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First Choice. Helping Arthritis Pain

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Choice PT: Helping Arthritis Pain

worse we begin gathering information. How is your body compensating? How does that line up with the

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SportsRehab: Helping Arthritis Pain

slow-cooker-pumpkin-pie-oatmeal Patient Success Spotlight OCTOBER WORKSHOPS

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HealthcorePT: Helping Arthritis Pain n° 34745 - Level Hard Do You Have Friends Or Family Unable To Do The Following: � Move w

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HealthActions: Helping Arthritis Pain

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WisePT: Helping Arthritis Pain

frozen blueberries • 1½ tbsp lemon juice vinegar • 2 tsp peeled & minced ginger • ¼ tsp sea salt • ¼

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Dynamic: Helping Arthritis Pain

4 cup of grated cheese, toss again and serve in bowls, passing more cheese at the table. www.dynamic

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Orthosports: Helping Arthritis Pain

or cilantro and sprinkle with the chili powder. • 1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans • 1 cup frozen mixed

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Kinetix: Helping Arthritis Pain

rehab • Sports physical therapy • And many more!

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FyzicalCentralIllinois: Helping Arthritis Pain


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Ellis: Helping Arthritis Pain

2 of the marinade mixture on top, give it all a shake or stir, then allow shrimp to marinate in the

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First Choice. Helping Arthritis Pain



When you experience an injury, dealing with the pain that comes as part of the aftermath is expected. While painful, mostofthetimewhenrecoveringfroman injuryyoucanfind comfort intheknowledgethatthepain istemporary.Asyour body heals, as you go through the motions of building your muscle mass back and improving flexibility with physical therapy, you know that in time you will feel like yourself again.Thisknowledgegivesyousomethingtoworktowards, and helps the pain feel more manageable—even when it is intense, and never-fleeting.

• Overcoming Arthritis Pain • Physical Therapy & Arthritis • Patient Success Spotlight • Green Bean Casserole Recipe • Relieve Knee Pain In Minutes INSIDE:

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(Continued from outside) Arthritis pain is different. Arthritis doesn’t develop as a result of an injury, but insteaddevelopsovertimeasaresultofchronicuse,orevenasaresultofgenetic disposition.  This can make dealing with the pain of arthritis even more difficult to cope with, as it begs the question: if the pain is coming from inside the joint, is there anything I can actually do about it? Understanding Arthritis Pain Osteoarthritis is themostcommonchroniccondition toaffect the joints.Almost 30 million adults in the United States struggle with the condition, and while it can influence anyone of any age, it most frequently develops among those who are most prone to overuse—those who are over the age of 65. Arthritis occurs when there is a breakdown of the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones.This cartilage is what allows the joints in the elbows, ankles, knees and hips to move with freedom. Without cartilage, the bones would rub against oneanotherwitheachmovement,andwouldcauseextremepain.Asthecartilage breaksdown,so, typically,does thebone,andas theshapeof the jointchanges it becomesevenmoredifficultfor ittofunctionsmoothly.Furthermore,the ligaments and tendons around the joint will often stiffen, and the muscles surrounding the joint will weaken, making it altogether more difficult and painful to move. While arthritis pain typically develops gradually, the realization of what you are dealingwithcanstillcomeasashock. Insomecircumstancesthepainwillappear more abruptly, especially when the pain develops in association with a change in weather or other environmental circumstance. After years of practicing poor posture, your back, shoulder and neck muscles will likely find standing or sitting

with straight posture to be uncomfortable. This is because your muscles have grown accustomed to the slouching, and standing up straight will require some thorough stretching.That doesn’t mean that once you have bad posture you can never correct it. Overcoming Arthritis Pain Turning to over the counter pain medications to cope with arthritis pain is ineffective as a long-term solution. While some of the medications may provide temporary relief, they will not help you overcome the pain for good. Physical therapy, on the other hand, can provide actual relief from arthritis by helping to rebuild strength in the joints through targeted movements and flexibility exercises.   There is a lot of current research trying to understand what precisely causes arthritis todevelop insomepeople,andnot inothers.Everyoneuses their joints every day, and while it makes sense that so much pressure would cause pain to develop over time, it doesn’t explain why the pain develops when and where it does, and why it happens to some people and not to others. Anti-inflammation and Arthritis One leading form of arthritis treatment is with the use of anti-inflammatory medication. Certain types of arthritis develop as a result of a build-up of inflammation in the body. Specifically, the tendons and ligaments become inflamed as a result of an internal attack from the immune system, which is typically triggered by some combination of environmental factors. Avoiding certain foodsandmovementscan reduce inflammation,and thereby reducepain.



