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Franklin Building Supply - August 2022

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Franklin Building Supply - August 2021

Franklin Building Supply - August 2021 OWNER -TO- OWNER | 208-514-220

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Franklin Building Supply - February 2022

Caldwell 2 GIVE THE GIFT OF HIGH FIVES And You Might Get a Visa Gift

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Franklin Building Supply - May 2022

Franklin Building Supply - May 2022 OWNER -TO- OWNER | 208-514-2200 |

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Franklin Building Supply - April 2021

Franklin Building Supply - April 2021 OWNER -TO- OWNER | 208-514-2200

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Franklin Building Supply - May 2021

2 years. Jill is an account coordinator, so she always has her finger on the line of the business. J

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Franklin Building Supply - December 2021

inventory count specialist in the Boise Supply location and has been with us just shy of a year now.

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Franklin Building Supply - June 2021

2 years raising sturgeon on a local fish farm in between stints here at FBS. You might think of clas

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Franklin Building Supply - November 2021

Franklin Building Supply - November 2021 OWNER -TO- OWNER | 208-514-2

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Franklin Building Supply - January 2022

ready to work and give it their all and are the first to lend a helping hand when needed. High Five

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Franklin Building Supply - March 2021

sleeted) all the way around the house and up the stairs. They were very pleasant.” –Customer email,

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Franklin Building Supply - August 2022

OWNER -TO- OWNER | 208-514-2200 | 9222 W. Barnes Dr., Boise, ID 83709 AUGUST 2022


“To love what you do and feel like it matters, how could anything be more fun?” –Katherine Graham Anyone lucky enough to spend time with Rhonda Millick will come away with a clear idea that she is having fun. Part of that is Rhonda’s naturally optimistic way of approaching whatever is in front of her. She smiles a lot. Her greeting to you is warm and genuine. She listens actively and engages on any topic with a sort of joy that can’t be faked. Rhonda is interested in the people and topics that come her way. Another part is that Rhonda, like the analytical thinker she is, clearly gets a charge out of putting the columns in order. She thrives on organizing. Detail work makes her socks roll up and down. In the jobs she has held at FBS for the past 30 years, she’s been like a kid in a candy store, balancing the books, creating charts and graphs to explain our progress, and leading the effort to become better at all things accounting. She is the longest serving chief financial officer in the company’s history, eclipsing even Dick Lierz in that role. The curious thing is that Rhonda wasn’t destined for this career. She was an accountant, to be sure, having graduated from the University of Idaho (go Vandals!) and earning her CPA license. But her dad (the aforementioned Dick Lierz) told her, as the founders told all their children, that there was no place at FBS for her and she should go make her impact elsewhere in the world. So, she did. Rhonda’s first professional job was with an accounting firm in little Challis, Idaho. After a short stint there, she moved to Hailey, Idaho, and worked as a CPA with a firm in Ketchum. From there, she moved to Pocatello and took a job as controller of a regional hospital. Life was good, and she had started a family, when she saw an advertisement for the controller job at Franklin Building Supply. It stopped her in her tracks. Should she do it, she thought? Dad had said not to, all those years ago. The bee was in her bonnet, so to speak, and she called up good old Dad and said that she wanted to apply for the job. He knew in his heart she was the perfect candidate, but he had no appetite at that point for supervising his own child. The long and short of it is that she did apply, and she went through the overwhelmingly complete interview

circuit that FBS is famous for subjecting some candidates. She got the job.

To say she succeeded is the understatement of the century. Dick Lierz hired hundreds of people in his long career, but he never made a better hire. In Rhonda, he got someone as dedicated and loyal as he was. He

got a solid accountant with a love for the hard work of managing the books of a growing company. He got a financial leader with a curiosity and drive to experience everything she could during her career. At one board of directors meeting nearly 20 years ago, Rhonda said that listening to the regional managers talk with gusto about their operations made her pine for having a location assigned to her so she could experience the same things. The board questioned the wisdom of that move, given her workload as the company’s CFO, but Rhonda assured everyone that she wouldn’t miss a beat. Rhonda convinced the board, and she became a regional manager for one location, where she learned more about the ground level pressures and issues than she had anywhere previously. Working side by side with Rhonda for so long has been one of the greatest experiences of my career. She is my little sister and we’ve always been close, but siblings working together in leadership is a dynamic that has blown up many relationships and destroyed companies. They make TV shows about the disasters. I joined the company after her. I moved myself and the other company executives to the corporate office long after Rhonda had established the office and built a good workplace culture. I became her boss after we had been equals in the company.

