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FCS Strategic Articulation Map DRAFT

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FCS Strategic Articulation Map DRAFT



FOCUSED COMMUNITY STRATEGIES partners with under-resourced neighborhoods

to provide innovative and holistic development

that promotes flourishing communities


God's Shalom.



Partnership Partnership is core to the work that we do. Our collaborations – both with neighborhoods and neighbors, and with providers of resources and expertise – make it possible for us to reach the scale and depth of our work.

Neighborhood We focus on one neighborhood or one set of neighborhoods at a time with a long-term commitment, remaining until the job is finished or until the neighborhood can “take it from here”.

Innovation We address difficult and persistent problems that require creativity. We are willing to risk failure and try again in order to discover new and highly effective solutions.

Holistic Poverty and neighborhood deterioration have a deep, dense root system that is entangled in multiple collateral issues. Therefore, overall neighborhood redevelopment requires addressing multiple areas simultaneously with a number of diverse programs to fit within a greater vision. Development We work intentionally to provide solutions that address systemic barriers in neighborhoods. The end goal is to honor the dignity of the recipients and empower residents to address their own needs and the needs of the neighborhood.

Flourishing Through prayer, neighborhood participation, creative initiatives, and measured results, we work to build wholesome, viable, self-sustaining communities that flourish.

Shalom (God’s Peace) We hold to the hope that as we share life with our neighbors, our faith in Christ will foster the peace and unity of God’s Kingdom. For us, Shalom represents God’s vision of health, wholeness, and hope for our community.



As we articulate our strategy going forward, we remind ourselves of the core values that brought us here that we now lift up as guides to our path forward.


Neighboring We value local living, believing proximity and diversity allow for mutually transformative relationships.

Dignity We value the gifts and abilities of our neighbors, believing as bearers of the image of God they have inherent capacity and are engaged as full participants in bringing about the flourishing of the neighborhood. 2


Development We value sustainable strategies, believing that lasting impact requires addressing systemic and structural barriers to flourishing.



Listening, Partnering and Engaging our Neighbors

Extending and Diversifying our Mixed-income Housing

Growing our Local Economy through Creation of Jobs and Business

Expanding Our Model of Place-Based Development

Igniting New Approaches to Strengthen Our Model



ACKNOWLEDGE We will ACKNOWLEDGE the current state of race and equity through highlighting inequities, historic hurdles and challenges, etc.


Listening, Partnering and Engaging our Neighbors

Extending and Diversifying our Mixed-income Housing

Igniting New Approaches to Strengthen Our Model

Expanding Our Model of Place-Based Development

Growing our Local Economy through Creation of Jobs and Business

ACT We will ACT by committing to right wrongs through our work.

AFFIRM We will AFFIRM what should be done in general to work against these inequities.



RACE AND EQUITY What we will Acknowledge, Affirm and Act on through our neighbor centered race and equity commitments




We acknowledge the beautiful history of Historic South Atlanta and the ways in which discriminatory policies and violence have harmed its residents. We acknowledge the unique wisdom of our neighbors, and that their wisdom has often been overlooked due to systemic and racial bias. Racial injustice and anti-Blackness pervades our social fabric in Historic South Atlanta and beyond. The disparities we see in our neighborhood are the effects of policies and choices designed to discriminate based on race. We acknowledge that housing policies in Atlanta and the US have been used to intentionally disenfranchise Black families and segregate our cities, and that barriers to housing are complex and multi-faceted. We further acknowledge that low-income families are often at risk of displacement when development occurs. We acknowledge that Black communities have been systematically cut off from financial investment, goods, and services. We acknowledge that thriving Black businesses have been actively destroyed through violence. Futher, we acknowledge that racial discrimination in hiring and advancement have stifled job opportunities for Black communities. We acknowledge that nonprofits, ministries, and charities have often reinforced and even exacerbated racial inequity. We acknowledge that due to racial injustice, leaders in nonprofits are disproportionately white and financially resourced. We acknowledge that our country has a history of systematically exploiting and undervaluing Black labor. We acknowledge that organizations have caused harm to Black communities when they operate outside of their expertise or continue initiatives that are no longer effective. We further acknowledge that organizational structure, culture, funding, and administrative processes can themselves perpetuate racial inequity.

We affirm that building authentic,dignifying relationships with our neighbors is key to effective work. We affirm the intrinsic value of each neighbor and the unique insight they have to offer, including through their lived experiences here. We have an opportunity and responsibility to dismantle unjust systems and mitigate their effects in Historic South Atlanta through our work. We affirm the intrinsic value of Black life and Black neighborhoods and that racial equity helps everyone flourish.

