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DiBartolomeo Law Offices - August 2018

DiBartolomeo Law Offices - August 2018 Makin’ It Better NEWSLETTER August 2018 Oregon Workers’ Compe

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DiBartolomeo Law Offices - November 2020

4 cup unsalted butter, cubed • 4 (2-inch) cinnamon sticks Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. Pl

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DiBartolomeo Law Offices - July 2020

2 tsp garlic, minced • 2 lbs assorted vegetables, trimmed and halved (asparagus, mushrooms, red onio

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DiBartolomeo Law Offices - October 2020

4 tsp nutmeg Directions 1. In a large saucepan over medium heat, sauté olive oil, shallots, and garl

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DiBartolomeo Law Offices - September 2020

4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped Directions 1. With a fork, prick each sweet potato a few times. Microw

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DiBartolomeo Law Offices - September 2019

11, various researchers conducted many studies examining the effect this kind of work has on animals

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DiBartolomeo Law Offices Sep 2017

DiBartolomeo Law Offices Sep 2017 Makin’ It Better NEWSLETTER September 2017 Oregon Workers’ Compens

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DiBartolomeo Law Offices - June 2019

2–3 hours. 3. Let meat rest for 15 minutes. If desired, serve alongside grilled veggies. The Di Bart

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DiBartolomeo Law Offices June 2017

37176575. Clatsop Animal Assistance’s website is If someone brings Dewey by the offic

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DiBartolomeo Law Offices - March 2018

C junction, and other similar large appliances. Homeowners often forget about these appliances becau

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DiBartolomeo Law Offices - August 2020

Makin’ It Better NEWSLETTER

August 2020

Oregon Workers’ Compensation | Personal Injury | Social Security Disability

1139 Exchange St., Astoria, OR 97103 • 503-325-8600 •


When it comes to figuring out the best way to market a business, getting personal is a choice that many business owners shy away from. Some think they have no worthy story to tell, while others find it hard to imagine that their personal life will strike a chord with another person, let alone get that person to buy a product or service. But the reality is that numerous studies and market tests have shown that when business gets personal, it can yield great results. No business owner got to where they are today without experiencing moments that fundamentally changed their perspective in some valuable way, and consumers love to hear about these insights. These stories are important and need to be shared with current and prospective customers if a business is going to succeed. It’s a fact that consumers want to do business with people they know, like, and trust. When a consumer is engaged with a company on a personal level, they’re more likely to delete a competitor’s emails or ignore its ads, even if the competitor offers a better price. If a consumer has a negative experience with a business they feel close to, then they’re also much more likely to give it a chance to make it right. The opposite is true too — people are quick to sever all ties the first time

something goes wrong if they don’t feel any personal connection to a company or the people who run it. The logic behind personal marketing is simple: Your competitors can duplicate your product, your pricing, and your models, but they can’t duplicate you . If you’re recoiling at the very thought of sharing your stories, consider how much easier marketing can be by injecting some personality into it. Your greatest marketing tactic could be found right in your head. That episode of “Law & Order” you caught last night may have you thinking about the perils of overworking, whereas a family trip to the beach may have offered insight into the value of relaxing. These revelations are powerful glimpses into the true brand of your company: humans! For as fast and innovative as technology is, humans will always crave interaction with other humans. It’s that connection that fuels your business. Remember, your marketing messages are not the place to flex your Ph.D. or awards. Those can be valuable marketing tools, but they shouldn’t be the main message. What makes you human is what bonds you to your potential and current customers. This is called personal marketing.

Giving customers a peek into your life via personal marketing, whether it’s about your pets, your family, or your own journey through the pandemic, is important. Remind people that you’re an expert in your field and that you know how to help them, but don’t forget to show them your character and give them a reason to want to connect with you. Embracing vulnerability in your communication with your clients and prospects can lead to a dramatic increase in your customer lifetime value. That’s something that every business needs as they continue to navigate through these strenuous times. Your stories can be great for your bottom line, but they’re important in more ways than one. They can provide more value and insight for your customers than you might be giving them credit for.

The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

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Everyone knows how labor-intensive cleaning can be. A long day of scrubbing down your house is a great way to work your muscles and get your blood pumping, so crank up some tunes, grab a mop, and get ready to transform your cleaning routine into a great workout. To get physical benefits from cleaning, you need to turn up the intensity of your methods. Exaggerate your motions, pick up your pace, and keep your abs tight and knees flexed. Nearly any chore can be turned into an exercise, but here are some ideas to get you started. • VACUUM: Vacuum briskly nonstop for at least 20 minutes, switching arms as you go. For an added challenge, do lunges as you vacuum and remember to keep your toes pointed straight ahead and your knees bent at 90-degree angles. • PICK UP: Instead of simply bending over to pick up toys or clothes, do a squat with every item you grab. Remember to use your legs, not your back. You can also do squats while unloading the dishwasher or with any other chore that involves repeated bending. • WIPE DOWN: Whether you’re wiping windows or scrubbing appliances, do big, exaggerated arm circles until your muscles start to burn and make sure you’re switching arms as you go.

• COOK: It’s not cleaning, but it’s still a chore with useful downtime. While food is simmering or thawing in the microwave, do some pushups, situps, or planks to get your muscles moving. You can implement dozens of exercises to turn mundane activities into beneficial workouts. Some chores will burn more calories than others, but every bit of activity helps. Now’s the time to work your way to a cleaner house and a healthier you.

