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Florida Women's Law Group August 2018

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Dellutri Law Group - August 2018

newsletter. | 1 Stay Safe on the Roads this Summer The summer months mean s

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Wade Law Group August 2018

Wade Law Group August 2018 AUG 2018 WADE LAW GROUP THE LEGAL ISSUE 408-842-1688 www.WadeLitigation.c

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VanMeveren Law Group August 2018

VanMeveren Law Group August 2018 Foundations 9 7 The Most Dangerous Road in Colorado State Highway 1

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Soto Law Group August 2018

Soto Law Group August 2018 August 2018 Soto’s Chronicles DeDe Soto Protecting your most valuable ass

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Gibson Law Group - August 2018

Gibson Law Group - August 2018 DIVING DOWN WITH GLG AUGUST 2018 GIBSONLAWGROUP.COM (817) 769-4044 TH

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Florida Women's Law Group - August 2021

Florida Women's Law Group - August 2021 the WOMEN’S Advocate August 2021 And How You Can Start Y

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Florida Women's Law Group - August 2020

Florida Women's Law Group - August 2020 the WOMEN’S Advocate August 2020 COCO, THE CHIHUAHUA Bri

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Florida Women's Law Group - August 2019

Florida Women's Law Group - August 2019 the WOMEN’S Advocate AUGUST 2019 GETTING BACK TO SCHOOL

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Florida Women's Law Group - September 2018

hurricanes, you’ll find great hour-by-hour advice for preparing for and dealing with the aftermath o

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Florida Women's Law Group - July 2018

Florida Women's Law Group - July 2018 the WOMAN’S Advocate July 2018 NEWBEGINNINGS Inspiring the

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Florida Women's Law Group August 2018



Advocate August 2018

THE JOY OF GETTING THERE Road Trips Offer More Than Meets the Eye

as a family, searching for and eventually finding my grandfather’s name among those heroes of the greatest generation. Believe it or not, some of our favorite moments of the trip were in the car itself. During the long drive between states, even games like 20 Questions become rich, comedic experiences. The age range between my kids meant the kinds of questions that can fly vary wildly based on the person who’s answering. We roared with laughter when my son was asked if the mystery thing he was thinking of was a mammal. He replied earnestly, “Uhhh, I don’t know.” It was a great bonding experience with the kids, and I must confess that writing about it has only made my itch to hit the road again that much stronger. I’d love to be able to tour more campuses with my eldest, maybe even extending beyond the East Coast. Those one-on-one, mother-daughter road trips on the verge of big life milestones hold a particularly special place in my heart. I will always remember the summer before I went to law school, when I helped my mother make the move from California to Georgia. It was just the two of us in her little Honda del Sol; no smart phones or satellite radio to speak of. When it wasn’t my turn to drive, part of me just wanted to sleep, but my mom insisted I had to be her “scout.” Regardless of whether she really needed the extra pair of eyes or just wanted the company, I’m glad she kept me up. Not only did I get to witness the spectacular beauty of the open west, the two of us ended up having plenty of laughs along the way. That journey instilled the magic of road trips in me. Not only do you get to see more of this amazing, diverse country we live in, you also end up discovering more beauty in the people you love most.

It’s hard to wrap my head around, but this month marks the beginning of my eldest daughter’s sophomore year. It feels like only yesterday she was learning her first words; now she’s saving for her own car and beginning the college search in earnest. As she builds her list of schools and works on application essays, I can’t help but feel it would help her to travel around and see these campuses in person. The summer’s not even over yet, and I’m already planning what may be next year’s road trip. I take great pride in planning these family excursions. Two summers ago, the kids and I took a trip up to New York City, and I made sure we took plenty of detours along the way. For me, road trips are about the journey. That’s what makes them more fun than flying; you can go off the beaten path, see the sights, and bond with your fellow travelers. So, what we called a “trip to New York” was more like an odyssey up the East Coast. We stopped in South Carolina to visit with family, then headed up to North Carolina to get a head start on the aforementioned college search. I wanted both of my daughters to walk around Duke’s campus and get a feel for what an education at one of the country’s more prestigious colleges has to offer. And of course, for my son, we went to a Durham Bulls game. alive, and my kids loved it. From the wonders of the Smithsonian to the somber dignity of the various war memorials, it was great to see all three of my children engage with and have heartfelt conversations about American history. It was especially powerful to walk around the fountain at the National World War II Memorial Then came an extended stop in Washington, D.C. Our nation’s capital is a place where history comes

