC. It is mailed to Legal and Medical Professionals in the Greater Los Angeles area as well as distributed at commercial locations in all of California and surrounding states. All Rights reserved. No article illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisement herein may be reproduced without permission of the copy write owner (s). D4A media, LLC. does not take responsibility for the claims provided herein. Printed in the U.S.A.

DEC/JAN 2020/21 - VOL 2 ISSUE 1


DEC/JAN 2020/21 - VOL 2 ISSUE 1

FEATURE ARTICLES PG6 | CPLG Practicing Telelaw During the Pandemic

PG12 | TORKLAW Suicide Awareness Event PG20 | THE COVID YEAR Snapshot of The Covid Year PG25 | CHRISTINA MAYLAN Doing My Part For Armenia SIDES PG9 | PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder After A Car Accident PG16 | BRANDING Foundations to Disruptive Branding PG29 | SACCADES Text spillage from all articles PG31 | PROVIDERS LOCATIONS


Listing of Specialist in Our Network PG48 | SOCIAL AFFAIRS Photos of People, Place, and Events. PG50 | Your Two Goals Column by Sahm Manouchehri of CPLG








It was March 12, 2020 and America had suddenly learned that “The Coronavirus” had not only made its way to our shores but our daily lives were about to change.


the office’s reception. The most difficult aspect of running a law firm re - motely doesn’t have to do with work productivity. By that I mean that staff are as efficient working from their home computers and cell phone apps as they were in the office. What makes staff less efficient working from home are the distractions that come with it. Most prevalently, staff’s family and children seek their time and attention as most, if not all, kids are going to school remotely. This results in staff with children being distracted

at no fault of their own. On the other spectrum are staff who live alone. The taxation on all of our mental health cannot be understated. We have ALL been severely affect- ed by the solitude that we are now required to live in. Being home 24/7 will affect your sanity and employing ways to avoid insanity is key. “Working from home” (#wfh) at first appears to be a romantic idea of flopping out of bed and starting work from your kitchen table.

CPLG literally went “remote” and “virtual” within 24 hours and continues to to this day.

The NBA had been on the precipice of understanding the virus as it has intimate relations with China and immediately took a drastic measure by immediately shutting down the NBA. The City of Los Angeles, the State of California, and all of the United States immediately followed suit. However at Century Park Law Group (“CPLG”), we had been monitoring the situation in China with much detail and fear as early as late January 2020 since the inevitability of the virus reaching the entire world due to the globality of travel was quite apparent. As they say, it was not a matter of if but when. This under- standing allowed CPLG to determine the most effective way to continue to represent our hundreds of clients while keeping our staff and their families safe from the virus. We made a simple game plan to continue our effective and detailed representation of our clients. We understood immediately that schools would be shut down by

local governments as they clearly appeared to be “super spreader” locations where children would not understand, let alone be able to abide by “social distancing.” With this understanding of Covid-19’s affect, CPLG immediately created and implemented a simple plan to go “virtual.” As our of- fice was always paperless from inception in 2013, employed case manage- ment software programs and telephonic software, our staff can communicate with each other as well as third parties including cli- ents, third party vendors, and medical providers without the need of being physically present in the office. With this in place, we simply expanded on our business model. All staff were immediately provided with a computer with all software programs installed to continue repre- senting clients as well as a telephone application was installed on all staff’s cell phones to allow inter-office and intra-office telephone calls to be connected through

Effectsof thePandemic

Many questions arise when over 95% of a law firm’s staff are working remotely from their homes (5% of “essential” staff work from the office on two separate floors with CDC Guide - lines being employed). Some questions are simple to answer while others are far more complex and intricate to a particular firm’s culture and management: • How has the staff’s working from home affected work productivity? • Have webinars (vs. in person seminars) been effective in the continual training of staff? • How effective are virtual consultations vs. in person consults? • What should a potential client expect during a virtual consult? • What were the major things, if any, that had to be changed once the law firm went virtual? • What is the most difficult aspect(s) of running a law firm remotely?

8 | DOCTORS FOR ACCIDENTS WIN/SPR 2021 However after over 8 months, this utopia of

to exude a “homelike” feeling in stark contrast to the moderness and blandness of many law firms with their white walls and white desks. Creating this environment of family while we all work from home became the hardest part for us at CPLG. We have learned that the only solution is to have virtual meetings to not only dis- cuss work but to socialize with our co-workers who have often become our closest friends. Virtual consultations with potential clients as well as telephonic/video calls with existing clients has become the norm to ensure the safety to all as in person meetings are only done on an as needed basis. Clients are obviously aware of the dangers of meeting in person and they them- selves prefer meetings to be handled through video or telephone. Virtual consults are identical to in person ones where the potential client is fully

