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DTMag Fall 2017 FINAL

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INSIDE Musicians who put our town on the map

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2 Beauty Restored

Inside Tillsonburg’s newest bed and breakfast


All in the Family Meet Townsend Lumber’s next generation


The Young Years Discovering Tillsonburg’s musical past


Top 10 Ways to Celebrate Christmas Your guide to festive holiday happenings


By the Numbers Digits worth remembering this November

Do you have story ides for this magazine? E-mail us at [email protected]

Editorial & Design: Colleen Pepper Advertising: Shelley Imbeault Call 519.688.3009

Discover Tillsonburg Magazine is published twice a year by the Town of Tillsonburg, in partnership with local builders and other community partners.


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B E A U T Y R E S T O R E D : Tillsonburg’s newest bed and breakfast is a labour of love SEVEN GABLES

W hen a local realtor called Tillsonburg businessman Ed McLaughlin and told him he had a property he wanted him to see, he never dreamed it would be a run- down old house on Oxford Street. After all, he and brother Ewart are best known for investing in com- mercial and industrial warehous- ing through E & E McLaughlin Ltd. Nevertheless, he obliged and before long, he was on the phone asking his wife Maureen, to join him.

“The first time we walked through Seven Gables, it was pretty dark and dreary,” she says. “But at the same time, I could see the incredible po- tential. The woodwork, the leaded windows and the surrounding property were spectacular. Knowing what Ed had done with other heri- tage properties, I couldn’t help but get excited.” The people of Tillsonburg mean- while, were nervous. When a for sale sign—and then a sold sign

—appeared on the lawn of 64 Oxford Street, rumours began to fly. Long-time citizens worried that the Edwardian-era home built by E.V. Tillson (grandson of found- er George Tillson) might face the wrecking ball. Others speculated the new owners would opt to chop the three-story home into apartments or offices. Then there were those who used the occasion to reminisce about the good old days, wondering aloud what would happen to the home’s


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famous third-floor poolroom? (It’s now two of three spacious suites.) “Almost from the get-go, we thought Seven Gables would be per- fect for a bed and breakfast,” says Maureen. “But we were reluctant to tell too many people until we had all the details figured out. Somehow people found out anyway.” Landscape designer and long- time family friend, Les Lonsbary, was among them. “I have an uncle in real estate and he told me he’d heard Ed and Mau- reen had purchased the old Tillson house on Oxford Street and were considering a B&B,” he says. Intrigued, Les made a phone call to Ed. He not only confirmed the story, but invited Les to come for a tour when they took possession on September 1, 2016. He did, and like the rest of the McLaughlin family, quickly fell in love. “I’m an antiques guy and I started coming across items at auctions and estate sales that I thought Ed and Maureen might be interested in for the house,” Les recalls. “I started passing leads along and from there, my involvement just kind of snow- balled.” Soon Les was drawing up floor plans of each room and plotting out where the assorted ‘finds’ would go. He amassed period light fixtures and rugs, and even started research- ing period wallpaper patterns. “Ed and I kept thinking we’d need to find a couple to run the place,” says Maureen. “I remember Ed asking, ‘Who’s going to cook?’ and Les saying, ‘I can do that.’ Then it was, ‘Who’s going to do clean and do laundry?’ and Les said he could do that too.” “I’d been managing those tasks for myself for the last 30+ years,” Les laughs. “And they already knew I could handle the outside stuff.” In the end, after a lot of consider- ation, Ed and Maureen offered Les an opportunity to become the first official innkeeper at Seven Gables Tillsonburg. It’s a role that these days, at least, keeps him busy seven days a week.


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“I never dreamed it would be so busy so fast,” says Maureen. “I thought it would take at least a year to really get going, but we’ve had so many bookings that we’re go- ing to need to add another person soon just so Les can have a day off.” Since welcoming its first guests in June, Seven Gables has become a popular destination for honeymoon- ers and wedding parties alike. Other guests range from business travelers and consultants, to tourists and peo- ple visiting family in the area. “In August, we had Tamsen Till- son stay with us,” says Les. “She grew up in this house so she was thrilled to be able to come back and see what we’ve done. I think she was really touched to see how much love and care has gone into it.” The breakfast offerings at the inn vary depending on guests’ prefer- ences and what’s in season. “Sometimes it’s French toast. Oth- er times it’s Belgian waffles or eggs