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board to study ESOPs. Rhonda eagerly launched out to research what that meant. She traveled far and wide to interview other companies in our industry who were employee owned. She advocated strongly for this as the right move. She was right again. Employee ownership is something that matters in a deep way to many. We all owe Rhonda a debt of gratitude for her leadership in making that happen. Rhonda has announced that she is retiring on Sept. 15. I’m a little pissed off that she is retiring before me and she is still younger than me. Kidding, I’m not really mad. She is approaching this milestone with such grace and excitement that I can’t be anything other than impressed. She darn sure has earned all the accolades and good wishes from all of us. In one sense, FBS will not be the same without her. In a much more important sense, Rhonda Millick has given us such a strong foundation that there is no doubt our company will continue to grow and thrive in the way she dreams that it should.

Rhonda never wavered in her support of me as I ran the company. She spoke her mind, which she was duty bound to do, but always with respect and with a firm grip on what was best for FBS. I listened to her often because I always received good counsel. We were partners in the truest sense of the word. I couldn’t have asked for a better one. Rhonda led on another issue that has become the hallmark of our company. She was an early adopter of the notion of employee ownership. In the early 2000s, we formed a committee of the

– Rick Lierz CEO


WE MAKE BUILDING EASY Submitted by Matt Farnworth of McCall About Mike Angier of McCall

has been of huge value to us. When Kasey joined us, it was at a time when we had just brought our modular side of cabinets back into the mix. It was a big change and transition for all of us to work together and develop processes we could all make work, and Kasey was an incredible part of all of it and had a lot of great ideas and input to get where we are today. Kasey is pretty much a one-man show in our mod building and does an amazing job. When he has down time, he is more than willing to come help out on our custom side of cabinets as well and lend a helping hand. He has also become one of our certified forklift trainers to help get some of our other employees trained on our forklift. We are very fortunate to have Kasey as part of our department and part of our team and appreciate all his efforts and willingness to help us all. So, a big high five to Kasey Jensen of the cabinet department.”

“ High five goes out to FBS McCall delivery driver Mike Angier after we received a positive note and picture of his work from a happy customer. The customer stated, ‘I’m impressed with your driver. Good attention to detail, high energy, and so nice.’ Good job, Mike! Keep up the good work.”

GUIDE Submitted by Chris Edwards of Boise yard About Agapito Bernal of Boise yard

“ I would like to recognize Agapito Bernal for always stepping up to help in the Boise yard with whatever needs to be done. Examples include restocking racks, helping with processing returns, and training our new employees on how to work safely and efficiently in each area of the yard. Agapito is a great example of being interdependent and does all this with a great attitude and smile.” STRIVE Submitted by Ritchie Rodriguez of Boise cabinets About Kasey Jensen of Boise cabinets “ I would like to take the time to recognize Kasey Jensen of the cabinet department. Kasey joined our team shortly after our fireplace department shut down. I am not positive on the knowledge or experience that Kasey had about anything to do with cabinets before joining us, but his skill set of being organized and very thorough on top of his work ethic

WOW Submitted by Tom Mosgrove of Boise store About the Caldwell gutter crew

“ Just wanted to send out a high five for Caldwell’s gutter crew. We had the old drip chains hanging from our gutters and they were constantly getting clogged, so I got ahold of Jeff Keeney and Brent Zollman in Caldwell to have them replace the chains with regular downspouts. The crew just left the house and I gotta say … WOW! They matched the color exactly and did an exceptional job of installing them on the house. My wife is super happy with the results. So … to Brent, Jeff, Todd, and the whole install crew, NICE JOB!”



We love to take advantage of the great outdoors in Idaho and Nevada. We are having a contest where you can show how you like to have fun outdoors in all the ways that you cherish! Send your photos to [email protected] with your full name and store location. Please put the category you are entering as the subject line of your email. These need to be accurate depictions of contemporaneous activity. PRIZES AWARDED EVERY WEEK! WEEK 1 - Aug. 15 to 21: Biggest fish, $100 Visa gift card WEEK 2 - Aug. 22 to 28: Prettiest background, $100 Visa gift card WEEK 3 - Aug. 29 to Sept. 4: Best kid/family photo, $100 gift card to Idaho Mountain Touring WEEK 4 - Sept. 5 to Sept. 11: Goofiest photo, $100 gift card to McU Sports WEEK 5 - Sept. 12 to Sept. 18: Best watersports picture, $100 gift card to Cascade River Gear WEEK 6 - Sept. 19 to Sept. 25: Best camping photo, $100 gift card to Cabela's WEEK 7 - Sept. 26 to Oct. 2: Best sports photo, $100 gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods WEEK 8 - Oct. 2 to Oct. 9: Best fishing photo, $100 gift card to Sportsman's WEEK 9 - Oct. 10 to Oct. 15: Best hunting photo, $100 Visa gift card




