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Full Potential PT. February Newsletter

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Full Potential PT. March Newsletter

559021 At Full Potential, we teach people how to breath correctly, use their nose, talk and alternat

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Full Potential PT. Hidden Costs Of Pain


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Full Potential PT. The Getting Better Equation

4 cup sugar (more if you like it sweeter) • 1 tsp whole cloves • 1 tsp whole allspice • 3 sticks cin

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Full Potential: Spinal Stenosis


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Full Potential PT: Natural Sciatica Pain Relief

1 woman) Shampoo (15 oz.) Conditioner (15 oz.) Shaving cream (10-14 oz.) Razors (3-4 pack) Kleenex (

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Full Potential PT. Neck Pain & Headaches


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Full Potential: Beat Arthritis Pain


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Full Potential PT. Tips On Safely Shoveling Snow

pressure under the inflammatory pain which is a perpetuating factor in why you are not getting bette

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Full Potential PT_Women's Health

fullpotentialpt Visit us on Facebook for more tips and updates! Outstanding relief for your aches...

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Full Potential PT. How To Prevent Injuries By Improving You…


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Full Potential PT. February Newsletter



February 2020

INSIDE: � Exercise Essentials � Upcoming Workshop! � Patient Success Story! � Leave Us A Review!

Health & Fitness

February 2020

The Newsletter About Achieving and Maintaining Optimal Well-Being

UNDERVALUING THE MOST personal asset one has year after year tends to create a backlog of problems. Compensation is the common response to a musculoskeletal problem, and thismay keep usmoving but now the stage is set for more complexity. Complexity eventuallymeansmore cost, time, specialists and no guarantees it can feel like new again in the future. WITH THIS LITTLE story inmind, I would invite each of you to do a little inventory of your body and just ask yourself “why am I undervaluing myself in relation to other expenses that are part of living?” When looking at your future what is it you are imagining? For many, it is getting out and enjoying life, retirement and playingmore golf, tennis, travel, hobbies and on and on. All those activities require a body that works, that can meet the demands. THE IDEA OR goal for most is not to limp into Medicare age and then wonder why these years are not so golden. Respecting and acknowledging your body for the amazing amount of work it does and realizing when it gives you pain that these are indicators that something is amiss, is a step in the right direction. When you hear a “thumping” under your car you don’t just turn the radio louder so you don’t hear the problem. Yet, we often use pain relievers with this logic. IT IS IMPORTANT to keep in mind that pain is not all of an inflammatory origin. Pain that goes on formonths to years is often being perpetuated by amechanical basis which causes pressure from dull to sharp. Pain medication just treats the perception of pain or if an anti-inflammatory - any associated inflammation. The mechanical issue which is the real perpetuator of the problem does not get handled with medication. It gets handled with solutions which correct the mechanical basis of the problem. Only makes sense, right? You would not expect Tylenol or Ibuprofen to fix a fractured bone (a mechanical breakdown), so why do we expect it to fix a long-term mechanical shoulder or back pain disorder. It can hide the pain but we know what happens when we stop taking it or when we put more demand on our shoulder.

SOMETIMES IT JUST surprises me what people value over themselves. I had a consultation recently and the person was having long standing hip and back pain which was getting worse and required Norco opioid medication at least once per day to get through her work day. THE CONSULTANT IDENTIFIED several areas that were highly correctable and if she worked at it, she couldminimize her cost and obtain personal control over the problem. I tried to communicate that her rehab prognosiswas highly positive, her quality of life with work and socially would improve and no more Norco. THEONEHITCHwas she had a deductible (under $500), small bymost standards, but this was too much for her. This surprised me since her life did not sound enjoyable and opioid medication is hard to get on a long-term basis and not to mention its side effects. Certainly, one could, if money was that tight, cut expenses on some other area to make it work. I thought she would jump at the chance to improve her condition since it was highly correctable. IF SHE HAD a car in need of $500 worth of repairs, would she say – “sorry, that is just toomuch, I will just risk it not breaking down.” Probably not – why?” Well, cars are not too forgiving when they break down, they can leave you stranded on the side of a road at the worst of times and delaying the repair can lead to more expensive repairs later. People may not be happy about it but will see it as a necessity, pull out the credit card and find a way to pay it back. OUR BODIES, HOWEVER, do not always get the same priority. It is not seen as a necessity. Bodies have this way of handling neglect for a while and pushing forward one more time with the cost often being a few more debits on one’s quality of life credit card. Some people are alright sacrificing personal health when it requires personal expense. I can understand, we all tend to delay getting help with a body problem, there is always this hope it will go away and sometimes it does. Our bodies are amazing healing systems but whenmonths of waiting add to years of disappointment, the writing is on the wall.

(Continued inside)

The Value Of You! (Continued)

WITH THE NEW year well underway, it’s always good to look into our lives and determine what we are valuing; get some good reality on the theme of our decisions and see what they are saying. What conclusions can you draw? This question can take us into some deep introspection for sometimes we recognize some hard facts that are not positive about where we put our time and energy (money). Reprioritizing what one values would hopefully put one’s body in the position where it is getting the attention it deserves. If you do not want it to let you down, then start by listening to it and give it the attention it needs to feel whole again. IT IS INTERESTING to realize that the annual healthcare exam most people get puts very little attention on themusculoskeletal systemunless the patient voices a problem. Prevention is not on the radar, and the conclusion is that if it is not hurting then it is performing well. We do not take that approach with the heart. We do not assume if not having any chest pain or palpitations, arrhythmias all is in order. We have blood tests, stress tests, echocardiograms and on and on to identify a problem before it occurs. Prevention is the goal in this area of health. THE TRUE REALITY of the big healthcare picture is that our musculoskeletal system is actually the foundation for our overall health. Whenwe canmove, be active, exercise and do the things we enjoymany other conditions are handled as well. Themusculoskeletal system is actually the foundation for overall good health. Vascular, cardiac, hormonal, weight gain, depression, high triglycerides, cholesterol, diabetes, etc. (huge bulk of America’s health issues) are improved with exercise and doing the physical things one enjoys. Maintaining an efficient and balanced musculoskeletal system does not occur by random exercise or

accident and certainly not by neglect. One needs a personal exercise strategy which targets your weak links and helps to keep themworking efficiently over time. Knowledge is truly power when it comes to our health. I CAN ONLY encourage you to put the proper amount of value on your body. If you have been neglecting it then it may require more time and expense, but it is truly an investment toward a more enjoyable life, one that is more in your control. IN THE FUTURE, the physical therapist will be a much bigger player in the perpetuation of health because the research >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6

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