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Flax Dental - December 2021

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Flax Dental - December 2020

smile Inside Remember: Whether you have dental insurance benefits remaining, or leftover funds in yo

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Flax Dental - October 2021

FlaxDental. Congratulations to last month's winner, Allison Steele the years, I learned my persp

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Flax Dental - April 2021

smile Inside Remember: Whether you have dental insurance benefits remaining, or leftover funds in yo

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Flax Dental - August 2021

2 cup feta cheese, crumbled • Optional protein choices: 1 cup cooked chickpeas or 6 oz Genoa salami

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Flax Dental May 2021

8 tsp red pepper flakes • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste Directions 1. With a vegetable peele

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Flax Dental - June 2021

to access the map and see what’s near your hometown! If you’re dreaming up travel plans beyond your

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Flax Dental - November 2021

2 tsp honey • 1 tsp Dijon mustard • Salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. In a skillet over medium

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Flax Dental - July 2021

or blueberries, use a blender exclusively. 3 404-255-9080 | PRST STD US POSTAGE P

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Flax Dental - September 2021

4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a lar

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Flax Dental - October 2020

smile Inside 2 1 Obsess Over Your Dreams The Best Mental Health Apps You Can Use From Home Brushing

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Flax Dental - December 2021

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December 2021

How many times have you heard the show “Seinfeld” do a bit that starts a little like this: “What’s the deal with …?” and Jerry puts his hands up in disbelief. That’s kind of how I felt about holidays when I saw that there’s “Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day” on Dec. 8. What’s the deal with all these oddly specific holidays? How are we supposed to have time for them all? At the same time, I also thought about how Dec. 8 is my parents’ wedding anniversary, and — some of my patients can attest to this — I’ve always known that if I could have a time machine, I’d love for my kids and me to see my parents when they were young. I had gotten married at 32 and began having kids at 35, so my parents were elderly and losing certain functions as my kids started to get to know them. But if they knew them like I do, I’m certain that my kids would’ve been amazed by just how clearly their vibrant personalities showed in their youth. Memory —The Gift That Keeps on Giving If I Had a Time Machine ...

I have a sea of exciting concerts in my past that would be fun to relive, but how could I pass up the chance to see my parents again? My dad taught me so much about life, especially on the days he’d take me to work as a salesman. But even if he stood in his boxer shorts in the yard as he washed the car, or let me steer while we were on a road trip (simultaneously encouraging and terrifying me), I’d still pay my time machine the fare to go see him again.

But there are many facets to my parents’ lives and personalities that make me the way I am today, not just my dad’s lessons about people through his profession as a salesman. My mom was a great artist, and her compassionate insights always became a tremendous source of support and mentorship for me, just like my dad had been. Some of my favorite memories include traveling with them to Disney World, or, really, anywhere — they loved traveling and always gave us new adventures. Unfortunately, time travel technology doesn’t exist, and I may never give my kids the full experience of what my parents were like. However, I do think I can opt for the next best thing — sharing my memories. As we enter the season of giving, I’ve found that this odd little holiday, “Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day” — on my parents’ anniversary of all days — reminded me that we don’t need time machines to cherish the past or be reminded of life lessons. One of the best gifts you can give is sharing memories. Not only does it immortalize the life experiences that are important to you, but also the people you love most.

My dad had a great sense of humor with a sharp wit, and my mom was very charming and smart.

Of course, things were different than they are today, but, nevertheless, my parents always had a way of becoming the life of the party.

If you could go back in time, what, where, or who would you like to see? Tell us on Facebook and you can win a $100 gift card to Shutterfly! We only get 10–20 responses a month, so you could win big! Respond by Dec. 10, 2021, and submit your story to our Facebook page at Congratulations to last month’s winner, Ashley Townsend

—Hugh Flax


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How to Wake Up Refreshed

The Type of Sleep You Get Matters!

Are you getting enough shut-eye but still feeling groggy when you wake up? The type of sleep you get matters, and a sleep schedule can help ensure you’re cycling through all the stages of sleep your body needs. Sleep is broken up into four different stages. During the first stage, which only lasts about 5–10 minutes, your body is softly drifting off, and as your brain slows down, your breathing and heartbeat slow as well. When you transition to the second stage, you become less aware of your surroundings, your eye movements cease, and your body temperature drops. Moving into the third stage, your body will drift into a deep sleep, where you will not be awakened by small noises and your muscles are completely relaxed. In the fourth stage, your body is in a deep, restful state. In stages three and four, you’re getting REM sleep, which is when your body is in its deepest sleep, and your breathing, heart rate, and temperature all reach the lowest level. In these stages, your body is able to fight sickness, begin repairing itself, and commit information to memory. During REM sleep, which occurs about 90

minutes after your head hits the pillow, your body is completely relaxed, and you begin to dream.

