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2 tsp paprika Solution on Page 4 Salt and pepper, to taste (770) 233-7400 3 If you or a loved one ha

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4 cup sliced almonds (770) 233-7400 3 If you or a loved one has been injured, call our office today

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or dress attire can be uncomfortable. For people who don’t have the time, try taking a short walk ar

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2 cup hummus 4 handfuls baby kale 2 small avocados, sliced Balsamic glaze Optional: Garnishes of you

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GA Injury Advocates - April 2020

2 avocado, cubed Solution on Page 4 2 oz crumbled goat cheese Inspired by (770) 233-

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GA Injury Advocates - August 2022

4 tsp pepper 1 tsp Italian seasoning 3 tomatoes, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp fresh basil,

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2 tbsp liquid smoke (optional) 4. Ladle the beans into a 9x13-inch pan and bake for 1 hour. Serve wa

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GA Injury Advocates - April 2022

Auto Injury T R I B U N E

April 2022


Behind Some of Our Strangest Easter Traditions ALL YOUR EGG ONE (EASTER)


A giant magical bunny comes to your house and hides candy-colored eggs every Easter. Or at least, that’s what many of us tell our children. If you hadn’t grown up with the tradition, you’d think it sounds absolutely nuts. So how on earth did we get here? Why the bunny and eggs, and how did the two get mixed up together? Though Easter is a Christian holiday, you probably know that none of this is in the Bible. Like so many of our modern celebrations, the story begins with pagans. While Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, many of its traditions are rooted in the ancient festival of Eostre. Eostre was a goddess of fertility, and she was celebrated in spring due to the season’s association with rebirth and renewal. (Incidentally, if you’ve ever wondered why we call the holiday Easter, you now know.) Rabbits, of course, are known for their prolific reproduction habits, so they were associated with the goddess Eostre and included in the festivities. Eggs earned inclusion because of their similar connection to fertility. In medieval times, Christians hoped to replace pagan celebrations with their own. The process often involved scheduling holidays at similar times of the year and adopting pagan traditions. Today, many Christians consider Easter eggs to symbolize Jesus’ emergence from the tomb, though the bunny has not received a similar explanation. Easter eggs may hold an additional significance due to their connection to Lent. In the 13th century, eggs were deemed a forbidden food during the 40 days of Lent, much like many Christians still consider meat prohibited on Lenten Fridays. Of course, chickens did not stop laying eggs, so believers would hard-boil them for safekeeping until Easter. Soon, royalty began obtaining and distributing ornately decorated eggs to gift each other. People of average means would give eggs to the church, dyed in red to symbolize joy.

We can thank the Germans for combining the straightforward fertility symbols through the legend of Osterhase, an egg-laying hare. The hare would leave eggs to well-behaved children, and kids made nests to accommodate its laying (think Easter baskets). Immigrants brought their tradition to the U.S. in the 1700s, and it soon spread. Adoption of the legend coincided with a society that was increasingly gearing its holidays toward children and family fun. Meanwhile, chocolate Easter bunnies became popular in 1890 due to the efforts of shop owner Robert L. Strohecker. Strohecker’s bunnies resembled actual rabbits, but by the 1930s, chocolate bunnies had started receiving personalities and more anthropomorphized features. As the bunny became more humanlike and influenced by cartoons — and as parents showed an increased willingness to spend money on their children for the holiday — the Easter Bunny grew to the size of a person and began appearing in public. Now, an enormous rabbit in the food court of a mall is almost as common a sight as Santa Claus. Today, ordinary people differ on whether the Easter Bunny lays eggs itself or merely delivers them, but we’ve all come to accept its improbable existence. To all of my clients out there who celebrate, I hope you have a blessed and joyous Easter, complete with all the eggs and chocolate your heart desires.