AFew Tips and Takeaways for Law Firms:

working “from the comfort of your own home” turns into a situation of not be- ing able to separate one’s personal life from their work life. This inevitably results in inefficiency as it is understandable that this monotony will affect not only one’s work efficiency, but more so their desire to be efficient. The solution to this inefficiency due to mental exhaustion is monthly, if not weekly, video chats between departments, teams, and the entire staff as the social aspect of working in an office is a huge aspect of where one chooses to be employed and needs to somehow be transitioned to a virtual office. At CPLG, we not only provide the requisite meal and break periods but provide an outdoor pa- tio and full kitchen to allow staff “to get away” from work while on their breaks. Moreover, the interior de- sign of our office is meant

• Be empathetic to each of your staff’s personal situation during this pandemic. Understand that we each have had and are having our own “Covid experience.” • Provide your staff with all the tools necessary to allow them to succeed (i.e., computers, monitors, chair, computer mouse, etc.). • Ensure to have staff who are friends to continue to communi- cate with one another to maintain the bond they created while in the office. • Understand that certain staff (e.g., single moms with kids) will have certain issues of maintaining their working hours. • Have bi-monthly video meetings where staff see and speak to one another on a social basis.

informed of the relevant law applicable to their set of facts (e.g., the Vehicle Code in a car accident case). Thereafter, the sign up forms are sent elec- tronically (e.g., Docusign) or a representative is sent to the client’s home where they are met outdoors with proper face masking and social distancing. In the end, the simple goals of ensuring that our clients reach full medical improvement and obtain

full monetary compensa- tion remains the same. Ensuring that our staff continue to work with the same drive and happiness from home as they did in the office became our true challenge and we feel that our firm culture provided us with a huge advantage by reminding our staff why we all choose to work at CPLG. Because we treat each other like family.



Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of PTSD. While most people recognize the physical injuries incurred in an accident, the psychological aspects can be even more severe. In the event of a personal injury accident, the first concern is typically physical injury. Drivers and Passengers involved in a serious car accident have been known to develop PTSD, in addition to emotional upset including anger, depression and anxiety in reaction to pain and functional limitations. Victims may lose loved ones in an accident, witness violent and traumatic injuries, have chronic anxiety and depression, have fears of driving, or must deal with the

loss of their physical abilities. Major psychological symptoms caused by physical pain is far more prevalent than one realizes. The perception that your life was in danger during a car accident can lead to symptoms of PTSD, avoidance behaviors (for example: not getting in a car or going on the highway, anxiety while driving, etc.), which in turn can increase the likelihood of PTSD and exacerbate symptoms. Such avoidance strengthens the belief that driving is dangerous, a thought pattern that can maintain their fear response. The symptoms of PTSD can appear immediately or a few weeks after the accident. The symp- toms can interfere with a person’s

9 | DOCTORS FOR ACCIDENTS WIN/SPR 2021 normal daily life, potentially causing problems in social or work situations and in relationships. It is essential to obtain profession- al help if you experience anxiety or PTSD after an accident. The symptoms of PTSD can last for a long period of time if treatment is not sought out. It is critical to assess the degree of emotional trauma. Mental health professionals can determine the best course of treat- ment for your PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety. There are a number of different treatments used in this respect . These can include: Exposure Therapy, EMDR, CBT, Bio-Behavioral Pain Management


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Treatment. When not treated, PTSD can last from several months to a year or more. Living with PTSD can take an emotional toll on one’s well being, cause intimacy issues, work issues, emotional difficulties, cognitive changes, physical problems, and devastating effects on family, friends and others. However, with time and treatment, most greatly improve and are once again able to enjoy positive relationships. If you have any of these symptoms and need help here are some resources. • Intrusive, upsetting memories, • Recurring unwanted thoughts of the accident • Flashbacks (acting or feeling like the event is happening again) • Nightmares (either of the event or of other frightening things) • Feelings of intense distress when reminded of the trauma and intense physical reactions to reminders of the event (e.g., pounding heart, rapid breathing, nausea, muscle tension, sweating) • Depression and hopelessness • Feeling alienated and alone • A loss of interest in important activities • Feeling distant from others • Experiencing difficulties having positive feelings, such as happiness SYMPTOMS OF (PTSD)

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Why Tork Law Motors/ involve- ment with Motorcycles? For years we have represented mo- torcycle accident victims. We have seen first hand how these accidents impact the victims and their families. Unlike most other accident types, riders have far less to protect them when something goes wrong. As such, the injuries sustained are often far more catastrophic with much lon- ger recovery times. When you walk someone through such challenges during the lengthy recovery process, you develop real and lasting friend- ships. Over time, our connection Last year, there were an average of 132 sui- cide deaths every day in our country. “

with the riding community grew and deepened. We have always been there for riders when things go wrong, but we also wanted to be there for the good times as well. When our firm was in a position to do more for the riding community, we started TorkLaw Mo- tors. Through it, we have a chance to give back, proactively assist with rider safety and preparedness for when they go down and just general- ly have fun! What inspired you to help with Suicide Awareness? One thing I love about the motor- cycle community is how they rally around worthwhile causes. We chose to involve ourselves with suicide awareness because suicide is a problem that is growing year- over-year. Last year, there were an



