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Discussing How To Avoid Common Active Injuries

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PTII-How to Avoid Common Active Injuries

PTII-How to Avoid Common Active Injuries Health&Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring

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Marketplace: How To Avoid Common Active Injuries

CORONA 4270 Riverwalk Pkwy Riverside, CA 92505 CHINO 14682 Central Ave Chino, CA 91710 REDLANDS 500

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ElitePT: How To Avoid Common Active Injuries

or tearing. • Hydrating and eating nutritious meals. Did you know that your body is over 70% water?

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Rehability: How To Avoid Common Active Injuries

or tearing. • Hydrating and eating nutritious meals. Did you know that your body is over 70% water?

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Agility: How to Avoid Common Active Injuries

INJURY ANALYSIS Talk to One Of Our Physical Therapy Experts f your aches a pressing ve and pain- Loo

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BalanceRehab: How To Avoid Common Active injuries

3 the time Are you recovering from an injury? If so, you may be a candidate for blood flow restricti

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ReQuest: How To Avoid Common Active injuries

self-pay patients, flexible payment schedules, and same-day appointments. We also accept patients wi

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KinetixPT: How To Avoid Common Active Injuries

chickpea-salad-recipe Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pa

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Kerrville: How To Avoid Common Active Injuries

4 cup cheese. Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to keep you moving... LUMBAR EXTENSION Stand w

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Centra: How To Avoid Common Active Injuries

zppG7 Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For a FREE Physical Therapy Analysis Download theKaywaQR

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Discussing How To Avoid Common Active Injuries

Health & Fitness

February 2017 “ How Should I Maintain My Active Routines Without Getting Hurt?” Discussing How To Avoid Common Active Injuries Tendonitis

The Newsletter About Achieving and Maintaining Optimal Well-Being

For running, increasing difficulty may include increasing speed, running up or downhill, increasing duration, and use of intervals, where you alternate intensity over time. For resistance training, increasing difficultymay include increasedweight, repetitions, sets, and decreasing the amount of time to perform the same amount of exercise. Pay attention to your body. Your body is smart. If it feels like you are developing signs of overtraining, then take a break, lessen your activity, or rest. Ease into it. Particularly if you are new to fitness or altering your exercise activities, take it slow. Don’t expect to make up for several months of inactivity with a fewweeks of exercise. Aim for long-term consistency, not overnight success. People who try to do too much too soon often end up injured or frustrated and give up on their fitness goals altogether. If you suffer from aches, pains, or would just like to move better than you used to, call Full Potential Physical Therapy today to learn more about how physical therapy can help you LIVE LIFE PAIN FREE!

Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendons from overuse. This can be for a variety of reasons, but typically, that body part is taking the strain due to poor body mechanics. For example, tendonitis in the shoulder or elbow is typically from poor posture of the neck and upper back. This causes an altered movement in the shoulder and arm, increasing strain on the tendons. Physical therapy helps by relieving the inflammation and pain while restoring normal motion and posture. Avoiding Overtraining Injuries No matter the activity (running, swimming, weight lifting, etc), when working to improve your fitness you need to push yourself in order to see results. But pushing yourself too hard can result in injuries that are detrimental to your fitness goals. Here are some tips to avoid overtraining injuries: Don’t increase exercise difficulty level too quickly. Exercise needs to be progressed steadily at a gradual pace. Following a structured plan that increases your activity incrementally and safely can help you stay healthy and pain free. For example:

“ Have an older adult in your life? Want them to enjoy activity safely, with greater confidence? A physical therapist can help!”

Health Tips

“ What Steps Do I Need To Take To Remain Active Safely?” 4 Easy Methods To Prevent Possible Injury

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1. STRETCH Stretching is one of the most important ways to prevent injuries. Your muscles and other tissues require oxygen, nutrients, and blood flow to be elastic. Stretching helps bring these things into the tissues making them more elastic and allowing them to stretch more. This prevents over-stretching and tearing. 2. HYDRATE AND NUTRITION Your body is more than 70 percent water and therefore requires water to be supple and function at its best. Without adequate water and nutrition, your body’s tissues are more prone to injury. Hydrate and make sure you replenish the electrolytes you lost during activity with a sports drink like Gatorade. 3. STAY WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES

We have all heard of the term “weekend warrior” which means a person that has not prepared their body at all to go out and do extensive sports or activities on the weekend. Typically, this person is more prone to injury, just because they are not prepared. If you have a hard time running, then you wouldn’t go out and do a marathon. Make sure that you train properly and safely for the sport or activity you would like to try. 4. WEAR PROPER EQUIPMENT Make sure you have the right equipment to prevent injuries when doing activities. Good running shoes, proper hiking boots, helmets and much more can make the difference when it comes to preventing injury.

Practice News

One of our wonderful physical therapists, Amanda and her husband recently enjoyed a very warm weekend in Mexico! They had a ton of fun lying on the beach, catching up on some books, and eating their way through the resort! They didn’t venture outside of their resort too much, but had a great time relaxing before winter in Michigan started! AMANDA’S WARM GETAWAY!