benedict,” says Les. “We always have an assortment of fresh pastries, fruit and a yogurt parfait with gra- nola. For anyone with food allergies, we’re able to offer non-dairy and gluten-free options as well.” Guests are encouraged to make use of the home’s common areas, including the parlour, dining room and wraparound porch. “I always tell people it’s not a mu- seum,” says Les. “You can sit on the furniture. You can relax and make yourself at home.” “I’m happy that we’ve opted to make this a bed and breakfast and not a private home,” says Maureen. “This way we can share a piece of Tillsonburg’s history with the com- munity. I think that’s really impor- tant.” “We’ve definitely stumbled upon a niche that wasn’t being filled,” says Les. “I’m having a great time— and judging by the comments in the guest book so are our guests.”

(Right) Seven Gables Bed & Breakfast owner Maureen McLaughlin enjoys a break on the wraparound porch with host and innkeeper, Les Lonsbary. (Bottom) The spacious suites at Seven Gables feature queen size beds, as well as in-suite washrooms and comfortable sitting areas.


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History of Seven Gables Seven Gables was built in 1905 and named after Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The House of the Seven Gables . It was home to Edward VanNorman Tillson, the youngest son of E.D. and Mary Ann Till- son, and his wife Mary Elizabeth Harrison. E.V. found plans for the home on a trip to Georgia. The ground plan was that of a Greek cross. A wide porch extends across the full front of the house and is in- tended to provide an outdoor living room. Woodwork throughout the home—includ- ing the main staircase—is cherry. Members of the Tillson family lived in Seven Gables until 1986.


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A L L I N T H E Townsend Lumber’s next generation FAMILY

L aura Townsend has worked in her family’s lumber business for as long as she can remember. As a kid, she swept sawdust and cleaned washrooms. When she got older, she worked in the office, and attended business meetings. This past Janu- ary, Laura took on her biggest chal- lenge yet. At 34 years of age, she became owner of Townsend Lum- ber. Her husband, 36-year-old Mike Penner, is co-owner. “Few businesses make it to the third generation,” says Laura. “When my dad (David Townsend) started talking about retirement a few years ago, Mike and I started to give serious thought to succeed- ing him. In the end, we realized that moving into an ownership role likely wouldn’t be too different from what we’d been doing.” In the role of controller since 2010, Laura was already overseeing the finance, human resources and in- formation technology needs of the Townsend companies; Mike, mean- while, had been working on the op- erations side since 2013. “I’m a chartered accountant, and Mike is a former general contractor superintendent,” says Laura. “So we complement each other.”


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While the transition in leader- ship has been a smooth one so far, Mike and Laura know there’s a lot at stake in their new venture. Not only is their own financial future on the line, they also have 150 employees and their families to consider. “At any given time we can have 10 million dollars of product in the pipeline and three million dollars of inventory sitting in the yard,” says Mike. “There’s a lot of pressure to make good decisions.” Pressure, indeed. Townsend Lumber Inc., is not only one of the largest employers in the area, it’s the largest hardwood sawmill and kiln- drying facility in the province, pro- ducing more than 24 million board feet of lumber per year. Another mill, Kitchener Forest Products, is also part of the family holdings. “The lumber industry can be un- predictable at the best of times,” explains Mike. “The timeframe be- tween sourcing timber and produc- ing a saleable product is a long one, so there’s not a lot of room for error. Finding ways to minimize financial risk is a big part of the job.” “When my dad invented the Breeze Dried Stick in 1994, it was a huge leap forward,” says Laura proudly. “Air flow is important when lumber is stacked to avoid staining and product damage. Dad’s patented design used diagonal ridg- es to maximize airflow and cut kiln- drying costs by up to 50 per cent. It revolutionized not only our busi- ness, but the entire industry.” Today, the manufacture and sale of Breeze Dried sticks has become a profitable business in its own right. The BreezeWood Floors division, created in 1999, has become a lead- ing manufacturer of solid hard- wood flooring.

