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Dr. Kevin Poupore February 2018

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Dr. Kevin Poupore Jan. 2018

Fri 7:30–2:00 Inside What’s New at the Office? PAGE 1 The Resolution That Leads to Better Grades PAG

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Dr. Kevin Poupore - March 2018

Fri 7:30–2:00 Inside Irish-American Heritage Month PAGE 1 Adults Need Parents, Too PAGE 2 What You’l

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Dr Kevin Poupore Aug 2017.

2 minutes. Plenty of hotels make Columbia a great viewing location for those who don’t want to camp

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Dr Kevin Poupore Oct 2017

Fri 7:30–2:00 Inside Dr. Kevin’s Premonitions PAGE 1 Creative Halloween Treats PAGE 2 The Worst Cand

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Dr Kevin Poupore July 2017

Fri 7:30–2:00 Inside Skydiving in Scottsdale PAGE 1 We Do the Math on Coupon Clipping PAGE 2 The Buz

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Dr. Kevin Poupore - June/July 2022

F 7:30–2:30 INSIDE Patients Still Ask About This Car … PAGE 1 Make Your Place the ‘Cool House’ This

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Dr. Maddahi Dentistry February 2018

2 teaspoon sesame oil • Salt and pepper, to taste Instructions 1. To make the salad, add all ingredi

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Kevin Tharpe - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste Directions 1. Preheat oven to 365 F. 2. Cut a slit lengthw

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Kevin Tharpe - February 2021

producer Brad Pitt makes headlines, it’s usually to take credit for an award, talk about his new hai

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - February 2018

Presidents Day,” “Washington-Lincoln Day,” “George Washington Day,” and more. Let’s untangle how all

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Dr. Kevin Poupore February 2018


518-483-3100 •



I understand if you feel a bit skeptical after taking a look at this month’s title. “I’ll take Dr. Poupore’s advice on my teeth — but love?” you might say. Well, considering I convinced the most amazing woman in the world to marry me, I must know something about love, right? This October, Mindy and I will celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary. In three and a half decades, I have learned something very important about having a lasting relationship: Find someone who keeps you balanced.

Mindy and I come from two different worlds in regards to our interests and the way we think. I’ve always been a big math and science guy, analyzing everything. Meanwhile, Mindy is an artistic, musical person. Frankly, she’s a musical goddess, though Mindy has said I only think that because I don’t know any better when it comes to music. She might be right there.

some paperwork. After she retired, Mindy agreed to take some courses and she's now an integral part of the office's operations. She keeps so many plates in the air and still finds time to enjoy her retirement outside of the practice.

Though we don’t always fully understand each other’s interests, I think our different perspectives help us balance each other out. Mindy can be a real Pollyanna, reminding me to find the good in people. Sometimes, though, I need to remind her to look at a person’s actions and decide what that says about them. It might sound like a bit of a cliché, but I do believe we make each other better, especially since Mindy started helping at the office. Couples who work together can find themselves in a tricky situation, especially since having autonomy in a relationship is so important. There are some ways to help make sure the experience doesn’t blow up in your face. For one, when it comes to working together in business, it’s important to never take things too personally. You need to be able to look at matters objectively while maintaining a good sense of humor.

In addition to the help Mindy brings, her presence in the office had unexpected benefits. For one, she now knows firsthand just how amazing my team really is. Plus, she better understands what I do all day. It’s great to talk to my life partner about work and know that she'll understand exactly what I'm talking about. Working together was a neat way to make our lives feel more connected. It’s been a long, winding road with its fair share of bumps along the way, but there’s no one I'd rather travel with. And that’s the most important thing. There’s no secret to a perfect relationship, because every relationship will have some trials. But if you are with someone who makes you willing to face those trials, then you’ve done something right. –Dr. Kevin Poupore

Fortunately for us, things have worked out quite well so far. Even before Mindy retired, she handled the bookkeeping and

