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Evan Money May/June 2018

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DECEMBER 2018 The Balance Lie Susan Money over Pikes Peak learning at school, only to top it off wit

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20 Prato Principal. I ran the numbers and, sure enough, 80 percent of my profits came from 20 percen

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AUGUST 2018 Invest Your Time Where It Counts comparing the Shark Tank stars to Jesus — rather, I’m c

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FEBRUARY 2019 According to Erwin McManus, to enjoy life is a sacred act of worship. At first I didn’

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311572418 password: happy has given you the green light to help them in a certain area, without a so

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AUGUST 2019 The Renewing of Your Mind Wash the World Off Daily STEP NO. 1: TURN THE WORLD OFF It’s r

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Millenium Center 2301 Sullivan Road College Park, GA 30337 Everyone has a brand and is trying to con

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or on plainti’s liaison committee for some of the largest wildre litigation in California. For the

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Evan Money May/June 2018

TRUE SUCCESS Faith-Based Personal Growth For Entrepreneurs EVANMONEY


How to TRIPLE Your Happiness With a Cellphone Sabbatical the wind blowing over my bald head and all the bat fans giving me thumbs-up. I never have to worry about texting and driving with that particular car, because my phone is out of sight and out of mind. This is the key to breaking the chains of slavery that hold us to our phones and social media. It has to be out of sight and out of mind, or we simply won’t have the willpower to ignore it. For entrepreneurs, our phones are our businesses. Many entrepreneurs’ businesses are rooted in social media, and for some, their marketing is 100 percent social. Think about it: When you leave the house to run an errand or go to dinner, you close the door, and your desktop device is out of sight and out of mind — no big deal. Of course, you always have your phone with you, so it doesn’t matter. Now, imagine if you purposely leave your cellphone in a drawer in your desk or hidden away somewhere when you leave the house. Gasp! I know — stay with me here. “Shark Tank” favorite Barbara Corcoran was asked some of her secrets to success and productivity. Her answer may shock you. She said when she leaves the office and takes the elevator up to her penthouse suite (she owns the entire building), Corcoran leaves her phone in the elevator waiting area on a special shelf. This way, when she gets to her penthouse, her phone is — you guessed it — out of sight, and most importantly, out of mind. This simple daily cellphone sabbatical increases her happiness as well as her productivity, which, in turn, increases her net worth!

Billionaire venture capitalist and former Facebook vice president of growth Chamath Palihapitiya is infamous for his quotes about social media ripping society apart. In a recent interview with Fast Company magazine, he said very plainly, “I think we are all slaves to this stuff.” Of course, he didn’t say “stuff,” but you get the idea. The simple truth is, he’s right. Our phones are too compelling. The thrill we get from the sound of that incoming text or call lights up our endorphins, and we have to pick up the phone — even if we’re driving. What I enjoy most about driving my Batmobile is that I have a shelf in the console for my phone, and the vehicle has no roof and no doors, so I’m not able to hear my phone or see it light up. Plus, I’m happily distracted by

For those of you who are already coming up with stories about why you have to have your phone on you 24/7, I guarantee that

Continued on page 3 ...

Model: JuVan Langford


You have been married how many times? My bride and I remarry in a different state or country ever year. As of this printing, we have been married 23 times. For all the guys reading this, let me help you with the math: That’s 23 honeymoons! Why would you settle for having just one honeymoon? Seriously. The simple truth is, the state you chose to get married in does not govern your marriage; your state of mind does. I learned that from Dr. Michael Beckwith, and he is so right. For my bride and me, we are continuously in one of two states: post-honeymoon bliss — a great place to be — or planning another fun wedding, minus all the stress. You see, after 23 weddings, we no longer subscribe to the “perfect wedding” mentality. We just know it’s going to be fun, romantic, and a huge blessing. In fact, for our 22nd wedding, in Vancouver, B.C., rain was in the forecast. We thought about changing the date until we realized we had never been married in the rain before. It might actually be fun! We will always remember our first wedding in the rain. You may be wondering exactly why we do this, and the practical-minded among you may also be wondering how we afford it. Every season seems to bring a new diet and supplement fad. It reminds me of the fashion industry. The reason styles change every season is to get us all to buy more clothes! As a best-selling author of a cancer-prevention book, I’m positioned as an expert on health and wellness. The key is to be an expert on your body and eliminate as many toxic foods as possible. Yet, it begs the question: How did this woman enjoy such a high quality of life while smoking for over 10 decades? The answer is that she had many other positive health practices that compounded over time to keep her alive and well for so long. Albert Einstein stated, “The most powerful force in the universe is compounded interest.” He was referring to finances, but it also applies to your health. Remember the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? It’s true. Imagine if you ate an apple a day for one year; that’s 365 health deposits. Conversely, what if you ate a doughnut a day — or worse, gulped down an energy drink a day? That’s 365 withdrawals in a year. It won’t take long until you’re bankrupt and end up with a disease. Every day, you are either getting healthier or growing sicker. It’s your choice. Each future article in this section will help guide you, as a busy entrepreneur, to make choices that will make you stronger, more energetic, leaner, and, best of all, sexier!