El Abogado Ramiro (El Abogado Amigo) y su equipo hablan español


(770) 233-7400


Egg-splore Different Ways to Celebrate Easter

You likely learned how to ride a bike as a kid — according to a 2013 survey, about 94% of American adults did. Even if it has been a while since your last ride, most people agree you never forget how, and you don’t have to be in great shape to get started. Outside of walking, biking might be the most accessible exercise for all ages and ability levels. The beauty of biking is that it can be as relaxing or challenging as you want. The average kid learns to ride at around 5 years old, so the basics aren’t complicated. Biking helps young children get outside and gives them a taste of being a “big kid.” As a result, it’s excellent for their self-esteem as well as their fitness. Cycling is also perfect for adults who are new to exercise or need a low-impact activity. A short ride on a flat surface will get the heart rate up without feeling too strenuous, making it optimal for beginners. Older adults and people with knee problems also use biking as an alternative to other forms of exercise because it’s easier on their joints. Meanwhile, those looking for a challenge can easily find one. If you want a strenuous workout, it’s easy to ride farther, increase the resistance on your bike, or pick a steeper bike trail to explore. Biking is only a cakewalk if you choose to make it one. Since it’s perfect for all ages, cycling is the ideal outdoor activity to do with your family, allowing everyone to be involved in quality time together while promoting their health. To get started, make sure everyone has a bike they can use comfortably and a helmet that fits, plus understands bike safety. Once the basics are taken care of, you’re ready to hit the trails or explore the neighborhood. Even if you never learned how to ride, there’s no time like the present. You might feel a little silly at first, but the benefits of cycling will serve you — and your family — well for the rest of your life.

Fun Holiday Activities the Whole Family Will Enjoy

Easter is approaching, and there are tons of activities you and your family can do to celebrate the holiday. These activities will let your children or grandchildren unlock their imaginations, all from the comfort of your own home.


These experiments bundle creativity, science, and education in one fun, family-friendly package! Instead of having your kids decorate eggs with paint, you can use this kit to conduct scientific experiments. Your child will be able to color eggs and create crystalized shells by using chemistry, physics, and biology.

EGGED ON Cost: $24.50

You’ve heard of casino roulette, but have you heard of egg roulette? Well, now you have with Egged On, a Hasbro board game that will have you and your children laughing in no time. You first spin the wheel to see how many eggs you will crack over your head or someone else’s. Some of these eggs are filled with water, which are the eggs you don’t want. Try your luck with this fun-filled game.


Did somebody say cookies? Yes, we did! With this cookie kit, you and your kids will be creating edible bunnies, flowers, and eggs! The kit provides all the ingredients you need to bake delicious cookies, which is a perfect time to teach your child about the fundamentals of baking while having fun at the same time. This activity satisfies your creative needs and your cravings for a sweet treat. The traditional activities around Easter are fun, and now you have even more options to choose from— but these items will go fast so pick one up ASAP. These activities are enjoyable for the entire family, and you can create memories that will last a lifetime. Happy Easter!


When to Ice or Heat an Injury

SUDOKU Cold therapy, or cryotherapy, unsurprisingly has the opposite effect. The cold reduces blood flow to the area where it’s applied, decreasing inflammation and swelling. The process helps Heat therapy works by improving your circulation. The temperature increase causes more blood flow to the area, easing pain, loosening muscles, increasing flexibility, and helping heal damage. Heat therapy can be applied dry through heating pads or moist with hot baths or towels. Maybe you pulled a muscle, had a minor fall, or just exercised a little bit too hard. Either way, you’re sore and looking for relief. It’s time to get out the ice pack or heating pad. But wait — which one should you use? What’s the difference? And could either remedy do more harm than good?