Physical therapy is highly recommended for the treatment of arthritis because it can strengthen and support the joints through guided practice of movement and strength building exercises. Typically, the best activities for arthritis pain are low-impact activities. Working with a physical therapist is the best way to ensure that you are practicing the best techniques for overcoming your discomfort. There is a long list of home remedies that are said to help with arthritis pain as well, and there is some credibility to some of these concepts. For example, losing weight, exercising regularly, and making some dietary changes such as reducing caffeine and sugar consumption are said to help alleviate pain associated with arthritis. However, before you start making any changes to your lifestyle, it is best to consult with a physical therapist. For more information about how to rid your life of arthritis pain, contact us. For more information about overcoming back pain, call 321-802-5814 to talk with your physical therapist today!


Physical Therapy is Good for The Heart! Are you as healthy as you should be? For most people with chronic ailments such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and pain, walkingandexercisingcanbedifficultenough. With inactivity, thesechronicdiseases lead to a downward spiral of worsening health and the need for more aggressive medication management.

Tips for Better Heart Health 1.Aim for luckynumberseven. Youngandmiddle-ageadultswhosleep7hours a night have less calcium in their arteries (an early sign of heart disease) than those who sleep 5 hours or less or those who sleep 9 hours or more. 2. Keep the pressure off. Get your blood pressure checked every 3-5 years if you’re 18-39. If you’re 40 or older, or if you have high blood pressure, check it every year. 3. Move more. To keep it simple, you can aim for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week of moderate exercise. Even if you exercise for 30 minutes a day, being sedentary for the other 23 1/2 hours is really bad for your heart. 4. Slash saturated fats. To help your heart’s arteries, cut down on saturated fats, which are mainly found in meat and full-fat dairy products. Choose leaner cuts and reduced-fat options. 5. Find out if you have diabetes. Millions of people don’t know that they have thiscondition.That’s riskybecauseover time,highbloodsugardamagesarteries and makes heart disease more likely.

Numerous studies demonstrate the power of activity in reducing a multitude of symptoms and improving long-term health. Not only does this improve your response to treatment but also reduces the need for medications. Physical therapy can help you lead a moreactiveand healthy lifestyleby improving jointmobility,strength,andcardiovascularendurance,helpingyoubettermanageyour disease.Formore informationonoursuccessfultreatmentprograms,callustoday!



Green BeanCasserole

INGREDIENTS • Nonstick cooking spray • 5 cups sliced green beans • 4 1/4 cups low-sodium chicken broth • 1 cup panko breadcrumbs • 1 cup grated Parmesan • 1 tbsp plus 2 tsp canola oil • 2 tsp canola oil • 1 1/2 cups diced onions

• 2 cups sliced baby bella mushrooms • 2 tbsp cornstarch • 1/2 cup reduced-fat sour cream • 1/2 tsp salt

DIRECTIONS Preheat theoven to350degreesF.Spraya11/2-quartbakingdishwithnonstickspray.Boil the green beans in the chicken broth for about 20 minutes, and then drain, reserving 1 1/2 cups of the chicken broth. Mix together the breadcrumbs, parmesan and 2 tsp of the oil in a small bowl. Set aside. Heat the remaining 1 tbsp oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Saute theonionsuntil translucent,and thenadd themushroomsandcontinue tocook for3 to4minutes longer.Remove from theheat.Pour the reserved11/2cupschickenbrothback into the pot the green beans boiled in and bring to a boil. Add the green beans to the skillet with the mushrooms and onions. While that is coming to a boil, combine the cornstarch and 1/4 cup water in a small bowl to make a slurry. Slowly pour the slurry into the boiling broth,whiskingconstantlyas it thickens,about2minutes.Pour the thickenedmixtureover the green beans and add the sour cream and salt. Stir well. Pour into the baking dish and sprinklewith thepankoandcheesemixture.Bake forabout10minutes,and thenbroiluntil the breadcrumb topping is slightly browned.

“I recently had shoulder surgery. I can’t say surgery is ever a pleasant experience but I can say that my experience with Dr. Lombardo and the entire staff was pleasant. I was always treated with respect. Any questions or concerns I had were addressed and dealt with. This also applies to everyone I dealt with during my PT.” - RG “I was always treated with respect!”

1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist. 2. Your therapist can discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home. 3. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist might recommend you come in for an appointment. Call To Talk to Your Therapist Today 321-802-5814 Has Your Pain Come Back?

RELIEVE KNEE PAIN INMINUTES Try this movement if you are experiencing knee pain.

KNEE EXTENSION Sit in a chair with good

posture. Straighten your left leg and hold for 2 seconds before returning to the starting position. Repeat 6-10 times before alternating with your right leg.

Helps Alleviate Knee Pain