Patient Success!

“I am able to use my right arm again!” “I am able to use my right arm again with little to no pain and with continued work at home, I will come to a full recovery. Things are looking good! Thanks to all of you for making this a good experience. Thank you for all you have done.” “Everyone at Full Potential is very friendly and has the knowledge on all of my needs to get my arm back in shape. It was very helpful to get exercises and stretches that I am able to do at home to continue a better therapy.” - David N.

“A positive encounter!” “At Full Potential, after a knee replacement, I worked with Dr. Carrie Metevia and Joel Flenniken. Carrie and Joel provided me with all the “why” of what the therapy, exercises, and continued homework strategies would accomplish. The continued exercises provided the strength to recover what surgery had undone. And after it was done, I could hop. I couldn’t before knee replacement, and now the hop is back. Every person I met; from desk to table, was a positive encounter. It was a good journey back.” - Deb S.

“I am now able to sleep!” “I am no longer waking up in the middle of the night with pain, soreness, and tightness. I am now able to sleep the whole night with no issues and I wake up feeling good. I have no other issues during the day and I can live my life again! Once the issue was figured out, I felt so much better within two weeks. Every one at Full Potential is very friendly and everyone treats you great. They fix your problems!” - Matt G.

Practice News

Every month, our team gets together for a staff meeting! During these, we review information, learn about Full Potential happenings, and share any successes. This month, we changed it up a bit! One of our very talented Physical Therapists, Luke, presented information he had learned at his most recent continuing education course. During the presentation, Luke spoke about how pain affects our patients and what we can do to better assist our patients with pain, whether it be chronic or acute. It’s important for us to always educate each other on new information to provide our patients with quality care, especially when health care is constantly changing!

We’ve Got Mail!

“I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL!” A Letter From Our Patient

Dear Full Potential Staff,

Having suffered for years from degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, and arthritis in my spine, I was skeptical to once again, go for physical therapy. Being a military wife and having moved 13 times throughout the country, I have seen many, many physical therapists…some, very good at what they do. But the first time I came to Full Potential, I realized the care here was different. While I did leave skeptical, it only took one more visit to realize the attitude, knowledge, and approach was clearly distinct compared to anything I had ever experienced. Full Potential’s listening skills and understanding of my personal challenges far surpass anything I have ever seen. I thought I had reached a point where I would always be suffering, and would continue to spiral downward. You have worked with me and brought me back to a point of strength and mobility I didn’t think I would ever see again. You have also given me the attitude, mind-set, and

tools I need to maintain my health. Whether I had setbacks or made progress, each session was about me, what I was feeling at that moment, and how together we could work to lessen my suffering. The techniques used were a unique combination of pain management and slow but steady exercise designed just for me. I always felt the ultimate goal was to help me reach my personal best and it was okay to work one day at a time. One of the greatest things I learned was about something people have said to me for years, but I never really understood HOW to breathe! Of course I know how to take a deep breath and exhale, but it has been life changing to learn to breathe in a way that not only has had a direct, positive impact on my back, but has changed my whole being - extending into many facets of my life. The personalized interaction and friendliness of the staff at Full Potential are constant and very much appreciated. Knowing how I would be received when I came in the door each time just increased the pleasantness of my visits. I can’t quite capture in words how wonderfully different my experience has been with you but I am forever grateful for your time and talent and what you have taught me. My wish for you is that anyone in this area needing physical therapy would come to Full Potential just once. I know they too will feel the difference and commitment once they walk in the door. Personally, I’d drive across country to come to Full Potential Physical Therapy!

With sincere gratitude, Kathleen Karpin

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Outstanding relief for your aches... Try these simple exercises to keep you moving... Exercise Essentials

IT BAND - STRETCH SIDELYING Lie on your side. Pull ankle of upper leg back as if stretching your quad. Put the ankle of your lower leg on the outside of your knee. Apply pressure downwards to feel a stretch along the side of your thigh. Hold for 5 seconds repeat 6 times on each side. Helps Knee Pain

Improves Balance TANDEMWALK - WALL Stand with the fingertips of one, or both, hands resting on a wall. Place the feet ‘heel to toe’ with the left foot forward. Steady yourself in this position. Step forward with the right foot, placing the heel directly in front of, and touching, the toes of the left foot. Step forward with the left foot, placing the heel directly in front of, and touching, the toes of the right foot. Repeat this sequence, moving forward down the hallway. Reverse direction, moving backward down the hallway.


Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

Who do you know that needs our help?

At Full Potential, we know that a referral fromour patients is the biggest compliment. Let us thank you with these 3 simple steps! 1. Start by handing out the referral cards located at our front desk to your friends and family that are in need of our help! 2. The card with your name on the back must be returned to us at their first appointment! 3. You win! Come in to claim your $10 gift card!


READY. SET. GO! Help us in helping your friends and family! They will thank you and so will we!

Call Today! 616-392-2172

286 Hoover Boulevard Holland, Michigan 49423

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Call Today! 616-392-2172 If you feel you are not moving like you used to, We will get you the results you deserve!