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Dynamic Rehab PT. Don't Ignore Your Back Pain

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Dynamic: Don’t Ignore Back Pain

2 teaspoons sugar, mustard, chopped garlic, salt, and pepper. In a large serving bowl, layer lettuce

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Rehab Access PT. Don't Ignore Your Back Pain

Rehab Access PT. Don't Ignore Your Back Pain The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For You

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Dynamic Rehab PT. Arthritis Pain Relief n°310547 - LevelHard Useyour logic to fill in thegridwithdigitsso thateachcolumn,row, an

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Orthosports PT: Don’t Ignore Your Back Pain

2 of the marinade mixture on top, give it all a shake or stir, then allow shrimp to marinate in the

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Dynamic Rehab PT: Is Back Pain Slowing You Down?

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VineyardAP.Dont Ignore Your Back Pain

20 only. N Post Office Square, 238 Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Rd, Edgartown, MA 02539 508-693-3800 www

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RenewPT.Dont Ignore Your Back Pain

3 of the lime juice. Season with salt and pepper. Add shrimp to a baking dish and pour over mixture.

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GeorgialinaPT_Don’t Ignore Your Back Pain

GeorgialinaPT_Don’t Ignore Your Back Pain HEALTH & WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health and Car

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Dynamic PT LA.Is Back Pain Slowing Your Down

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Valley Rehab Center: Don't Ignore Your Back Pain

2 teaspoons sugar, mustard, chopped garlic, salt, and pepper. In a large serving bowl, layer lettuce

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Dynamic Rehab PT. Don't Ignore Your Back Pain

The back is one of the most vulnerable parts of the body. You rely on it so heavily —whether it is toshoulderyouremotionalstressesor tophysically liftsomething that you need to carry with you. Your back is constantly at risk. It is at risk when you drive, being one of the body parts likely to take the biggest impact in case of anaccident. It isatriskwhenyouaresafelyathomeonyourcouchorat theoffice, where you are likely scrunched over and not caring one bit about your posture. It isatriskwhenyourun,whenyouplaysports,andevenwhenyou findyourselfsick and are coughing so heavily that your back begins to hurt. It isnowonderthatsomanypeopleexperienceback injurieseveryyear.What isabig wonder is thatsomanypeoplechoose to ignore theirback injuriesyearafteryear! Whenyoubreakanarmorgetacutonyour leg,youare likelytodosomethingabout itrightaway.Thesightofblood leavingyourbodyortherealizationthatabone isn’t sitting right is something that not many people are going to deal with for too long before seeking medical attention. Yet when pain begins in the back, it is almost normal to ignore it. Everyone develops back pain, time to time, right? There is no reason to stress about it or overreact, right? Absolutely wrong! Understanding Back Pain Backpainmaybecommon,but it isabsolutelynotnormal.Thereareactuallya lot of serious conditions that can cause your back to begin to hurt, and it is smart to

have your back looked at by a physician early on so that you know exactly what is going on with your body from the get-go. Once the cause of your back pain is determined, your physical therapist will be able to identify the best treatment options for your body’s needs. This will likely include the following: • Targeted exercises that are specialized to the region of the back that is experiencing the most pain. These exercises are designed to help build strength and support the surrounding muscles. • Guided stretching designed to improve range of motion and flexibility. This will take into account the health and vivacity of vertebrae and any potential stretches that may support optimal back health. • Supportandguidancewithanexerciseroutineandhabitformation,especially with cardiovascular activity that can stimulate improved blood circulation to the affected areas of the back, as well as strength-building activities. Attemptingtoundertakeanyofthesechangesonyourownafteryou’veexperienced a back injury is both dangerous and not recommended. Working with a licensed andexperiencedphysical therapistcanprovideyouwith theguidanceandongoing support that you need to ensure that you do not experience any further injury as you attempt to heal the cause of your back pain.