2018 Jacksonville Business Journal Fast 50 2018 Florida Super Lawyers list

(904) 241-0012

4312 Pablo Professional Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32224


Happy trails, -Heather Qu ick


be approved by the FDA. In fact, only 11 ingredients are banned from cosmetics in the U.S. Across the ocean, the list grows exponentially — Europe has 1,328 ingredients banned from theirs. In this Wild West state of beauty products, the responsibility for finding out what’s in your makeup is up to one person: you. Before you trash your makeup bag or move to Great Britain, check out the list below to learn what ingredients to look out for and how to avoid them. Know which ingredients are cause for alarm. While the health effects of many ingredients remain mysterious, a few commonly used ones have been linked to serious diseases. Parabens and phthalates, for example, are found in a wide array of products, from foundation to hair spray, but are now considered “endocrine disrupting chemicals” by researchers and may be linked to diabetes and hormone-related cancers. While the FDA hasn’t taken action because of a lack of information, doctors and researchers are concerned, which is reason enough to avoid products containing these chemicals.

Don’t Put Up With a Toxic Relationship

3 Ways to Break Up With Harmful Beauty Products

Beauty products can make us feel just that — beautiful. A swipe of mascara, a touch of blush, and a dab of lipstick are all you need to accentuate your favorite features. But if you’re not looking carefully at what’s in those products, you may want to look again. Your skin is your biggest organ — it’s vulnerable to whatever you put on it, but many people don’t pay enough attention to what they expose their skin to. In a recent interview, the “Today” show unveiled that beauty and skin care products do not have to

3 BACK-TO-SCHOOL TIPS for Single Parents

in this digital age, there are apps and tools designed to give divorced individuals a formal, structured means of relaying important information. Something as simple as a shared online calendar, complete with bedtimes, homework hours, sporting events, and other important school functions, can keep both of you on the same page and provide your child with an invaluable sense of stability. When splitting custody, time with your child can seem all the more precious. At the same time, you want them to succeed in school, which means dedicating at least some of that valuable time to their studies, especially when you have a high schooler. If they are comfortable with it, getting involved with your child’s education directly can help strike a happy medium. No, you shouldn’t write their papers or solve their math problems for them (no matter how much they’d like that), but you can help them make flashcards, science projects, and essay plans. You both get to spend time together, your child picks up good study habits, and you might learn something along the way! Combine Study Time With ‘Us Time’

Those of us with kids are gearing up for another great school year! The excitement of our children to make new friends and meet new teachers can be contagious. But if you have recently separated from your spouse, starting the school year off right can seem daunting. Here are our tips to make the transition smoother for you and your children. You always want to ensure your child’s school has both your contact information and your former spouse’s in the case of an emergency. But looping teachers into your child’s living situation can also give you a valuable ally. Teachers are often vital pillars of support in their students’ lives — they can keep an eye on your child’s emotional state during the divorce process. Reach Out to Teachers

Stick to a Schedule

In cases of shared custody, it is vital that your child be able to keep the same routine regardless of whose house they are staying at. This requires a fair amount of coordination and communication with your former spouse, which can be extremely difficult. Thankfully,

2 Florida Women’s Law Group | (904) 241-0012

Published by The Newsletter Pro |

Women Speaking Wisely “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.”

Look to transparent research organizations for guidance. When you’re trying to educate yourself about clean beauty products, don’t trust everything you read on the internet. Instead, look to reputable organizations that prioritize research- based information. For example, the nonprofit, nonpartisan group called the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a great resource for cosmetic product knowledge. The EWG even has a subsite called the Skin Deep Cosmetics >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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