nity. While I am fully behind support- ing such a worthwhile cause, I can’t take credit for coming up with the original idea. JC from my office spearheaded the event. They came up with great ideas for the event and ways to amplify the suicide awareness message. I was so impressed with the work that they had done, that I felt honored to be associated with the event and cause, and privileged to be a part of the team that brought the event to life. How would you describe this charity or cause to someone who never heard of it? If I was to explain it to someone on the street, I think I would explain it this way: Resources Mayo Clinic National Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-(TALK)8255 Crisis Text Line Text TALK to 741-741 to text with a trained crisis counselor from the Crisis Text Line for free, 24/7 Veterans Crisis Line Send a TEXT to 838255 When someone you know appears suicidal, you might not know what to do. Learn warning signs, what questions to ask and how to get help.

I am an attorney that helps those who have been injured in an accident. One group of people that I have been fortunate to work with most is the motorcycle riding community. What is great about this community, is that they are incred- ibly generous and caring. They are constantly looking out for one another and for others. These are qualities that drove me to become the attorney I am today - looking out for others. One event on the rider’s calendar each year is an event that my firm co-hosts with other great compa- nies. It is a ride through Los Angeles with a purpose - to raise awareness, education, and financial support for suicide prevention and suicide awareness. Do you have a personal connec- tion to the cause? I personally know people who have committed or attempted suicide, though none of them were in my closest circles. What hit home for me recently, was the death of a person my firm regularly interacted with. He owned a company that provides support services for our firm. What struck me about his suicide is that, from the outside, he was successful. It wasn’t until after his death that I learned there were other issues behind the scenes. What has stuck with me is the reali- zation that the difficulties a person is experiencing may be entirely hidden from sight. I try to remember this as I go about each day - that life is

average of 132 suicide deaths every day in our country. The group with the highest suicide rate being men the same age as myself. It is horrible to know that there are people all around us who are at a point where they feel that death is their only way out. By supporting efforts that educate people about suicide and suicide related matters, it is my hope that those struggling will recognize alternatives, and the rest of us can be better positioned to recognize when someone is struggling and provide the love and support that is needed to get them through their present difficulties. What was running through your mind at the time? The genesis of the suicide preven- tion and suicide awareness events came out of the motorcycle commu-



people who have lost a loved one to suicide. In those conversations I have heard the despair and gut wrenching hurt that they have ex- perienced as a result. If our actions can help those who are suicidal make a different choice than end- ing their lives, and if we can equip others to recognize the signs that someone may be suicidal, then it is worth the cost, energy and time to continue these efforts. What other organizations or caus- es do you support? Our firm has an arm called TorkLaw Helps, that is dedicated to support- ing our local and wider communities. We have a number of initiatives, causes, events, and organizations we sponsor, host and support each year.

fragile and that we should be mind- ful of how we speak to and treat others, because we don’t know what is going on behind the scenes. It is not in my nature to berate peo- ple and I make a conscious effort each day to encourage and build people up that are around me. I do not want to play any part in adding to the struggles of others. What would you say are some of your strongest beliefs about the cause? Perhaps my strongest beliefs around the topic are: 1. We all face challenges. 2. Suicide is closer to us than we sometimes realize 3. People may be struggling more than I realize 4. I can play a role in prevention. We all face challenges in life. Each of us will have setbacks, failures and disappointments that we must deal with. I know how overwhelming the challenges of life can be at times. I also know that it can be difficult to have a clear perspective when working through those challenges. Rather than closing my eyes to the struggles of others, I want to be someone who is looking out for the well-being of others - mindful that at any given moment, someone may be at their lowest point. I want to be a person who exercises empathy and provides encouragement when I recognize someone is struggling. What has surprised you most about getting involved? What has surprised me the most is how personal the issue of suicide is for so many. I have spoken to many

Of the many things we do year in and year out, dearest to my heart, are the things that we do for kids. I am blessed to be the father of two beautiful girls, and I am thankful to be in a position to provide for them. However, it breaks my heart to think about the millions of kids just like them that don’t enjoy the same securities and opportunities that they have and will have. This pain drives me to provide opportunities and support organizations that address food insecurity, safety, and education for children. Additionally, we are proud to support some great nonprofit and philan - thropic organizations that work with local schools, the elderly, and the homeless.

With the issues that have impacted our world in the past year, things have looked a little different than years prior. In the midst of the pandemic, we had the privilege of supporting the frontline workers at several hospitals and medical clinics local to our offices. We supported them by providing meals to work- ers and thousands of masks to the medical facilities.



