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EVO Membership Informa3on & Applica3on Form

Mee3ng Frequency Each group currently meets fortnightly online. As of March 2022 in-person mee:ngs have been re- introduced and are every 2 months. EVO Proteus, Women and Omega groups meet online-only . Each ‘in-person group’ s:ll meets fortnightly online but one mee:ng will be a breakfast at a premium loca:on. There is no sector lockout - we use common sense when cura:ng each group. Online Membership Fees

£149 per quarter, via direct debit £150 joining fee

The Joining Fee of £150 is payable once an applica:on has been approved. The current price for a quarter (3-months), is £149 . The membership fee is paid in advance via Direct Debit in GoCardless. There is an extra charge as we return to in-person mee:ngs: to include costs such as food etc and at present, these are PAYG but discounted for Members. These smaller costs may later be added to quarterly subs as and when. Prices are exclusive of VAT.

Membership Period

There is a 3-month minimum commitment and we require 1 month’s no:ce to leave.

ALendance We want EVO to work for you. Trust is built and referrals are made via regular aSendance. ASendance isn’t mandatory but if you can’t make it, consider sending a sub and please let us know who they are. We absolutely do require that Members let us know if they can’t aSend each fortnight and we do require aSendance of the New Members Workshop in their first month or two.

I understand all of the above and agree - :ck here

Please Sign & Date This Agreement & Email Back To Us

I ……………………………… ………………………………………… understand the terms of Membership - namely the fees and frequency (and new post-covid changes as many in-person mee:ngs resume), minimum commitment of 1 quarterly direct debit, no:ce of 1 month - and I commit to join EVO in the spirit of collabora:on and mutual support that forms the ethos of the group.

I agree to make full payment for the joining fee and the quarterly Direct Debits in a :mely fashion.

I understand that business networking can some:mes take a while to ‘work’. Members (and Visi:ng Guests) like to get to know new Members before sharing their contacts or making introduc:ons: and aSending regularly is a good indicator of a good Member, as is punctuality and prepara:on. Visi:ng the other groups (you can do this once a month online at no extra cost) is a great way to build your network quickly. I agree to do my best to arrive on :me and agree to stay the dura:on of the mee:ng especially when online.

………………………………………… …………………………………………………. (CAPS PLEASE)

………………………….………………………………………………………….. (SIGNATURE PLEASE)