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Environmental Awareness Spring Newsletter 2022

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dlr Environmental Awareness September Newsletter

Midlands Region; • Best Men’s Shed or Community Group; • Best School; • Best Professional; • The EPA

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dlr Environmental Awareness Summer 2021 Newsletter

Midlands Region; • Best Men’s Shed or Community Group; • Best School; • Best Professional; • The EPA

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Rhodes School Newsletter Spring 2022

MDMS for more information. in summer 2022. Offering the MDMS classes online will support graduate st

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BLG Environmental Services - May 2022

card game Pretend you’re on an adventure in another country Snuggle “Camp” overnight Perform a shado

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UK Spring newsletter UK Regional Newsletter Spring 2022 2 Welcome to the Spring UK regional newslett

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2 hours. Add the onions and carrots and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. Add the potatoes and simmer

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trigonometry-based sequence, PHYS 218 College Physics I. The Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) Open

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hour. Please visit the City ’ s website for the latest in Employment Opportunities. Church Street im

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Environmental Awareness Spring Newsletter 2022

May 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Spring Edition

Contact Us

Upcoming Environmental Dates

The Environmental Awareness Quarterly Newsletter is

May 14 th -22 nd Bike Week

circulated to schools, subscribed Residents’ Associations,

May 20 th World Bee Day

Tidy Towns and Tidy Districts groups. We would be

• May 22 nd International Day of Biological

grateful if you could circulate any notices of interest to


your members or colleagues. If you have a story you

• May 23 rd Green Schools Biodiversity Week

would like to feature, please contact us.

• May 25 th National Green Flag Raising Day

• May 27 th Closing Date for Tidy Districts

For further information on environmental awareness

• May 30 th – June 6 th National Food Recycling

outreach programmes please visit website


here or contact Niamh Moran A/Environmental

• June 2 nd Closing Date for Anti-Litter/Dog

Awareness Officer (Waste Prevention) by email

Fouling Poster Competition

[email protected] or phone 01-2054700.

June 3 rd World Bicycle Day

For all other general queries please contact Dún

June 5 th World Environment Day

Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council’s Civic Hub on 01 -

June 8 th World Oceans Day

2054700 or email [email protected]

May 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Spring Edition

Composting at Home Workshop Open for Registration

Did you know, on average, each home in Ireland throws away 117kgs of food waste every year. That’s between € 400 and € 1,000 per household thrown into the bin.

To celebrate Irelands National Food Recycling Week which will be taking place from May 30 th -June 6 th , Dún Laoghaire- Rathdown will be hosting a composting workshop in Fernhill Community Garden.

This introductory workshop with Craig Benton focuses on how to create your own compost at home! This workshop is open to anyone who wishes to learn about composting at home or how to improve their technique if already composting.

Where: Fernhill Community Garden When: Tuesday 31 st May 7pm

Who can join: Anyone is welcome to sign up to this workshop, please note

numbers are limited so booking is essential.

To book your spot, please use the following link:


If you have any queries on the above, please contact Niamh Moran

(Environmental Awareness) by emailing [email protected].

May 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Spring Edition

Tidy Districts Open for Entries

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is delighted to announce the launch of its Tidy Districts Competition for 2022. Applications will close on the 27 th May.

The Tidy Districts environmental awareness programme offers Dún Laoghaire-

Rathdown County Council an opportunity to recognise and reward the voluntary efforts

of residents’ associations, tidy district and tidy town groups to enhance their local

environment. While Tidy Districts is primarily an anti-litter competition, it has evolved

over the years to also consider biodiversity, community engagement, waste prevention

and climate action.

