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Distasio Law Firm February 2019



FEB 2019



(813) 259-0022 |

HOW I MET FAITH The Date That Never Ended

A sk anybody who’s been to experience love in our lives, but it gets harder to meet people as you get older. Seeking romance when you have to juggle work, parenting, and other responsibilities is extremely difficult. But it can happen, and my life is the perfect example of that. In honor of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to pay tribute to the long and winding journey that resulted in me meeting the most remarkable person I’ve ever known: Faith. divorced, and they’ll tell you that getting back in the dating game is difficult. We all want Not long after my divorce in 2011, I began using online dating sites as a way to meet people without having to go out every weekend. As a lawyer and father of two, taking the time to mingle at bars and the like was simply out of the question. The first long-term relationship I had as a result of an online match didn’t go according to plan. The woman and I got along great, but she didn’t have any interest at all in being a part of my kids’ lives, so I knew it wasn’t going anywhere permanent. Slightly down-trodden, I reactivated my profile and decided to give dating another shot. After a series of pleasant but unremarkable dates, I matched with a woman named Faith. Once burned, I was wary of meeting up because Faith didn’t have children of her own. Despite my hesitations, Leslie from our office insisted I give the date a chance. “What have you got to lose?” she asked me. Her push ended up being the best piece of advice I’ve ever received in my life. Faith and I set a date at Ocean Prime here in Tampa. To be totally honest, I was expecting us to have some cocktails, grab a small bite to eat, say our thank-yous, and head on our separate

ways. Imagine my surprise when I looked down at my watch to see it was 11:30. We had been sitting and talking for hours, completely absorbed in our conversation and oblivious to everything going on around us. I’d like to think we both immediately realized that our date was the start of something special — I know that I sure did. It couldn’t have been a week after our initial meeting when I knew I wanted our relationship to be something serious. Luckily, Faith felt the same way. We have had something of a whirlwind romance. In Faith, I’ve found a partner whom I’d be lucky to spend the rest of my life with. As a result of my experience, you’ll never hear me talk trash about online dating. In fact, I never would’ve met Faith without it. “To be totally honest, I was expecting us to have some cocktails, grab a small bite to eat, say our thank-yous, and head on our separate ways. Imagine my surprise when I looked down at my watch to see it was 11:30.” Faith has taught me so much about what it means to be a partner. She may not have kids of her own, but she has become an important part of my children’s lives. I don’t want to speak for them, but I can see the many motherly things she does. For example, she is an expert at finding out people’s interests and doing things to make them feel special. It’s not uncommon for the kids to wake up to her making them breakfast when

they are home on a break from college — it’s not a generic breakfast either. She makes each one their favorite. When they’re at college, I’ll get a call from one of my kids thanking me for a gift I sent to them. More often than not, it’s actually Faith who sent the gift, and I’m pretending I knew about it all along. That’s just the type of person she is. Her selflessness knows no bounds. “Busy lawyer and father of two” isn’t the type of bio that’s going to attract everybody. It did, however, manage to entice the one person who mattered. Thank you, Faith, for being an integral part of the happiest years of my life. I don’t know where I’d be today without you.



(813) 259-0022

Every law firm needs a great paralegal, and we’re lucky to have a first-rate one in Leslie Chianese. Through 7 1/2 years spent working together at the Distasio Law Firm, Leslie and Scott have developed a natural rapport. “There’s nothing we can’t discuss about a case,” Leslie says. “Our experience with one another allows us to communicate freely and honestly, which benefits our clients.” Speaking of clients, getting to know them is one of Leslie’s favorite aspects of the job. “Scott has created an environment where client satisfaction and building relationships are paramount. I know the names of our clients’ kids, grandkids, pets, you name it.” Because the kind of legal work we do is, at its core, about people, Leslie’s ability to connect and build meaningful relationships is a huge asset to our firm. Additionally, Leslie simply loves working in law. “I appreciate the structure of legal work,” she adds. “It’s a perfect field for my skill set and personality.” Allergy-Friendly Valentines for Your Child’s Classmates SAFE AND SWEET For a parent of a child with allergies, every day can feel like a battle with food labels and ingredients lists — and Valentine’s Day only exacerbates this fear. Avoid the danger of an allergic reaction on Valentine’s Day by creating alternative, candy-free valentines that the whole class will enjoy! desire to create by using commonly found household items. Have your children draw pictures, create cards, mold tiny sculptures, or braid together friendship bracelets to create one-of-a-kind gifts that will be safe for their classmates to enjoy. Kids can put their own effort into gift-giving, and their valentines will have a personal touch candy cannot replicate. THINK LIKE A KID If you’re looking for a creative valentine that will be safe for all your child’s friends to play with, check no further than the GET CREATIVE This valentine idea taps into your kids’