Melissa Gray Glenn Robinson Rene Davila Jesse Espinosa Oscar Flores Aleks Pavlovic Michael White Kent Jobe Robert Perez Jason Green Devyn Williams Dan Diehl Mitchell Thompson Julianne Meehan Andrew Block Alex Brown

Melissa Daigneault Dathan Williams Greg Dick Victor Juarez Michael Brown Ciriaco Castillo Trevor Drashner Kevin La Combe Rachel Spurgeon Shawn Kimball Brent Benson Angel Campos Kenny Drennan Landon Lee Anthony Healey Christopher Mhire Shawn ORiley Robert Smyer Alicia Allen AJ Johns Scott Way Gregory Nicolaisen Isaac Serratos Nathan Bruns Kristofer Hudson Corban Wallin Brady Kowitz Christopher Stevens

1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9

18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 27 27 29 29 29 29 30 30 30

Fruitland Jaguar Jaguar Boise Boise Truss Boise Jaguar Jaguar Caldwell Twin Falls Twin Falls Pocatello Boise Bellevue Pocatello DDF Jerome Truss Boise Burley Gooding Boise Boise McCall Twin Falls Jerome Truss

Scott Penrod Rhonda Millick James Dowen Tom Mosgrove James Gill John Beck Libby Walters Bryce Luker Jeff Keeney Scott Ranstrom Lana Bryan Jake Ruffridge Teyan Curtis Jose Martinez Cory Christensen Kevin Montgomery Pablo Cruz Cory Griffith Robert Smyer Dory Kulhanek Birkinross Ross Cody Vreeland Kyle Whalen Bob Davies III Barney Florence Nick Lang Dallas Sorenson Jeff Watson Dale Amen Darwin Kossman Alan Lundholm Oliver Ott

Boise Jerome Truss Boise Supply Jaguar Boise Boise Boise Twin Falls Caldwell Jerome Truss Burley Fruitland Jaguar Elko Elko Fruitland DDF Jerome Truss Twin Falls Boise McCall DDF Caldwell McCall Jaguar

Dana Smith Linda Szerwo Sergio Barajas Justin Blaha Art Diaz Byron Hinson Sandi Palmer Collin Bautista Danny Loseke Trevor Abrams Tyler Abrams Michelle Cruz

5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

39 31 30 25 24 21 21 20 19 18 14 13 11 11 10 10

Jesse Espinosa Kaleb Gauthier Amanda James Elijah Lavender Jesslynn Lund Vicente Pettit Michael Purcell Javier Ramirez Jammie Ruelas Nathaniel Cripe Logan Farnworth Taylor Jefferies Anthony Matney Gregory Nicolaisen Robert Perez Mark Romero Jared Wallace Micah Williams Brandyn Williams

Jeremy Pierce Austin Rosales Joe Scholl Josh Anderson Dakota Caudill Rey Toledo

9 9 9 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5

Sarah Spence Adam Hinshaw Patrick Waldron Chad Beebe Leonel Bernal Mendoza Elliot Fuller

10 13 13 14 14 14 15 16 17 17 17

Fruitland Pocatello Boise

Boise Boise Caldwell Boise Caldwell Pocatello

Chad Peterson Kaleb Gauthier Christian Anderson

Bryan Stever Brian Tucker

Jerome Truss Jerome Truss Jerome Truss McCall

Freddie Caldera Frank Cardenas Zach Phillips

Neil Bullock Derek Taylor


PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 9222 W. Barnes Dr. Boise, ID 83709


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Longest Serving CFO Plans to Retire

High Fives

Show Us How You Get Outside! September Birthdays and Anniversaries


Meet the Pocatello Door Shop

MEET THE POCATELLO DOOR SHOP The Pocatello Door Shop cadre is a cohesive work family that functions with high LEAN efficiency. The team is positionally cross-trained for safety and effectiveness. Under Drew

Ruffridge's guidance, the facility has increased capacity 350% over the past two years. The team enjoys getting together away from work and recently met for a celebratory dinner at a local deli. They've also been sighted at the driving range and the bowling alley. When asked what they liked most about their job they agreed, "As owners, we get to have a say in the way things are done." The fast- paced environment can be a bit of a challenge, but they work together as a team to get it done safely. Doing it right the first time at the Pocatello Door Shop!

From left to right: Tony Dustin, Darren Calder, Marcus Dennison, Mackinley Lawson, Braydon Danner, Andrew Ruffridge, Tom Luker, Derek Byington, Kris Hudson, Stephen Buffat, and Izaiah Dustin. Not pictured: Emma May, Peter Duboise, Tyler Hardin, and Branttin Flowers.


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