LOGGING INJURIES IN OREGON You Have a Right to File for Workers’ Compensation

Of the many jobs and careers in Oregon, logging is one of the most dangerous. In fact, logging-related injuries and deaths occur more often in this line of work than in any other type of work in our state. And loggers know it. On a typical workday, loggers use large, bulky equipment to cut and transport heavy, massive trees. They usually find themselves working on uneven ground or on the side of a hill or slope, which can make things even more dangerous. Walking on this

When someone works for an Oregon-based logging company, they may qualify for a workers' compensation claim. Keep in mind that because of the Oregon Workers’ Compensation “no-fault” system, you can file for a claim whether you or someone else is at fault for your injury. Filing for this claim can help immensely, as the benefits include medical care, wage replacement, and, if you’re unable to return to work, vocational rehabilitation. A logger may also qualify for workers' compensation even if a contractor working with the logging company at the time caused their injuries. When a worker's negligence results directly in your injury, and that worker is from another company, you can also make a claim under Oregon’s Employer Liability Law. This claim will give you additional benefits beyond what is already offered through workers' compensation. Workers' compensation is a complex system to get involved in and is overwhelming to anyone who has not dedicated time and effort to understand the way it works. If you are injured and looking to file a workers' compensation claim, call the Di Bartolomeo Law Office to schedule a free consultation today. We are here to help you in any way we can.

terrain can be hard enough, but with operating heavy equipment and falling timber, their risk of injury increases exponentially. This can become even more dangerous if the logging company does not take the proper safety measures for their loggers.

The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

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When a worker realizes their company is doing something wrong or illegal, they don’t often speak up or report it in fear of retaliation. They worry they’ll end up losing their job, or even their career, for stepping up and trying to do the right thing. Luckily, Oregon has put in place several laws to protect the people who do gather enough courage to report a company’s illicit activities, also known as whistleblowers. An employee's rights are protected under Oregon’s extensive whistleblower laws, including the False Claims Act and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Under these laws, an employee can report any activity they believe violates local, state, or federal law. It is unlawful for an employer to take action against them — discharge, demote, or suspend — in a way that discriminates or retaliates against the employee for that report. An official employee, certain nonprofit employees, and public employees can report any illicit promotion, compensation, or other terms, conditions, or privileges of employment or dangerous working conditions, and they will be protected from retaliation. In order for an employee to make these reports, they do not need to provide evidence proving these unlawful practices. This means that if a worker is aware their employer is operating illegally but has no proof, they can

still report the issue. An employee must have good faith when making the report of the unsafe working conditions or violations of the law. A whistleblower who undergoes retaliation from an employer after making a report may qualify for lost compensation or other benefits due to the protection of the Oregon whistleblower laws. If you’re facing any form of employer retaliation, call the Di Bartolomeo Law Offices. Our attorneys can help navigate these laws. To make a report, visit, where you can file a complaint to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries.


Inspired by


• 8 oz penne or fusilli pasta • 2 tbsp olive oil • 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes • 1/2 tsp sea salt • Pepper, to taste • 2 tbsp lemon juice • 3/4 cup crumbled feta cheese

• 2 large fresh peaches, diced or sliced • 1/2 medium red onion, thinly sliced • 1 pint heirloom cherry tomatoes, halved • 1 cup corn • 6 cups arugula, packed


1. In a large pot of boiling water, cook pasta for approximately 9 minutes or until al dente. Drain pasta and place in a separate bowl. 2. In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Drizzle the dressing over the pasta and toss with the feta cheese. 3. Add peaches, red onions, tomatoes, corn, and arugula to the pasta mixture. Lightly toss to mix well. Add more olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper to taste.

The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

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1139 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 97103

What’s Inside


Why Your Story Matters for Your Business


Exercise Your Way to a Clean Home The Right to Compensation as a Logger


Reporting an Employer’s Unlawful Activity Peach and Arugula Pasta Salad


An Essential Writing Resource for Students



As school starts up again, some students may need guidance to get their writing up to par. For those who struggle in English class, this help is crucial, especially if these students weren’t able to get the support they needed in the spring due to digital schooling. While there are many online writing tools, most simply point out grammar and spelling mistakes without supplying in-depth feedback. However, is different. This platform gives students live feedback on their writing and addresses several common problems that novice writers face.

By utilizing ProWritingAid’s 20 available writing reports and checks, writers can identify common problems and fix tendencies before they become ingrained habits. The Repeats Check, for example, shows when words or phrases are used many times in the same paragraph. The Contextual Thesaurus can help writers who are struggling with word choice by suggesting synonyms that work in the context of the sentence. The House Style Check allows writers to input specific style guide criteria to ensure their writing follows the proper guidelines. Additionally, The Overused Words Report highlights words like “very” that are overused by many writers and actually weaken the writing. This tool will help writers to create stronger sentences and convey their message in a compelling way. ProWritingAid’s reports and features make it the perfect resource for students as well as professional writers. This resource enables writers to deep dive into their specific challenges and to solve fundamental issues in their writing. For more information about how this program can help the students and writers in your life, visit


Style is something many students and even some copywriters, authors, and professors struggle with. Even if a paper is grammatically correct, the writer’s word choices may create clunky or awkward sentences. When this happens, the paper’s main idea can get lost in a sea of words. ProWritingAid gives feedback on a writer’s work after searching for repetitiveness and passive voice and evaluating general sentence construction. With this feedback, students can perfect their style and make their writing clear and concise.

The Di Bartolomeo Law Office, P.C. 1139 Exchange Street | Astoria, Oregon | 503-325-8600 |

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