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EVO Alpha Factsheet 17th April at Harvey Nichols

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150 joining fee Minimum 6-months. Prices ex vat. £199 per quarter

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EVO Alpha Factsheet 17th April at Harvey Nichols

Event Factsheet: EVO Alpha Group Wednesday 17th April 2019

Please Review This 10 Page Guide

Are you in business in the region?

You are invited to the South West’s largest FREE business event

Wednesday 19th June, 10.00am - 4.00pm @ Ashton Gate Stadium, Bristol BS3 2EJ

Want to exhibit? Please contact:

- FREE huge B2B Expo - FREE to travel to, park & attend - FREE expert-led workshops, seminars & keynotes - FREE networking sessions To Book Your **FREE TICKET** & To Find Out More:


Sarah Brooks [email protected] T: 01275 390 455


GENERAL June Flier for Doveton.indd 1

26/02/2019 10:12

7.20 - Venue Doors Open ( doors are ** closed ** unCl 7.20am) *Please use the side door to Harvey Nichols. This faces Cabot Circus.

7.30 - Event Start: Open Networking over Coffee & Tea

7.45 - Guests Seated for Breakfast/Welcome: MaZ Richardson, EVO Group Leader

7.50 - 15 Second Intro Rounds with each Member/Guest

8.30 - Comfort Break/ Set-Up 1-to-1s

8.35 - Expo Masterclass Speaker: Berkeley Harris

8.50 - Guest Speaker: ‘Fireside Chat’ with Michelle Michael MBE

9.10 - 1-to-1s - MeeCng 1

9.20 - 1-to-1s - MeeCng 2

9.30 - Member Update followed by VisiCng Guests’ Invite

9.40 - Masterclass Speaker: Nigel Peeck

9.50 - Masterclass Speaker: MaZ Richardson

10.00 - Masterclass Speaker: Jamie Breese

10.10 - 10.15 - Formal End of MeeCng

Open Networking in Breakfast Area then Bar from 10.15am

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our EVO Group meeCng on Wednesday 17th April . This meeCng is held at The Restaurant in Harvey Nichols, in Bristol. Please be sure to read this important - 10 page Factsheet .

Please Bring:

- business cards if you have them - a notebook - prep a 15 second intro about yourself

** Arrival Time - PLEASE NOTE

Your Group Leader is MaZ Richardson

The venue’s side entrance doors will not be open to Guests unCl 7.20am and regreZably, the venue cannot grant any access to those arriving early , so please be sure to Cme your arrival.

When You Arrive

VisiHng Guests: On arrival you will be greeted by our Guest Host, your name checked-off on a list and you’ll be given your namebadge and a table card . You’ll also be given 2 x 1-1 MeeHng Cards . One is marked ‘ Mee#ng 1 ’ and the other, ‘ Mee#ng 2 ’. Please be sure to swap these Cards with 2 people in Cme for your 1-1 meeCngs. You can also place a stack of business cards on the card table, place your mobile on silent and invited to network unCl 7.45am over tea and coffee, when you’ll be seated ready for breakfast and a formal welcome.


Parking is easy to find at Cabot Circus (5 mins walk) or directly outside in the NCP MarrioZ City Centre. The Galleries Shopping Centre Car Park is CLOSED at this Cme in the morning.


[email protected]

Harvey Nichols ( side entrance please ) 27 Philadelphia Street, Quakers Friars, Cabot Circus, Bristol BS1 3BZ

Your EVO Guest Hosts are:

• Adam Buckland • Sir Rob McCabe • Fenella Hemus • Nicky Marshall • Ben Mason • Chloe Wheeler • Sunjay Singh • Nigel Peeck • Leanne Kesterton • MaZ Richardson • Sunjay Singh • Gary KeaCng • Andrea Sexton • Philippa Windsor • Nicky Marshall • Bob Irwin

Your Business Showcase Ambassadors Present Are:

Michelle Michael MBE is a qualified commercial lawyer and has been a director of the Grand Pier in Weston-super-Mare since 2008 when it was acquired by her family. Currently an execuCve member of the board of Visit Somerset, Michelle is also a member of the management commiZee of The BriCsh AssociaCon of Leisure Parks, Piers and AZracCons and is regularly involved in lobbying Parliament to improve trading condiCons for tourism businesses across the UK. Michelle is also responsible for overseeing recruitment retenCon and troubleshooCng for branch managers and recruiters at the award-winning care provider Abacare. She is also a Legal Director for AAA Training SoluCons and AAA Recruitment, ExecuCve Director of Visit Somerset, Trustee of Weston Hospicecare and Trustee of The Priory Learning Trust and her family charity the AxenCs Michael Charitable Trust.

