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Empower: 4 Ways To Beat Aches & Pains

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4 Simple Ways To Beat Aches & Pains

3 cup of sugar (can add more to taste) • 2-3 tablespoons of Italian dressing •2 tablespoons of Mayo

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2 lb whole grain spaghetti • 1 tsp garlic powder • 1 tsp onion powder INSTRUCTIONS Preheat broiler o

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Empower: 4 Ways To Beat Aches & Pains

Health & Fitness TheNewsletter About Your Heal hAndCaring For Your Body

Getting to Know the Empower Physical Therapy & Fitness Staff JULIE ANNROSA, PTA

Julie grew up in Sterling Heights, MI and is a graduate of Macomb Community College. She graduated in 1992 with her Associate’s degree in Applied Sciences in Physical Therapy Assisting. In 1999, she went on to receive her certification for Massage Therapy. Julie is a certified Neurac PTA. She also holds certifications in TRX and basic mat Pilates. She has also received training in kinesiology taping from ROCKTAPE and uses this method of taping to assist patients in their recovery. Julie likes spending time with her husband Dante, their twins Gianni and Cristiana, and their dog. She enjoys reading, planning parties, cooking and baking.

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Health & Fitness The Newsl tter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


• Why Do Your Muscles Ache?

• Win A $20 Target Gift Card

• Relieve Back Pain In Minutes

• Patient Success Spotlight

Don’t Let Aches & Pains Hold You Back! 4WAYS TOBEAT ACHES&PAINS

3. EXERCISE Regular exercise can help restore proper muscle tone. Walking, cycling and swimming are good aerobic activities to try. Be sure to warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. Our experts at Empower Physical Therapy & Fitness teach you stretching, toning and aerobic exercises to feel better and stay pain-free. Drink lots of fluids. Begin slowly and increase workouts gradually. Avoid high-impact aerobic activities and weight lifting when injuredorwhile inpain.Consultoneofourexpertsoryourdoctorbefore Through our program, specialized hands-on techniques and treatments are applied, addressing the poor alignment and dysfunction of the spine, which can irritate and cause pressure on nerves. Physical therapy is the science of restoring pain-free movement with exercises and hands-on techniques. These principles are applied to the body when an injury is sustained to help facilitateagreatrecovery. Ifyouaresufferingfromachesandpains,callus todayto learnmoreabouthowyoucanreturntoapain-freeactive lifestyle! trying exercises you are unsure of doing. 4. PHYSICAL THERAPY

Are you like many people, suffering from aches and pains? A daily back or neck ache may be more of a nuisance than anything. However, episodes of pain can become progressively worse, lasting longer and traveling to other parts of your body. If you don’t stop the cycle of pain and discover the root cause of each painful episode, the accumulation of damage to your body may lead to eventual failure of the spinal structures and possible surgery. However, ifyouaddressandtreatthecauseofyourpainearlythroughphysical therapy, drastic measures such as surgery can often be avoided. Here are some tips to help you battle daily aches and pains: 1. ICE & HEAT For muscle pain from overuse or injury, rest that body part and take acetaminophen or ibuprofen depending on what your doctor may advise you is best. Apply ice for the first 24 - 72 hours of an injury to reduce pain and inflammation. After that, heat often feels more soothing. 2. SLEEP Be sure to get plenty of sleep and try to reduce stress. The amount of sleep isdependentonyourbody.Somepeopleonly require7hours,others9.Also, make sure you have a good mattress and sleep on your side or back with pillowsupport foryour legs. Ifyousleeponyourside,put thepillowbetween your legs. If you sleep on your back, put the pillow behind your thighs.

WHY DO YOUR MUSCLES ACHE? M uscle aches and pains are common, typically involving more than one muscle. Muscle pain can also involve ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs. Muscle pain is most frequently related to stress, tension, overuse, or muscle injury from exercise or physically-demanding work. In these situations, the pain tends to involve specificmusclesandstartsduringor justaftertheactivity. It isusuallyobvious which posture or activity is causing the pain.

Most aches and pains are temporary and generally last 1-3 days. However, once muscle pain begins to go past 3 days without changing, or you feel the same aches and pains repeatedly, it’s time to give us a call as there may be an underlying problem such as muscle imbalance, or stiff tissues and joints. The most common causes are: • Injury or trauma including sprains and strains • Overuse • Tension or stress Muscle pain may also be due to: • Certain drugs, including: -Medicine lowering blood pressure -Medicine lowering cholesterol • Infections • Cold & Influenza (flu) • Electrolyte imbalances, such as too little potassium or calcium • Fibromyalgia

Features of Empower Physical Therapy:


Cost Efective Non-invasive Safe & Natural State-of-the-art Facility

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HOW TO ENTER OUR DRAWING! You could be the winner of a $20 Target gift card! Find the misspelled word in this newsletter and call in the correct answer in order to be placed in our drawing!

We can help you: Be more productive at work. Walk farther. Prevent further injury. Have more energy. Put a spring in your step.

Vertigo & Vestibular Rehab


What are some of the Symptoms? • SenseofSpinningorMoving • Lightheadednessor senseof fainting • NauseaorVomiting • AbnormalEyeMovements • Reducedability to focusor concentrate

Think Empower PT & Fitness First Why You Need To Come Back In For Another Check Up: • Move without pain • Bend and move freely • Balance confidently and securely • Sit for long periods comfortably • Walk for long distances • Live an active and healthy lifestyle

What IsVertigo?

Vertigo isa senseof rotation, rocking,or theworld spinning, experiencedevenwhen someone isperfectly still.Vertigo is caused byproblems in thebrainor innerear, including suddenhead movements,and inflammationwithin the innerear. HowCanVesibularRehabilitationHelp? Vestibular rehabilitationexercisesarea seriesofeyeandhead movementswhich lead todecreased sensitivityof thenerves within the innerearand subsequent improvementof vertigo. These specificheadmovements lead tomovementof the loose crystals (canaliths)within the innerear.By repositioning these crystals, they cause less irritation to the innerearand symptoms can resolve.

What are the Risk Factors for Vertigo?

Head injuriesmay increase the riskofdeveloping vertigo,as can differentmedications, including someantiseizuremedications, bloodpressuremedications, antidepressants,andevenaspirin. Anything thatmay increase your risk of stroke (highbloodpressure,heart disease,diabetes,and smoking)may also increase your riskofdeveloping vertigo.For somepeople,drinking alcohol can cause vertigo.


METROPARKWAY 15501MetroPkwy Ste.102 ClintonTwp,MI48036 (586)228-7000

HALLROAD 20554HallRd ClintonTwp,MI48038 (586)868-7000

Healthy Recipe

LOWER TRUNK ROTATIONS Lying on your back with your knees bent, gently rock your knees side- to-side. Repeat 8 times on both sides. Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.

Improves Mobility


INGREDIENTS • 1 (64 fluid ounce) bottle apple cider • 3 cinnamon sticks • 1 teaspoon whole allspice • 1 teaspoon whole cloves • 1/3 cup brown sugar

DIRECTIONS In a slow cooker, combine apple cider and cinnamon sticks. Wrap allspice and cloves in a small piece of cheesecloth, and add to pot. Stir in brown sugar. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat, and keep warm.