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Eversole Law Firm January 2019

Eversole Monthly

Sherlock Holmes’ 164th Birthday!

January 2019

The most beloved of all fictional detectives, Sherlock Holmes, celebrates his 164th birthday this month. It’s speculated that Holmes would have been born on Jan. 6 of 1854, and fans across the globe gather each year on this date to observe his “birth.” People don their pipes, top hats, and long coats and, with a chorus of “The game’s afoot,” settle down for a weekend marathon filled with novels, short stories, movies, and TV shows. The character Sherlock Holmes was created by author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who finished his first novella in 1886, called “A Study in Scarlet.” Although Doyle is best known for his four novels and a handful of short stories about the private detective Holmes and Dr. John Watson, it wasn’t his life’s goal. Doyle wanted to become a historical novelist and wrote several novels of the genre which were admired in his time but did not receive the same attention as Holmes. The author became so disgruntled with Holmes and his popularity that he finally killed the beloved character in 1893. But due to the public’s overwhelming reaction, Doyle grudgingly brought him back in the early 1900s. One of the most noticeable characteristics of Holmes’ character is his ability to use observation to solve cases. Through reasoning and scrutiny of the people and areas around him, Holmes solves seemingly impossible mysteries. These characteristics were inspired by a professor Doyle met while attending medical school, Dr. Joseph Bell. The professor impressed on the students how important observation was when diagnosing a patient. Bell also enjoyed picking a student from his class and guessing their particular profession based only on observation and inductive and deductive reasoning. Over the years, Holmes has influenced the creation of a number of characters in our modern world, including Dr. Gregory House from “House” and Spock from “Star Trek.” While many individuals enjoy the plethora of characters and shows inspired by Sherlock Holmes, there are also plenty of outright remakes, from “Sherlock” starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman to classics such as “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” starring Jeremy Brett and David Burke. To this day, fans continue to drink up the phenomenon Doyle created.

Although fans may come together to celebrate the birth of their favorite detective on Jan. 6, it isn’t his canon birthday. Doyle never mentions an exact year or date. In fact, in all Doyle’s works, Holmes’ age is mentioned only once, and that is in “His Last Bow,” Holmes’ final adventure. The detective is described as “a tall, gaunt man of 60.” From this, fans deduced that, since the book is set in 1914, Holmes must have been born in 1854. But why Jan. 6? The date was decided by a dedicated fan, renowned journalist and novelist Christopher Morley. Morley started the largest organization for Holmes fans, known as the Baker Street Irregulars. He speculated that Holmes’ birthday was on Jan. 6 because Holmes references William Shakespeare’s play “The Twelfth Night” twice within one story. Morley wrote an article in the U.S. magazine “Saturday Review of Literature,” which was published on Jan. 6 of 1933. In it, he proposed that Holmes’ birthday was on the twelfth day of Christmas — Jan. 6. Ever since, fans across the world have dedicated this day as Sherlock Holmes’ birthday. -Alysoun Eversole 1

Listen to Something New

The Best Podcasts to Start in 2019

whose brother disappeared long ago. Peri is terrified of leaving her home, so she’s never discovered what happened to him. That changes when her lighthouse begins to appear in a new location every morning, initiating her search for her brother. Fantastically fun and painfully real, this is a story about the courage it takes to leave home behind. Join the girl in the lighthouse at We all need some advice. Why not get it from someone who knows what they’re talking about? Marie Forleo is an entrepreneur, writer, and philanthropist. And according to Oprah, she’s a thought leader for the next generation. Her mission is to help you become the person you most want to be. On the podcast, Marie and her guests discuss business, relationships, fear, love, and so much more. Get inspired at This list is just a start to the wealth of amazing, diverse podcasts out there. News recaps, sports history, true crime, pop-culture throwbacks, and plenty more fantastic audio entertainment awaits on your phone’s podcast app. Start listening to your new obsession today! our offices. “I’m very lucky to be with such an amazing law firm,” he repeats. “It’s been a super awesome experience since day one. Alysoun and everyone else take the time to go over things to make sure that you understand how to do them. While I was in school, they taught me all I needed to know. I can’t express enough how appreciative I am to everyone here and how excited I am to work here.” As Lee continues to work with us, Eversole Law is happy to announce that our practice is expanding to include business law. “This means we’ll be possibly covering business transactions and litigation,” Lee explains. Business law is one of his interests, and he is happy to help us with this expansion. “I got to take a corporate business law course at Oxford one summer, and it was a great experience. I’ll be working to incorporate different aspects of business law into the office.” When Lee is out of the office, he relaxes by watching the University of Georgia baseball, football, and basketball games with his wife, Abbie, whom he met at the university. He also spends as much time as he can with his three children, Penelope, Jones, and Benjamin. Tackle Your New Year’s Resolutions: ‘The Marie Forleo Podcast’

Though podcasts have been around for over a decade, they have only recently found their stride in popular culture. And they don’t all feature nerds talking about

“Game of Thrones.” In this form of audio entertainment, there really is something for

everyone. A number of podcasts have broken into mainstream pop culture, like “My Favorite Murder,” “This American Life,” and NPR’s “Planet Money.” But these are only the tip of the iceberg. Here are a few lesser-known podcasts that are seriously worth your time. Start Something Fun: ‘Spirits’ The title “Spirits” is a play on the stories told and drinks enjoyed on this podcast. Co-hosts Amanda McLoughlin and Julia Schifini offer a fresh take on myths, legends, and folklore. From Greek classics to the tale of the Javanese Mermaid Queen, these lifelong friends and mythology enthusiasts examine what the stories we tell say about our culture, traditions, and values. If you’re eager to fill your year with something kinda creepy and kinda cool, you can’t go wrong with “Spirits.” Start listening at Go on an Adventure: ‘The Far Meridian’ Audio dramas are back and thriving in the world of podcasts. “The Far Meridian” explores the story of Peri, a lighthouse keeper