the injury heal faster and reduces pain through numbing. Most people apply ice with a cold compress, but you can also purchase sprays or try an ice bath. Upon sustaining an injury, most people tend to turn to heat therapy. Unfortunately, the heat may make a new injury temporarily feel good but delay actual healing. Heat therapy works best on stiffness and chronic ailments. Avoid heat when an area is bruised or swollen, and resist using it on injuries less than 6 weeks old. People with certain conditions like diabetes, deep vein thrombosis, and multiple sclerosis should not use heat therapy. Ice doesn’t feel as nice, but compared to heat, it is often more effective. Ice works much better than heat on acute injuries (those less than 6 weeks old). If your pain onset is sudden, ice is

likely your better bet. It doesn’t work well on stiff muscles, but it can help prevent injuries when applied after exercise. If you have poor circulation, do not use cold therapy. Whether heat or ice therapy is best for your condition, use caution when applying them. Neither should be placed directly on the skin — always use a barrier like a towel. Additionally, less is more. Do not use either treatment continuously for more than 15–20 minutes, or you risk damage to your skin or nerves. If you’re concerned about either therapy, suspect your injury may be serious, or do not see an improvement within a week, visit your doctor. They will provide you with your safest path forward.



Hard-boiled eggs are essential for Easter, so why not transform them into a healthy appetizer?


6 large eggs


3 tbsp Greek yogurt

1. In a large pot, add eggs and cover with water. Put on high heat, and then boil eggs for 10 minutes. 2. Once boiled, peel eggs by gently tapping and removing the shell. (Adding the eggs to an ice bath after boiling can make this task easier.) 3. Cut eggs lengthwise and place yolks into a medium mixing bowl. Set egg white halves open side up on a plate. 4. In a bowl, combine yolks, yogurt, mustard, lemon juice, and hot sauce (if desired) until smooth. 5. Transfer the yolk mixture into the egg white halves. Garnish with paprika and chives if desired.

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 tsp lemon juice

Optional: Hot sauce, to taste Optional: Paprika and chives, chopped, for garnish

Solution on Page 4

(770) 233-7400 3 If you or a loved one has been injured, call our office today for a free consultation.

332 North Marietta Pkwy Marietta, GA 30060 (770) 233-7400


Solution from Page 3


What Do Bunnies and Eggs Have to Do with Easter?


Try Your Luck With This Eggtastic Game!


Get Outdoors With the Family Through Cycling

Heat or Ice? Which One Does Your Injury Need


Healthier, Lighter Deviled Eggs

April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month



In 2019, 56% of all collisions in Georgia involved at least one distracted driver. Some have called distracted driving the safety issue of this generation or “the new drunk driving.” This Distracted Driving Awareness Month, it’s time to focus on the toll incurred when people don’t give operating a vehicle their undivided attention. It’s illegal to use a cellphone while driving in Georgia unless talking on a hands-free device. Before the 2018 law, a study by TrueMotion found that Georgia drivers spent a stunning 19.5% of their driving time texting or using apps. Since the law has gone into effect, the amount of time spent on one’s phone has dropped to 15.4% — still much too high, but a significant improvement.

But while cellphone use is the most highly prioritized form of

distracted driving, other types of distraction are also outlawed. Just because you’re not texting doesn’t mean you’re paying attention. Distracted driving can encompass a variety of other activities like eating and drinking, changing the radio, too closely watching your GPS, or even talking to a passenger. Further, laws against distracted driving in Georgia can be enforced whether or not you’re breaking other rules. You don’t have to run a red light or be in an accident to get a ticket — just being caught using your cellphone is enough. In 2015, police ticketed a man for eating a cheeseburger while driving. While it was an unusual circumstance, the ticket was valid under Georgia law.

In addition to the risk of hurting yourself or someone else, you can also face financial consequences for driving distracted. Your first distracted driving citation results in one point on your license and the second adds two points; three or more citations add three points each. That can raise your car insurance rates and result in a revoked license. In a Constitution survey, 45% of respondents reported following Georgia’s distracted driving laws all of the time, while 40% reported following them most of the time. We still have a ways to go to make our roads safer. Put down your phone, leave the soft drink in the cup holder, and back away from the radio dial. It’s slightly inconvenient, but it could save a life.