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Frye Law - February 2019

8-inch cubes. 4. In a mixing bowl, combine salmon with all other ingredients. Season with salt and p

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Frye Law - March 2019

3 cup canola oil • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted INSTRUCTIONS 1. In a small skillet over med

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Frye Law - July 2019

4-inch rounds EQUIPMENT • 1 packet of bamboo skewers DIRECTIONS 1. Assemble skewers by placing one w

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Frye Law - January 2019

8 cup heavy cream • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract Even the best of students hates taking tests, b

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Frye Law - October 2019

she did nothing wrong. In other types of defense cases, we spend ample time looking for alternatives

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Frye Law - September 2019

4 cup fresh lemon juice DIRECTIONS 1. In a saucepan over high heat, combine sugar with 1 cup of wate

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Frye Law - May 2019

Frye Law - May 2019 THE Defender MAY 2019 770-919-9525 • FRYELAWGROUP.COM TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK!

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Frye Law - December 2019

2 cup canola oil, molasses, brown sugar, eggs, ginger, and cranberries. In a separate bowl, sift and

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Frye Law - November 2019

3 cup leftover dressing or stuffing • 2 tbsp leftover gravy • 1 tbsp butter, room temperature Note:

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Frye Law - April 2019

2 inches in diameter. Be careful to handle the meat as little as possible to prevent tough burgers.

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Frye Law - August 2019

THE Defender


770-919-9525 • FRYELAWGROUP.COM


Everyone has the right to their own opinions. But sometimes, people’s opinions go against the majority, and those are deemed “unpopular opinions.” For example, some people claim to dislike chocolate, Batman, and dogs, all things that are enjoyed by the vast majority of the population. I was recently asked if I had any unpopular opinions, and it got me thinking about my line of work. Defense attorneys are frequently mischaracterized as only trying to set criminals free, but there is something fundamentally wrong with that assumption. You see, I have a very different definition of the word “criminal” than most people do. In over a decade working in criminal defense, I’ve found that people who are charged with crimes are regular people who happen to have had a small brush with the law. Being human means one can expect to make mistakes, and everyone seems to accept they will make several mistakes throughout their lifetime, but few believe they will ever be accused of a crime. But, in the majority of cases, that’s all criminal charges are: mistakes. “Being human means one can expect to make mistakes, and everyone seems to accept they will make several mistakes throughout their lifetime, but few believe they will ever be accused of a crime.” Because so many people can’t imagine themselves being charged with a criminal offense, they often believe that talking to the police is an ideal option. This is a widespread phenomenon. I even saw a truck parked outside the courthouse the other day with a big sign that said “Support police, not criminals.” Unfortunately, talking to the police won’t make them give you the benefit of the doubt. Think about this: If an officer already suspects you, every step they take is under the direction of their existing confirmation bias. They want to complete their part of the case by making an arrest. They want to prove themselves right. In that way, anything you say can incriminate you, even if you’re innocent. Furthermore, regardless of whether someone is innocent or guilty of the crime they’re being accused of, the system will chew them up because it is broken. Think about the addict who gets prison time instead of help, the mentally ill individual who gets probation rather than medical counseling, or the young kids who are harshly punished in order to serve as a cautionary tale for others. These are things that occur in everyday life, and it truly doesn’t matter if a person is guilty or not. The truth is, the fight against the government is an unfair one, and most people aren’t aware of that.

While I know my perspective is an unpopular one, it makes the referrals I get from judges, other lawyers, and past clients a real honor. After working for the prosecution on the other side of the courtroom, I now know I am doing what I was called to do, and my number one goal is my clients’ freedom. Sometimes it’s freedom from a harsh punishment like prison time, freedom to not have their schooling interrupted, freedom to join the military, or freedom to see their children. What I do may be unpopular, but it’s important, and I’m glad I get the opportunity to help the people who need it.

