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Di Bartolomeo Law Offices - July 2021

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Di Bartolomeo Law Offices - June 2021

2 cups water. 4. Refrigerate 4–8 hours until tea reaches your desired strength. Strain and serve ove

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Di Bartolomeo Law Offices - September 2021

2 cup unsalted butter • 1 cup flour • 2 cups sugar, divided • 1 tbsp baking powder • Dash of salt

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Di Bartolomeo Law Offices - October 2021

3 cup baking soda • 2 eggs, beaten • Coarse salt, for sprinkling Directions 1. In a bowl, combine wa

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Di Bartolomeo Law Offices - February 2021

4 cup panko breadcrumbs • 2 tbsp fresh chives, chopped • 1 tbsp lemon juice • 1 tsp lemon zest • Lem

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Di Bartolomeo Law Offices - March 2021

2 of the beef mixture onto each sheet of dough, then top the mixture with parsley, salt, and pepper.

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Di Bartolomeo Law Offices - December 2021

3 cups raisins • 2 tbsp hot water • 2 cups powdered sugar The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Ex

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - July 2022

2 tbsp liquid smoke (optional) Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. 2. In a large pot over mediu

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - August 2021

2-inch cubes • Sea salt, to taste 1. In a small saucepan, sauté spices and herbs in the coconut oil

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - January 2021

4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped Directions 1. In a large frying pan, heat oil and fry salted chi

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Di Bartolomeo Law Office - May 2020

Di Bartolomeo Law Office - May 2020 Makin’ It Better NEWSLETTER May 2020 Oregon Workers’ Compensatio

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Di Bartolomeo Law Offices - July 2021

Makin’ It Better NEWSLETTER

July 2021

Oregon Workers’ Compensation | Personal Injury | Social Security Disability

1139 Exchange St., Astoria, OR 97103 • 503-325-8600 •


NO. 2: USE FANS — WHEN YOU’RE IN THE ROOM. Fans create a windchill effect that helps you cool down, but wind circulation won’t actually cool your room. A ceiling fan is the most effective at cooling you down from anywhere in the room, but feel free to turn it off when you leave. If you really miss your air conditioning, you can also put a bowl of water and ice in front of a regular standing fan to blow a colder breeze! One last fan tip: Exhaust fans, such as the fans in your bathroom and kitchen, can help push hot, rising air from your home to the outdoors. Turn them on when the heat is a little over the top.

Like many, there’s a lot I love about the summer, from enjoying the outdoors to eating new seasonal fruits. However, I think it’s fair to say that paying higher energy bills for air conditioning isn’t anyone’s favorite part of summer. In the right (and unfortunate) outdoor heat conditions, a malfunctioning air conditioner could be a life-threatening emergency. It’s very important to get your air conditioner fixed as soon as possible in those scenarios. However, if you’re just looking for a few ways to cut down your energy bill and still keep your house cool, then check out these options! NO. 1: REDUCE INCOMING SUNLIGHT. According to the Department of Energy, over 76% of energy from sunlight that falls on standard double-pane windows will convert into heat and raise the temperature of our homes. This is also known as “solar heat gain.” To reduce solar heat gain, make sure your curtains and shutters are completely closed wherever possible. Light- colored curtains can reduce solar heat gain up to 33%, while insulated cellular shades (pleated, accordion-like shades) can reduce it by up to 80%. If you don’t want to block your view, you can purchase reflective window film, which acts like a semi-transparent sticker adhesive layer over your window. Studies show it will reduce your home’s temperature anywhere from 8–18 degrees F.

all of the excess liquid (so it’s simply damp). Afterward, leave it in the refrigerator — the longer you leave it in, the better! Don’t apply ice directly to your skin, as this can actually result in a burn! Wrap ice in a towel or blanket and use it for no more than 20 minutes every 2–4 hours. NO. 4: PURCHASE COOLING PILLOWS, SHEETS, AND BLANKETS. It can be very difficult to sleep in the heat, but did you know that there are cooling pillows and bedsheets to help you find your most comfortable slumber? If you purchase a cooling blanket, make sure you fold it after use. It keeps it cooler for when you use it again! NO. 5: EAT REFRESHING, COOL FOODS. From watermelon to mint peach limeades, there are plenty of delicious foods and drinks for you to feast on while keeping cool! Don’t hesitate to eat a salad, either. It’s a great way to have a full meal without heating up your kitchen. Most importantly, drink lots of water! Dehydration leads to many heat-related illnesses, and you can greatly reduce your risk by drinking as much fluid as possible.