Throughout the night, you will progress through these stages of sleep multiple times, but usually not in a perfect sequence. You will likely be in each stage of sleep about 4–5 times per night, and one cycle typically lasts about 90–110 minutes. Too much or too little REM or non-REM sleep can affect the quality of your sleep and how refreshed you feel. Quality sleep is important to make sure you are recharging your body, strengthening your mind and immune system, and prioritizing your health. If you never achieve deep sleep throughout the night, sleep deprivation sets in, and you won’t get the proper rest you need to recover. By setting a sleep schedule, you can make sure you are hitting the hay each night at a reasonable hour and allowing yourself to properly cycle through the different stages of sleep. Be sure to clear your mind before tucking yourself into bed and make sure your bed is comfortable to promote the best possible sleep — your body counts on it!

Good News The

When Are Tooth Implants the Best Choice?

Some people almost feel like losing a tooth makes them disabled or handicapped in some way. Even the stigma of needing to purchase dental adhesive can be shocking to them. They’re so embarrassed by the idea of wearing an “oral wig” that it negatively impacts their ability to work with others or seek career advancement, and they just begin to age and lose self-confidence.

Performing an implant procedure begins with a plan for what the end result will be. That means knowing exactly where the teeth are supposed to fit together and how they will fit your face. The implants should not only function just like natural teeth, they should also restore facial contours. We want you to be comfortable with your new teeth for a lifetime.

Once all the information about your mouth and health is gathered, we create a treatment plan. If the patient says, “I just want to look like I did before,” I ask them to bring in pictures of a happy moment so we can see how their teeth looked when they smiled. That also helps shape the treatment plan.

But here’s the really sad part: The longer a person waits, the worse the situation gets. Putting off treatment to avoid seeing the dentist, or simply fearing the implant procedure itself, only promotes more bone loss. The earlier you deal with tooth loss, the younger we can keep you and the more natural the final result will be!

As part of the treatment plan, we determine whether there is enough bone to support the implants and keep them rigid over the long term. Depending on the complexity of the case, a patient may be referred to a specialist for extra grafting (which will be explained in next month’s article) — but even cases requiring as many as five teeth can often be handled in our office, so don’t hesitate to give our office a call!

Let me share with you what it’s like to actually go through the process of getting an implant. As you read this, remember that you’re in the hands of professionals who have empathy for your situation and want to use their experience and expertise to get back a beautiful, and functional, smile.

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Our Patients Refer the Best Patients “Always a pleasure! Dr. Flax is a pro and one of the best dentists I’ve personally been to, and the staff is very nice and upbeat! Great team! Awesome dental work!” —Vanessa R.

Patient Spotlight

She Woke Up, and Her Jaw Was Broken Anna’s Incredible 3-Year Transformation

About five years ago, during her last year of college, Anna Kreger woke up and realized that she’d fallen and hit her head, breaking her upper jaw and four of her front teeth. To this day, she’s not exactly sure how it happened. “I have no memory of it besides waking up and thinking that I had food poisoning,” she shared.

Anna didn’t have any dental issues growing up, but suddenly, she had more than she could’ve ever imagined. “I thought this was a really bad nightmare, but it wasn’t … I didn’t smile for 6–7 months, and I work in health care, so I’d come into contact with a lot of patients.” Thanks to a family recommendation, Dr. Flax and Anna met in November 2016. During their very first appointment, Anna was grateful to be completely informed on the nature of her injury, the type of damage that would occur if he simply gave her veneers without getting other specialists involved in her treatment, and referrals to other dental providers to receive additional treatment. Although Anna realized it’d be a long road, Dr. Flax gave her the knowledge, confidence, and reassurance that it’d be worth it. As promised, the road was long. She moved down to south Florida to start her master’s program in occupational therapy, and she had to drive back and forth between Atlanta and Florida in order to maintain her dental cleanings and care. She also needed oral surgery as well as an orthodontist to get root canals where her tooth roots had died. But Anna didn’t mind; she trusted her referred doctors just as much as Dr. Flax. “He is so well-known in the dental community and highly respected; he had contacts to other providers who are just as respected and skilled.” The staff at Flax Dental made her journey tremendously easier, too. “The women in his office followed up regularly, and they were super helpful, especially when it came to accommodating my schedule!” Almost three years later, in April 2020, we finished Anna’s permanent restoration — and she couldn’t love her smile any more than she does today. “I get so many compliments all the time,” she laughed. “Also, it looks very natural. People have no idea.” Anna sees a lot of people in Florida with veneers that are too white or too big for their mouth, but she truly believes that her veneers are perfect. And the best part? “I’m not afraid to smile anymore.”