“We offer a 100 per cent Cana- dian product,” says Mike. “People in Tillsonburg can buy a floor that may have literally come from 20 km away, making for an extremely low carbon footprint.” “We used to send our flooring to a facility in Toronto for finishing,” adds Laura. “But then we invested in our own finishing line. It means we now have complete control over the quality of our product.” Today, you can buy the Breeze- Wood product in retail stores in Till- sonburg, Kitchener and Orillia, and at “A big part of the Townsend Lum- ber story is its commitment to envi- ronmental stewardship,” says Karen

Keller, Sales and Marketing Man- ager. “We are certified by the Forest Steward Council and the Rainforest Alliance, and only buy logs from lo- cal woodlots that have been respon- sibly harvested. ” “I’d say ninety-five percent of our timber is bought from private land owners within a 250 km radius. The rest is bought from area conserva- tion authorities as part of their forest management programs,” says Mike. Over the years, the Townsend family has diversified its operations to ensure that all byproducts from the facility are used in some way. “In addition to kiln dried lum- ber and flooring, we also produce precut pallet and packaging com-


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ponents, deck and stall materials, fencing, trim, moldings, mulch, woodchips, wood shavings and sawdust,” says Mike. “Our ParkMat product is a used as a ground cover in playgrounds.” The company also offers a host of value-added remanufacturing ser- vices, such as beveling, notching, drilling and contour sawing. All in all, the business is a far cry from what it was back in 1959, when Laura’s grandfather Robert, and his friend, Bert Abbott invested in a travelling sawmill. In the beginning, the two tobacco farmers had no aspirations beyond making a bit of money during the winter months. Over time, howev-

er, they began to see the potential of the business. Soon, Abbott and Townsend’s lumber was being used in everything from furniture manu- facturing to the new Toronto Sub- way system. In 1970, they built a stationary sawmill near Glen Meyer. After a devastating fire in 1984 razed the fa- cility, Robert and Bert’s sons, David and Murray, made the decision to rebuild at a new location. Less than a year later, Abbott and Townsend Lumber opened on Jackson Side Road and Highway 3, just east of Tillsonburg. By the late 1980s, the Abbott fam- ily had moved on to other ventures, and Laura’s father, David, was in

sole control of the enterprise, now known as simply Townsend Lum- ber. The next 25 years were a time of steady growth and expansion. “My dad’s entrepreneurial vision definitely made the business what it is today,” says Laura. As for the future, Mike and Laura are optimistic. “We want to be here for many years to come,” says Mike. “It’s important to us personally, but it’s also important for the community around us.” “My dad still likes to come in and see how we’re doing,” says Laura with a smile, “but overall, I think he knows the business is in good hands.”

(Left) David Townsend seated with his family around him in 2015. From left to right, son Andrew, wife Brenda and daughter Laura. They also have another daughter Kristen (not pictured). (Above) The expansive 134 acre Townsend Lumber property just outside of Tillsonburg produces 24 million board feet of lumber per year. Sawing, drying, millling and finishing are all done on one site.


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THE YOUNG YEARS You won’t believe where some of Canada’s most talented musicians got their start

T illsonburg has been known for producing many things over the years—from E.D. Tillson’s famous oats to Gerry Livingston’s Olym- pic basketball teams. But did you know Tillsonburg is also known for its musical talent? Here are some of the most accomplished musicians to ever call our community home. Johnny Cowell When five-year-old Jack Cow- ell got his hands on a battered old trumpet in 1932, he couldn’t have been happier. Who cared if his new horn had pennies for valve caps? It meant he could finally join his father and uncles in the Tillsonburg Citi- zens Band. Of course, first he had to figure out how to play the thing. But figure it out he did and by the time he was eight, not only had he become a full-fledged member of the local band, he was also its fea- tured soloist. In 1942, Cowell was listening to the radio when he heard the prin- cipal trumpet player of the Toronto Symphony Band was leaving the group to join the RCAF. Seeing an opportunity, the now fifteen-year-

old Cowell penned an application letter to bandmaster Laidlaw “Puff” Addison. There was just one prob- lem: his age. “You can’t audition for our band,” Addison told Cowell when he showed up on his doorstep in Toron- to. “You’re just a kid. We can’t even hire you. You’ve got to be sixteen to join the union.” When Cowell made it clear he

wouldn’t take no for an answer, Addison relented—and the rest, as they say, is history. A new “junior” level of union membership was cre- ated and Cowell headed off to his first rehearsal. Bandmaster Addison’s introduc- tion was memorable, to say the least. “He said, ‘Okay, gentlemen, this here’s Jack Cowell. He’s from Tillsonburg, wherever the hell that

(Above) The Tillsonburg Citizens Band in 1938. Johnny Cowell is in the back row on the left. Conductor Martin Boundy is in the front row, just to the left of the bass drum.


