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Donahoe Kearney - April 2021

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Donahoe Kearney - July 2021

?hl=en - Priscilla Senior Paralegal CONGRATULATIONS TO SUMMER George Mason Grad! Our Client Experien

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Donahoe Kearney - June 2021

caraccidentwebinar or scan this easy QR Code. We make it really easy to get started. - Brooke Birkey

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Donahoe Kearney - January 2021

or pasta can become mushy and underwhelming. SEASON GRADUALLY — BUT GENEROUSLY. No one enjoys a blan

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Donahoe Kearney - April 2020

Donahoe Kearney - April 2020 BRIEF April 2020 DNA TESTS AND WHERE WE COME FROM In

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Donahoe Kearney - January 2022

2 tsp salt 4 cups raisins 7 cups flour 4 cups canola oil 2 • DONAHOEKEARNEY.COM Published by Newslet

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Donahoe Kearney - March 2021

202.393.3320 • 3 Published by Newsletter Pro • Donahoe Kearney, LLP 708 Pendle

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Donahoe Kearney - November 2021

8 tsp allspice Mistakes happen, but serious mistakes in a case could have a detrimental effect. It h

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Donahoe Kearney - September 2021

11, but we should also remember these regular people who decided to take extraordinary lengths to sa

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Donahoe Kearney - May 2021

2 tsp garlic powder DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. In a medium bowl, mix all ingredients to

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Donahoe Kearney - August 2021

4 cup) of butter, very thinly sliced • 1 tsp ground cinnamon • Ice cream, for serving DIRECTIONS 1.

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Donahoe Kearney - April 2021


April 2021


To Secure, Confident, and Independent Today I want to tell you a true story, one I’ve seen play out over and over for almost 27 years now. He’s humble and doesn’t want to brag, so we won’t use his real name.

After talking to us, Joe and his wife feel like they’ve finally been heard. They get an easy plan to follow. We’re here to guide them — to make sure they aren’t taken advantage of, to explain the complicated system they’re in now, and to help them stand up to the insurance company. We make it easy for Joe and his wife. He appreciates that. His wife wants to learn more,

It’s about a real person — the type of person we all know well. We’ll call him Joe. Joe has been working his whole life — no one has ever given him anything, and he’s worked for everything he’s gotten in this world. He is independent, secure, and in control. He really knows his work and has been performing at a high level for many years. Other people see this and come to him for advice and help. His supervisors recognize how valuable he is. But things change in a hurry. Joe has a serious injury — one he didn’t cause or plan for. And just like that, Joe can’t work. He can’t provide for his family. He can’t help others; he needs help himself. He’s never been in this situation before. He and his wife are anxious about money and bills now, worried about affording medical treatment Joe needs, worried about his health and the future. They are trying to deal with an insurance company and system they’ve never even had to think about before. The insurance company always wants something: to talk to them, to have them sign forms, to get access to all of his medical information, etc. They don’t know how much they should get, what to ask for, or where to begin. They won’t come out and say it, but they’re afraid of being taken advantage of and losing everything they’ve worked their whole lives for. And it’s hard to rely on others. I hate that feeling, too. Joe and his wife know they need help, but they’ve never been in this situation before. Someone they know, but not really well, recommended they call us. They’re nervous. They’ve never needed a lawyer before — why would they? But they know they need to do it. They’ve done their research, but still, it's hard to know what to expect.

so she gets a stack of stuff we’ve written. They leave with a little more confidence, certainty, and control. And they know we’ll be with them every step of the way, guiding them through the complex legal process so they can focus on Joe’s recovery.

Joe gets better slowly and, eventually, recovers from his serious injuries but can never go back to working like he did. This was a big change in his life but one he was prepared for — we planned for it early on. He developed the confidence to know he was making the right legal and financial decisions. We guided them through it. You could see the relief they felt. I talked to them again recently, and Joe and his wife are now secure and independent — even after his serious injury, they don’t have to rely on anyone else. He’s having fun with some interesting, occasional work based on what he likes to do, with time for kids and young grandkids. The moral of the story is this: No one should be taken advantage of after a serious injury or illness. Just like Joe, they need the right guide to help them go from uncertain and worried to secure and confident. If you know anyone like Joe, get them to call us. We’ll make it easy. - Frank Kearney