NO. 3: KEEP COLD WASHCLOTHS NEAR PULSE POINTS. Applying a cold, damp towel near your pulse points is scientifically proven to lower your body temperature. Your pulse points include your wrists, your underarms, the back of your neck, and your groin. Cool down the towel by wetting it with water, then squeeze out

With these tips, hopefully you can stay cool this July. Thanks so much for reading!

–Joe Di Bartolomeo | 1

The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |


With the many streaming platforms out there, kids have access to a more diverse array of content than ever before. That being said, parents need to be extra vigilant about which shows and videos are captivating their children’s attention, particularly when it comes to cartoons.

with adult animation becoming more popular in recent years, many of the cartoons available on TV, streaming services, and YouTube are explicitly not for children.

So, how can parents make sure the cartoons their kids are watching are safe, wholesome, and educational?

In recent years, as YouTube has continued to amass countless hours of video content — much of it geared toward children — they’ve developed YouTube Kids, their streaming site for children under the age of 13. This site isn’t airtight, however, and disturbing content can sometimes slip through the cracks. Parents might also find value in sticking to certain channels or streaming services, such as PBS Kids, Nick Jr., or Disney+. There are also organizations like the Parents and Television Media Council, whose website,, can help parents determine which cartoons are okay for their kids to watch. Ultimately, the best way to ensure cartoons are safe is to watch with your kids. After all, this turns a solitary activity into one where parents can learn, laugh, and bond with their children.

SSA AVERAGE PROCESSING TIME DECREASED IN 2020 With things opening back up, it seems apropos to reflect on freedoms we are getting back to this Independence Day. Even the simple act of gathering with friends and family for a backyard barbecue feels like something to appreciate. While we’re all glad to be back on the road to normalcy, the last 15 months of pandemic restrictions have left their mark on many areas of society — in ways both good and bad. One unexpected upside of the pandemic is that the Social Security Administration (SSA) added an online video hearing option to their standard telephone hearing options. With that addition in the fall of 2020, the SSA has reduced the time it takes for applicants to get through the hearing process. Astonishingly, this one technological change led to a 25% drop in the average time it took the SSA to process claims in 2020 compared to 2019. Government agencies aren’t exactly known for moving quickly or their cutting edge technology. While SSA Commissioner Andrew Saul said that adding a video hearing option has been talked Some Good News Cartoons on their own aren’t bad for kids. In fact, enjoying them in moderation can have myriad benefits for a child’s development. They can bring laughter and relieve stress, engage a child’s imagination, help them develop their language skills, and teach them about topics ranging from mathematics to social skills. The best cartoons can be bright, colorful, funny stories that help children learn and grow. That said, though, not all cartoons are for kids, nor do they teach good lessons. Many cartoon characters encourage violence and speaking rudely to teachers and other authority figures. Additionally,

about for many years within the organization, the pandemic provided the needed sense of urgency to quickly implement the technology as a way to continue serving people and keep the claims process moving while keeping everyone safe. While the processing time has decreased — and that’s great news for our clients who are waiting to receive important benefits following a disability — it still takes, on average, upward of a year to complete the hearing process on new claims. That’s an improvement over the 502-day average of claims processing times in 2019, though. We’re hopeful that even as things get back to normal, this will be the new normal for our clients. While it’s been a difficult year for so many of us, we are grateful the tide is turning and a few silver linings have emerged.

