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Florida Women's Law Group - July 2018

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Wade Law Group July 2018

4 cup balsamic vinegar • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme • 3 tablespoons raw honey • Salt and freshly ground

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Shannon Law Group July 2018

4 cup cilantro • Salt and pepper, to taste Directions 1. Heat grill to medium. 2. Brush corn with 2

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Gibson Law Group - July 2018

Gibson Law Group - July 2018 DIVING DOWN WITH GLG JULY 2018 GIBSONLAWGROUP.COM (817) 769-4044 THE TU

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Dellutri Law Group - July 2018

2 teaspoon lemon zest • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice • 1 teaspoon olive oil • Celery salt and fresh

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Soto Law Group - July 2018

2 teaspoon lemon zest • Celery salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juic

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Florida Women's Law Group - July 2020

Florida Women's Law Group - July 2020 the WOMEN’S Advocate July 2020 ICE CREAMANDMEMORIES Making

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Florida Women's Law Group - September 2018

hurricanes, you’ll find great hour-by-hour advice for preparing for and dealing with the aftermath o

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Florida Women's Law Group August 2018

Florida Women's Law Group August 2018 the WOMEN’S Advocate August 2018 THE JOY OF GETTING THERE

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2018 Florida RV Park

RVpark . To inquire about purchasing one of our Park Models, contact Sam Sewall at [email protected]

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CompassX Group July 2018

20 of each subsequent 20, until he can answer, “What is the one thing I can do five years, one year,

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Florida Women's Law Group - July 2018




July 2018

NEWBEGINNINGS Inspiring the Next Generation of Lawyers It is with great pleasure that I am able to

women in law. With the help of our colleagues here in the Jacksonville legal community, we were able to do just that. Over 70 Girl Scouts from troops all over the area attended the event, with ages ranging from 8 years old to 15. At the courthouse, they were able to participate in Q&A panels made up of lawyers, judges, a police lieutenant, and even some federal prosecutors. These professional women and men volunteered their time to teach these girls about their jobs. The Girl Scouts took these panels seriously and asked plenty of great questions over the course of the day. It was great to see these girls get so engaged. The fact that we had a room full of successful legal professionals — the majority of whom were women — was undoubtedly inspiring. From the questions they asked, you could tell the Scouts were energized by the idea of growing up to have similar careers. One poignant moment came when Judge Bass talked to the Scouts about the Supreme Court, asking the group if they knew how many of the 103 United States Supreme Court justices were women. The girls guessed 74. Imagine their shock when the judge informed them that only four women in the history of our country have held that honor. The event wrapped up with a mock trial that the girls got to participate in. A female judge on the criminal circuit even handled the proceedings, letting the girls see just how a real-life court case would play out. There was lot of learning and plenty of laughs as the girls took on different roles in the case. The event was a resounding success, and I’m proud to have been a part of it. Being able to pass on the exposure that I was fortunate enough to receive as a girl to a new generation was an incredibly powerful experience. The legal world needs more women’s voices, and from the looks of things, those voices are on their way.

announce the relaunch of the Florida Women’s Law Group newsletter! Many of our current and past clients have been asking when this publication would make its return, and the answer is right now! We’ve done some rebranding and made some improvements, but inside you’ll find the same compassionate, knowledgeable advice you’ve come to expect from our firm. changed. My team and I remain steadfast in our commitment to empower women both inside and outside the courtroom. An important part of that mission is inspiring the next generation of female lawyers. Just last month, I had the honor of showing our local Jacksonville Girl Scout troops around our courthouse. As a member of the Judicial Relations Committee, I met with the Girl Scouts development director to discuss ways we could introduce their members to careers in law and get them excited about it. I proposed giving these girls a day at the courthouse, where they could meet and ask questions of established lawyers and judges in our community. After all, having this kind of access is what inspired my first steps toward becoming an attorney. My grandfather was a judge, and my uncle was a lawyer, so I was able to see the day-to-day workings of our legal system. As a child, I got to visit them at the courthouse and hear stories of the important work they did. Most kids don’t get the benefit of that kind of exposure to our legal system, especially girls. And the problem shows. While the ratio of women to men attending law school has remained at an equitable 50-50 split, there are few women in the position of managing law partner and even fewer on the judge’s bench nationwide. Part of correcting for this gender gap requires providing our young girls with role models who have overcome the systemic biases that work against While our logo and branding may have shifted since you last heard from us, little else has

2018 Jacksonville Business Journal Fast 50 2018 Florida Super Lawyers list

(904) 241-0012

4312 Pablo Professional Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32224 -Heather Brooke Qu ick, Esq.


Designate a Caregiver This is the step that will save your pet from the shelter. Legally documenting the person you wish to take on responsibility for your pet is the best way to ensure there are no disputes as to your wishes. Take care when choosing a caregiver. You want to ensure that the person you choose is both willing and able to give your pet the care they deserve. Start this conversation with your potential caregiver early; the last thing you want to do is surprise someone with a pet they were never expecting to take care of. Provide for Their Care While not required, you should consider designating funds to help your pet’s caregiver. Having funds set aside for food, cat litter, and any other necessities goes

Estate Planning for Pets

Leave a Legacy of Care

If you’re a self-avowed “dog mom” or “cat lady,” chances are you’ve already given some thought to your pet’s place in your estate plan. Unfortunately, looking after your furry friend’s future isn’t as simple as placing them in your will. In fact, probate laws will treat your pet as property, meaning your animal companion could end up in a shelter if the proper legal steps aren’t taken. Here are three actionable steps pet owners planning their legacy can take to ensure their furry loved ones are taken care of.