Essentially, you want to assert your credibility and evoke an emotional con- nection to leave a lasting impression on your target audience. In a recent survey con- ducted by the PWC Health Research Institute, about 90% of 18-24 year olds claim that they trust the medical information that is shared by doctors on social media networks. 41% of the respondents also claimed social media to be a major factor affecting their choice of a specific medical facility, hospital, or doctor. Whereas 80% of prospective new clients perform thorough research on different firms prior to even making a call. That being said, in this online world, building a personal brand is a necessity. Here are my top 5 reasons

new client searches for your practice simply because your online presence is not optimized for searches? Today, people perform thorough online research before choosing a certain medical or legal practice. This means that your new clients have already looked at your website and Yelp re- views before even knocking at your door. This is where personal branding comes into play. Laura Lake in “Why Brand- ing is Important in Market- ing” believes your top goals when building a good brand should include: • Confirming your credibility • Motivating your target audience • Creating user loyalty • Building an emotional connection • Delivering a clear message in a clear & concise manner

In layman’s terms, branding is a marketing practice in which a company creates a name, symbol or design that is easily identifiable as belonging to the company... There are many areas that are used to develop a brand including advertising, cus- tomer service, promotional merchandise, reputation, and logo. According to a recent report by Quantum Digital, doctors credit 70-80% of their new patients to marketing done through referral companies. This success has now led these companies to cross- over into legal practices. While there is clear evidence that referral companies help doctors and attorneys build

their practices from the ground up, the key ingredient for this growth is developing their personal brand. With technology evolving every day, more and more

What percentage of your competitors, whether doctors or attorneys, have their own personal brand?

people are gaining access to information much quicker than ever before. You are no longer competing with just the practice down the street. You are competing with on- line search inquiries as well. Imagine your name not pop- ping up at the top of search results when a potential


So, the real question is: Why would someone choose you? Building a personal brand helps create a unique ex - perience for your audience, helping them understand what you can offer to them, while also showcasing your specialties. A simple way to build trust is to ask your audience to leave feedback, which new prospects can easily refer to. Over time, this builds trust amongst potential new cli- ents and influences their first impression of you once they stumble upon your practice. Cater directly to Your Target Audience and their needs While building a personal brand is absolutely nec- essary, it’s not easy. Your personal brand is developed over time and must slowly adjust according to feedback before expecting any results. In this content-driven world, strong personal brands position themselves as service providers and go-to resources. For example, if your target audience is looking for reliable information online, you should position your- self to provide credible solutions to their questions

without directly expecting an immediate sale. Chances are that all they are looking for is an immediate solution to their question. By providing a quick answer to their inquiry, you are setting yourself up as an expert, making them comfortable with your con- tent and leading them to your website regularly. Eventually, it can lead them to contact- ing your office for direct help because they have already grown trust by consuming your content. Addressing their pain points and delivering a valuable and memorable solution to them is an easy way to showcase your expertise and value. The goal should always be to build trust and confidence amongst potential new cli-

How does it compare to your competitors? Do you think potential new clients feel comfortable giving your office a call based solely on your marketing material? If not, begin by simply being genuine. Provide your back- ground, highlight your exper- tise and experience. Make sure anyone who stumbles upon your name knows that you are a servant to their needs and you are there to help, not just treat them like another number.

why personal branding is essential to building your business: • Sharpens your Competitive Edge • Immediately builds trust • Caters directly to Your Target Audience and their needs • Builds your reputation & credibility • Boosts Sales Let’s look at each of them one-by-one: Sharpens Your Competi- tive Edge In today’s world, it’s import- ant to stand out amongst your competitors by con- necting with your target audience. “A brand is worthless if it doesn’t really connect with the right audience in the right manner.” Just ask yourself: What percentage of your competitors, whether doctors or attorneys, have their own personal brand? Not many! The truth is a huge chunk of your target audience doesn’t really know much about you! Building a connection is not only necessary for optimizing your business, but essential for survival in today’s world. This is where your personal branding comes into play. Whether they are accident doctors or divorce attorneys, most of your competitors have yet to consider person- al branding. For you to stay competitive, take a step back and analyze the marketing material you put out. Does this really represent your practice and who you are?

Your personal brand is devel- oped over time and must slowly adjust according to feedback before expecting any results.

