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Eversole Law Firm - Winter 2022

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Eversole Law Firm Winter 2021

4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped 2 carrots, thickly sliced 1 leek, thickly sliced • • Directions

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Eversole Law Firm - Spring 2022

Eversole Law Firm - Spring 2022 Eversole Quarterly IMAGINATION ATWORK WHY I LIKE TO GET CREATIVE Spr

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Eversole Law Firm - December 2019

2 cup canola oil, molasses, brown sugar, eggs, ginger, and cranberries. In a separate bowl, sift and

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Eversole Law Firm November 2018

4 cup celery, diced Directions 1. In a large stock pot, bring salt, sugar, and 4 cups water to a

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Eversole Law Firm July 2018

Eversole Law Firm July 2018 Eversole Monthly July 2018 Stepping Stones to Your Future Guiding You Th

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Eversole Law Firm - August 2019

2 red onion, diced Directions 3. With a wooden spoon or potato masher, gently crush corn to release

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Eversole Law Firm - October 2019

2-inch pieces Directions 1. Heat oven to 275 F. 2. In a large mixing bowl, fold together pretzels, s

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Eversole Law Firm - Summer 2021

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil For the salad: • 1 head romaine lettuce, chopped Directions 1. In a med

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Eversole Law Firm - Summer 2020

4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped Directions 3. Cool potatoes slightly, then cut each potato open length

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Eversole Law Firm August 2018

4 cup olive oil, plus extra for drizzling • 1 lemon Directions 1. Lightly oil grill grates and heat

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Eversole Law Firm - Winter 2022

Eversole Quarterly

Winter 2022

How Chance Changed My Life AS LUCK WOULD HAVE IT ...

Boasting St. Patrick’s Day, March might be considered our luckiest month. But what is luck? The dictionary says it is a fortunate chance happening, good fortune or prosperity, or one’s personal fate or lot. My husband wins almost every time he buys a lottery ticket; I always lose. Why is that? I won’t even scratch off the tickets he buys, thinking I would just bring bad luck his way. Not that I am never lucky. I believe my luck has come in the form of personal fate. Many moons ago, before I finished my undergraduate education, I was a single parent of a 3-year-old and at a crossroad in my life. I desperately wanted to go to law school, but being newly divorced, my extended family believed I just needed to get a job. With no money or support to go to school, I turned to the help wanted ads in the newspaper and found a secretarial position that may be okay. I called the telephone number and explained I was answering the help wanted ad. The lady on the other end of the line said I called the Public Defender’s Office and they had not posted a help wanted ad. I told her it was funny that I reached that office because I wanted to go law school but needed to get a job instead. She told me to come in and interview anyway. So, I did. The lady at the office, Gloria, seemed genuinely interested in my circumstances but all they had was an opening for a courier and someone to make copies. I said that would be fine and she took me down the hall to meet Richard Jorandby, the head honcho, the Public Defender. He too was interested in this fortunate chance happening and welcomed me aboard. It was amazing to me that I got a job in the legal arena by calling a wrong number, a phone number of a business that did not post a help wanted ad.

Curious about how I misdialed, when I got home, I compared the phone number in the newspaper I had dialed with the number for the Public Defender’s Office that Gloria gave me. The numbers were not just one or two digits off or transposed. The two numbers were completely different. Call it a fortunate chance happening or call it fate, the result was it

confirmed the direction I would take at a crossroad in my life and surrounded me with people who gave me the support I needed to venture forth with my wish to become a lawyer. Yes, I believe luck is real. Not by just winning in sweepstakes or from lottery tickets. You cannot count on luck being there when you want it or even need it. Luck is elusive and unpredictable. I believe you are most lucky when you can recognize it in its most subtle forms that bring good fortune and prosperity to day-to-day life.

