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Florida Women's Law Group - August 2019

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Spada Law Group - August 2019

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 2 tbsp sherry vinegar • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to tast

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Harrison Law Group August 2019

Harrison Law Group August 2019 August 2019 Te Contractor’s Advantage (410)

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VanMeveren Law Group August 2019

5k-race. FORTitude 10K Monday, Sept. 2, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Shields and Elizabeth Street, next to the M

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Shannon Law Group August 2019

legal assistant to join our team. We litigate cases and, therefore, prepare each case file as though

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Soto Law Group August 2019

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 2 tbsp sherry vinegar • • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to ta

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Kramer Law Group - August 2019

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 2 tbsp sherry vinegar • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to tast

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Generations Law Group August 2019

Generations Law Group August 2019 The Business Brief August 2019 The Automated Chief Financial Offic

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Florida Women's Law Group - August 2021 the WOMEN’S Advocate August 2021 And How You Can Start Y

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Florida Women's Law Group August 2018 the WOMEN’S Advocate August 2018 THE JOY OF GETTING THERE

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Florida Women's Law Group - August 2019






It seems to sneak up on me every year, but here we are in back-to-school season. Just when you really get into the groove of your summer routine, suddenly you’re back to early mornings and a hundred extracurricular events to keep track of — and that’s after you get through all the shopping. When it comes to getting school supplies for my three kids, I’m done running all over town trying to find whatever fancy calculator their math teacher says they need this year. I got Amazon Prime specifically for the “back-to-school” craze. Finding everything all in one place and having it delivered takes a load of stress off my back. Fingers crossed there aren’t any surprises this year. A word of advice to moms of sixth graders out there, next year your child will most likely need the tetanus booster shot, or they won’t be allowed in the school building. I learned this lesson the hard way when my eldest daughter was going into her seventh grade year. I’m sure email reminders were sent out during the summer, but it slipped my mind until it was almost too late. In general, it’s a good idea to check on your child’s immunization records in the summer to ensure they’re ready when school starts again. Thankfully, we haven’t had other back-to- school crises on this magnitude, but I still learn something new every year. This fall in particular is shaping up to be extra hectic at the Quick household. Our kids are now in fifth, eighth, and 11th grades, meaning they all go to separate schools with separate email addresses and event calendars — and I used to think things were tough when they all went to the same building!

in their lives. Our two younger students are excited to be “top dogs” in elementary and middle school with all the extra opportunities and responsibilities that come with the position. As for my eldest, well, the college search is already in full swing. Honestly, my eldest is one of the most driven teenagers I’ve ever met. She already has her list of schools and is on top of her application process which makes things easier on her dad and me. She’s developed self-reliance and perseverance at an early age — she’ll need it if she wants to become a doctor. Try as I might to win her over to pursuing a career in law, my daughter seems dead set on going into medicine. She’s always been into “Grey’s Anatomy,” but maybe we can still lure her to a great legal drama. No matter what field she chooses to study, I know my daughter will do an amazing job. I’m always proud of my kids and their accomplishments, but the back-to-school season is a time that really underscores how fast they’re growing. I’m sure all moms can relate to that feeling. My advice is to take the first day of school to get some much needed “me” time. After all the shopping and scheduling, chances are you need a break. Take some time to sit back, relax, and appreciate how far you and your kids have come.

2018 Jacksonville Business Journal Fast 50 2018 Florida Super Lawyers list


4312 Pablo Professional Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32224

Still, for all the running around it takes, it’s great to see the kids reaching important milestones


-Heather Qu ick


with something to keep the little ones entertained and out of their hair. Soon, however, it became popular among the adults, and they ended up spending more time on the court than their children. “Frankly,” McCallum says, “the kids got pushed out.” Since its early days, pickleball has transformed from an ad-hoc game to a full- fledged sport, complete with official rules, equipment, and leagues. Despite the more formal structure in place today, pickleball is incredibly easy to pick up and play. Investing in some paddles and balls won’t cost more than $100, and you can easily convert a tennis or badminton court for pickleball. One of the appeals of pickleball for older adults is that it is not excessively strenuous. It also doesn’t have the steep learning curve and high barrier to entry that sports like tennis or golf do. Due to the nature of a pickleball, which contains strategically placed holes similar to those of a whiffle ball, the game is much more about finesse than pure power or athleticism. While you can definitely hone your skills with practice, you’ll start having fun from day one. In addition to being a fun form of exercise, pickleball also offers older adults the chance to socialize with their peers. Leagues often lead to long-term friendships. Courts are small, and each game consists of only four players, making it easy to engage in some casual conversation or playful, competitive banter between points. If you’ve never picked up a paddle, consider joining a league or buying a set for your next family outing. You can introduce your grandkids to a fun new sport — and then school them for the bulk of an afternoon.