–Kim Keheley Frye

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There is no shortage of crazy cases that come through a court of law, but those revolving around personal injury can be especially surprising. Whether it’s a slip-and-fall accident or something a little more eccentric, there are a million ways to hurt yourself while simply going about your day. The problems arise when it’s determined to be another party’s fault. Let’s take a look at some notably strange cases where bizarre miscalculations led to injuries and ailments. AS BELOW, SO ABOVE Time spent in the restroom is inherently private. We don’t normally talk about it, but that’s not the case for a Pennsylvania woman who experienced a traumatic event during a routine trip to the lady’s room. In 2007, a schlocky horror plot came to life in a building along Philadelphia’s famous Market Street. The culprit was a faulty plumbing system. The woman was inside a restroom stall on the eighth floor, and, as she sat on one of the old toilets customary in the building, pressure building from inside the tank caused a massive explosion that sent her body hurling out of the stall. You don’t need to know the details of her injuries to understand the extent of her grievances. Some forms of suffering are better left to the imagination, especially if the aggressor was a literal stink bomb. She sued the building’s landlords for anxiety, pain, and medical expenses, but it’s hard to determine which party was truly at fault without more information. IT’S RAINING CATS AND DOLLARS You can’t predict the weather, no matter what your weather app says, but some people tend to forget that. A few years ago, an Israeli weatherman was faced with

a lawsuit by a woman who claimed his inaccurate forecast caused her a great deal of suffering. She claimed he misrepresented a particularly harsh day in the forecast, and it encouraged her to wear insufficient layers that left her health to the whim of the elements. As a result, the woman caught the flu from the downpour and missed work for four days. Citing lost income, large medication costs, and tremendous anxiety, she sought reparations from the fraudulent weatherman and was amazingly awarded a four-figure settlement!



While the team at Frye Law Group has had the great fortune of helping many young people with big life-altering cases throughout this summer, not all cases feature those intense and impassioned courtroom scenes you witness when watching films in your living room. Sometimes, making a difference in our clients’ lives requires only a small change of circumstances, such as a pretrial release or an early termination for probation.

meaning that only one side has presented their case to a judge, and you possibly spent 24 hours in jail. You may have also been ordered to stay away from certain family members or someone with whom you had a child. In cases like these, the law provides for a hearing within 10 days. While all these changes are difficult to take, one of the most overlooked is the last one: waiting 10 days for a hearing. For many people, this means they have to find a new place to live for a week and a half. Even if your spouse or partner wants you to come back to your shared house/apartment, by law, you can’t. How many people would have no place to go, no roof over their heads, and no bed to sleep in if they were ordered away from their current living space for 10 days? Most places don’t allow you to rent by the month, so, if your case goes on longer than expected (which can easily happen), where are you supposed to go? Small changes in circumstances, like ensuring your trial happens when it’s meant to, is how we can dramatically alter a client’s life for the better, even if it’s in a small way. Facing a criminal charge is both terrifying and frustrating, and we want you to know we are here to stand and fight alongside you. Call our office at (770) 919- 9525 to see how we can change your life today!

Take domestic violence charges, for example. While this practice area is certainly serious, and we would never condone physical or emotional abuse in any way, there are many cases brought before us that

stemmed from nothing more than a heated argument. If you are facing domestic violence charges, you are fighting a battle on two fronts. You probably saw the results of the civil action first. A temporary ex-parte order may have been issued,


Published by The Newsletter Pro •

IS YOUR KID READY? SCHOOL IS IN SESSION: Ready or not, school is back in session. If your high school kids are starting the college application process, then they can easily run into a couple of roadblocks if they’ve had some minor scrapes with the law. For example, an alcohol offense, such as a minor in possession, can keep a bright student from getting into a competitive college. Students are asked to disclose these offenses on their applications, so knowing how to answer these questions on the college forms can make or break a teen’s chance to get into the college they desire. Fortunately, attorney Kim Frye can help with this process. If your child has been charged at some point in their past, be sure to give our office a call before you start filling out those applications. Furthermore, when students venture to school with a pending misdemeanor, they’ll likely experience some major frustration. They finally have their first real taste of freedom and independence being out of their parent’s house for the first time, but, due to one poor decision, they have to frame their whole lives around their offense. It’s for this reason that misdemeanors need to be taken care of before a teen heads to college. Lastly, even if students get into the college of their choice unscathed, the college experience tends to facilitate ample opportunities for partying. Even a minor infraction can result in expulsion from a fraternity or sorority, months on academic probation, and even suspension from school.