Leslie believes that our new office, once home to a restaurant, also contributes to the great atmosphere at Distasio Law Firm. “We looked for a building for a long time,” Leslie recalls, “but finding this place was worth the wait.” As a firm that believes in the importance of hospitality, a former restaurant is a perfect fit. It feels homey, comfortable, and welcoming. “Even on those days when I don’t feel like coming to work — we all have them — stepping into the office raises my spirits.” Outside of work, Leslie enjoys spending time with her family, especially her nieces and nephews. She’s a huge theater buff who recently scored tickets to Hamilton, and she’s an avid reader. “I always have a few books going at a time,” she reveals. “Right now, it’s three, which is about average for me.” We are so lucky to have a paralegal as dedicated, friendly, and skilled as Leslie Chianese. She embodies the values of our toy aisle of your local dollar store. While being mindful of latex allergies, you can purchase little toys that kids will love that won’t break your bank. Think bouncy balls, mini skateboards, Army men, yo-yos, puzzles, rubber ducks, hand-held games, markers, or bubbles. Adorn these little gifts with yarn, ribbons, or personalized tags, and slap on cute sayings to make them fit for the holiday. Finish off the masterpiece by having your kiddo sign their name on each valentine, and you’ve got a kid-approved Valentine’s Day favorite. FANCY UP SOME FRUIT If you’re worried about food allergies but still want to make a yummy treat, ask your child’s

teacher for a list of students’ allergies, then just work around them. Fruits are usually a safe bet, but it’s best to double check. You could skewer strawberries and heart-shaped pieces of watermelon onto kabob sticks for a sweet and fun snack, or pass out goody bags with apples, bananas, and clementines. Offering a group snack that is allergy-friendly will keep your children and their friends safe and healthy, and it can also help children with allergies feel included in the festivities. As with all Valentine’s Day gifts, keep in mind that it’s not the item or money spent that means the most. It’s the thought behind each gift that makes receiving valentines the sweetest part.

SPOTLIGHT ON LESLIE CHIANESE Our Trusted Paralegal of Over 7 Years

office and never fails to put a smile on the faces of her colleagues and clients alike. Thank you, Leslie. Here’s to many more years of great collaboration.

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With This Very Important Coverage

A ccording to the Insurance Research Council, Florida has the highest percentage of uninsured drivers of anywhere in the country, with more than 1 in 4 people hitting the road without a policy. That’s a pretty alarming statistic, especially when you consider that our state also has shockingly low coverage minimums. These statistics demonstrate why it’s so crucial to have uninsured (UM) and underinsured (UIM) motorist coverages in your policy. Florida law mandates that all drivers have insurance, but it doesn’t require much of it. The minimum levels of coverage regulated by law are $10,000 for property damage liability per accident, and another $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP). It’s easy to exceed these limits in the event of a severe accident.

Additionally, drivers do not need to carry any coverage for bodily injury liability.

your policy. The problem is that drivers have a right to waive such coverage. They often do just that, seeing only the lower premiums and not realizing what they are missing out on. Without this coverage in your policy, recovering damages in the event of a serious accident becomes a whole lot harder. Nobody wants or expects to be in an auto accident. That being said, it’s much easier to handle the aftermath of an accident when you have a solid insurance policy. You don’t want to find out you’re lacking in coverage after a wreck has happened. We advise all drivers to carry UM/UIM coverage in their policy. If you’re unsure about whether or not you have it, call your provider today.