Published by The Newsletter Pro . | 1


With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, you’re probably wracking your brain for the perfect recipe to bake for your loved one. There’s nothing wrong with store-bought chocolate, but there’s no topping the personal touch of some homemade baked goods. If you have kids, baking alongside them can be just as rewarding as enjoying the fruits of your labor. As an added bonus, baking is a hands-on opportunity where your child can learn all sorts of important concepts. Here is a short list of some of the educational lessons hiding in your kitchen. MATH Baking is a numbers game. Just take a look at any recipe, and you’ll recognize the importance of math in building a beautiful cake. Having children measure out ingredients helps them learn about fractions and ratios. You can also test your kids by doubling or halving a recipe for multiplication and division practice. With older kids, practice unit conversions by asking, for example, how many pints are in half a gallon. FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS Not unlike computer science, baking requires a strict order of operations. The wet and dry ingredients often need to be mixed separately and then folded together. It only takes one deviation from the instructions for a pastry to go from delicious to disgusting. Spending time in the kitchen, then, is a great way for kids to learn the importance of reading directions carefully and comprehending what they’ve just read.

CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING Cuisine is a fundamental part of every culture. Introducing your child to dishes from around the world will expand their horizons. Want your child to be a less picky eater? Involving them in the cooking process is the surest way to get them excited about trying new flavors and ingredients. NUTRITION Now, you might not think that baking cookies will encourage greater nutritional awareness, but hear us out. Sugar is often buried within packaged foods. When you bake something at home, a child gets to see, firsthand, just how much sugar goes into certain sweets. Meanwhile, cooking savory dishes also allows them to learn what constitutes a balanced, healthy diet.


People who are self-conscious or uncomfortable about their teeth often avoid smiling or cover their mouth when they talk or laugh. These actions can seem secretive and suspicious, often making your date less likely to open up. Additionally, a smile can make us act and feel more confident, which means you’re more likely to get up the courage to talk to that cute bartender. Who would you rather see waiting for you at dinner: someone who is looking down and hiding behind the menu or a person who smiles brightly when you appear? Sometimes whitening your teeth is all it takes to help you feel confident in your smile again. Other times, it might take a little more work to achieve a smile you love. Whatever you need, from implants to veneers, the team at Dr. Kevin Poupore’s office is ready to help. Give us a call at 518-483-3100 and learn how easy it is to have a beautiful, confident smile you’ll fall in love with.

You may have heard that having nice teeth increases your chances of landing that dream job, but that’s not the only way your pearly whites influence your life. Smiling is also incredibly important in maintaining romantic relationships. A 2013 survey from found men and women both rank teeth as the most important trait they judge in a potential partner — over hair, clothes, and even grammar. What’s more, a Kelton Research study found 38 percent of people wouldn’t go on a second date with someone who had crooked teeth. That means romantic hopefuls with stained, broken, or missing teeth are unlikely to enjoy a kiss at the end of the night. Is it your teeth people fall in love with? No, but when a person smiles, it truly changes their appearance. Psychologists at Swansea University in Wales found people who smile often are more likely to be

perceived as healthy and even “glowing.” Basically, when a person genuinely smiles, they appear more attractive. Dr. Alex Jones, a lecturer in psychology at the university, said this study is proof that “a smile really is the best accessory.” Smiling also changes the way we behave and how others interpret our behavior.

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FALL IN LOVE WITH FITNESS THROUGH DANCE When you get ready to exercise, the last thing you probably think to wear is a bow tie or evening dress. If that’s the case, then it’s time to broaden your approach to fitness and step out onto the dance floor. The wide world of dance might hold the secret to exercise that you — and your partner — will actually enjoy! K-pop (Korean pop music), Zumba, hip-hop, ballet, tap, and even belly dancing, if you’re feeling adventurous.

With dance, exercise becomes an activity you look forward to. You no longer need to treat exercise as a dreaded chore week after week. Even if you have two left feet, remember that dancing is an acquired skill. With a willingness to learn, over time, you could dance circles around Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Get your groove on today and search for dance studios in your area, look for lessons at your local community center, or find instructional videos online and bust a move right in your living room. When it comes to dance, if you’re having fun and moving, you’re doing it right.