Want to enjoy the decadence of the holiday season without adding too much to your waistline? Swap red meat for fish and serve this delicious, easy dish. Crispy Fish With Brown Butter Sauce

Ingredients • 1 tbsp olive oil • 4 5-oz Chilean sea bass or salmon fillets, skin-on • Salt and pepper, to taste

• 6 tbsp unsalted butter, cut into pieces • 1/2 cup blanched hazelnuts, chopped • 2 tsp lemon juice • Lemon wedges, for garnish


1. In an unheated skillet, add oil. Season fish with salt and pepper, then add to skillet (skin-down). 2. Heat the skillet to medium and cook for 4 minutes. With a spatula, press each fillet down, rotating between fillets every few seconds. When the skin begins to crisp, stop pressing and cook 8–10 minutes, then flip and cook for another minute. Remove the fish. 3. Wipe the skillet clean and return to medium heat. Add the butter and hazelnuts. Heat, swirling continuously, until butter foams and browns. Remove from heat. 4. Stir in lemon juice and season to taste. Pour over fish, garnish, and serve with salad.

Thanks Anna for being such a dedicated, kind patient! We can’t wait to see your beautiful smile again sometime.

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5673 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd. Ste. 430, Atlanta, GA 30342 404-255-9080

Want a Brighter, More Confident Smile? Don’t Know Where to Start? Send in Your Pictures and Have a Personalized Zoom Call With Dr. Flax With a FREE Virtual Smile Consultation! Visit:


Remember: Whether you have dental insurance benefits remaining, or leftover funds in your flexible spending account (FSA) or health care saving account (HSA), nearly all plans won’t allow you to roll them over to the following year. Schedule an appointment at Flax Dental today.

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If I Had a Time Machine ...

Get the Most Out of Your Sleep

When Are Tooth Implants the Best Choice?


After Waking Up With a Broken Jaw, She Found Flax Dental

Crispy Fish With Brown Butter Sauce


The Secret History of the Hays Code

The Little-Known Story of the Hays Code Prohibition for the Movies?

If you’ve seen the classic movie “Casablanca,” you might be surprised to learn that the original version was more risque than the one later shown on theater screens. The night Rick and Ilsa shared in Paris was more, ahem, explicitly passionate, but those lines were dropped on the cutting room floor. Why? Well, it wasn’t because of artistic choice. According to Mental Floss, “Joseph I. Breen, the head of the Production Code Administration, personally objected to any reference in ‘Casablanca’ about Rick and Ilsa having possibly slept together in Paris.” What a killjoy! Breen’s objection was backed up by an industry standard of the time called the Hays Code (or officially, the Motion Picture Production Code). This now-forgotten list of rules predated today’s movie rating system and governed Hollywood from 1934 to 1968, restricting expression in countless movies and TV shows. It was intended to clean up the violent, drug-filled movie business much like Prohibition — which preceded it— had been designed to clean up a drunken America. As the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) puts it, “The code prohibited profanity, suggestive nudity, graphic or realistic violence, sexual persuasions, and rape” — but it

also prohibited certain kinds of costumes and dances, censored homosexuality, and banished

married movie couples to separate beds! Just a few of the stranger things banned under the Hays Code were justifications of revenge, mockery of the clergy, and showing alcohol “when not required by the plot.” You’ve likely watched movies and TV shows filmed under the restrictions of the Hays Code without realizing it was to blame for the wacky choices the directors made. For example, Mental Floss reports the code is the reason “I Love Lucy” never showed Lucy and Ricky sharing a bed or used the word “pregnant,” even when Lucy was expecting! It’s also the reason why Betty Boop temporarily lost her garter belt and why the birth scene in “Gone With the Wind” was filmed in shadows. In fact, even a “silhouette” birth should have been off-limits, but somehow, the producers sneaked it through. To learn more about the origins and ending of the Hays Code, check out the NPR story “Remembering Hollywood’s Hays Code, 40 Years On.”


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