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GA Injury Advocates - August 2021

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GA Injury Advocates - August 2020

2 tsp sea salt Pepper, to taste 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 cup corn 6 cups arugula, packed Directions 1. 3

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GA Injury Advocates - March 2021

2 medium avocado 1 medium frozen banana Directions 1. In a large, high-powered blender, add in all i

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GA Injury Advocates August 2019

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GA Injury Advocates - August 2022

4 tsp pepper 1 tsp Italian seasoning 3 tomatoes, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp fresh basil,

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car-seat-check . Don’t delay — no one expects or knows when they’re going to experience an accident.

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2 tsp cinnamon 2 tsp sprinkles Directions 1. 4. Preheat your oven to 350 F and prepare a small oven-

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GA Injury Advocates - August 2021

Auto Injury T R I B U N E

August 2021

The Big 6

A Layperson’s Guide to Auto Insurance Coverage Options

If you haven’t taken a look at your auto insurance policy in a while, now’s a good time to revisit it and make sure you have the coverage you need. Insurance can get complicated, so this month, I’m laying out the basics of six types of coverage.

to their policy. It’s often a nominal monthly increase to your bill, but it can really pay off if you’re in an accident with a driver who doesn’t have adequate insurance coverage. The final three types of coverage you may be offered are not mandatory in Georgia, but each has its merits. Note that if you are leasing your car or paying on a car loan, your lender may require them. 4. Comprehensive Coverage helps cover weather damage (e.g., hail or fire), as well as vandalism and theft. If you have comprehensive coverage, you should check your policy or talk it over with a representative to make sure you know exactly what’s covered, if there are any exceptions, and what your deductible is. That’s the amount you have to pay before your insurance will start paying out.

First, there are two kinds of coverage required by the state:

1. Bodily Injury Liability is mandatory coverage that helps pay for another party’s injuries if you are responsible for an auto accident. In the state of Georgia, the minimum required bodily injury liability is $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. 2. Property Damage is also mandatory. Whereas bodily injury helps pay for medical bills due to injury, property damage coverage helps pay for damage to their vehicle when you are at fault for the accident. Georgia requires a minimum property damage liability coverage of $25,000 per accident.

5. Collision Coverage helps pay to repair your car if you collide with another vehicle or an object, even if the accident was your fault.

6. Medical Payments coverage helps you pay for medical costs resulting from injuries due to a collision. It often covers you and any passengers who are in the insured vehicle at the time of the accident. It’s good to have a solid understanding of each of these types of coverage and to ensure your policy offers the protection you need. While $25,000 may seem like a lot to cover bodily injury, those who’ve been injured in an auto accident know firsthand that medical bills can quickly add up. In addition to treatment immediately following an accident, if you need surgery, physical therapy/rehabilitative services, or sustain serious injuries that require many follow-up and specialist appointments, you’ll be happy that you chose more than the minimum coverage.

Georgia also strongly recommends uninsured motorist coverage, though auto policyholders are allowed to reject this coverage.

3. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage (UIM) helps protect you in the event that you’re hit by an underinsured or uninsured driver. While it is illegal to drive without the minimum insurance coverage outlined above, people still do it. Similarly, if you’re hit by a driver who only has the minimum required coverage, your repair or medical bills may exceed what their policy will pay out. In this case, UIM will help cover the remaining costs. The state recommends $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident in UIM bodily injury coverage and $25,000 in UIM property damage coverage (this also has a deductible). I’ve written about UIM in previous newsletters, and I would highly recommend that all drivers add this

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As is the case with many self-care trends like yoga and meditation, what’s old is new again. The latest relaxation practice with ancient roots to make waves in modern times is sound baths. Celebs from Charlize Theron to Laurence Fishburne say they help promote relaxation and reduce stress. Kendall Jenner, who’s been public about her struggles with anxiety and sleep paralysis, also swears by the practice’s healing powers and has even started creating her own sound baths and sharing them on Instagram. While you can create a sound bath experience at home, most practitioners “bathe” at in-person sessions with “sounders” — those who create the soundscape. These sessions typically last 45–60 minutes. The idea behind the sonic experience is that bathers sit or lay in a relaxing position while gently focusing on the sounds they are immersed in. Sounders commonly use singing bowls, chimes, gongs, and other instruments to create a meditative and relaxing vibe.

In October 2017, California was in flames. One of those blazes was the Tubbs Fire, which charred its way through 36,800 miles of forests and vineyards in both Napa and Sonoma County. More than 5,600 buildings were destroyed, and 22 people were killed. But when the flames finally died, a four-legged hero emerged from the ashes: Odin, the Great Pyrenees dog. Odin belonged to Ariel and Roland Hendel, two farmers in Sonoma County. When the Tubbs Fire threatened to char their home, they packed up as many of their animals and precious items as they could. Unfortunately, their flock of goats wouldn’t fit in the getaway vehicle — and their goat-herding dog, Odin, refused to abandon them. Great Pyrenees are prized livestock guardian dogs that will do anything to protect their charges, and Odin lived up to his breed.

“I said, ‘Okay, Odin, take care of the goats. You’ll be fine,’” Roland Hendel told ABC News.

Both Hendels were sure they were seeing their dog for the last time. Their hearts sank even further when they heard their home had burned down completely. But on a trip back to examine the ashes, something amazing happened.

“In the distance, I saw Odin’s tail,” Roland told ABC. “Sure enough, there was Odin coming at the head of all his goats.”