Whether you enjoy a romantic waltz, an intimate salsa, or a fun swing, dance promises a full-body workout. Your legs, glutes, back, core, and even arms are engaged when you feel the music. A study from the University of Brighton in England found that dance can burn 600 calories per hour, depending on the intensity of the dance, which is as much as running for an hour! In addition to toning your muscles, dancing also improves balance and coordination. Your brain is engaged as you memorize the steps and spins, a health perk you miss when you’re on the treadmill or lifting weights. Don’t have a partner willing to join you on the dance floor? No problem! Many dance classes anticipate having solo students and arrange for partners to cycle through, so everyone has the opportunity to practice. Of course, ballroom dance isn’t your only option for a fun workout. If relying on a partner isn’t your style, there are plenty of other dance genres you can groove to. Consider trying


Sweet and Zesty DETOX SALAD


For the Salad: • 3 cups chopped kale leaves • 2 cups chopped broccoli florets • 2 cups chopped red cabbage • 1 cup matchstick carrots • 1 cup chopped cilantro • 1/2 cup toasted slivered almonds • 1/3 cup sliced green onions • 1 diced avocado

For the Dressing: • 1 large carrot, roughly chopped • 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 tablespoon finely chopped ginger • 1 tablespoon honey

• 1 tablespoon white miso • 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil • Salt and pepper, to taste


1. To make the salad, add all ingredients to a large bowl; toss to combine. 2. To make the dressing, add all ingredients to a blender or food processor. Pulse until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper or add extra honey for a sweeter taste. 3. Drizzle dressing over salad and serve immediately.

(Recipe inspired by | 3



DR. KEVIN POUPORE 560 East Main Street Malone, NY 12953

[email protected] Mon / Tues / Thurs 7:30–4:00 Wed / Fri 7:30–2:00


Love That Lasts PAGE 1

Cook Your Way to Better Grades PAGE 2

How to Smile Your Way Into Romance PAGE 2

Exercise for 2? PAGE 3

Whip Up This Winter Salad in a Flash PAGE 3 Adventure Is Waiting PAGE 4

READY TO BOOK YOUR DREAM VACATION? Adventure Is Waiting Are you ready to set out on a grand adventure? Many people spend their entire lives thinking about the exotic locations they want to explore, only to let the opportunity slip through their fingers. Stop dreaming about adventure and make it a reality with these top-of- the-line travel companies. GRAND CIRCLE TRAVEL Established by AARP founder Ethel Andrus, Grand Circle Travel specializes in affordable tour packages that let travelers focus on a true local experience. Your tour can include language lessons, visits to neighborhood schools, and home-hosted meals with local families, all of which allow you to immerse yourself in the local culture. If you’ve been dreaming of a nautical adventure, Grand Circle Travel also boasts an impressive fleet of small ships for ocean sailing and river cruises. Satisfy your wanderlust by visiting ROAD SCHOLAR Looking for an adventure that will also quench your thirst for knowledge? For over 40 years, Road Scholar has dedicated itself to creating memorable and educational global travel experiences. Road

Scholar crafts vacations that match your interests,

group size, and desired activity level. Go on a maritime expedition with your grandchild in Hawaii or enjoy a solo adventure to the ancient ruins of Egypt or Greece. It’s like taking a semester abroad in college, but with fewer essays to write. Start planning your dream vacation at GLOBE AWARE Have you ever wanted to travel the world and help make the planet a better place? Then it’s time to consider “voluntourism.” Take the international trip you’ve always wanted by donating your time in a meaningful way. The experts in “aging with attitude” at Senior Planet celebrate Globe Aware for its success in catering to the adventurous and the generous. Learn how you can volunteer with orphans or help clean up coral reefs at

There will never be a better time to take the trip you’ve dreamed of for years. Adventure is out there; don’t keep it waiting any longer.

Published by The Newsletter Pro .

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