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We’re all looking for great customer service and companies that stand behind their products and service, no matter what we’re looking for: a new bank, a phone, a car, a doctor, a restaurant, or a house. For anything significant, we need to trust the people we’re getting it from. Like a lot of things in life, there are three major clues on whether or not you can trust a business. AUTHORITY Are they experts who can solve your problem? If so, they probably have higher distinctions than the rest of the industry with advanced certifications, client service awards, and publications. They aren’t afraid to explain things in their world to you. EMPATHY Do they understand what you and your family need or are going through — do they get it? How do they talk to you on the phone? How do they treat you when you call or email? Do they try to help you, or do they just want to make a sale? SOCIAL PROOF How many other people trust them is another great indicator. What do people who’ve been in your situation say about this person, this company, or this service?


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Most hardworking people with a serious injury or illness will get taken advantage of unless they have the expertise and experience to stand up to the insurance company. So, we help people get the financial benefits they need to be secure, in control, and independent when they need it most.

Staff members Summer, Priscilla, and Andrea on your team! We promise they're smiling under those masks.

Do you know someone we can help? These people do — and we’re thanking them for it!

Joseph Malouf Roger Burton CWA LOCAL 2222 Lawrence Martin

Jose Vargas Ron Carthorn Angelica Lee Leah Young Cynthia McCray Tamara Holder

Patrina Steadman Danny Oronato Fel Gaines Ben Glass Law BJ Galvin

Jose Campos Rita Freeland


Our Director of Client Services Brooke Birkey has a birthday this month! Help us celebrate her by making her favorite birthday cake.


1 3/4 cups granulated sugar

• • •

1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

• 1 cup plus 2 tbsp cake flour (spooned and leveled) • 1/4 tsp salt • 12 large egg whites, room temperature

Powdered sugar, whipped cream, and berries, for garnish

DIRECTIONS: 1. Adjust the oven rack to the lower middle position and preheat oven to 325 degrees F. 2. In a food processor or blender, pulse the sugar until fine and powdery. Remove 1 cup and set aside to use in step 3; keep the rest inside the food processor. Add the cake flour and salt to the food processor. Pulse 5–10 times until mixture is aerated and light. 3. In a large bowl using a hand mixer or a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip egg whites and cream of tartar together on medium-low until foamy, about 1 minute. Switch to medium-high and slowly add the 1 cup of sugar you set aside. Whip until soft peaks form, about 5–6 minutes. Add the vanilla extract, then beat just until incorporated. 4. In three additions, slowly sift the flour mixture into the egg white mixture using a fine mesh strainer, gently folding with

a rubber spatula after each addition. This is important! Pour and spread batter into an ungreased 9- or 10-inch tube pan. Shimmy the pan on the counter to smooth the surface. 5. Bake the cake for 40–45 minutes, rotating pan halfway through, until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. The cake will rise up very tall while baking. Remove from oven, then cool the cake completely upside down on a wire rack, about 3 hours. Once cooled, run a thin knife around the edges and gently tap the pan on the counter until the cake releases. 6. If desired, dust with powdered sugar. Slice the cake with a sharp serrated knife to avoid smashing it. Serve with whipped cream and fresh berries.


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Donahoe Kearney, LLP 708 Pendleton Street First Floor Alexandria, VA 22314 202.393.3320


1 Joe's Journey From Anxiety and Frustration to Security and Confidence


3 Spot On Clues You're Working With (And Spending Your Hard-Earned Money On) a Business You Can Trust


How To Keep Your Inner Circle From Being Taken Advantage Of

Brooke's Favorite Birthday Cake


Frank’s Column: Do You Need a Team?

FRANK’S COLUMN Do You Need a Team? One of the cool things about sports is it’s pretty easy to see that everyone needs a team to win it all. Michael needed Scottie, Ovi needs Backy, and Brady needs Gronk. those seasons and the relationships they developed during tough times as some of the best in their career.

That’s a pretty cool perspective.

But it’s a lot more than that — we all need teammates, trainers, and coaches to get us where we want to go or get us through something difficult in life. And I know many coaches do their best job when the team is struggling — they look back on

Do You Have Chronic Pain and It's Keeping You From Working? Find Out How to Get Long-term Disability Benefits!


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