• We will honor the legacy of this neighborhood and do so in a way that is inclusive and that preserves the history of Historic South Atlanta for all. • We will disrupt systems of race-based isolation that have been in place for many years. • We will defer to local leadership and local prioritization as fully as possible when planning and executing our work. • We will produce mixed-income housing and expand access to housing through a multi-faceted approach that responds to systemic barriers. • We will involve neighbors, especially legacy ones, in our development processes. • We will partner with others to create housing options that will be affordable long-term. • We will create businesses that welcome and serve the entire neighborhood. • We will create businesses to employ our neighbors and provide pathways for them to advance their careers. • We will partner with organizations that can spur and nourish local entrepreneurs. • We will equip nonprofit and ministry clients to share power, collapse geographic and racial segregation, and scrutinize the ways their operations reinforce systemic injustice. • We will prioritize the cultivation and "freeing up" of indigenous leadership. • We will proactively cultivate an equitable and healthy workplace. • We will proactively seek to eliminate racial inequity through hiring, promotion, and board leadership with clear goals. • We will clearly communicate with our stakeholders in culturally relevant ways. • We will intentionally evaluate our processes, systems, and structure and adapt them to maximize relevance and effectiveness. • We will identify and support minority-owned businesses when our organization requires partnerships and services. • We will focus our work on addressing the effects of racially motivated inequity to the fullest extent possible. • We will align our work with neighbors' priorities to maximize opportunity to determine futures and create flourishing.

As an organization, FCS wlll...

Listening, Partnering and Engaging our Neighbors

We affirm that every family deserves a financially feasible, safe, and secure home. We affirm that equitable development that keeps legacy neighbors in their homes is possible, attainable, and necessary.

Extending and Diversifying our Mixed- income Housing Growing our Local Economy through Creation of Jobs and Business

We affirm that local business and local investment should fit the budget and needs of the entire neighborhood. We affirm the importance of local entrepreneurship. We affirm that economic development must include providing job and entrepreneurship opportunities that match the local workforce's strengths. We affirm the need for new models of nonprofit and ministry engagement that disrupt racial inequity and make a sustainable impact. We affirm the wisdom and importance of indigenous leadership in nonprofit or ministry efforts and affirm the need to remove barriers that deter indigenous leaders. We affirm that every employee is entitled to fair wages and healthy work-life boundaries. We affirm that embracing DEI as an organization enables our administration to flourish and makes our work more effective. We affirm the need to assess our organizational expertise and limits. We affirm the value of organizational transparency and adaptation for the sake of greater racial equity.

Expanding Our Model of Place-Based Development

Igniting New Approaches to Strengthen Our Model


ACKNOWLEDGE We will ACKNOWLEDGE the current state of race and equity through highlighting inequities, historic hurdles and challenges, etc.



Listening, Partnering and Engaging our Neighbors

Listening, Partnering and Engaging our Neighbors

Extending and Diversifying our Mixed-income Housing

Igniting New Approaches to Strengthen Our Model

WE SUPPORT OUR PURPOSE AND MISSION BY: Fostering reconciling relationships built on trust and care through intentional friendships, programs and partnerships.

Expanding Our Model of Place-Based Development

AFFIRM We will AFFIRM what should be done in general to work against these inequities

Growing our Local Economy through Creation of Jobs and Business

ACT We will ACT by committing to right wrongs through our work

• Authentic, organic, and mutually purposeful relationships in new geographies. • Connecting multiple neighborhoods so they have an understanding of their interconnectedness. • Coordinated new and ongoing partnerships to provide what neighbors need and desire.

OUR THINK BIG VISION SNAPSHOTS By the end of 2026, we want to see

2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Create a strategy for entering new neighborhood

Expand Flourishing Neighborhood Index (FNI) to include our full focus area Identify partners for the creation of strategy for the development of early learning opportunities for neighborhood children Expand our footprint to include Thomasville Heights, Joyland and Lakewood Heights Build the neighborhood engagement team


HEADLINE INDICATOR How we will measure our progress to this vision (measures, indicators and/or outcomes)

• FNI - regularly improving neighborhood health score - Measured every 24 months - Baseline = 3.2. • Spire Assessment - Measure participant feedback in one program per year - No Baseline - first measurement will be 2022.

ORGANIZATIONAL GROWTH & CULTURE How we will build and grow the high performing team that can best realize this vision

• We will grow our team in line with our geographic expansion. • We will grow and develop partnerships to meet neighborhood needs and goals. • We will sustain the strategic imperative of living and working in proximity to our neighbors.


ACKNOWLEDGE We will ACKNOWLEDGE the current state of race and equity through highlighting inequities, historic hurdles and challenges, etc.