In fact, sounders say the vibrations of some instruments facilitate relaxation by literally changing the brainwaves. Health practitioners put it differently, saying that the practice promotes a parasympathetic autonomic nervous system response, aka a stress reduction response. Either way, the practice is a nice alternative to standard sitting meditation, which often focuses on the breath and can be difficult, especially for new practitioners. While there hasn’t been a lot of medical research done to test the efficacy of the practice, it is becoming a more widely used supplemental treatment for stress, anxiety, addiction, and post- traumatic stress disorder. If you get the chance to experience one yourself, try to approach it with an open mind and open ears. You just might be surprised.

Not only did Odin survive the fire and run right up to the Hendels for belly rubs, but he also kept every single one of his goats safe! A few wild deer even joined the goats, and he shepherded them through unscathed. The incredible story made the news, and Odin became a local legend. Unfortunately, even legends don’t live forever. This April, Odin passed away after a long life of tail-wagging, treat-eating, and goat- saving. In his honor, Great Pyrenees Rescue of Missouri gifted the Hendels two new Great Pyrenees pups: Buddy and Snowflake. They’re following in Odin’s pawsteps, protecting the goats he loved so much.


Do You Have to Use the Repair Shop Your Insurance Recommends? Follow-up repairs will be easier. Since auto insurance companies have nationwide coverage, they will be able to point you to a shop no matter where you are. And if you need more repairs down the line, you don’t have to worry about traveling back to the same shop if the original repair shop was out of state. Cons The shop might choose cost-effectiveness over quality. Body shops that have a relationship with your insurer will be working toward the most cost- effective solution, which may lead to lower-quality repairs. You miss out on your mechanic’s knowledge. If you have a regular mechanic, you’ll probably want to take your car to them for repairs since they already know your vehicle. If you choose an in-network shop, you’ll miss out on this opportunity, and the process may take longer since they aren’t already familiar with your car. You may have to negotiate with your insurer. Your insurer may try to save money by second-guessing the repair at an out-of-network shop. You’ll likely have to provide documentation to your insurer and spend time on the phone negotiating the coverage.

If you’ve been in a car accident, you’ll have a lot of things to take care of. You may need medical attention, and your car may need repairs. Your insurance company will likely strongly recommend a repair or body shop for the work if it’s covered under your auto insurance policy, and while this may be the path of least resistance, it’s not always the best choice. Many people also wonder if they have to take their car to the place their insurer recommends. The short answer is no. However, there are some benefits to doing so. There are also some drawbacks. Here’s how to weigh the pros and cons. Pros The repair process is usually quicker. Dealing with an insurance agency for repair or medical reimbursements can take a while. When you choose your insurer’s recommended repair shop, paperwork is often processed more quickly, and the payment goes directly to the body shop, so you don’t have to worry about paying out of pocket. The work is warrantied. Body shops that are “in network” with your car insurance should be reputable establishments that offer a lifetime warranty for their repair work. While this is definitely a pro, it’s also the case for any reputable repair shop, even those you find yourself.




Bon Appétit magazine calls tomato and watermelon “soul mates,” and they’re right! This surprising gourmet salad will be a hit at your next barbecue.


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1 tsp peppercorns, coarsely crushed 1 tsp coriander seeds, coarsely crushed

2 heirloom tomatoes, cut into 1/2-inch cubes 8 oz feta cheese, cut into 1/2-inch cubes

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1/2 tsp cumin seeds 1/2 tsp turmeric 1/4 cup coconut oil

Sea salt, to taste

4 cups seedless watermelon, rind removed and cut into 1/2-inch cubes

Directions 1. In a small saucepan, sauté spices and herbs in the coconut oil for 3 minutes over medium heat to create turmeric oil. Take the pan off of the heat, then let it cool. 2. Combine the watermelon, tomatoes, and feta on a large platter or in a bowl. Drizzle with cooled turmeric oil. Now, simply sprinkle with sea salt and enjoy!

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6 Types of Auto Insurance Coverage Meet Odin, the Fireproof Dog The Benefits of Sound Baths Do You Have to Use the Repair Shop Your Insurance Recommends? Tomato and Watermelon Salad (Yes, Really!) Simplify Your Office to Simplify Your Life




Walking around the office, it’s always interesting to see how different associates organize their desks and offices … or in some cases, don’t really organize them. When I see a messy desk, it makes me feel nervous. My personal workflow is incredibly streamlined: I pull one client file, work on it with complete focus for 20–30 minutes, and then put it away and take a break or move on to the next case. That means my desk stays very neat, and that helps me stay organized and focused. While it’s not impossible to focus with other files around, it is more difficult, and studies have shown two important things: 1. A cluttered physical environment leads to higher cortisol levels and more stress; and 2. Multitasking isn’t actually possible. If I can only focus on one case file at a time, why have more than one file around? Everything else is just noise.

The neat thing about the connection between tidying up and your mental space is that it works both ways: When your mind is focused and your mood is good, your physical space is likely to reflect that. But if you’re feeling some brain fog and are in need of a mood boost, you can often achieve that simply by making a few changes to your environment. Put a few things away in your desk that you don’t need at hand. Put files back that you aren’t currently working on. Close some browser tabs or organize your bookmarks on your internet browser. There are all kinds of occasions that prompt us to clean house (or office!), such as spring-cleaning, preparing for a move or garage sale, or getting a wild hair to downsize and donate or toss out unused items. But if you need an excuse this month, let August’s National Simplify Your Life Week be it.