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E- Rehab - October/November 2019

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MAY 2019 A RESOURCE FOR PRIVATE PT PRACTICES Why David Straight & John Mason Created E-Rehab D uring

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358BQJV. These articles, as well as hundreds more available online, are great resources for selling

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For the first two weekends of April, you and your family can enjoy a ride with Thomas the Train Engi

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E- Rehab - October/November 2019


October/November 2019


For decades, companies have used seasonal associations to give their marketing a little extra resonance. Black Friday, back-to-school shopping, and the apparently unstoppable pumpkin spice phenomenon are all manifestations of this trend. It’s not hard to see why advertisers would be eager to create a link between a holiday and their product or service in people’s minds. Everyone dreams of being in the situation that turkey producers are in on Thanksgiving, when people participate in a 100-plus-year old tradition and buy that bird for dinner. Of course, physical therapy practices don’t have customers in the traditional sense; they have patients. As with all aspects of marketing your practice, you can’t translate tactics from other professions or industries without making some adjustments for your specific market. That being said, you absolutely can leverage the holidays to create a powerful promotional message. Our cover piece this month is about holiday marketing, and there are a few crucial details I’d like to point out. First, good holiday marketing isn’t about simply slapping some wreaths and snowflakes on your regular marketing and calling it a day. Real holiday marketing understands what people are going through during the most wonderful time of the year, what their needs are, and how you can help accommodate them. Let’s take an obvious one as an example. During the holiday season, people are busier than ever. Scheduling time for a physical therapy appointment may not be the first thing on their minds. Similarly, your practice may have limited hours during the holiday season. A failure to communicate can leave both sides with a headache. Craft a simple email message to the effect of, “We know you’re busy right now, but don’t forget to treat yourself to relief this holiday season,” along with

any altered hours and a call to action to schedule. This can demonstrate that you care while encouraging the patient to come in for treatment. Second, a crucial point to mention is that most deductibles reset on Jan. 1. With the deadline approaching, patients have a small window to get treatment without having to pay out of pocket. While that’s probably obvious to you, it may not be to your patients. Relaying this message, then, is mutually beneficial in addition to being timely. That’s a recipe for great marketing. Finally, it’s probably worth touching on the inclusivity point, since it seems like a hot-button issue for so many. The idea that there is a “war on Christmas” is completely overblown. Rather than being worried about some imagined backlash, the reason to make your holiday messaging inclusive is because you don’t want anyone to feel like you’re not speaking to them. Marketing is about welcoming people, not pushing them away. With the right amount of care and consideration, holiday marketing can provide a small boost for your practice. Spread some cheer, share some knowledge, and give people a reason to visit and refer no matter how hectic the holidays get.

–Dr. David J. Straight

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Physical therapists understand the importance of creating an accessible environment better than most professionals. Working with people who are injured or struggling with pain often involves meeting them on their level, and the same is true for creating a space that’s welcoming for people with physical disabilities. When it comes to creating accessible spaces, we usually think first about entryways, bathrooms, and other concrete obstacles that may present challenges for those with limited function or mobility. Tackling these areas is essential, but it’s also important to ask yourself whether or not your website is as welcoming as it’s needed to be. When the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990, the idea that being able to use a business’s website would be essential to engaging with their business didn’t exist. As such, the bill has few guidelines for accessible website design. In the 30 years since, though, online commerce and interaction has become a much more integral part of our lives. This year, the idea that a website is an essential part of a business was debated on the floor of the Supreme Court. Early in October, the Supreme Court upheld the right of blind people to sue Domino’s for failing to make their website and app accessible. According to the Washington Post, the court’s decision was based on the idea that the ADA “protects access not just to restaurants and stores but also to the websites and apps of those businesses.” The ruling doesn’t mean the plaintiffs will win their suit; it simply means they have a right to bring it. Legal precedence on the matter is still far from established, but that won’t stop lawyers from finding as many businesses as possible to bring suits against. E-Rehab has accessibility tools for your website that might help you to avoid the hassle of a lawsuit. Contact us today. LET’S TALK ACCESSIBILITY ADA COMPLIANCE IN THE DIGITAL WORLD

THE NO. 1 FACTOR IN SELLING YOUR SERVICES TO DOCTORS … As the old saying goes, people buy from people they trust. How do you establish and maintain trust? Here are four easy ways to accomplish this today. 1. LOOK LIKE A PRO. Like it or not, in this world, looks matter. A professional appearance conveys respect to the doctor and office staff, suggesting that you care enough to look like a professional for them. 2. KNOW YOUR PROFESSION. Sharp style can only get you so far — especially when talking to a doctor with some knowledge on rehab of neuromusculoskeletal problems. Make sure you know the latest research that supports a referral to physical therapy, how your care can specifically solve a problem for that doctor’s patients, and what your competition does inside and out. Then share your information with confidence through intelligent, insightful conversation to build further trust. 3. KNOW SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS BEFORE THEY DO. In sales, the saying is that “everyone’s favorite subject is themselves.” That’s why when you take the time to really know their practice, the patients they see, what they think about treatment, and even solutions to problems they haven’t yet thought of, you immediately create authority and trust. Do your homework and ask questions . Get to know your referring physician’s business, and then drop a little knowledge in your conversations to show you’re concerned about them. (Hint: Have you looked at your referring physician’s online reputation? If it’s not great, let them know about it and share the process to help them improve it.) If you look the part, then the doctor or office staff will trust your authority, and that trust can then be built upon.

