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Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers L.L.P. - December 2021

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Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - January 2022

2 tsp salt • 4 cups raisins • 7 cups flour • 4 cups canola oil Directions 1. In a large bowl, combin

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Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - March 2022

Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - March 2022 LEGAL BRIEF MARCH 2022 516-800-8000 O

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Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - July 2022

notice of the spill. However, we were able to weaponize the footage gap during the deposition of the

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Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - June 2022

2 tsp salt For the Skewers • 2 lbs chicken breast, cut into bite-size cubes • 1 small pineapple, cut

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Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - May 2022

2 cup fresh basil leaves • 2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves • A few pinches of red pepper flakes (optional)

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Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - April 2022

Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - April 2022 LEGAL BRIEF APRIL 2022 516-800-8000 C

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Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - February 2022

2 cup of pasta water before draining the noodles. 5. When the tomato and feta cheese mixture is done

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Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - August 2022

4 tsp pepper • 1 tsp Italian seasoning • 3 tomatoes, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 tbsp fres

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Friedman & Simon - December 2020

11. Most people alive during those calamities remember where they were, what they were doing, and th

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Friedman & Simon - December 2019

2 cup canola oil, molasses, brown sugar, eggs, ginger, and cranberries. In a separate bowl, sift and

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Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers L.L.P. - December 2021


DECEMBER 2021 516-800-8000



Light. It literally and figuratively brightens our existence. This month of December reminds me, perhaps more than any other month of the year, of the beauty of light in its various forms. In the Northern Hemisphere, the days of December have the shortest periods of daylight of the year. On Dec. 21, the winter solstice takes place when the North Pole reaches its maximum tilt away from the sun, resulting in the shortest day of the year. Interestingly, during this cold, darkened time of year, many of us observe or celebrate holidays that share a theme of light. Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa acknowledge and honor, each in their own unique way, the important role that light plays in our lives. It has been observed that even a small amount of light can illuminate a large expanse of darkness. It has been noted as well that fear may be experienced as a form of darkness. However, qualities such as faith, knowledge, awareness, and courage can often serve as shining lights that dispel the darkness of fear. darkness to pass through. In some way, we all have the opportunity to bring light into the life of another.” “Our society and all individuals have some

One of the most joyful experiences I have in my work is helping a person who reaches out to our firm. They have many worries that typically arise after someone has been seriously injured in an accident: “How will I pay for medical treatment?” “How will I pay my other bills if I can’t work?” “How will I figure out what to do if I can’t afford to hire a lawyer?” They are filled with fear. Taking the time to respectfully, patiently, compassionately, and comprehensively answer their questions and address their concerns often feels to me like turning on a light. To elaborate, if someone has to make their way across a pitch-black room, they might be afraid of falling, and they may become paralyzed with fear. When the light comes on, they can see a way forward. The light calms them, inspires them, and encourages them to proceed. When our clients don’t know what to do, they are “in the dark.” When we inform, advise, and guide them, they are enlightened.

Our society and all individuals have some darkness to pass through. In some way, we all have the opportunity to bring light into the life of another. We all need the light of another. I am grateful to be an instrument for imparting that light as we help our injured clients. Seeing them move forward, rebuilding their lives as they pass through their most challenging times, inspires me. As this year ends and we enjoy this winter season of holidays, I hope you will seek opportunities to enjoy the light of others and to share the light within you as well. It will brighten your life and theirs. Happy holidays and happy New Year!

–Eddie Friedman

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No Monkeying Around

HOW OUR CLIENTS INSPIRE US Character Is Revealed When Pressure Is Applied

It has been said, “If your ‘why’ is big enough, no ‘how?’ is too great to overcome.” I have seen this from our brave clients.