Application forms are available from the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown website or by

contacting the Environmental Awareness Section on 01 2054700 or

email [email protected]

May 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Spring Edition

Anti-Litter/Dog Fouling Poster Competition 2022 Open for Entries

Primary Schools within Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown are invited to enter our Anti-Litter/Dog Fouling Poster Competition. Students are asked to design a poster with an image and slogan relating to the theme of Anti-Litter or Dog Fouling. Winning Posters will be used within Environmental Awareness as signage to raise awareness regarding anti-litter and dog fouling throughout the county. Spot prizes will be available, and each entrant will receive a certificate to reward their work. - The deadline for entries is June 2nd at 5pm - Each poster should contain an image and slogan that relates to the theme of Anti-Litter or Dog Fouling. - The poster should be A4 Portrait orientation. Any medium can be used such as pencils, paint etc. on paper.

There are 3 age categories

• Junior Infants -1 st Class • 2 nd - 4 th Class • 5 th – 6 th Class

Each school can submit one poster for each class in the school. For further information about this competition, please contact [email protected]

Photo: Winning Entries from 2021

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Spring Edition

May 2022

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council signs the European Circular Cities Declaration

At the May County Council Meeting, An Cathaoirleach, Councillor Lettie McCarthy,

signed the European Circular Cities Declaration. Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County

Council is the first local authority in Ireland to do so. The European Circular Cities

Declaration is a commitment from cities and regions, to enhance efforts to transition

from a linear to a circular economy. Signatories are committed to the need to

decouple economic growth from resource use and recognise that local and regional

governments have a critical role to play and share a common vision of a circular

economy. The European Circular Cities Declaration is managed by Circle Economy

and ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, to which there are currently sixty-

one signatories. ICLEI is a global network of more than 2,500 local and regional

governments committed to sustainable urban development. Over the coming years,

the Council will embed the Circular Cities Declaration commitments into the

continued implementation of its Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024, in

collaboration with other European cities.

May 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Spring Edition

Illegal Dumping and Littering is all Our Problem

Every county, city, town and village across Ireland is

being called upon to join the fight against illegal

dumping through a communications campaign, “Your

Country - Your Waste”.

The “Your Country - Your Waste” campaign has been

developed as part of the Anti-Dumping Initiative, and

includes a tailored suite of information and awareness

messaging for use by community and voluntary groups,

with all materials available to download from here

Every time that illegal dumping and littering takes place it causes damage to the communities in which we all live,

work and play. The “Your Country – Your Waste” campaigns are part of the “Anti -Dumping Initiative which

highlights what each of us can do to stop illegal dumping and littering to keep our villages, towns, and cities clean

and waste free so that that we can all continue to enjoy our wonderful environment.

To find out more information about this campaign please click here

May 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Spring Edition

Dalkey selected to represent Ireland in Entente Florale 2022

Dalkey Town has been chosen to represent Ireland in the prestigious Entente Florale European Competition by the Department of

Rural and Community Development due to its achievements in the National Tidy Towns Competition.

The aim of the competition is to promote environmental awareness, sustainable management of the built and natural

environment and biodiverse green spaces.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Dalkey Tidy Towns and local groups & businesses will work together to provide a great welcome to the international judging delegation on July 2 nd .

If you would like to volunteer to assist Dalkey Tidy Towns in preparing for this visit, please contact them via their email or social


Dalkey Tidy Towns Contact: [email protected]

Dalkey Tidy Towns Facebook Page:

Further Information about Entente Florale can be found here

May 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Spring Edition

dlr Events for National Biodiversity Week 2022

dlr Biodiversity Online Talk – The Value of our Hedgerows Thurs May 19th at 19:00

Join our dlr Biodiversity Officer for a talk online about our hedgerows in the county and the value of these hedgerows. Discover how

important our hedgerows are in helping us provide space for biodiversity, in helping with flood alleviation, cleaning the air and water and in

many other ways. Learn about our hedgerow surveys of the county and also about our hedgerow toolkit for teachers.

