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FMN | September 16th, 2019

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FMN | August 16th, 2021

CUT ® PERFORMANCE DOCTOR BLADES Meter More Precisely Print Cleaner Dots Longer Protect Anilox Invest

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FMN | April 16th, 2018

na © 2017 DuPont. All rights reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™ and Cyrel ® are registered trad

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FMN | March 16th, 2020

CUT ® PERFORMANCE DOCTOR BLADES Meter More Precisely Print Cleaner Dots Longer Protect Anilox Invest

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FMN | September 30th, 2019

Social Media Coordinator Labelink, a Montreal,Canada-based label supplier, has acquired Quebec,Canad

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FMN | September 2nd, 2019

Cylinder Wear and Damage Print Defects Like Dirty Print, Streaks Lack of On-going Compliance Trainin

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September 16th .... 10 Years Later

September 16th .... 10 Years Later Chris & Kathy Grove Thank you for celebrating 10 years later S E

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FMN | September 27th, 2021

IEC 27001:2013 (also known as ISO 27001) International Information Se- curity Standard. Systematic A

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FMN - September 5th, 2016

rethinkdigital LIVE AT STAND 319 Clemson Donation ( Cont’d from Page 1) The flexographic press, loca

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FMN | September 18th, 2017

Europe Ted Vilardi (1933-2013) - Founder ©2017 NV Publicaions All Rights Reserved www.nvpublications

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FMN | September 28th, 2020

19 6:21 PM Page 1 In addition to its bi-weekly print edition, Flexo Market News also o

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FMN | September 16th, 2019

September 16, 2019 FLEX Serving The Flexographic Printing Industry In Print and Online at ® Vol. 21 No. 19 An N.V. Publication Market News

Graymills Celebrates 80 Years In Business

FPA Analyzes Flexible Packaging The Flexible Packaging Associa- tion’s (FPA) 2019 State of the Flexi- ble Packaging Industry Report pro- vides industry converters, suppliers, investors, and analysts with insight into the performance (growth, reve- nue/volume expectations, profitabil- ity, and capital spending) of the US flexible packaging industry over the past year. Growing Market The total US flexible packaging in- dustry was estimated to be $31.8 billion in annual sales for 2018. The flexible packaging industry includes packaging for retail and institution- al food and non-food, medical and pharmaceutical, industrial materials, shrink and stretch films, retail shop- ping bags, consumer storage bags, and wraps and trash bags. The focus of this report is on the segment of the industry that adds significant value to the flexible mate- rials, usually by performing multiple processes, such as printing, laminat-

by Greg Kishbaugh

E mpowered employees are a company’s greatest — often underutilized — weapon for ensuring long-term success. Put- ting decisionmaking power in the hands of the men and women who are on a company’s front line ensures that everyone, from the management offices to the shop floor, feels a sense of own- ership and responsibility.

Company President Kristen Shields ( right ) stresses the importance of quality control at Graymills.

(Cont’d on Page 12)

Graymills, Broadview, Illinois, understands this well and has used the concept to further its growth in a mature marketplace. The company manufactures ink pumps, metalworking pumps, and parts washers.They are best known for peristaltic or “tube” pumps, which are engineered specifically for flexo and gravure printing applications. Now celebrating its 80th anniversary in business, the compa- ny utilizes an Employee Process Empowerment Team (E.P.E.T)

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(Cont’d on Page 5)


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Albéa Group Acquires New FA Presses

Albéa, a manufacturer of laminate tubes for cosmet- ics and oral care packaging, has further invested in Nilpeter technology with the acquisition of new FA presses for company sites in India, Brazil, and Poland. Most have already been installed, with installation on- going in Brazil. The collaboration between the two companies dates back to 2008 when Albéa, through its former UK di- vision, Betts Group, acquired two original FA-4 flexo presses for locations in India and Indonesia. Interested in adding new technology, the Albéa head office in France reached out to Nilpeter once again, and after a comprehensive vetting process with test- ing and trials, chose Nilpeter’s All New FA to be in- stalled in India, Poland, and Brazil. The new FA-presses will be put to use in the fields of laminate tubes for oral care packaging, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other various personal care ap- plications. Albéa’s new FA-presses are prepared for the addition of digital printing stations, which will allow them to print variable >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16

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