Helping Hands

Usually, this portion of our newsletter has a case spotlight that reports on an outcome we might be especially grateful for, an aspect of a case that is unique in some way, or some point of law we believe is noteworthy. In keeping with the spirit of this month’s discussion of “light” as discussed in the cover piece, I’d like to turn the spotlight in a different direction: the light I have seen emanating from so many of our wonderful clients as they soldiered through the most difficult times of their lives. Only three are mentioned here as illustrative of so many amazing clients. Discussing them all would need a set of books, not just a short newsletter piece. One client was the sole breadwinner in the family. When his car accident rendered him disabled, he fell into the deep darkness of depression. He shared with me at one point that he was contemplating suicide. Aside from supporting him to reach out for the treatment he needed in that regard, I also tried to be a sympathetic ear. He shared with me that he would “go through whatever he has to, for his family.” When the case was resolved in a way that provided a new home and financial security for his family, his expressions of thanks meant a great deal to me.

Monkey Helpers for the Win

You’ve heard of service dogs, but what about service monkeys? For many years now, capuchin monkeys have been lending helping hands to people with disabilities!

Helping Hands Monkey Helpers, located at Monkey College in Boston, Massachusetts, is a nonprofit organization designed to help people with disabilities and mobility issues,

such as quadriplegia, by pairing them with a monkey service animal. These simian helpers are specifically trained to help with daily tasks while providing companionship, happiness, and a renewed sense of purpose that many struggle with when navigating an injury or disability. When monkeys graduate, they will have developed the ability to navigate major household appliances and electronics as well as basic items within the home. They can even retrieve a canned beverage from the refrigerator, open it, and put a straw in it! A service monkey can also assist with retrieving things that are dropped or out of reach, turning pages in a book, scratching an itch, pushing buttons on electronic devices, and performing other menial tasks within the home. Each human applicant and the capuchin monkeys undergo a pairing process to find the best fit for placement! A social worker and placement specialist work together to sift through applications and determine which monkeys will be the right choice for the applicants based on lifestyle preferences and the tasks that will be most helpful to the person with disabilities. Plus, Helping Hands Monkey Helpers ensures that the monkeys are completely free of charge to the recipients! The human-animal bond created along the journey after placement is absolutely beautiful. Helping Hands Monkey Helpers brings love, companionship, and laughter to many who are fortunate enough to work with the organization. These monkeys are the best, hands down. To learn more about this remarkable program, visit And, monkeys, thank you for going to monkey college, and thank you for your service!

Another client lost her daughter and was herself partially paralyzed when a tractor trailer ran over their car. She told me numerous times, “There must be a reason that God has put me through this,” and she was determined to take a portion of the proceeds of her case to start a charitable foundation, dedicated to a cause her daughter was devoted to. Recently, my partner, Roger L. Simon, successfully resolved the case of a woman who suffered severe burns because of a dangerous condition in her rented apartment. Just after the accident had happened, a neighbor rescued the client from an even worse fate. One of the very first things the client said after the case was resolved was that she intended to give a very generous gift to that neighbor. I appreciate that each month, we spotlight some aspect of law. Thank you for permitting me to shine the light for this month on how our clients’ triumph of spirit inspires me.

Published by Newsletter Pro • –Eddie Friedman


Spending the Holidays Alone? BOOST YOUR MOOD WITH THESE TIPS

Simply telling yourself that you are not going to have the usual holiday environment can slightly help, but redefining what the holiday means to you can remove a huge weight. Trying new things or looking toward the future are great ways to reduce the stress of spending the holidays alone. Keeping up with old traditions may remind you of what you’re missing out on, so it can greatly help to create your own traditions. Plan ahead. If you know in advance that you’re going to be spending the holidays alone, planning ahead can prevent negative feelings. While being spontaneous can sometimes keep things fresh, it could leave you with a feeling of hopelessness about what to do next. There’s no need for your list to be extensive or highly detailed, but even just planning to watch a movie or cook some of your favorite dishes can give you something to look forward to. Take care of yourself. Just because you’re not seeing people during the holidays does not mean you should forgo your basic needs. Stick to your regular hygiene habits and do not let them get away from you. The same goes for eating and sleeping. Dressing for the weather conditions and getting outside for some movement in the fresh air is another important way to take great care of yourself. Staying clean, well-fed, physically active and well-rested all go a long way toward improving your happiness. As with all mental health advice, what works for some does not work for everyone. Do what you think will work best for you and help you keep your thoughts happy. SUDOKU