Building Trust Being genuine quickly ties into building trust amongst potential new clients. Let me explain. Doctors and attorneys are already amongst some of the most respected profession- als because of their exper- tise and experience. However, most potential clients are searching for those professionals that are willing to tailor their practice specifically to their needs. The challenge with the online world is that consumers don’t know who to trust. There are dozens of so-called expert professionals already harnessing the power of referral marketing to attract prospects. There’s already so much competition!


ents. Ultimately, the trust built over time turns into a higher conversion rate and outstanding sales. Build Reputation and Credibility Millions of people each day require medical or legal assistance. But, if your practice lacks a unique online presence, then you are already at a huge disadvantage. Potential clients are lost before you even speak to them simply because you lack online

In short, when one of your prospective new clients stumbles upon your website for the first time, your goal is to create a first impression that evokes trust and reliability. This will encourage the consumer to trust your brand and eventually feel your services are crucial. This directly correlates to more sales and an overall increase in your profit margin. Conclusion Your personal brand will help create a lasting impression to your audience, build trust, and generate higher profits. A key tool in developing your personal brand is a strong online presence. You want anyone who sees your name to reference your branding and feel confi - dent in trusting your practice. So, Doctors & Attorneys: Stop waiting around! Build your own personal brand today with Doctors For Accidents! Sources: [1] - ral-marketing [2] branding-important-when-it-comes-to-your-mar- keting-2294845 [3]https://www.searchenginewatch. com/2012/04/22/33-of-u-s-consumers-use-so- cial-media-for-health-care-info-survey/ [4] prising-law-firm-marketing-statistics

Your brand is what people say about you when you aren’t in the room. - Jeff Bezos

accessibility. Building a personal brand will help position yourself as an expert, someone who is a result-oriented professional. It’s simple. A great reputation and credibility maximizes the flow of new clientele. The most effective way to cre- ate a great reputation and credibility is through strong personal branding. How do you build strong personal branding? Well, you can start now by working on your online presence to truly showcase your expertise, experience and achieve- ments. Boosts Sales People feel most comfortable doing business with the brands they feel are safe and trustworthy. Ultimately, instilling comfort works in your favour and increases the chances of converting potential new clients into paying clients.



20 | DOCTORS FOR ACCIDENTS WIN/SPR 2021 almost as if the entire industry was given a facelift. “ We all learned to adapt together,

2020 will be a year that forever lives in infamy. As a country, it seems as if we’ve battled every pos- sible obstacle this year. Many of us were forced out of our jobs, lost loved ones, or struggled finan - cially. More specifically, 2020 undoubtedly over- whelmed the Med-Legal industry with prolonged uncertainty. The most apparent hardship being the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing all practices to adapt and revolutionize their operations or slowly become an indirect casu- alty to the virus. During a challenging time such as this, perspective is an essential element in main- taining sanity. It would be

2020 The COVID Year



easy to label 2020 as a complete failure. However, to survive these hard- ships, we must overlook the obvious downfalls and acknowledge the emerg- ing opportunity for a fresh start. Without a doubt, 2020 scarred the industry year-round with nev- er-ending interruptions to our practices. Reality set in early in the year. The State of California first mandated all businesses to immediately shut down back in March due to the COVID-19 virus. At first, all operations were forced to stop; courts were closed, appointments and proce- dures were postponed, and the State of Califor- nia encouraged medical providers to reserve space and supplies exclusively for COVID-19 treatment. This would only be the beginning. For practices in Southern California, specifically in Beverly Hills, Med-Legal professionals suffered additional uncertainty following the protests in late May of this year. In addition to the sea of “For Lease” signs that sud- denly emerged following the mandated shutdowns, the 90210 also suffered massive property damag- es and further closures because of protests and rioting. As reported in late May, looters and rioters destroyed everything in their path including store fronts, offices, and even ATMs all along Melrose and even up Fairfax in the West Hollywood area.

The Grove, Rodeo Drive, and areas of Downtown LA and Pasadena all suffered property dam- age and disruptions from looting and rioting, leading to the inevitable State of Emergency declaration by Governor Newsom, followed by the enactment of a city-wide curfew by Mayor Garcetti from 8:00 PM to 5:30 AM[1]. The pre-emptive measures tak-

were especially left with doubts about the future of their practice, fearing their life’s investment could fall victim to 2020. However, the unforeseen amount of adversity forced innovation amongst businesses, especially the Med-Legal industry. We all learned to adapt together, almost as if the entire industry was given

Vaccines To Date

Pfizer(PFE)-BioNTech(BNTX) : American/German, approved in USA 12/11, 95% efficient AstraZeneca(AZN) : American, Phase 3 of testing as of December, “up to 90% efficiency” Moderna(MRNA) : American, phase 3, has deals for dosages with EU, Canada, Japan, Qatar, 94.5% efficient CureVac(CVAC) : German, Phase 3, unknown efficacy, collaborating with Tesla Sputnik V : Russian, Phase 3, supplying Argentina, Brazil, India, Mexico, Venezuela 91.4% efficient Johnson & Johnson(JNJ) : American, phase 3 since September, results expected in January, american fed. govt. aggreed to pay $1 billion for 100 million doses, EU agreed to 200 million doses, unknown efficiency Sinopharm : Chinese, Phase 3 86% efficiency, UAE and Bahrain approved, over 1 million people in China received vaccine already Sourced from: New York Times Online *As of December 2020