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(Above) Johnny Cowell performing with the CBC Festival Orchestra. (Right) Mayor Clare Esseltine presents Johnny Cowell with a special citation from the Town of Tillsonburg in 1965. In 1990, Cowell was named one of Tillsonburg’s favourite sons.

is. We’ve got two Jacks in the band now. And one more Jack is just one too many. So, from now on, we’re going to call him John,” Cowell re- calls. Before long the boys in the band were calling him ‘Johnny’—a name he’s embraced ever since. After spending the war years playing with the Royal Canadian Navy Band and the Victoria Sym- phony, Cowell returned to Toronto and won a scholarship to the Royal Conservatory. In 1952, he decided to audition for the Toronto Symphony Orchestra (TSO). “There must have been twenty of us waiting outside the audition room,” Cowell recalled. “Each guy would go into a small crowded room and we’d hear him play a few short excerpts.” When it was Johnny’s turn and they asked him to keep playing, he knew he’d gotten the job. Yet for all his success as a profes- sional musician, Johnny also proved to be one of Canada’s most talented songwriters and arrangers. In 1956, his ballad, “Walk Hand in Hand” became an international hit for three different artists: Tony Martin,

Andy Williams and Ronnie Carroll. A decade later, Gerry and the Pace- makers put the song on the charts yet again. In all, more than 90 recordings of “Walk Hand in Hand” have been made over the years. In 2012, Andy Williams’ version was even featured in a Christmas episode of BBC’s Call the Midwife . Cowell’s second song, “Our Win- ter Love” also proved to be a win- ner. The instrumental number re- corded by Bill Purcell stayed on the top 100 for 14 weeks in 1963, and was later recorded by The Lettermen. “Of the 200 songs that I have written, I am pleased that 150 have been record- ed,” Cowell said in a 2009 interview. Dame Vera Lynn, Chet Atkins, Lawrence Welk, Anita Bryant, Al Hirt and even The Guess Who all benefited from Johnny’s song writing prowess over the years. With the arrival of the rock era, Johnny shifted his focus to sym- phonic pops music. In the 1960s, his friendship with American composer

Erich Kunzel resulted in “Girl on a Roller Coaster,” an encore piece that has since dazzled audiences around the world. During the course of his career, Johnny recorded more than 10 al- bums and played countless concerts. You can learn more about his musi- cal legacy at


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(Top) Martin Boundy (holding trophy) cel- ebrates with the St. Paul’s United Church Choir in the late 1930s (Bottom Left) The Sisters of St. Joseph Concert Band conducted by Martin Boundy in London during the 1960s. (Lower Right) Stephen Choma talks with members of the Eastern Ontario Concert Orchestra.

Martin Boundy To the people of London, Ontario, Martin Boundy is an icon, a man who inspired generations of Lon- doners to play, sing and otherwsie enjoy music. However, long before Boundy found fame in the Forest City, he was tuning up the tenors in Tillsonburg. Born in Southwick, England in 1911, Boundy came to Canada in 1923. As a teenager, he trained in piano and organ, and played eupho- nium with the Salvation Army Band in Stratford. In 1933, Martin moved south to Tillsonburg, where he became or- ganist and choir director at St. Paul’s United Church on Ridout Street. Just 22 years of age at the time, Boundy’s youthful energy and passion for music proved positively infectious. Soon the church choir was not only wowing the congregation on Sun- days, but winning music festivals as well. During Martin’s six-year tenure at the church, the St. Paul’s choir brought home the coveted City of Woodstock Council Cup three consecutive years. He also gave leadership to the Tillsonburg Citizens’ Band. In 1941, Boundy enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force and was commisioned to direct the Cen- tral Band in Ottawa. By 1942, he

was overseas serving as director of music for no less than seven RCAF bands. He even personally directed the Headquarters Band when it per- formed for the King at Buckingham Palace. When the war ended, Boundy re- turned to Canada and accepted an appointment as supervisor of in- strumental music for London’s pub- lic schools. He also took great joy in directing the London Tech Band and the Police Boys Band. In 1949, he became the first profes- sional conductor of the London Civ- ic Symphony Orchestra (Orchestra London). During his 20-year tenure in the position, Boundy successfully amassed a 500-voice choir and even had his own radio show, “Martin Boundy and the Band” on CBC. Later in his career, Boundy devel- oped an instrumental music pro- gram in London’s separate schools.

