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Douglass & Runger April 2021

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Douglass & Runger - April 2020

4 tbsp dried thyme DIRECTIONS: 1. Heat your grill to medium-high. 2. In a bowl, combine all ingredie

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4 cup strawberry fruit spread, divided (we recommend Bonne Maman INTENSE) The law is not immune to s

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2 of the beef mixture onto each sheet of dough, then top the mixture with parsley, salt, and pepper.

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2 cups finely chopped pecans, divided Shelby Farms Park Where: Shelby County DIRECTIONS What isn’t t

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8 tsp red pepper flakes • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. With a vegetable peele

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Douglass & Runger April 2021

APRIL 2021

The Chronicles of Thumper and Birdie MEET MY NEWEST (FURRY) ADDITIONS!

In October 2020, my wife, Jodi, and I lost our beloved West Highland terrier, Sophie. As spoiled as she was, Sophie was our baby. She was with us during some big life moments, and while we were happy to see her live through her 14th birthday, saying goodbye was really hard. For Jodi in particular, coming home to a quiet, dogless house was devastating. Shortly after Sophie’s death, we knew we had to add another dog to our home. It just wasn’t the same without the clicking of dog nails and a furry friend who was excited to see us when we came home. I knew I wanted to adopt a dog from a local rescue. I have nothing against responsible breeders and those who adopt puppies, but I had always wanted to give a loving home to a dog in need of one.

Shortly after adopting Thumper, we found a very responsible breeder in Mississippi who offers Cockapoos, which is a mix between cocker spaniels and miniature poodles. And that’s how we found the terror now known as Birdie. Where Thumper wants to lounge around all day, Birdie goes 150 miles per hour all the time . She is playful and energetic, eats like a hog, and has no social decorum for personal space. She’s your typical puppy and a big change of pace from Thumper. Birdie immediately saw Thumper as a playmate and dragged toys around, trying desperately to get him to play with her. In the past, he would sprint away from her, but in the months since we brought Birdie home, Thumper has come further out of his shell. Birdie taught Thumper how to play, and I’ve even seen him chew on a toy! He promptly stopped when he saw me, of course, but it was progress. We’ve also seen him mirror Birdie, even going so far as to be the excited one with some newfound energy. Regardless of how they change and grow together, Thumper is still a sweet, gentle guy, while Birdie, who is growing every day and is now almost 5 months old, is still just as energetic and excitable. In the six months since we lost Sophie, Jodi and I still haven’t forgotten that pain, but our two new fur babies are a welcome addition.

We brought Thumper home that day, knowing full well that we had work to do. We eased him into the transition, and he found an instant connection with Jodi. (We think he was abused by men in the past.) He was coming out of his shell, filling a gap that had been left by Sophie, and becoming the best snuggler in the house. Jodi swears that Sophie sent Thumper to us because she knew Jodi would love him. But we weren’t quite done. Jodi and I have always wanted two dogs, but we spoiled Sophie endlessly and knew it wouldn’t be fair to bring another dog into the house during Sophie’s golden years. It was just never the right time to have two dogs, but our veterinarian told us that just might be what Thumper needs: a puppy to teach him how to be a dog.

That’s how we found Thumper.

He was a 3-year-old Havanese who had spent his entire life up to that point in an Amish puppy mill being used as a breeder. Sunny Meadows, the rescue home who saved him, said Thumper was skittish, gun-shy, and very fragile. He would be a project — but we knew he was our project. Jodi and I first visited Thumper on Friday the 13th in November. (I know … right?) What we found was the sweetest dog in the whole world, but a dog who was so scared and had been treated so poorly that he didn’t even know how to walk through doors, play with toys, or take treats. He didn’t understand the concept.

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Most April Fools’ Day jokes are harmless. Making caramel onions (instead of apples) for your family or setting a spider next to your coworkers’ mouse is sure to elicit a few laughs from everyone watching, and only egos are hurt. It’s when the jokes end in ambulance rides, hospital visits, and lawsuits that the situation is no longer a laughing matter.

person set on fire sustained serious injuries as a result and rightfully sought compensation for their medical bills and pain. However, who was at fault wasn’t clear. The plaintiff sued their employer, Commercial Bodyworks Ltd., for workers’ compensation, claiming that since their injuries occurred on the company’s property, the business was liable. However, the court of appeals didn’t agree. In fact, the court found that the company cannot be held liable for “frolicsome but reckless conduct” that occurs between employees during employment. In other words, an employer is not responsible for your injuries if one employee sets you on fire during the course of a prank that isn’t related to your work.

However, that doesn’t eliminate the employer’s responsibility should a coworker injure you. Every situation and interpretation of that moment is different. So, if a coworker injures you while doing work-related tasks, your employer is likely going to be liable. They may also be the responsible party if, during the course of your employment, they tolerated or encouraged reckless behavior that could have resulted in an injury. Your employer cannot condone dangerous behavior in one instance and shrug off responsibility later. The interpretation by the courts can be vague, but the lesson here is simple: You have a right to compensation when you’re injured, but perhaps it’s best if you keep your workplace pranks to a minimum — and stay away from fire.

Furthermore, it can complicate who’s liable.

Take the case of Graham v. Commercial Bodyworks Ltd. In 2015, two employees of Commercial Bodyworks were having some fun when their joke went up in flames — literally. One of the employees set their coworker on fire using a cigarette lighter and a flammable liquid. The

What’s the Difference? CHILD SUPPORT VS. ALIMONY

In Tennessee, every legal parent has an obligation to support and care for their child’s physical needs until the child is 18 years old or their class graduates from high school. Child support payments are used to supplement the costs associated with the care of a child. It’s often paid by the noncustodial parent — the parent the child lives with the least. Determining how much the custodial parent needs to care for a child involves a simple formula. In Tennessee, the child support guidelines and child support work sheet are utilized to calculate a monthly child support obligation. The main piece of >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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