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The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |


Fourth of July celebrations are back on for this year. If you missed the Chamber of Commerce’s waterfront fireworks show on the Fourth, or if you’re just eager to set off your own fireworks, it’s important to remember just how dangerous these explosives can be. It’s also important to know the state and local laws regulating fireworks and which are legal to use and which aren’t. Over 12,000 people in 2017 required medical attention for fireworks-related injuries. Sadly, children or young adults sustained half of these injuries. That leads up to our first safety tip: Closely supervise older children while handling fireworks and don’t let young children play with them. This includes sparklers, which caused injuries in more than 25% of emergency room visits associated with fireworks incidents. Additionally, they caused half of the total injuries for children age 5 or younger.

for at-home use. Read and follow instructions for all fireworks and don’t use fireworks while impaired. Simply put: Fireworks and drinking don’t mix. Finally, just as you should take precautions to avoid personal injury, take precautions to avoid starting a fire. Fireworks cause over 18,000 fires each year, which have led to structure, vehicle, and landscape damage. It’s a good idea to soak spent or unused fireworks in water before discarding them and to keep a bucket of water close in case you need to extinguish fireworks that do spark a fire. For more information on Oregon’s firework laws, visit Have fun and stay safe this summer.

Another important safety tip: Don’t use professional-grade (illegal in Oregon) or homemade fireworks. Only purchase and set off fireworks sold legally and made


Mexican Corn Salad Inspired by

Don’t let the long ingredient list scare you. This summer salad celebrates in‑season veggies and herbs and comes together quickly. Ingredients Directions

• 4 cups of fresh corn, cut from 5 cobs • 1 tbsp olive oil • 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped • 1/2 red onion, diced • 6 green onions, chopped • 1 jalapeno, diced • 1/2 avocado, cubed • 1/4 cup fresh-squeezed lime juice

1. In a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat, add oil and corn. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 3–5 minutes or until corn starts to char. 2. Add the corn to a large bowl and let cool for 5 minutes, then add the remaining

• 1/2 tsp ground cumin • 1/2 tsp smoked paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste

ingredients and stir together until well combined. Taste and adjust seasoning.

• 2 tbsp sour cream • 2 tbsp mayonnaise • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, chopped • 1/2 cup cotija or feta cheese, crumbled

3. The salad pairs well with grilled entrees and can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 4 days.

The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

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1139 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 97103

What’s Inside


5 Best Ways to Stay Cool Without A/C


Are Your Children’s Favorite Cartoons Actually for Kids? Good News for SSA Claims Processing


Fireworks Safety Tips Mexican Corn Salad


The Smartphone Dilemma

THE SMARTPHONE DILEMMA Do You Need a New Phone When the Updates Stop?

Most smartphones are only supported by the manufacturer for a set period of time, and once that time is up, support will be unavailable for that phone. Support includes everything from operating system updates to security flaw patches. Although it varies greatly between manufacturers and even service providers, updates usually roll out every few months. Apple is one of the most generous supporters of its older devices. It typically offers updates on devices that are 4–5 years old. While older devices can sometimes struggle to run newer updates, this commitment means you can keep your device for a longer period of time. On the Android side, Samsung also tends to support its devices for several years, often up to four years for its flagship devices. Despite that, for most brands the magic number is three years.

to do? Are you expected to drop upward of several hundred dollars (or more) on a new phone? Or do you just “deal with it” and accept that your device is no longer receiving critical security updates? If your device still runs well — it does everything you expect it to, it has decent battery life, and the screen is in good shape — there might not be a reason to immediately buy a new phone. Many security experts say if you stick to a handful of apps and your usage is consistent from day to day, your risk is low. If your device is showing its age and/or you rely heavily on your phone for work and communication, the risk may be higher. Regardless, it’s a good idea to update your smartphone in regular intervals. We can all complain about planned obsolescence, but access to current updates and security patches is definitely beneficial. With so many cybersecurity risks out there, it’s better to not fall behind in these technological times.

So, once you notice that your device is no longer updating, what are you supposed

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The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |