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EVO ALPHA Breakfast 31 May 2022

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EVO ALPHA Breakfast 31 May 2022


7.30-9.45am TUESDAY 31 May

EVO ALPHA led by Sunjay Singh

Our Keynote Speakers EVO - 6 Years in Words & Pictures

Our Keynote Speakers


EVO was founded in October 2015. We’ve grown since the lockdown started and now we’re back in-person for 2022. If you’d like to find out how to apply to become a Member of one of the groups, please contact us before the event, ask the team or stay on at the end of the meeting where we can informally chat. There is NCP parking at the Marriott Hotel just across the road and the Cabot Circus Car Park. The side door opens at 7.15am and closes at 7.40am.

Please use the store’s side door from 7.15am

Each group is forming a Leadership Team Sunjay is the Group Leader Simon is the Relationship Leader Kendia is the Team Leader Andrea is the Technical Leader

The EVO Leadership Quarterly Meeting, Nov 2021

Meeting Schedule 0715 - EVO Leadership Set-Up 0730 - Side Door to The Ivy Opens (please time your arrival as the team will be setting-up inside until this time). Open Networking over tea/co ff ee 0745 - Guests seated for breakfast 0800 - Introduction and thanks from EVO Founder Jamie Breese 0805 - Welcome from group leader Sunjay Singh 0810 - 30 second intro round + tell us 1 thing that’s not on your LinkedIn profile! 0840 - 5 minute break to set-up your 1-1 0845 - 4-Way Mastermind (20 mins)

0905 - Mastermind Feedback 0910 - 1 to 1 meeting (15 mins) 0925 - End of Meeting - open networking continues

Sunjay Singh turned 30 last Saturday. He co-founded LifeMedia UK aged 18 and today is a rising star in video production. At this meeting he will be talking to the group about diversity in business . LifeMedia UK helps marketers generate leads and business owners grow their business through the power of video marketing. He received a First Class in Genetics at The University of The West of England. He has led one of the EVO Business Networking groups called EVO Alpha for 3 years and has spoken at nearly every Business Showcase South West at the Stadium in Bristol. His clients include ITV and British Corner Shop. “As a business, we have grown significantly since inception; something which I am driven to continue as we take on more projects and further enhance our offering.”

Alpha Group Leader Sunjay Singh

Adrian Edmonds, Director of Customer Operations at Kinherit - Giving families better protection than is possible with 'just a Will

I have been networking for over 10 years, and although I have been an active member of various networks EVO is one that I return to time after time. I attended one of the first meetings in 2015. Since then we have had wonderful meetings in some luxurious locations around the South West. But networking is not about nice meetings, in nice locations, with nice people. Networking is about output and results! The structure of an EVO meeting, both face to face, and since Covid, Online, is to achieve one thing, the facilitation of members to make, build and solidify relationships. It’s then our job as networkers to turn them into business results such as income, deals, £££! But sometimes they result in more, much MUCH MORE!!! I met Ben Mason in early 2017, at an EVO breakfast at Harvey Nics, as with all long-lasting relationships it started with a shared business card, then a 121 to find out a little more. We quickly realised that we held similar business values, doing the right thing and doing it right, particularly in markets where charlatans can hide in plain sight. We built a solid business relationship, introducing work to each other, doing work for each other, sharing advice and buying each other’s services. Becoming firm friends, so when the opportunity presented itself where we could work together, we jumped at it.

“EVO is a networker's dream”

Where are we today? Ben and the other founders of Kinherit invited me to join their team last year, in less than 12 months we have grown immensely from a team of 7 to a team of 20+ with growth in the 100’s of %. We have team members that have taken over our mantel as EVO members and use various EVO members past and present as our outsource providers. To say we would be where we are today without EVO is only true in the fact that that is where we met, but I do believe those early days of a breakfast, a shared business card and a 121 was the first step. Thank you to Jamie and all at EVO for doing what you do best, the facilitation of members to make, build and solidify relationships. The rest of the hard work is all ours, but if just 10% of your members get the value that Ben and I have gained, you’ll have boosted the UK economy in the Billions. If you have read this very long testimonial, and you’ve not worked your EVO team, had your 121s (don't stop at 1, Ben and I have had so many they turned from 121's into catching up with a friend) actively sought to introduce them business and sought to use their services - then you won’t know what opportunities and successes are just around the EVO networking corner.

Why Join EVO? in addition to your regular EVO ‘base’ group meetings: • you will be invited to a New Member Workshop where you will learn invaluable tips to make the most of the opportunities EVO has to o ff er • you can visit the other groups around the UK • you can book into the Monthly Mastermind run by Halina Jaroszewska • you can book into the Monthly Professional and Personal Development Workshop • you will be invited to the EVO Congress: an all-groups online meeting, twice a year • We are now phasing-in in-venue meetings at premium venues like De Vere Tortworth Court, The Ivy and Harvey Nichols. The frequency of meetings will therefore change as will the prices, in the New Year.

These are all included in membership, which is currently £149 per quarter (every 3 months). The joining fee is £150. Prices are ex vat.

EVO was proud to be the Sponsor once again of the Weston Hospice Care’s Strictly Fun Dancing Event on 19 March 2022

Does EVO ‘Work’?

£100,000 in one phone call Chloe Wheeler, Spider Group £50,000+ over the last year Adam Buckland, REED

More than a10x return on his investment Sunjay Singh, LifeMedia UK

“20 new clients in 12 months as a result of the EVO Network.”

Whilst the country was in a national lockdown, routes to market for the majority of new businesses were turned on their heads over night. The leadership team at EVO thought on their feet and decided to facilitate online networking calls via Zoom on a weekly basis. Much like other business owners, I was looking for an effective way to market myself and get my message out to new potential clients and customers and joining EVO was an easy, seamless decision once I’d visited one of the group meetings. Immediately I felt welcome in the Genesis group, amongst founding members and other ‘newbies’ like myself. It wasn’t long before I was having more personalised 1-2-1’s with members over Zoom and Teams. Just over a year in I now have 20 clients as a result of the network and I now feel like an established member. I also now know many members as friends which is a massive perk of the more laid back yet focussed approach to networking that EVO has created. It has been an excellent source of activity and business for me over the past year and I would happily recommend to anyone looking to spread the word about their business in the South West. Thank you to Jamie and then team for all of your continued hard work.

Joe Seviour DipPFS

Adviser at DJS Wealth Adviser LLP

You get out what you put in.

Apply Today to be a Member [email protected]