-Alysoun Eversole



One of St. Patrick’s Day’s most popular symbols is a four-leaf clover. In Ireland, these clovers represent luck and good fortune. Each leaf on the clover has a different meaning — faith, hope, love, and success. It’s a tradition to find a four-leaf clover on St. Patrick’s Day and do activities involving this lucky leaf. So, how do you find these good-luck charms, and what can you do with them? How to Find a 4-Leaf Clover Although it may seem difficult, it’s easier than you might think. First, find a dense patch of white clover — near it is where four-leaf clovers reside. They are different from the rest and are often smaller, so keep that in mind when you look for the lucky green clovers. Instead of staring at the patch in close detail and counting leaves, search the patch without focusing on the tiny details. This increases the odds of eyeing a four-leaf clover because the different patterns,

shapes, and sizes of these clovers will jump out at you. If you find one, keep looking! There’s a chance another one might be nearby.

Clover Craft Once you find your clover, preserve the luck in it all year by placing it in a picture frame. First, gently press the clover leaves between the pages of a large book for several days to flatten them out. After pressing, you can add green food coloring to your clover to enhance its color. Once it’s dry, clean it and let it sit overnight. Then, place your clover onto acid-free paper, cut to fit the size of a picture frame of your choice. Next, use acid-free glue to keep your clover in place, and finally, seal your frame shut. You now have your personal good luck charm! Searching for a four-leaf clover and creating a keepsake will be a great bonding experience for you and your family. We wish you luck! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Back in the Saddle


When Bonnie Hart joined the Eversole Law Firm in November 2021, she came with more than 20 years of real estate law experience. She is now settling into her position as the firm’s first in-house title abstractor — a role she’s returning to after more than a decade. Bonnie first learned of title abstracting in the late ‘90s when one of her employees at a local hotel was training to become a paralegal. “She got a daytime job as a title abstractor, and she was going to school and working for me some nights,” Bonnie remembers. “She said, ‘I’m doing something I think you would really like to do.’ She got me my first interview.”

the market started to tank in ‘08, one of my clients asked if I wanted to come work for her and learn the sellers’ side of the business,” she says. There, she did title work and trained to become a closing paralegal. In fact, Courtney, Alysoun’s current paralegal, acted as her trainer! Eventually, Bonnie decided she missed the research involved in title abstracting. “When a contract comes in, they need to have a title search performed on the property to ensure it’s clear of any liens,” she says. “It’s a puzzle you put together and make sure all the pieces fit so we know the person buying the property has a clear title on it.”

anniversary. Between their relationship and her husband’s previous marriage, they have four children total, one of whom unfortunately passed away. They also have nine grandchildren. Two of them, aged 5 and 11, spend most weekends at Bonnie’s house, and she loves taking them to the beach — a tradition passed down through her mother and grandmother. Though she’s new to the office, it immediately felt like family. Bonnie already knew staff members Madison and Catherine, in addition to Courtney. Having joined the team with a built-in network, Bonnie fit in naturally. “I enjoy everybody here,” she says. “I hope to be employed with Eversole Law Firm for a very, very long time.” Pausing briefly, she adds, “At least until I’m 65!”

In 2003, Bonnie opened a title abstracting business, running it until 2008. “When

This September, Bonnie and her husband will celebrate their 30th wedding


TALK ABOUTYOUR ESTATE PLANWITH FAMILY Don’t Leave Behind an Unwelcome Surprise As you have these conversations, you might gain

Death is a topic most people struggle with, especially when it’s their own. It’s hard enough for many people to make their estate plan, let alone talk about it with their loved ones. As a result, too many decide their inheritors will figure it out once they’re gone. After all, the point of an estate plan is that it’s all right there in writing. While it’s tempting to avoid uncomfortable subjects, it results in strife later down the road. When a person dies, their loved ones experience intense emotions, including anger. Too often, that anger gets directed at the estate plan and other family members. Surprises can drive a wedge between relatives who were previously close, and sometimes, the fallout lasts a lifetime. No one intends to cause their family additional pain, so that’s why it’s so important to discuss your division of assets in advance. Anyone who will receive an inheritance should know about it, and anyone who might reasonably expect one should know if they’re not. Though these conversations can be difficult, it’s best to get everything out in the open. The people you love may have a lot of questions about why you’ve made certain decisions. Though you don’t legally owe them an explanation, one can go a long way toward repairing hurt feelings. It’s wise to explain your thought process and what you hope to achieve, whether that be an education for your grandchildren, financial stability for a sick relative, or to balance out previous support you’ve given to your children during your life.