If that sounds like a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo, consider it this way. Let’s say you’re injured in an accident through no fault of your own and suffer injuries totaling $30,000. Once you exceed your own PIP coverage, you’ll need to sue the other driver in order to recover compensation from an insurance provider. That’s easier said than done, unless you have UM/UIM coverage in your policy, which protects you from having to pay out-of- pocket for expenses incurred when a driver with less than adequate insurance causes a serious accident.

Insurance providers are legally obligated to provide UM/UIM coverage when you enroll in

Pet of the Month C O N T E S T



• •

2 teaspoons dark rum

• • •

6 egg yolks

24 packaged ladyfingers

3 tablespoons sugar 1 pound mascarpone cheese

1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate shavings, for garnish


1 1/2 cups strong espresso, cooled

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Inspired by 6. Cover and refrigerate 2–8 hours. 7. Remove from fridge, sprinkle with chocolate shavings, and serve. (813) 259-0022 3 first layer of ladyfingers. Top with another layer of ladyfingers and another layer of mascarpone. 1. In a large mixing bowl, use a whisk to beat together egg yolks and sugar until thick and pale, about 5 minutes. 2. Add mascarpone cheese and beat until smooth. 3. Fold in 1 tablespoon of espresso. 4. In a small, shallow dish, combine remaining espresso with rum. Dip each ladyfinger into mixture for 5 seconds. Place soaked ladyfingers at the bottom of a walled baking dish. 5. Spread half of the mascarpone mixture on top of the

• Post a picture of your pet to our feed (@DistastioFirm) by Feb. 20, 2019. Check back on our page on Feb. 25 to see the pet of the month winner. If your pet is chosen as the pet of the month, please contact our office at (813) 259- 0022 to claim your gift card. The winning entry will receive a $25 gift card and get to see their pet in next month’s newsletter. • •

Jake, Owned by Patti Burrows



1112 Channelside Dr. Ste. 5 Tampa, FL 33602

Auto/Truck/Motorcycle Accidents Personal Injury | Slip and Falls Pharmacy Medication Errors

ALF/Nursing Home Abuse | Medical Malpractice | Wrongful Death |

Inside This Issue


How I Met the Woman of My Dreams


Candy-Free Valentines


Meet Leslie Chianese


Does Your Auto Insurance Policy Have This Essential Coverage?


Meet Our Pets of the Month




Why Do We Need A Leap Year?

Why Do We Need a Leap Year?


Every four years, February gains an extra day at the end of the month. But what does this contribute to the year as a whole? You might be surprised by what this one day does for us!

— who are celebrating their fourth “official” birthday — to receive their license.

The 365 days in each year represent the time it takes for the Earth to circle the sun. However, the orbit actually takes nearly a quarter of a day longer than that. The additional 0.2421 of a day might not seem like it would make a significant impact, but after a few decades, it adds up. To ensure the calendar and seasons stay on the right timeline, the leap day was created. THE START OF THE LEAP YEAR The Egyptians were the first to officially calculate how many days it takes to orbit the sun, revealing the need for a leap year. Europeans at the time used a calendar that followed a lunar model, which needed an entire month added to retain consistency. The leap year wasn’t introduced into Europe until the reign of Julius Caesar. With the help of astronomer Sosigenes, Caesar created the Julian Calendar, which included 12 months and 365 days, with a single day added every fourth year.

However, the Julian Calendar wasn’t perfect, because 0.2421 of a day can’t be rounded to a multiple of five, so it caused the calendar to have an extra 11 minutes every four years. Pope Gregory XIII fixed the problem in 1582 by creating the Gregorian Calendar. Now, a leap year occurs every four years except for the years that are evenly divisible by 100 and not 400. For instance, 1800 and 1900 were not leap years because they were divisible by 100. A LEAP DAY BIRTHDAY The odds of being born on Feb. 29 are about 1 in 1,500, which leaves approximately 187,000 people in the U.S. and 4 million people around the world celebrating their birthdays on Feb. 28 or March 1. People born on a Leap Day are faced with dilemmas such as which date they should receive their driver’s license. Although it varies from state to state, most consider March 1 the appropriate day for leap-year 16-year-olds

With all the changes the calendar has undergone, it still isn’t quite perfect. Experts say that in about 10,000 years, it will need to be changed yet again.

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