Listening, Partnering and Engaging our Neighbors

Extending and Diversifying our Mixed-income Housing

Extending and Diversifying our Mixed-income Housing

Igniting New Approaches to Strengthen Our Model

WE SUPPORT OUR PURPOSE AND MISSION BY: Producing quality and sustainable mixed-income housing for families and communities with respect and dignity.

Expanding Our Model of Place-Based Development

AFFIRM We will AFFIRM what should be done in general to work against these inequities

Growing our Local Economy through Creation of Jobs and Business

ACT We will ACT by committing to right wrongs through our work

• Scaled our single-family production. • Owner Developer on multi-family properties. • Clear vision on mixed-income housing with a healthy mix. • Robust financing model for home ownership.

• Professionally managing leasing. • Operational and sustainable CDFI producing down payment assistance and mortgages for families in the neighborhood.

OUR THINK BIG VISION SNAPSHOTS By the end of 2026, we want to see

2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Complete up to 20 units of single-family workforce housing Add 220 units of multi-family rental apartments FCS Community Finance is a fully certified CDFI with fully functioning with mortgage and down payment assistance products Explore creative and innovative new tools to deepen affordability and increase density such as Accessory Dwelling Units(ADUs), land trust and small infill developments Add up to 30 units of single family rental housing Assemble property for up to 3 additional apartment complexes


• Number of single family properties developed annually against goal - Baseline = 15 Workforce, 5 Rental. • Neighborhood Wealth Creation - explore strategies for effectively assessing the impact of our efforts on wealth creation. • Ratio of single family homeownership - Baseline = 62% - Goal is 2/3 or 66%. • Percent of low-income homeowners - Baseline = 30% - Goal is 50% of total homeowners.

HEADLINE INDICATOR How we will measure our progress to this vision (measures, indicators and/or outcomes)

ORGANIZATIONAL GROWTH & CULTURE How we will build and grow the high performing team that can best realize this vision

• We will strengthen our team to support increased annual housing production goals. • We will utilize emerging tools available in zoning, finance, and design to innovate new models of affordability. • We will continue to secure properties and land to ensure years of affordability within our targeted geography.


ACKNOWLEDGE We will ACKNOWLEDGE the current state of race and equity through highlighting inequities, historic hurdles and challenges, etc.



Growing our Local Economy through Creation of Jobs and Business

Listening, Partnering and Engaging our Neighbors

Extending and Diversifying our Mixed-income Housing

Igniting New Approaches to Strengthen Our Model

WE SUPPORT OUR PURPOSE AND MISSION BY: • Creating positive 3rd places for our neighbors to gather. • Employing neighborhood residents. • Connecting residents to quality and affordable goods/services. • Strengthening city recognition of our neighborhood (Main Street, transportation, etc).

Expanding Our Model of Place-Based Development

AFFIRM We will AFFIRM what should be done in general to work against these inequities

Growing our Local Economy through Creation of Jobs and Business

ACT We will ACT by committing to right wrongs through our work

• All residents that are willing and able to work have jobs with the skills necessary for meaningful employment. • Our businesses Carver Market and Community Grounds are self-sufficient. • A branded, neighborhood marketplace with a number of local neighborhood small homegrown businesses. • Solved the replication strategy for Carver Market.

OUR THINK BIG VISION SNAPSHOTS By the end of 2026, we want to see

2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Develop former Harolds BBQ site into 17 micro-spaces for entrepreneurs Develop plan for replication of Carver Market Secure restaurant operator for Brownsville Commons Complete retail district


HEADLINE INDICATOR How we will measure our progress to this vision (measures, indicators and/or outcomes)

• Increased number of jobs through FCS developments annually - Baseline = 15 jobs. • Increased number of businesses in our focus area - Baseline = 2 businesses.

• We will develop staff and strategy for larger economic development activity beyond Carver Market and Community Grounds. • We will support the creation of an active business association in our target geography. • We will promote workforce development through partnerships with experienced organizations and companies.

ORGANIZATIONAL GROWTH & CULTURE How we will build and grow the high performing team that can best realize this vision


ACKNOWLEDGE We will ACKNOWLEDGE the current state of race and equity through highlighting inequities, historic hurdles and challenges, etc.



Listening, Partnering and Engaging our Neighbors

Expanding Our Model of Place-Based Development

Extending and Diversifying our Mixed-income Housing

Igniting New Approaches to Strengthen Our Model

WE SUPPORT OUR PURPOSE AND MISSION BY: Exporting FCS’s holistic neighborhood development principles to communities around the globe.

Expanding Our Model of Place-Based Development

AFFIRM We will AFFIRM what should be done in general to work against these inequities

Growing our Local Economy through Creation of Jobs and Business

ACT We will ACT by committing to right wrongs through our work

• Have become thought leaders in place-based development. • Have set technology priorities to go wide through well-managed >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16

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