5 PRACTICALWAYS TO SUPPORT Your Friend During a Divorce

for a few hours, can take a lot of stress off of her mind and allow her some much-needed alone time to process what she’s going through. Take Her Out It’s a small but powerful gesture. Whether you grab brunch, go to the movies, have dinner, or get drinks, you’re giving your friend an opportunity to socialize and take her mind off things. Set up a recurring outing to help your friend get into a new routine and give her something to look forward to each week. Help Her Seek Representation Unless you are a lawyer, there are going to be some challenges you can’t help your friend with directly. Navigating the legal process of divorce, from the separation itself to establishing custody and alimony, is complicated. While you may not be able to get into the courtroom and defend your friend’s rights, you can point her in the direction of an experienced family law firm you trust. If you have a friend or loved one facing the challenges of divorce, please ask them to reach out to us at (904) 241-0012.

When a good friend goes through a divorce, it can be difficult to know what to say or do. You don’t want to overstep your bounds in what is a deeply personal, life- altering event, but you don’t want to be absent either. While offering support can seem challenging, there are practical gestures you can make that will go a long way toward helping your friend through this difficult time. Listen, Listen, Listen The best gift you can offer someone going through a divorce is your empathy and compassion. Being there to listen to what your friend is going through, without judgment, can help her immensely. It reminds her that her thoughts and feelings are valid and that she doesn’t have to face them alone. Help Her Move If she needs to move homes, offer to help your friend pack or unpack their things. Not only will this help her get resettled quickly, you’ll also be there to offer support during a process that can be fraught with emotion. Watch the Kids Becoming a single parent can be overwhelming. Making yourself available to watch your friend’s children, even

2 Florida Women’s Law Group | (904) 241-0012

Published by The Newsletter Pro |

Women Speaking Wisely “Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down. And trust your instincts … good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don’t hurt. They’re not painful. That’s not just with somebody you want to marry, but it’s with the friends that you choose. It’s with the people you surround yourselves with.”

a long way to help support both your pet and the person taking on responsibility for their well-being. As a show of appreciation, you may even consider adding a bonus stipend for your caregiver. Lay Out a Care Plan Leaving instructions for how to care for your pet is very important. From their feeding schedule and veterinary records to small things like their favorite brand of pet food can make a huge difference for your pet. Living without you will be emotionally difficult for your animal, but ensuring they are looked after in the way they are used to can keep them from feeling entirely uprooted.


estate planning experts are holding an event to discuss the basics of estate planning. This event is vital for anyone who does not have a will or has not updated it in some time. July 26: Webinar on Divorce Preparation Time 2 p.m. Many women don’t know where to begin when it comes to divorce. In this exclusive webinar, our legal experts will cover the steps necessary for approaching a divorce on your terms. With this knowledge, you can make an informed decision about your future. Early registration is the best way to ensure you get a seat at the table. In law, knowledge is power. It is our hope through educational events like these that we can empower you within the legal process.

As part of our mission to empower women during challenging legal times, our firm is holding several informative events this month designed to give you the strength and confidence you need to change your life. Whether you have questions on how to prepare for a divorce or how to leave a legacy for your kids, there is something for you. July 10: Women’s Social Event and Expo Deercreek Country Club 5:30–9:30 p.m. Join us for a formal gathering at the beautiful Deercreek Country Club. Meet our team in a social atmosphere and learn more about our unique women-centric approach to legal representation. July 24: Estate Planning and Wills Discussion Cypress Village Time 3:00–5:30 p.m. For the young and the young at heart looking to ensure their children are taken care of in the event of their passing, our

-Michelle Obama

For more information and to register, visit



4312 Pablo Professional Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32224


Girl Scouts’ Day at the Courthouse

3 Steps All Pet Owners Should Take When Writing Their Will

How to Support a Friend During Her Divorce

Upcoming Events

Where Do Essential Oils Come From?

WHERE ESSENTIAL OILS COME FROM Sourcing the Sweet-Smelling Stuff Call it a pseudoscientific fad or a medical revolution; either way, essential oils are more popular today than they have ever been. Though research on the efficacy of lavender, ginger, and the dozens of other sweet-smelling oils is conflicting at best, people are using them at an astonishing rate. In fact, according to Stratistics MRC, essential oils were a $5.91 billion industry in 2016 and are expected to reach $12.85 billion by 2023. Whether you’re an essential oil acolyte or fly into a rage at the faintest hint of bergamot, your mind is probably already made up about aromatherapy. The question remains, though: Where does all this delicious-smelling stuff come from? Most essential oils are derived from a process called steam distillation . Soon after harvest, the plants are placed on a mesh inside a sealed still, into which steam is injected. As the steam rises

Tea Tree oil comes from the leaves of melaleuca alternifolia , commonly known as narrow-leaved paperbark, a short, bushy tree that produces white, fluffy flowers in the spring. The trees are endemic to Australia, but today are usually farmed in New South Wales or Queensland. Bergamot is distilled from the peels of lime- green bergamot oranges, or citrus bergamia . Most of it comes from coastal areas around the Ionian Sea. Whatever you do with it, use it sparingly on your skin — it can amplify skin damage from the sun!

and envelops the plant, it breaks it down and lifts its constituent components up through a tube and into a condenser. The condenser cools the resulting vapor and collects it in liquid form at the bottom. Since essential oils do not mix with water, they float on the surface, where they’re siphoned off, bottled, and shipped off to a distributor. There are other methods, such as expression (aka cold pressing), but because steam distillation is so easy to do, most essential oils you see on the shelf will have gone through this process. Lavender essential oil is harvested from sheaves of lavandula angustifolia , that purple herb you see all over gardens across the United States. There are lavender farms all over the world, from California to Japan to Brazil, but the biggest world producer of lavender is, interestingly, Bulgaria.

4 Florida Women’s Law Group | (904) 241-0012

Published by The Newsletter Pro |