In 1964, he led the Catholic Central High School band as it performed for Pope Paul VI in the Pope’s pri- vate chambers in Rome. Other ex- curions followed, including a trip to Barbados and Trinidad, and a Good- will tour to Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. In 1969, Martin became Music Di- rector of Fanshawe College, a posi- tion he held until he retired in 1977. “Music filled Martin Boundy’s life,” his late wife Shirley wrote. “He was able to draw out the best musi- cally in everyone—and that was his legacy.” Boundy died in 1998. During his lifetime, he was honoured by the Ontario Music Festivals Associa- tion, the Canadian Music Adjudica- tors Association, the Musical Con- federation of France and both the Canadian and American Bandmas- ters Associations. (c ontinued on p. 16)


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Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, and recognized for his contribution to Ontario’s cultural landscape. Two years later, he suffered a fatal heart attack. He was 46. Choma’s orchestra, however, lived on. Now known as the Quinte Symphony, the group celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2009 and is still going strong today. Steven Dyer Should you ever find yourself at a performance of Winnipeg Sym- phony Orchestra (WSO), don’t be surprised if you see a familiar face in the brass section—Tillsonburg’s Steven Dyer. A member of WSO since 2001, Dyer has been its princi- pal trombonist since 2011. Originally from Glasgow, Dyer moved to Canada with his parents, George and Winnie, in the mid- 1970s. He got his first introduction to the trombone while he was a student at Maple Lane Senior Pub- lic School and by high school, had clearly found his calling. “Ed Steer ran an excellent music program at Glendale,” Steven re- calls. “His classes had great depth in terms of music theory and histo- ry, and the concert and stage bands were truly first rate. As many will remember, Ed was—and I hope still is—a beautiful performer on the saxophone and other woodwind in- struments. We were tremendously fortunate to have him demonstrate

The Martin Boundy Memorial Trophy is still handed out to deserv- ing secondary school bands each

and perform for us regularly.” Recognizing Dyer’s interest and potential, Steer arranged a meeting with a private trombone instructor. “It was a pivotal moment,” says Dyer. “I started taking weekly les- sons after that and playing in the youth orchestras in London and Kitchener-Waterloo.” After being named ‘Most Musi- cal’ by his peers in the graduating class of 1992, Steven went on to en- roll at McGill University, where he majored in—you guessed it—music performance. He later completed a Masters degree in music at DePaul University in Chicago. As a young professional, Dyer held positions with the Chicago Civ- ic Orchestra and Thunder Bay Sym- phony Orchestra. He also taught low brass at Lakehead University before joining the music faculty at the Uni- versity of Manitoba in 2001—a posi- tion he still holds today. Over the years, Dyer has played casually with the National Arts Centre Orchestra, Toronto Sympho- ny Orchestra and has even given performances on the ‘sackbut’—a type of early trombone from the Renaissance and Baroque eras. In the spring of 2014, he performed with the WSO at New York’s Carn- egie Hall, fulfilling a dream held by nearly every musical performer. During the summer months, Steven enjoys spending time with brass-playing colleagues from other Canadian orchestras in the Canadi- an National Brass Project, which just released its first album this summer. “In raising a family of four young children of my own, I realize more with each passing year the real beauty of Tillsonburg and I hope to share it with my own kids in some way over time,” he says. “Like so many of my friends, I have count- less great memories from growing up there, and I can’t wait for my next visit!” Tillsonburg native Steven Dyer has played trombone with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra since 2001, and became prin- cipal trombone in 2011.

year in London. Stephen Choma

Anyone who attended Tillson- burg High School in the late 1940s, will likely remember violinist, Stephen (Steve) Choma. Born in Montreal to Czechoslo- vakian parents, Choma lived in a number of Ontario communities in- cluding Cornwall, Timmins, Frank- ford and Toronto before finding his way to Tillsonburg as a teenager. As a young boy in Toronto, he studied violin at the Royal Conservatory of Music and had experience playing with seven different orchestras. He even did a two-year stint on CFRB radio as Peter Pan. When he arrived in Tillsonburg, Choma’s mastery of the violin in- spired others around him to indulge their creative muse. In 1948, he took over the conductorship of the 17-piece high school orchestra and even formed a second group, “Cho- ma’s Chummy Chumps” to play lighter fare. On weekends, Choma would get together with other musi- cians in the area to play dances, cut records or perform at area churches. When Choma relocated to the Belleville area as a young adult, he carried his love of music with him. In 1960, he founded the Eastern On- tario Concert Orchestra. The amateur group caught the imagination of nearly 40 musicians in its first year, as well as executives at the Bata Shoe Company. Players in the fledgling orchestra included lawyers, schoolteachers, paint- ers, farmers, business people, high school students and housewives. At one point, the members’ ages ranged from eight to 80. “Their unbounded love for music brings them together,” Choma told reporters following a 1962 concert. A key part of Choma’s vision was to bring orchestral music to commu- nities that might have little exposure to it otherwise. In 1974, Choma was presented to Her Majesty Queen