Join EVO at the first MeeHng you aZend and SAVE £50

EVO is a Membership-based Business Network. You can visit the Breakfast and Evening Meal as a VisiCng Guest.

There are 2 EVO Groups in Bristol. EVO Alpha (this one) and EVO Genesis. Both meet at different dates and both meet in Harvey Nichols. Please see the PDF document sent to you with how to apply to join and other informaCon.

EVO Alpha Membership Informa5on & Applica5on Form Mee5ng Frequency

There are 18 mee*ngs a year in Bristol . These are usually: - the middle Wednesday of each month (breakfast) - the first Tuesday of every other month (evening meal) Membership Fees

£199 per quarter, via direct debit £150 one-off joining fee

There is no VAT. If you complete this form whilst at your first EVO visit, you will save £50 off the Joining Fee of £150 . This is a one-off cost and is payable once an applica*on has been approved. The price for the quarter year (3-months), is just £199 . The membership fee is paid in advance via DD. Minimum Membership Period There is a 6-month commitment to the Group for Members. It takes *me for trust and reputa*on to be established - which leads to referrals and introduc*ons. Please note:: The agreement is a ‘rolling’ 6-month one and we require 1-month’s wriPen no5ce to leave. If you don’t provide no*ce, the next 6-month’s payment/agreement applies. I understand and agree - *ck here APendance Research has shown that the Members who aVend each month’s mee*ngs get the best ROI and stay the longest. We want EVO to work for you! Trust is built and referrals are made via frequent aVendance. As of 2019, new Members who miss 3 mee5ngs out of the 9 in the 6-month period (without providing a sub), will be asked to leave the group and no refunds will be made. I understand and agree - *ck here

EVO business networking is coming to Bath on 8 th May. EVO has been running premium monthly meeCngs for over 3 years in the South West and the new group in Bath is called Delta, the leader is Sir Robert McCabe and the Launch Event takes place from 7.30am to 10.15am on Wednesday 8 th May at Tracy Park. The guest speaker is Professor Dimo Dimov – the professor of entrepreneurship at the University of Bath. Around 75 business people are expected for this special launch meeCng and the prices are under £15 including food. Parking is free and the venue is just 13 minutes from the centre of Bath in the morning.

Places are limited and are booked via this weblink: hZps://delta-

What People Are Saying

Here are a selecHon of unsolicited, public tesHmonials from the last couple of EVO meeHngs, published by VisiHng Guests and Members alike. “Good networking events are o5en hard to come by but today I had a very great experience at the EVO breakfast networking event. It was the first #me I walked away from a networking event thinking how successful it was and how extremely well put together. Great new contacts made!" EVO Guest - Leanne Kesterton , Sales Manager at Tracy Park Golf and Country Hotel “Great start to the day Jamie, MaJ & team - thank you! Real buzz & energy in the room and people doing business” EVO Guest - James Durie, Chief ExecuHve - Bristol Chamber of Commerce and IniHaHve & ExecuHve Director - Business West at Business West “High end loca#on, high end opportunity, high end colleagues … absolutely premium quality networking … Jamie Breese does it again … and being very scep#cal about joining networking groups becoming a founder member of EVO Alpha was a very clear yes!” EVO Guest - Halina Jaroszewska, ExecuHve Coach “Absolutely the best networking around at the moment. 40+ in the room, loads of visitors - and at a #me when a lot of other groups have less and during 1st week of school holidays. Why wouldn't you aJend?” EVO Member - Nigel Peeck, Director at N3 Display Graphics “It was a great launch. Such a buzz in the room, and everyone is so friendly. Thank you.” EVO Member - Helen Hart, Publishing Director at SilverWood Books “A great morning…. With soooo many networking groups out there that run under capacity it's great to get a packed room! I've been talking about EVO to my tribe this week :)” EVO Member - Jill ChiZy, LinkedIn Expert