Health is the Real Wealth

Secrets to living to 122 ! Every year, my bride picks up the latest issue of “The Guinness Book of World Records” for the family to read. My teenage son enjoys it the most, but we all get a kick out of the wacky and unique records. I remember reading about a 122-year-old woman, who was the oldest living woman at the time. She was asked for the secret to longevity, and I believe you will find her answers helpful. She said there were three keys: #1. A little bit of exercise — she rode her bike into her hundreds. #2. A little bit of red wine — she enjoyed a glass with dinner regularly. #3. She quit smoking at 120! I like to share this funny and true story whenever I’m booked to speak on the topic of health and wellness. It’s a great reminder for the audience to keep a proper perspective on life.


We did it at the Palace of Versailles! No offense to those in Tijuana, but it was a massive upgrade. Over the years, we have discovered that you can have an amazing marriage with no budget. Some of our weddings have been at small, empty, country churches with just us and a youth pastor. One year, we got married at a friend’s ranch. My bride’s bouquet was made of peacock feathers from birds on the property. It’s all about having fun and being creative, no matter what your budget is. Check out for pictures and fun videos from all our weddings. You can even see me with hair! Join the fun, take action, and renew your vows this year. You will be so glad you did.

It was during this financially challenging time that we found ourselves sitting in a success seminar called “Dream Big.” One of the speakers talked about a couple who had a party and got remarried every year on their anniversary. The second my bride heard this, her face lit up. She looked at me and exclaimed, “Let’s do that, but let’s dream big and do it in a different state or country.” How could I say no to my bride’s big dream? The simple fact was that we had $0 in the bank. But I had to find a way. The best I could come up with was a wedding in Tijuana, Mexico — not exactly the wedding destination capital of the world. As it turned out, God had a different plan for us. I didn’t know much about God back then, but I knew that prayer couldn’t hurt. Some call it luck or chance, but we believe in God’s favor, and He blessed us that year. We ended up winning an all- expenses-paid trip to Paris, France for two weeks! Our first remarriage was on our exact anniversary, and get this:

Living “happily ever after” was not modeled in my home. How about you? In fact, it wasn’t modeled anywhere within my experience of life. The only three options I ever saw were married and miserable, divorced and desperate, or single and cynical. However, I believed in something better. I wanted to live happily ever after, and I knew it was out there somewhere. What I finally realized was this: It wasn’t a secret place to be discovered; it was a place to be created. The tools I have to create with are the same as yours — our actions, attitudes, and mindsets. The bonus in this is all the fantastic sex! How exactly do we afford to get married every year in a different state or country? My first mentor, Jim Rohn, used to say, “You can either find a way or find an excuse. It’s your choice.” We chose to find a way. When we first got married, we were so broke, we couldn’t afford to pay attention.

PROVERBS 14:4 “Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; But much increase comes by the strength of an ox.” Owning a business can be very messy — just like keeping an ox. The only time things are clean and everything is in order is when nothing is happening! It’s the same with parenting. Teenagers certainly eat more than an ox and are just as messy (I can attest to that firsthand). But when the house is finally clean and quiet, the kids are grown and gone. So, instead of bemoaning the mess — be it paperwork or teenagers — appreciate it as part of a healthy, growing business and family. Wisdomource From the

... continued from Cover

your net worth isn’t even close to Barbara Corcoran’s. You may be saying it’s easy for her because she already “has it all,” and your businesses are not that mature. I completely understand. So, I challenge you to take a cellphone sabbatical for just a few hours once a week. For many of you, Sunday morning, from the time you wake up until lunchtime, will be the best opportunity. If your business operates mainly on weekends, then Monday morning could be the day, or maybe Wednesday. The point is to pick a day once a week to put your phone out of sight and out of mind for a few hours. Pretty soon, like any recovering addict — yes, that is what you are, whether you like it or not — you will be able to go for a longer period of time. Before long, you’ll be cellphone-free for one day a week. Then your productivity and net worth — and, if your married, your sex life — will start to skyrocket! Trust me on this. I personally challenge you: Take a cellphone sabbatical, and reap the rewards.



Evan Money Inc. 30146 Via Victoria RPV CA 90275 [email protected]




“It’s not what you get that makes you valuable, it’s what you become.” –Jim Rohn

How to Triple Your Happiness


Happily Ever After Secrets To Living to 122!


Wisdom From the Source


Live Your God-Given Dream!

Money Talks Negativity Walks

Excerpts From Evan’s #1 Best-Seller

I have two great questions for you to ask yourself today:

Clif Bar & Company founder Gary Erickson took a trip around the world before he started the company. When he came back, his eyes were opened. “I don’t have all the answers anymore,” he realized. He went on to say that not having the answers was the key to success. It wasn’t about having or seeking to have the answers. It’s really about the questions. Tony Robbins taught me that the better the questions you ask, the better the life you have. We are wired in such a way that when we ask ourselves a question, our minds immediately shift, and we want to answer it.

1. Why aren’t you living your dream? I encourage you to get a piece of paper, write your dream down, and think about it. Then, figure out why you are not taking action. Sure, we may all have our perceived obstacles. But I think once you write your goals down, look at them, and start asking questions, you’ll realize the obstacles probably aren’t that big. 2. What’s the one thing I can do today to bring me closer to my dream? Not 100 things, not 50 — just one, like a phone call. I encourage you to write this question on your bathroom mirror in a dry-erase pen. This way, you see it every morning and take action on that one thing. Before you know it, that dream will be a reality!