valuable insight. Maybe the person you planned to name executor has no interest in taking on the role. Or perhaps the child you planned to leave property to doesn’t want it. You might also learn that some items have previously unknown sentimental value you never realized, changing your plans. Whatever you do, don’t leave your family in the dark. An estate plan is a gift on multiple levels. It passes along monetary and physical assets to our loved ones and ensures they won’t have to deal with the headaches that come with a relative dying intestate. Make one final gift by providing them with advanced certainty. A period of grief is the wrong time for surprises.

Great Truths

Easy March Madness Chili

Cheer on your favorite team and chow down in minutes with this easy chili recipe!


• 2 lbs ground beef • 2 tbsp chili powder • 1 tbsp Creole seasoning

• 1 tsp ground cumin •

“Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.” –Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University

2 16-oz cans diced tomatoes 2 16-oz cans small red beans 2 8-oz cans tomato sauce

• •


1. In a deep pot, brown the beef, stirring often. 2. Once beef is cooked, add chili powder, Creole seasoning, and cumin, cooking for 1 minute. 3. Stir in diced tomatoes, beans, and tomato sauce and bring the mixture to a boil.

4. After the mixture boils,

reduce the heat to low and let chili simmer for 15 minutes. 5. Serve with toppings of choice, like cheese, sour cream, or chives.

Inspired by


Eversole Law Firm, P.C. 1509 King Street Beaufort, SC 29902 (843) 379-3333


Disclaimer: The content of this publication has been prepared by Eversole Law Firm, P.C. for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advice. It does not create an attorney-client relationship with its readers and may not be used by you, the reader, as legal advice. You are encouraged to consult with us or another attorney about your circumstances to which the information in this document may apply.

What’s Inside

1. Alysoun’s Luckiest Moments 2. Create a Keepsake for Good Luck Year Round Meet Bonnie Hart! 3. How to Talk About Your Estate Plan With Family Easy March Madness Chili 4. Get Healthy While Spring-Cleaning!


Sunday, March 20, is the first day of spring — which means it’s time for some spring-cleaning. Did you know that cleaning is not just about tidying up a physical space? It’s also about improving overall well-being. Here’s how organization and cleanliness can help you in more ways than you might expect. Spring-cleaning reduces stress and depression. Tidiness and mental health are actually connected. Studies have found that having a clean home is directly correlated to happiness and your ability to focus. Anxiety can spike when laundry is piling up, items are strewn everywhere, and papers get scattered on various surfaces within the home. Clearing the clutter is a great way to boost your mood and increase those feel-good hormones. It prevents illnesses. Doorknobs, refrigerator handles, light switches, countertops, and remote controls are all things we touch many times a day. Cleaning anything that’s used often is one way to reduce the spread of germs. By keeping household surfaces clean, we help thwart the spread of viruses and illnesses.

Spring-cleaning helps you breathe better. Spring often brings pollen that triggers allergies for many. But

pollen isn’t the only thing to blame when people have difficulty breathing. When dust and pet dander build up in your home,

your respiratory system is greatly affected too. Deep-cleaning your air filters and vents can make breathing effortless — and it’s truly amazing how this can improve your well-being. It keeps you more active. Off the couch and on your feet! Even just running the vacuum and clearing the clutter from the dining room table will get you up and moving, which is healthy for your heart and body. This spring season, putting some elbow grease into your cleaning will benefit you in more ways than one. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later!