Young people make mistakes that may land them in the criminal justice system. Regardless of whether it is a felony or misdemeanor, the repercussions of a conviction may harm them for years. Kim takes pride in fighting for her clients, and she has helped hundreds of young people avoid entering adulthood with a criminal conviction. If you need help with a case, or if you need help filling out college application forms, call Kim today!



Corn is plentiful during the summer months, and this easy-to-make salsa is sure to be a hit at your next get-together.


• 2 medium ears of corn, shucked • 1 jalapeño or Fresno chile, seeded and thinly sliced • 1/2 red onion, diced

• 1 large tomato, cored, seeded, and finely chopped • 1/4 bunch cilantro leaves, sliced • Juice of 1 lime • Kosher salt, to taste

Even the best students hate taking tests, but here at Frye Law Group, we love a good trivia question.

Check out the following film quote below:


“They can be stopped by removing the head or destroying the brain.”

1. Heat a cast-iron skillet to high. Char corn, turning occasionally, for 10–14 minutes until kernels begin to blacken in spots. 2. Using a sharp knife, remove corn kernels from cobs and transfer to a large mixing bowl. 3. With a wooden spoon or potato masher, gently crush corn to release starch and juices. 4. Add jalapeño, onion, tomato, and cilantro. Mix to combine.

Do you know the movie this quote is from? If so, send an email to [email protected] as soon as possible, including your phone number and the title of the film. The first three responders to answer correctly will win a free gift card to Jack’s New Yorker Deli!

5. Top with lime juice and season with salt. 6. Serve alongside your favorite tortilla chips.

Inspired by Bon Appétit

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170 Anderson Street SE, Marietta, GA 30060 770-919-9525

Inside this Issue

What Happens When Your Job Is to offer an ‘Unpopular Opinion’? page 1

Bizarre Personal Injury Cases

How Frye Law Group Can Alter Your Life for the Better page 2

School Is in Session: Is Your Kid Ready?

Roasted Corn Salsa page 3

Staying ‘Cool’ With Your Canine This Summer page 4



With all this late-summer sunshine, it’s the perfect time to take your dog out for some fun. And while spending time basking in nature’s beauty can be a great source of fun and exercise for you and your pets, it’s important to keep a careful watch on your dog’s core temperature to prevent heat exhaustion. There are several detectable signs of heat exhaustion that you can watch for, including abnormal lethargy, vomiting, or a brightly colored blue or red tongue. Here are some tips to keep your canine cool this summer. WATER IN ALL ITS FORMS While certain dog breeds thrive in hotter climates, all pups need a little extra care when it comes to staying hydrated during the summer. For starters, always make sure they have ready access to drinkable water. If you are going on an adventure, consider bringing a collapsible water bowl. If you are doing some backyard chilling, consider filling up a small wading pool with water for your pooch to splash or lounge in. SOME INVALUABLE INVENTIONS There are many contraptions to help you keep your canine cool in the summer heat. Booties to insulate their toes and protect their paw pads from the hot asphalt, cooling vests that reflect sunlight off darker fur, and pressure-activated cooling pads are just a few of the gizmos you can purchase to stave off those scorching

temps. The Dog People, a website powered by, also recommends making frozen “pupsicles,” a yogurt-based frozen treat that can satisfy doggy cravings while keeping them cool. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE While fun water toys and helpful cooling inventions are great, the best thing you can do to keep your dog cool is be careful about when you decide to go outside. Taking your pup out in the early morning or later in the evening, when the sun isn’t at its highest point in the sky, will help keep them cooler in the long run. Additionally, keep in mind that some breeds deal with the heat better than others. If you’re unsure, do a little research to determine your dog’s susceptibility to heat exhaustion.

Just because the heat is sizzling doesn’t mean your dog should be! Keep these tips in mind before taking your canine out in the summer sun. They will thank you for it!


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