To learn more about accessible digital design, visit

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LOCAL ONLINE MARKETING With Facebook Groups, Nextdoor, and Waze

more groups by searching your city on the Facebook platform and seeing what local groups show in the search results. Keep joining relevant groups and repeat as above.

Online marketing has a lot of advantages. It’s relatively inexpensive, easy to track, and a great way to reach patients who spend a lot of time in front of screens. Practice owners looking to leverage social media in their area can turn to three social media channels that will allow them to build a reputation as the local physical therapy expert in their area.

NEXTDOOR Nextdoor is even more hyperlocalized, and in order for users to join the network, they need to verify residence at a given address. Due to the extra authentication, when you are active on Nextdoor, you can be certain you’re reaching actual residents. But the popularity of Nextdoor can vary by city or town. You’ll want to see how active the network is in your area before committing a portion of your marketing to it. If Nextdoor is popular in your neighborhood, remind your patients to recommend your practice to other residents through the app. Nextdoor does have some advertising options, as well. While not the overall strongest contender for some practice owners, it can be a viable option if you do proper research.

FACEBOOK GROUPS There are many ways to use Facebook, and one way is to get active with local Facebook groups. First, identify which groups are most beneficial for you to

WAZE Did you know you can put a billboard inside an app? That may sound crazy, but in a world where so many drivers use the Waze app, advertising on Waze instead of on street signs can put a lot of eyeballs on your practice in a hurry. The company also provides analytics on your ads, which can help you better strategize how to

join. Then, request access if they’re private groups, and once you’re in, identify the influencers of the group and start making yourself useful to them. Don’t just promote yourself — write informative posts, answer questions that are relevant to your skill set, and share any upcoming events with the group, as well. And you can always discover

reach potential patients. If your practice is near a busy road, it’s an affordable option to keep your name in front of a lot of commuters. You can learn more about this affordable advertising option at

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EXTRA TRAINING FOR YOU 3 Keys to Improving Profitability in Your Practice

4. KEEP YOUR COMMITMENTS. It’s such common sense but so rare! If you follow through with your commitments, you’ll quickly earn a physician’s trust. Why? Because so many don’t keep their commitments. If you fail to follow through on the little things, how do referring physicians know they can trust you when it really matters? More importantly, how will they know you are fully invested in the patients they refer to you? Just like you, they are very busy and do not want to waste their time with people who may damage the relationships they have with their patients.

During this webinar, Chuck Felder, PT, MBA, business coach, and owner of HCS Consulting will share three critical strategies to improve profitability in your practice right away. Chuck is the owner of a PT billing company and has been helping practices with business planning, finances, and profitability for over a decade. He’s also the creator of PT Benchmark, which has compared key business metrics from PT private practices across the nation.

Don’t worry though, it’s easy to prevent these problems — just keep your commitments.


FREE WEBINAR: Thur., Nov. 14, 2019 12:30–1:30 p.m. PST Go to this link to sign up:

All of these tips contribute to the No. 1 most important factor in referral marketing success: TRUST!

Looking for more information about how to generate physician referrals? Contact us about our More MD Referrals Sales & Marketing program.


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2734 Loker Ave. West, Suite J, Carlsbad, CA 92010 760-929-9690 |

INSIDE How to Market During the Holidays The No. 1 Factor in Selling Your Services to Doctors … Is Your Website Accessible to All?

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Local Social Media Marketing

Spotlight on Beth Clayton

Customer Service Superstar MEET BETH CLAYTON

One of the reasons Beth is exceptional at client services is because she genuinely wants to see practice owners succeed. “There’s no better feeling than hearing a practice owner tell me they’re helping more patients as a result of our efforts,” she says. And that’s really what it’s all about at E-Rehab, helping therapists connect with patients in need of treatment. When Beth’s not working, you can probably find her spending time with her grandson, watching her friends’ bands, or sneaking in a little shopping for herself and others. She’s a lover of period movies, musicals, and all kinds of cuisine, though she has a particular fondness for seafood. When asked to provide a quote that inspires her, Beth says, “Live, love, and laugh. In order to live longer, you have to love always and love forever.”

No matter what type of company you are, you can’t survive without exceptional client services. At E-Rehab, we pride ourselves on

helping practice owners we work with thrive in a competitive marketplace. We couldn’t achieve that goal without a dedicated team of client services team members who are there to answer questions and help in whatever way they can. Among those team members is Beth Clayton, who works in accounts receivable and helps with web design. The common cliche is that a jack-of-all- trades is a master of none, but Beth manages to excel at all of her roles. How does she do it? Beth credits the team at E-Rehab with creating an environment where everyone can thrive. “My favorite thing about working at E-Rehab is that we are a small company with a lot of different backgrounds and experiences,” Beth says. “Dave and John do an awesome job teaching us about marketing and website design. I learn new things every day, and we get along like one big family. We even do yoga on Tuesdays.”

Beth certainly brings a lot of laughter and kindness to the E-Rehab office. We’re honored to have her on the team.

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Published by The Newsletter Pro |