Employee Spotlight On Dec. 3, our paralegal Lee Whitaker was sworn in by the Supreme Court and became an official attorney at law. We are thrilled that Lee accomplished his goal after four years of hard work. “It feels like it was never going to happen because it took so long to get here,” he admits. “But it was definitely worth it.” Recently Sworn in Bar

During law school, Lee worked diligently as a part-time student and full-time employee. Before his position with us, he worked at the sheriff’s office, but he knew he wanted experience in the legal field. “I was extremely lucky to start working here. I was good friends with Cherese, who I knew from school. She introduced me to Alysoun, I got a position, and I was able to work here for the last two years of school.” Becoming an attorney came naturally for him. “I always knew what I wanted to do — it just took me a long time to get here.” Now that he’s sworn in, he’s eager to continue working with


Selling Your Home

buyers get. Curb appeal can significantly influence a buyer in whether or not they purchase a house — taking care of your exterior will increase your chances of a home sale. Getting Emotionally Invested With strangers walking in and out of your house, peering into your bedroom, criticizing the state of the just-cleaned carpet, and pointing out the smallest nicks in the wall, things can become emotionally straining. This can be a shock for many people who are selling their house for the first time, but it’s not unheard of. The house you’re selling was your home, after all. An excellent strategy to avoid getting too emotionally involved is to view yourself as a business person or home seller, rather than a homeowner. This way, you can distance yourself emotionally but still be close enough to care about the task at hand. Organize Your Documents There are a lot of documents circulating in your home, and they can pile up over the years. Paperwork such as deeds, mortgage satisfaction, rental agreements, tax bills, and utility bills are just a few examples. When you plan on selling your house, it’s crucial to organize all the documents you have. It’ll be easier for you to supply the needed paperwork when it’s required.

Selling a house is something a lot

of people do, but not many know how

complicated it can be to begin with. It takes a lot more than putting a listing online and sticking a “For

Sale” sign on your lawn. Here are a few important tips to keep in mind if you’re planning to sell your house this year.

Preparing Your Home This is one of the more grueling aspects of selling your home. You need to make sure your house is up to scratch, which includes making repairs, adding a fresh coat of paint, and making sure the yard is in good condition. When buyers come into your home, they will be on the lookout for anything amiss — it’s best to clean up as much as you can. You’ll want to ensure your house has curb appeal. The front of your home will be the first impression of the house potential


Ingredients LEGALESE Brussels Sprout Hash Inspired by Food Republic

Consideration In contracts, "consideration" is the cause, motive, price, or impelling influence that induces the parties to enter into a contract. Essentially, it is a right, interest, or possible profit benefiting one party, which may be a detriment or possible loss undertaken by the other party should the contract fail, such as the earnest money deposit in a purchase and sale agreement of real property.

• 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 sprig fresh rosemary

• 4 cups Brussels sprouts, finely shredded • 4 eggs • 1/4 cup onions, chopped

• 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • Salt and freshly ground pepper


1. In a cast-iron skillet or large sauté pan, heat oil to medium. 2. Once shimmering, add rosemary for 1 minute, then remove sprig. 3. Reduce heat to medium-low, add onion and garlic, and cook until onion softens, about 5 minutes. 4. Increase heat to medium-high, add Brussels sprouts, season with salt and pepper, and cook for 5 minutes. 5. Using a large spoon, create 4 wells for eggs. Pour 1 egg into each well and cook until set. 6. Carefully remove eggs and Brussels sprouts from pan and serve. 3


Eversole Law Firm, P.C. 1509 King Street Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 379-3333

Disclaimer: The content of this publication has been prepared by Eversole Law Firm, P.C. for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advice. It does not create an attorney-client relationship with its readers and may not be used by you, the reader, as legal advice. You are encouraged to consult with us or another attorney about your circumstances to which the information in this document may apply.

What’s Inside

1. Who Is Sherlock Holmes? 2. My Favorite Podcast Employee Spotlight 3. When You’re Selling Your Home Brussels Sprout Hash 4. Have a Cold? Recover Faster!

3 Easy Ways to Recover Quickly From a Cold

people swear by the berries’ ability to ease congestion and relieve a number of other cold symptoms. Plus, elderberry syrup is known for having anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, making it an ideal tool for fighting the common cold. Some research even suggests that it can shorten flu symptoms by up to three days. Eucalyptus If you’re suffering from congestion or can’t stop coughing, eucalyptus may offer the relief you’re looking for. Available in several different forms, including syrup, oil, and dried leaves, eucalyptus can be used as an expectorant or as a way to relieve a sore throat. When you’re at home and sick, try adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the water in a humidifier. The results are remarkably soothing! Zinc While many people turn to vitamin C to hurry through a cold, that’s not the supplement you should be focusing on. In fact, an overwhelming number of studies show that vitamin C does absolutely nothing to help shorten a cold. Instead, take zinc. You can find it as a nasal spray or lozenge, or even as part of a vitamin C supplement. One study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that those who took zinc reduced their recovery time from a cold by half. Cold symptoms among those taking a zinc supplement lasted about four days, while symptoms among those taking a placebo lasted about eight days.

During the winter months, colds and the flu can spread like wildfire. Getting sick at least once during the season can be hard to avoid, and once you are sick, you want nothing more than for it to be over and done. While there is no way to completely avoid getting sick, there are ways to speed up your recovery. Next time you’re suffering from a cold, try these remedies to get back on your feet a little bit faster. Elderberry Syrup Also referred to as elderberry extract, this syrup is made from a plant called European elder. It can be purchased at many health food stores or made at home (but use caution when doing this, since raw and undercooked elderberries are toxic). Many