Don’t Ignore Your Back Pain (Continued)

Getting To The Bottom Of Back Pain There are a lot of different reasons as to why you may be experiencing back pain, and ignoring any of them is not a good idea. Some of the most common issues that cause back pain to linger include: • Muscle sprain or strain • Slipped vertebrae or disc • Tear or hyperextension to the supporting muscles or tendons • Arthritis These concerns can develop as a result of a myriad of environmental issues, such as having poor posture, prolonged sedentary activity, car crash, sporting accident, stress, heavy lifting, and so on. When It Comes To Back Pain, Don’t Wait! When you experience an injury to your back, or realize that you are experiencing regular pain as a result of an ongoing injury or overuse, it is important to find out the cause of your back pain as quickly as possible. Back pain can quickly become chronic, as a potentially small issue can become complicated when it is not addressed early on. Working with a physical therapist can help you to identify the difference between environmental causes and something more medically based. To get started with putting an end to your back pain, contact us. Are you letting back pain keep you down? Call Dynamic Rehab Physical Therapy to schedule your appointment today!

Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.

Patient Success Spotlight

“Positive & Helpful!” “Everyone here is so incredibly positive and helpful. After just my first day, my wrist, which had zero movement after surgery, regained much of its movement! On top of my therapy, I was also supplied with techniques to bring home as well.“ - Courtney L.

SUPINE LEG TO CHEST Lie flat on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Bring your knee up toward your chest as high as you can. Use your arms to gently pull your knee further. Return to the starting position, then repeat 6 times.

Call Dynamic Rehab at 973.910.0307 today if you are experiencing low back, hip, or knee pain.

Kinesio Taping

Deep Tissue Massage

3 Deep tissue massage is especially beneficial to athletes but can also prove useful for patients suffering from tension deep in their musculature. This massage technique is specifically used to break up scar tissue and muscle knots that cause disrupted circulation, limited mobility, and inflammation. 8 1 6 3 4 Oneofthemostbeneficialtypesofpassivetreatmentweofferatourphysical therapy clinic is massage therapy. In addition to Swedish and pressure point massage techniques, Dynamic Rehab offers Deep Tissue Massage to all patients.

Kinesio taping has become much more visible in recent years. You have likely seen athletes, gym-goers, and even pregnant women using the colorful muscle tape in strategic positions as a way of easing pressure on their joints and alleviating pain. Kinesio tape is a union of old-school pain management strategies and state-of-the-art medical technology, utilizing aspects of acupressure and strategic physical therapy by placing elastic therapeutic tape around problematic areas. The tape exudes a pulling force, allowing for free range of motion while still providing a therapeutic pressure to the targeted area. Commonconditionsour trainedphysical therapistsoften treatwithkinesiology taping include:


7 5 3


Specific results of massage therapy include:

6 7 • Reduced pain • Decreased adhesions and scar tissue formation 6 2

5 9 7 9 • Accelerated healing • Reduced swelling and inflammation • Improved range of motion • Improved circulation and lymphatic drainage


4 • Decreased stress • Improved mood

• Knee pain • Sports injuries

• Back sprains and strains • Neck aches • Shoulder injuries

7 5 8



6 7 1 4



Sudoku • Level Hard Fun & Games

Discover How To Live Pain-Free!

n°318548 - LevelHard

At Dynamic Rehab Physical Therapy, you will receive hands-on therapy treatments by our friendly, caring health experts during focused and individualized sessions.

3 8

9 7

1 4 6 2

5 3 2 7

1. Call and talk to your therapist

5 3 8 1 7



5 6 3 7 2

2. Discover why your pain has come back

3 7 5 4

2 3

3. Get your custom recovery program

1 2

4 1

n° 36953 - LevelHard

Useyour logic to fill in thegridwithdigitsso thateachcolumn,row, and 3×3 section contain the numbers between 1 to 9.

Play on your mobile these puzzles and find their solutions by flashing the codes below : n° 318548 n°310547 n°36953

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