en in late May would fore- shadow further closures and curfews for the rest of 2020, including emergen- cy regulations on Hallow- een and even on election day[2]. One after the other, each event left a mark of uncertainty for all those in the area and even those looking on from the out- side, questioning whether or not their city was next. Med-Legal professionals

a facelift. This year forced us to remodel our busi- ness operations, preparing professionals in the in- dustry to tackle 2021 with new business strategies to serve as a foundation for the future. Whether a medical or legal practice, we were all pushed to innovate our businesses and adapt to new technology. Many


medical providers learned to adopt telemedicine appointments, allowing doctors to expand their treatments to a broader range of patients. Instead of sitting in a waiting room, patients can sit in the comfort of their home for their consultations. For case managers and attorneys, getting to a deposition is less of a hassle because of softwares like Zoom. In fact, many practices even save on office space by allowing employees to work from home and sub-leasing the space to other companies.[3] It’s important to recognize the sig- nificant adaptations the Med-Legal industry has taken to continue oper- ations, despite continued restrictions and temporary accommodations. These business adaptations po- tentially increase both the volume of clients, as well as the office’s efficiency in both medical and legal practices. This is great news for the industry considering there is no real estimate of when we will return to pre-COVID functionality. At the end of 2020, both the UK and Canada were amongst the first to approve Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine. Shortly there- after on December 11th, America’s Food and Drug Administration authorized the vaccine for immedi- ate emergency use. Pfizer claims it will deliver about 6.4 million doses across the country, prioritizing health care personnel and long-term care facility residents [4]. The vaccine’s

approval in December is a sign of hope for the future. Finally, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. As the vaccine sparks sudden optimism for 2021, we must reflect on the lessons we’ve learned in 2020 and adopt these practices to the new year and beyond. 2020 was an overwhelm- ing mess of a wake-up call. We are going into the new year with a renewed sense of appreciation for even the smallest opportunities in our personal and professional lives. After 9 months of a global pandem- ic, it seems like 2021 could not have come sooner to provide us with a fresh start.

________________ Resources:

[1] market-the-grove-protest/6221684/

[2] nia/story/2020-10-27/concerned- about-election-unrest-beverly-hills- will-close-rodeo-drive - age/files/3875926001448836212/20 -O-2820AdoptingEmergencyRegula- tionsRelatedtoHalloween2020.pdf [3] business-and-practice/coronavirus- is-forcing-big-law-out-of-office-what- they-can-learn [4] news/nation/2020/12/13/covid-up- date-first-vaccine-shipments-inocu - lations-begin-monday/6527305002/





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MAYLAN How did you get started with collecting medical supplies? Like in similar professions, as a lawyer, it is my personal calling to help people. My daily work revolves around helping injured individuals seek out appropriate care and resources and 2020 had a stronger beckoning for that kind of assis- safety of all the front-line medical professionals who would be in need of personal protective equipment (PPE). But as the challenges of 2020 continued to snowball, I was struck by a very personal calling to mobilize my network for an even greater purpose: securing medical supplies for the people of Armenia and Artsakh who were under sudden attack. ...Doing My Part For Armenia

tance. As early as March, Covid-19 started changing the way I could be resourceful to my clients and our greater community. As a Personal Injury and Estate Planning attor- ney, my professional network runs deep in the medical community. My first concern was the

What inspired you to help? When your motherland is under attack, you need no further in- spiration


than the existential survival instinct. I already had the network in place and the means to mobilize efforts, so when I was contacted to gather

to help a local youth group in Arme- nia, who has organized a system in place to provide housing, clothing, food and necessities for displaced families and soldiers. I used my social media platform and my voice in my local community to continue to educate and collect donations for Armenia Fund. Afterall, every war needs to be funded. What were some of your overall goals? My initial goal was to attend to immediate needs. The most im- mediate demand was for medical supplies and sleeping bags, which was accomplished with the great help of our community at large, em- powering me to raise funds in order

national, and international commu- nities, and continue to raise funds in order to help displaced families and soldiers in Armenia. There are wounded soldiers, families who have lost loved ones, and a general economy that pumped its funds into the war effort that all need help well after the war. I use my skills and my various networks to help organize and participate fundraisers and partici- pate in fundraisers and drives that are taking place for the same cause. What was running through your mind at the time? When I first began, my immediate thought was to do as much as possi- ble. I dropped everything, including

medical supplies, clothing, sleeping bags, socks, sweaters, or money to help the war that broke out in Artsakh and Armenia, there was no hesitation. My own ethnicity, an an- cient civilization, was under attack, and I felt that as an Armenian in the diaspora I had a moral and ethical duty to do my part. I began by reaching out to profes- sionals in my local Los Angeles network, then leveraging my social media platform to drive awareness and solicit participation in the gath- ering of medical supplies, general PPE, and basic necessities/mate- rials. Before I knew it, I had people across the nation sending me funds to carry out the mission. The next step was to organize the logistics of getting these items on a cargo plane to Artsakh, which was secured and completed by Armenia Fund. Before I knew it, I became aware of other opportunities to help my Armenian community. I was inspired