The Incredible Rise of Pickleball

You’ve probably heard of pickleball, especially given its rising popularity in the United States and Canada, but you may be wondering what the big deal is about this relatively new fad. Pickleball is an awesome, low- impact sport that people of all ages can enjoy. It’s great exercise and great fun, and it’s the perfect game for family get-togethers. Pickleball originated on Bainbridge Island, Washington, in 1965. It was the creation of three fathers — Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum — who needed to come up HURRICANE SEASON IS HERE Have an Evacuation Plan By the time this newsletter reaches you, hurricane season will be picking up steam. While it’s perfectly fine to hope for the best, the powerful storms of recent years have proven the need to prepare for the worst. Having an evacuation plan in place can be a vital lifeline for your family. HAVE A CAR EMERGENCY KIT Orders to evacuate can come suddenly, so the sooner you are ready to drive inland, the better. Chances are traffic will move at a crawl during an evacuation, especially if roads are closed. Having these items already packed and accessible in your car will help ease the long journey and keep you on the road:

• • • • • •


Spare home and car keys Prescription medications

A flashlight

Portable radio Extra batteries

• Photocopies of IDs, insurance policies, and other important documents

• • • • • • • • • •

Paper towels and toilet paper

Garbage bags

HAVE A ROUTE IN MIND You and your family should plan an intended route out of the city in the event of an evacuation. Bear in mind many coastal roads and bridges may be shut down by storm surge ahead of a storm, so have alternate routes in mind. You should also identify designated meeting places close to home and near your intended destination in case you get separated. KEEP EVERYONE IN THE KNOW Ideally, you should go over your evacuation plan with your family every summer. Creating laminated instructions your loved ones can take with them is also a great idea. During an evacuation, be sure to contact at least one friend out-of-state with updates when you have cell service. A little extra caution can go a long way.

Water (at least a gallon) Nonperishable snacks


Car-compatible phone charger

Gas can

Jumper cables

A tow line

Local and regional maps

KEEP A ‘GO’ BAG Not everything should be stored in your car. Having a backpack filled with critical essentials will give your family some flexibility no matter the situation. Be sure to pack these items:

2 Florida Women’s Law Group | 904-241-0012

Published by The Newsletter Pro |

Women Speaking Wisely “We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost,

must be attained.” -Marie Curie

How Florida Handles Joint Custody SHARING TIME

Time-sharing, known as “visitation” in other states, is often the most difficult thing to negotiate during the divorce process. Working out who is going to get which days to look after your children can be emotionally and logistically complex. That’s why it’s important to go into these negotiations with a realistic outlook and a mission to do what’s best for your kids. CHILDREN’S BEST INTEREST All time-sharing decisions in the state of Florida are meant to have your child’s best interest at heart. It is typically assumed that joint-custody is good for kids, but the amount of time they get with each parent is affected by the character of each spouse and any physical or geographic challenges that may make time-sharing more difficult. PERSONAL FACTORS The court will consider you and your ex’s history and personalities when making time sharing decisions. This includes your “moral fitness,” essentially whether you are an upstanding citizen who can provide a child with stability. They will also evaluate your ability and willingness to co-parent with your ex. If the court feels you may not stick to your time- sharing agreements or make these agreements more difficult through a lack of communication, your time with your kids could be impacted.

EXTERNAL FACTORS Certain facts of life, like the distance you and your ex live from one another and your child’s school, will also impact the shape of your time- sharing agreement. They’ll also weigh the work schedules of you and your ex and any other limitations that might impact how you play an active role in your child’s life. These sorts of considerations aren’t meant to be punitive; they ensure your time-sharing agreement is realistic and doesn’t put undue stress on you, your ex, and most importantly, your child. As a law firm dedicated to representing women going through divorce, we’ve helped countless mothers through this difficult process. We understand the complexities of this process and are dedicated to helping you find the best time-sharing agreement for your kids. If you are worried about an unsatisfactory joint-custody arrangement, give us a call.



4312 Pablo Professional Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32224


Getting Back to School

Why You Should Play Pickleball

Is Your Family Prepared for an Evacuation?

The No. 1 Factor in Joint Custody Agreements

Yoga With … Goats?!

YOGAWITH … GOATS?! For those who may be looking for a hidden or reasonable meaning behind the term “goat yoga,” you’re out of luck because it’s exactly what it sounds like. In this age of kale smoothies and paleolithic diets, there are few things people won’t try to get in shape. Luckily, as with most fads, there aren’t many downsides to thinking outside the box with your fitness. With a million different ways to stay healthy in this world, doing yoga alongside a tribe of goats may not be so strange after all. counterintuitive, but it’s intended to be quite the opposite. With this type of yoga, goats will wander around your mat and even take the time to climb on your back or lick your feet while you’re in downward dog. Don’t panic though! That’s all part of the process. These interactions are meant to keep you focused, grounded, and connected with both yourself and the nature At face value, including farm animals in your therapeutic workout routine seems

around you. If you’re looking for a speedy workout, this may not be for you, but if you’re looking for an afternoon you won’t soon forget, you’ll have to find the nearest goat specialist. Everyone who participates in one of these classes ultimately walks away with something a little different. Some shared results are usually reduced stress and anxiety, pain relief, a boost in happiness, and mental clarity. While we’re

starting to hear more about it this year, goat yoga actually sprang up in 2016 and has grown into chapters all around the world, capturing the hearts of everyone, even including some big-name celebrities. Advocates for goat yoga continue to rave that there is no better distraction from the perils of work stress, sickness, depression, and political strife than their sacred farmland pastime.

4 Florida Women’s Law Group | 904-241-0012

Published by The Newsletter Pro |