To attend the event, book your place on Eventbrite here

dlr Biodiversity – Fernhill Nature Walk Sat May 21st at 11:00

Join us for a dlr for a nature walk in Fernhill Park and Gardens and learn about the variety of plants and animals that live in this wonderful

park. The meadows will be in full growth after the winter grazing, and we might see some interesting insects and pollinators there. There are

many other important places in Fernhill for flora and fauna - you might spot a red squirrel or a great spotted wood-pecker! Meet in the Car

Park at Fernhill. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Places are limited. To attend the event, book your place on Eventbrite here.

dlr Volunteers Climate Change and Biodiversity Online Event Wed 18th May at 19:00

Join the DLR Volunteers to hear about how we can support and protect our biodiversity. In this second talk in the dlr Volunteer Centre

Climate Action Challenge, we are delighted to be joined by Justin Ivory, who will share ways in which we can support and protect biodiversity

in our own space and broader communities.

To attend the event please register on the following link on Zoom here.

May 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Spring Edition

Managing Food Waste at Home

Composting at Home

Brown Bin Collections Food waste and garden waste can be recycled

As the frosty nights make way

for spring buds, many people

through your food waste recycling bin (normally a

begin to focus on their garden

brown bin).

and consider composting.

Did you know that all households (including

Composting can reduce

apartments) living in a population agglomeration

waste, save money and

of greater than 500 people are legally entitled to a

improve soil fertility. When considering composting at home, it is important to

food waste recycling service from their waste

collector? To check if your area is entitled to a food waste recycle bin service,

learn how to establish and manage the heap, to ensure

your garden compost does not generate nuisance smells

please contact your private waste collection company or visit

and unwanted animal visitors. (link to map). Your private waste collector will send the

contents of this bin to a composting site or to a sustainable anaerobic

Environmental Awareness have created a pdf and video

digestion plant. Using the brown bin can also save you money in waste

guide with everything you need to know.

collection charges. The MyWaste website has some excellent resources, downloadable stickers and

guides on getting the most from your brown bin at home.

Please visit here ( to watch our video and

download a free copy of the guide.

Please visit here.

May 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Spring Edition

Climate Action at Home

Repair My Stuff

For many, purchasing a new

We all generate huge amounts of waste, every minute of

laptop or washing machine when

every day. It’s time to take a new approach.

an old one breaks is the norm.

However, repair is often a

Fast fashion, single-use items and products deigned to

cheaper! It is also a more

have very short lives are not sustainable. Rather than



always buying new, let’s try to repair, reuse and upcycle to

option. is a directory of local repair

make the most of get the best value from what we already


professionals operating in your area. It is free for

businesses to register.

Positive choices can prevent waste, reduce climate impacts

and save you money.

If you have any questions about how to manage waste at

home and recycle locally, please visit is a not-for-profit website proudly

promoted by dlr and created by Local Authorities with the


May 2022

Environmental Awareness Newsletter Spring Edition

Love this Place, Leave No Trace

Seasonal Food Calendar

As the weather improves and

Eating foods that are

evenings lengthen, we will be

locally produced and

spending more time outdoors,

in season is a great

enjoying all the great amenities

way to reduce the

that are on our doorsteps, such as

overall environmental

our parks, beaches, forests, trails,

impact of what we

nature reserves and much more.


When we visit and enjoy these

The Stop Food Waste

amenities, the 7 principles of

Seasonal Food

Leave No Trace should be

Calendar tracks the





growing season, so

Place” Campaign from Leave No

you’ll know when it’s

Trace highlights the need to

best to buy Irish

ensure that we remove any litter


that we create to minimise the

To download the Seasonal Food Calendar for 2022 or

impact that we have our natural

find out more about reducing your food waste, please



Environmental Awareness Newsletter Spring Edition

May 2022

GLOBE Teacher Training Course

The GLOBE Programme in Ireland will be offering the first ever CPD approved GLOBE-Environmental Science and Action-Based Learning Summer Teacher Training Course (August 15 th -19 th ).

This course is an exciting, practical, interactive and informative exploration of how to better understand, sustain, and improve Earth’s

environment at the local, regional and global scale using the internationally recognized GLOBE Programme. You will learn how to guide

your students through environmental observations, inquiries, >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16

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