to purchase items at wholesale and discounted prices. Once that was accomplished, the overall goal had to shift to the permanent goal of helping those in need on an ongoing basis because war and its aftermath are long lasting. The current goal is to bring aware- ness, gain support from local,

work and personal commitments to rally people for help. The loudest thought in my head was the threat against my people’s existence and their culture. That thought has not escaped my troubled mind for a sec- ond. Every single Armenian around



raise funds specifically to obtain and ship sleeping bags. We had to make sure that the sleeping bags could withstand the changing season and the harsh winter conditions in order to keep our soldiers warm and safe. In 2020, it’s unfathomable that the brutal harshness of war still exists. But it does. Immediately innocent children, women, and men, along with soldiers were being injured at a rapid pace, without the necessary medical supplies and equipment

immediate care, food, shelter, and help. The second charity, an Ameri- can nonprofit organization, Armenia Fund, is a California 501(c)(3), non-government affiliated, non-po - litical corporation that helps collect funds in order to provide humanitari- an aid in Armenia on an international level. What motivates you to stay motivated? I am a proud Armenian woman,

the world is suffering through this crisis right now.

available in Armenia. I needed to collect imme- diate funds to purchase medical supplies, such as bandages, adhesive tape, iodine, wound dressing, medicine, and nutrition just to name a few. Something we take for granted in the US like a Snickers bar, makes all the difference for a soldier who can use that as sustenance and fuel to maintain his stamina for the

Do you have a personal connec- tion to the cause? Yes. My roots are Armenian. I am of Armenian descent. My great grand- parents and family were victims and survivors of the first genocide of the 20th century. They had to flee their country in order to survive, thus cre- ating the 8 million Armenians in the diaspora. When violence and threat is waged against my own people, it is impossible not to take the matter personally. I won’t allow the atroci- ties perpetrated by Turkic countries to continue in 2020. What led you to choose those items to donate? A call to action for basic needs stemmed from the desperation of our soldiers in Artsakh. Sleeping bags were needed given that our soldiers were not prepared for this sudden attack. They were mobilized to the frontlines without any warning. From my understanding, sleeping bags are sewn by hand in Armenia and are not quickly/readily available. How could they defend the motherland in the cold of fall/winter without sleep- ing bags? That is why I decided to

Ayn gortsoghutyunnery, vo- ronk duk dzernarkum ek aysor, anshusht kveradarnan dzez hamapataskhan ar- dyunknerov. Mi toghek vaghvan ayn, inch karogh ek anel aysor. The action you take todaywill certainly comeback to you with relevant result. Don’t leave for tomorrow that which you can do today.

next round of attacks. I was lucky to find a local pharmacy, Golden State Specialty Pharmacy in Burbank, CA, who agreed to purchase the items and allow me to pay the wholesale price, in order for the collected mon- ey to go a long way. What do you love most about this organization/ charity? What I love about the current charities I am working with is that they are both focused on immediate humanitarian aid. The first charity, Patriot Team, located directly in Armenia, provides

living in Los Angeles. I’m lucky to have a rich Armenian community right here. The preservation of our culture, the first Christian nation, and our ancient history is my guiding light. I’m encouraged daily by the unity of my surrounding supporters and community. My community has grown from the local Armenian Angelenos to a global diaspora that works in concert with Armenian nationals for the preservation of our people.


28 | DOCTORS FOR ACCIDENTS WIN/SPR 2021 Why are you supporting this cause as opposed to other causes?

how to live without them. Yet other families will have to leave their homeland as a result of signed peace treaties, and they will need relocation assistance. They will all continue to need donations and funds to survive. I urge anyone who has a heart and soul to get involved to provide peace for humanity. Specifically, if someone has an Armenian friend, colleague, or family member, I urge them to ask what is taking place, educate themselves independently, and choose to be on the right side of history. Moreover, I would encour- age non-Armenians to get involved, voice their concerns, and stand for peace, and donate in order to help save an entire race which has a history of over 5000 years. What might someone be sur- prised to know about you? Someone would be surprised to know that I am actually born and raised in Los Angeles, California, which has been my home for the past three decades. Nonetheless, the Armenian blood runs through my veins and is never asleep, much less when an entire nation is under attack. I think many are surprised to see such strong ties, emotions, and devotion to a country I wasn’t born in. But that is the testament to the rich history of the Armenian culture.

