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EVO Sigma Factsheet 19th Feb 2020

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150 joining fee Minimum 6-months. Prices ex vat. £199 per quarter

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EVO Sigma Factsheet 19th Feb 2020

Event Factsheet: EVO Sigma Group

7.30-9.30am, Wednesday 19th February 2020 The Orangery Address: Tortworth Court, WoDon-under-Edge, GL12 8HH

* Please Review This 9-Page Guide For This Event

New Members Welcomed at the Last Sigma Group Breakfast Meeting

7.20am - Orangery Doors Open ( doors are closed un$l 7.20am )

7.30 am - Mee@ng Starts with Open Networking over Coffee & Tea

7.40 am - Guests Seated to eat Breakfast

7.45 am - Welcome from Paris Troy , EVO Sigma Group Co-Leader

7.50 am - New Members: Welcome Pack Presenta[ons & Photos

8.00 am - 30-Second Intro Rounds with each Member/Guest

8.40 am - Comfort Break/ Set-Up 1-to-1s

8.45 am - Guest Presenta[on by Mark GuCeridge

9.05 am - 1-to-1s Round 1

9.15 am - 1-to-1s Round 2

9.25 am - EVO - why, where, what? Invite to Join from EVO Founder Jamie Breese

9.30am - Formal End of Mee@ng and Open Networking

Please Bring:

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our EVO Group mee[ng. This mee[ng is held in the Orangery (see photo below) . This is just outside the main hotel building. Please be sure to read this important 9-page Factsheet. Your Group Leader is Paris Troy Visi@ng Guests: On arrival you will be greeted by our Guest Hosts, your name checked-off on a list and you’ll be given your namebadge . You’ll also be given 2 x 1-1 Mee@ng Cards . One is marked ‘ Mee$ng 1 ’ and the other, ‘ Mee$ng 2 ’. Please be sure to swap these Cards with 2 people in [me for your 1-1 mee[ngs. You also will be asked to place your mobile on silent and invited to network un[l we start - when you’ll be seated ready for a formal welcome. When You Arrive

business cards (ideally 30+)

- - -

a notebook

prep a 30 second intro about yourself

** Arrival Time - PLEASE NOTE

PLEASE NOTE - the Orangery doors open at 7.15am - please be sure to [me your arrival accordingly


Parking is easy and free inside the venue grounds


[email protected]

Address: Tortworth Court, WoDon-under- Edge, GL12 8HH

Guest Speaker: Mark GuDeridge

‘What's Your Story? Crea@ng a brand people can believe in'

People love stories. I love stories, you love stories, we all love stories.

The best stories - the ones that are [meless, that everyone likes, that people go back to again and again, have one thing in common: people relate to the main characters. We understand and believe in their mo[va[ons, what they are trying to achieve and why. It resonates with us - whatever ‘it’ is or how they do it. You may not be a wizard or a Jedi or the chosen one, but you s[ll have your own story. Your life, your choices, it's your story. Most people don't think about this, but as a business leader, especially in a smaller business, it's really important you are clear on a) your own story and b) your firm's story. Your story is not an elevator pitch. It's not about what you do, or how or where, it's about the WHY? Why you do what you do and why your business does what it does. Your story explains why people should work for you and with you and why people should do business with you, whether investors, suppliers or customers. So, what's your story? Why do you do what you do? Why should other people care? If you've never thought long and hard about those ques[ons this is the seminar for you. Mark is the Managing Director of Flipper, who are disrup[ng the Price Comparison market by combining technology and service to help people get a beDer deal on their energy, not just once, but con[nuously. • Being part of the team that redefined the kitchen and bathroom proposi[on as a 'take away today' product at B&Q . • Joining the commercial team at 15 years ago as they were breaking in to the UK market. • Being a senior leader in the e-commerce team at Screwfix as they developed ‘click and collect’, launched extended online product ranges and overseas delivery in Europe. • Holding senior roles at , leading the teams responsible for improving the online experience and developing comparison services for more products. His en[re career has been spent disrup[ng and innova[ng, including:

What People Are Saying

Here are a selec@on of unsolicited, public tes@monials from the last couple of EVO mee@ngs, published by Visi@ng Guests and Members alike. “Good networking events are o