Many Americans spend the holidays alone every year, and the pandemic has only made it more difficult for people to see their loved ones, as travel has become more restricted and strenuous. If you’re one of these people who are spending their first holiday season alone this year, here are a few strategies you can try to make the situation a little easier. Don’t hold yourself to the usual standards. One of the best things about spending the holidays alone is that you can do things your way. You don’t have to worry about meeting everyone else’s standards. Instead, you only have to make yourself happy.

DIY Holiday Eggnog Inspired by

Making your own eggnog is easier than you think! This creamy, delicious drink will be a hit with your holiday guests.


• 6 egg yolks • 1/2 cup sugar • 1 cup heavy whipping cream • 2 cups milk

• 1/2 tsp nutmeg • 1 pinch salt • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract • Cinnamon and whipped cream, for garnish


1. In a medium bowl, whisk the egg yolks and sugar until light and creamy. Set aside. 2. In a saucepan over medium heat, stir together the cream, milk, nutmeg, and salt. Bring to a simmer. 3. Add a spoonful of the milk mixture to the egg mixture. Whisk vigorously and repeat, one spoonful at a time.

4. When most of the milk is

whisked in, add the egg mixture to the saucepan.

5. Whisk until the liquid thickens

slightly or reaches 160 F. Remove from heat and add vanilla extract.

6. Pour the eggnog into a glass

container and cover. Refrigerate.

7. When the eggnog has

thickened, pour it into glasses, garnish, and enjoy!

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390 N. Broadway, #210 Jericho, NY 11753



Lighting a Path Forward: Why I’m Passionate About Injury Law Helping Hands Monkey Helpers for the Win How Our Clients Inspire Us Tips for Spending the Holidays Alone DIY Holiday Eggnog Please Honor a Healthy Sleep Schedule



Please Honor a Healthy Sleep Schedule “Without enough sleep, we all become tall 2-year-olds.” –JoJo Jensen

are completely relaxed. In the fourth stage, your body is in a deep, restful state. In stages three and four, you’re getting REM sleep, which is when your body is in its deepest sleep, and your breathing, heart rate, and temperature all reach the lowest level. In these stages, your body is able to fight sickness, begin repairing itself, and commit information to memory. During REM sleep, which occurs about 90 minutes after your head hits the pillow, your body is completely relaxed, and you begin to dream. Throughout the night, you will progress through these stages of sleep multiple times, but usually not in a perfect sequence. You will likely be in each stage of sleep about 4–5 times per night, and one cycle typically lasts about 90–110 minutes. Too much or too little REM or non-REM sleep can affect the quality of your sleep and how refreshed you feel.

Quality sleep is important to make sure you are recharging your body, strengthening your mind and immune system, and prioritizing your health. If you never achieve deep sleep throughout the night, sleep deprivation sets in, and you won’t get the proper rest you need to recover. By setting a sleep schedule, you optimize the likelihood that you will properly cycle through the different stages of sleep each night and derive maximum benefits. No matter how tempting the reasons to stay up late may be, make getting enough quality sleep a priority for your rest, recovery and overall quality of life enhancement. Be sure to clear your mind before tucking yourself into bed and make sure your bed is comfortable to promote the best possible sleep — your body and mind are counting on it!

Do you feel groggy when you wake up and perhaps throughout the day? The type of sleep you get matters, and a sleep schedule can help ensure you’re cycling through all the stages of sleep your body and psyche need. Sleep is broken up into four different stages. During the first stage, which only lasts about 5–10 minutes, your body is softly drifting off, and as your brain slows down, your breathing and heartbeat slow as well. When you transition to the second stage, you become less aware of your surroundings, your eye movements cease, and your body temperature drops. Moving into the third stage, your body will drift into a deep sleep, where you will not be awakened by small noises and your muscles


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