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to celebrate Christmas in Tillsonburg 10 WAYS TOP


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Back to the ‘50s Christmas Dance December 15 Tillsonburg Legion 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Annandale NHS Open House November 24-26 30 Tillson Ave. The halls are decked with boughs of holly and so much more! Tour all three beautifully decorated floors of Annandale

Christmas Crawl December 1 Downtown Tillsonburg

Kick up your holiday heels with the Tilllsonburg & District Historical Society. Tickets: $15. Call 519.842.2294.

National Historic Site for free.

Register a passport and take part in a

festive romp through downtown Tillsonburg for a chance to win prizes! Call 519.983.5966 for details.

Tree Lighting Ceremony November 17 at 6:00 PM Tillsonburg Library Gather round the tree and help count down to the official beginning of Christmas in Tillsonburg!

INNERchamber Concert December 2 at 7:30 PM St. Paul’s United Church

Celebrate Canada 150 with a concert of music from 1867. Performers include Barry Payne, Dayna Manning and the INNERchamber Ensemble. Tickets $25. Call 519.842.2294

Dickens Dinner at Annandale NHS December 16 at 5:30 PM 30 Tillson Ave.

Down Home Christmas Craft Show November 18-19

10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Glendale High School Find one-of-a-kind and handmade gifts for everyone on your shopping list. Admission: $5

Enjoy a Dickens-era Christmas dinner followed by a reading of the classic tale, A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens himself. Tickets: $60 Call 519.842.2294 Advance tickets only.

Confederation Christmas December 3 at 2:00 PM Annandale NHS - 30 Tillson Ave.

Be the first to hear a special reading of a new Canadian short story in honour of Canada’s 150th birthday. Local author, storyteller and historian Stephen Bourne will read “The Countryman,” an original Oxford County tale with a mysterious twist. By donation. Limited seating. Call 519.842.2294 to reserve your spot.

Liona Boyd: A Winter Fantasy November 17 at 7:30 PM St. Paul’s United Church Hear Liona Boyd in concert with Andrew Dolson. A benefit concert for Annandale National Historic Site with the St. Mary’s Children’s Choir. Tickets: $35 Call 519.842.2294 for details.

Optimist Santa Claus Parade November 18 at 2:00 PM Downtown Tillsonburg Always a crowd pleaser, the Santa Claus Parade brings floats, bands and festive fun to Broadway. Dress warmly and don’t forget to bring a donation for the Helping Hand Food Bank.


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NUMBERS B Y T H E Digits worth remembering this November

crew and seven officers were carried on the HMCS Tillsonburg during World War II. A “Castle Class” corvette, the vessel was a convoy escort during the Battle of the Atlantic. 105

There are 453 Air Cadet squadrons in communities across Canada, including 153 Varnavair in Tillsonburg.

A ten dollar gold piece was given to each Tillsonburg man who joined the 168th Battalion in 1916. The coins were presented by the mayor on a visit to Camp Borden.


feet is the average depth of Myrick Lake . Located 166 km north of Thunder Bay, it is named for Tillsonburg brothers, John and Phillip Myrick , who were killed in WWII.

$3,800 is what it cost to build the Tillsonburg soldiers monument in 1929. The grey La Casse granite used in the cenotaph is the same material used for the gargoyles on the Peace Tower in Ottawa.

19 million poppies are distributed each year in Canada. The poppy sticker was introduced in 2006.


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A shopping destination for over 30 years 20 Ridout St. West in Downtown Tillsonburg Gifts Tabletop Home

TRINKETS G I F T S H O P P E Christmas Gala November 24, 2017 6:00 to 9:00pm

With Special Guest Canadian Artist & Designer Jacqueline Kent

Giveaways, Samples, Gifts with Purchase, Refreshments and more... 149 Broadway, Tillsonburg 519.688.0777


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A holiday shopping extravaganza through Downtown Tillsonburg

Friday, December 1, 2017 5:00 - 9:00 PM

For more information, contact 519.983.5966


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