I support all causes for humankind and humanity. At the current mo- ment, and given the dire situation and need, I have chosen to de- vote the majority of my time to the

Armenian cause. This is a personal cause, a national cause, which is directed to fight against those who want to annihilate and destroy the Armenian ethnicity. I also support other causes, such as HealWithin International, a nonprofit organiza - tion providing mental, physical, and emotional healing through integra- tive and holistic methods to children who have suffered the loss of their mother. In fact, I am a board mem- ber and Director of Marketing, of that nonprofit, bringing awareness to the needs of motherless children. What would you tell someone who is thinking of donating or getting involved? While at the moment the war has reached an impasse, there are still families that have recuperate from the aftermath, whether that means caretaking for their wounded soldiers or learning


SACCADES \ \ \ Where some article left off. We put the leftovers here so you get the full message. :)

Department reports that a record 3.28 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits in the previous week. APR 10 The United States becomes the first country to report 2,000 coronavirus deaths in a single day. APR 27 The U.S. coronavirus cases surpass 1 million; worldwide cases top 3 million. MAY 8 The U.S. unemployment reaches 14.7%, with more than 33 million jobless claims filed since mid-March. MAY 15 The Trump administration announces Operation Warp Speed, a public-private partnership to speed up the development of a COVID-19 vaccine MAY 25 A Minneapolis police officer is filmed while pressing his knee on the neck of George Floyd for about 8 minutes, killing him, as three other officers stand by. The video of Floyd’s death goes viral and the four officers are fired the next day. MAY 25 Amy Cooper accuses Christian Cooper of attacking her in a birdwatching park MAY 28 A state of emergency is declared in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Protests over the death of George Floyd and racial injustice spread nationwide. MAY 30 Los Angeles County and the City of Los Angeles declare a state of emergency following protests and looting in response to the death of George Floyd and racial injustice. JUN 12 Protests in Atlanta start after the killing of Rayshard Brooks by a police officer in the parking lot

of a fast-food restaurant. JUL 1 Governor Gavin Newsom or- ders tougher restrictions on indoor activities for most of California. AUG 2 Firefighters battle the Apple fire that burned 20,000 acres in Cherry Valley and surrounding areas of Riverside and San Ber- nardino counties. AUG 11 Joe Biden announces Sen- ator Kamala Harris of California as his vice presidential running mate, the first woman of color to appear on a major party’s presidential ticket. AUG 16 Thunderstorms trigger hundreds of wildfires in California, affecting several Bay Area counties. Almost 400,000 acres are burned, making it the 3rd largest wildfire in California history. The same fire later increases to more than 1 million acres, making it the largest fire in California history. AUG 23 Protests break out in Kenosha, Wisconsin after the shooting of 29-year-old Jacob Blake by a police officer. AUG 28 Actor Chadwick Bose- man dies at age 43 following a previously undisclosed battle with colon cancer. SEP 6 The temperature in Wood- land Hills soars to 121 degrees, an all-time high in Los Angeles county. SEP 18 Long-serving Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies at 87 years old. SEP 26 President Trump chooses Judge Amy Coney Barrett of the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals to fill the vacancy created by the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

more than 2,000 points. MAR 11 The World Health Orga- nization declares the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, the NBA suspends its season indefinitely over the pandemic. Actor Tom Hanks announces he and his wife, Rita Wilson, tested positive for coronavirus in Australia. MAR 12 Major League Baseball, the NFL, NHL, and MLS all follow the NBA and suspend their season as well. MAR 13 The Los Angeles Unified School District announces that it will close all its schools. MAR 13 President Trump declares the coronavirus a national emer- gency. MAR 13 Breonna Taylor is shot and killed in Louisville, Kentucky by a local police officer while serving a narcotics warrant. MAR 14 The Dow Jones industrial stock falls by 2,997.10, the largest single-day point drop in history. MAR 19 California Governor Gavin Newsom directs all Californians to stay at home. Los Angeles City and County officials issue new regulations to limit the spread of coronavirus MAR 25 The Senate and the White House agree to a $2-trillion stimu- lus package to boost the economy, the largest stimulus package in US history. MAR 26 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests positive for the coronavirus. MAR 26 Global coronavirus cases top 500,000. The US surpasses over 1,000 deaths. The Labor

2020 : THE COVID YEAR (EXHAUSTIVE TIMELINE) (Continued from page 20) 2020 Timeline of Events Refer- enced from story/2020-12-18/what-a-year-it- was-a-2020-timeline JAN 7 The CDC issues a travel no- tice for Americans visiting Wuhan, China JAN 20 A 35-year-old man who returned from China is reported to be the first case of coronavirus infection in the United States JAN 26 Kobe Bryant, his 13-year- old daughter, Gianna, and seven others die in a helicopter crash near Calabasas. JAN 30 The World Health Organi- zation declares the coronavirus out- break a public health emergency. JAN 31 President Trump bans travel from China FEB 23 Ahmaud Arbery is shot and killed by 2 men while jogging in Georgia. The two men are arrested and later charged with felony mur- der and aggravated assault. FEB 29 The first COVID-19 death is reported in the US MAR 9 Italy places itself on a nationwide quarantine to slow the spread of coronavirus. Meanwhile, the Dow Jones industrial stock dips