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GA Injury Advocates - January 2020

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GA Injury Advocates - January 2022

2 cup hummus 4 handfuls baby kale 2 small avocados, sliced Balsamic glaze Optional: Garnishes of you

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GA Injury Advocates - November 2020

2 tbsp maple syrup • 1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped Directions 1. 3. Preheat oven to 400 F, placing

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GA Injury Advocates - October 2020

4 tsp pepper • • 3 cloves garlic, minced Directions 1. 3. Preheat the oven to 400 F and line a bakin

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GA Injury Advocates - December 2020

4 tsp salt 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup powdered sugar, sifted (plus extra for rolling cookies) 1 cup

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GA Injury Advocates - July 2020


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GA Injury Advocates - August 2020

2 tsp sea salt Pepper, to taste 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 cup corn 6 cups arugula, packed Directions 1. 3

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GA Injury Advocates - January 2021

2 tsp cinnamon 2 tsp sprinkles Directions 1. 4. Preheat your oven to 350 F and prepare a small oven-

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GA Injury Advocates - June 2020

GA Injury Advocates - June 2020 Auto Injury T R I B U N E JUNE 2020 How to Survive Being Blindsided

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GA Injury Advocates - September 2020

whitewater to brush up on what to expect inside the park and what is expected of guests upon entry.

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GA Injury Advocates - April 2020

2 avocado, cubed Solution on Page 4 2 oz crumbled goat cheese Inspired by (770) 233-

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GA Injury Advocates - January 2020

Auto Injury T R I B U N E

January 2020

3 Steps to Achieve Every Goal LIFE’S ROAD MAP

I t’s January and that means tons of people are making New Year’s resolutions. This means in March, tons of people will be breaking their New Year’s resolutions. While it’s great that so many people want to improve their lives, most people never realize their New Year’s resolutions. I don’t think this is because people are lazy or not willing to work hard. The problem is that most people have never been taught how to successfully make and keep goals. I’m a big goal setter; that’s how I’ve gotten to where I am today. This month, I’m sharing the strategies I’ve developed for setting and achieving my own goals. 1. Write down your Big Goal. First, think about what your Big Goal is. Don’t limit yourself to just something to achieve this year. Ask what you really want out of life. That’s your Big Goal. Most people can only see bits and pieces of their Big Goal, and that’s okay! It might take some time to realize what you really want, but figure it out as best as you can and write it down. 2. Create 3 short-term goals that work toward your Big Goal. Once you identify your Big Goal, create three short-term goals that help you move closer to your Big Goal. These smaller goals should be things you can accomplish in 60 days. Choose one goal to focus on and get them done, one by one, so when you reach day 60, you’ve done all three.

“The problem is that most people have never been taught how to successfully make and keep goals.”

more you see your goals, the more you think about them and ask, “Am I doing everything I can to achieve my goals?” My Goals I’ve found a lot of success by pursuing my goals like this. One thing I’ve learned is that what our Big Goal looks like can change as we move through life. My Big Goal is to achieve financial independence. When I was 24, I thought that meant having $1,000,000 in the bank. Today I know that’s not enough to be financially independent throughout my lifetime. This is what makes the short-term goals so valuable. As your Big Goal changes, your short-term goals shift to help realize the new image. Now one of my short-term goals to reach financial independence is to drive a Rolls- Royce. This doesn’t mean I’m going to go out and spring for a new car suddenly. Instead, to realize this goal, I have to be at a point where I can comfortably afford to drive a Rolls-Royce as my everyday car. That will be a sign that I am financially independent and able to enjoy life to the fullest. It’s so important to have goals. Without goals, we’re just dreamers, wishing for a better future but with no idea of how to get there. Goals are a road map, they give our lives direction and help us grow into the future.

3. Repeat step 2. Once you’ve accomplished your three short- term goals, make three new goals you can focus on over the next 60 days. In order to achieve your Big Goal, you need to be constantly making and achieving new goals. As you accomplish your short-term goals, you gain momentum to keep realizing more goals in the future. Before you know it, it’s 2021, you’ve achieved all your 2020 goals, and you’re miles ahead of where you were in 2019. Bonus: Put your goals where you’ll see them every day. Write down every goal you make and put them someplace where you can see your goals all the time. Pin them up at your desk, tape them to the bathroom mirror, or make them the background wallpaper on your phone. The

–Ramiro Rodriguez, Jr. El Abogado Ramiro (El Abogado Amigo) y su equipo hablan español


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BY OPENING YOUR HOME TO AN EXCHANGE STUDENT EXPAND YOUR FAMILY’S HORIZONS Hosting an exchange student in your home may not be something you’ve considered before, but there are many reasons why adding an international member to your family is great for everyone involved. understanding of others. Learning about other countries and cultures offers an opportunity to be more receptive to the idea that, no matter how far apart people live or how much the languages we speak differ, at our core, we have a lot in common. Navigating life with this open mindset has far-reaching value that your entire family will benefit from. Cultivate Friendship Welcoming a new member into your home paves the way for new friendships to blossom. Even though the duration may often feel short, the friendships developed during an exchange are strong, and it’s not uncommon for host families and students to keep in touch for years after they’ve parted ways. Having friends in different parts of the world is also convenient when it comes to travel — you might get lucky enough to have a nice place to stay when you’re in their neck of the woods! Broaden Horizons It’s not just your family that will reap the benefits of opening your home to an exchange student; the student has much to gain as well. They’ll immerse themselves in your culture and get to see how your community lives harmoniously together. You’ll play an important role in showing them what life is like in your backyard while gleaning important perspectives on what life is like in theirs. Develop Understanding One of the most valuable traits we can learn is to be


With every new year comes an opportunity to reinvent ourselves or start down a new path toward self-improvement. Making resolutions is a big part of many families’ New Year’s traditions, and parents often have a desire for their kids to take part in that tradition when they’re old enough. Following through on resolutions is tough, especially for young children, but with your help, they can achieve their goals. Practice what you preach. You are your children’s role model for almost everything, including following through on New Year’s resolutions. So, ask yourself if you follow through on your own resolutions. When you proclaim that you will read more books or finally get a gym membership, do you actually try to do it? Your kids will assign as much importance to New Year’s resolutions as you do, so by sticking to your own commitments, you can help them stay on track too. Keep things simple and achievable. When your kids are forming their resolutions, their first attempts will probably be very broad. Statements like “I want to be more kind” or “I will try to help more around the house” incorporate good values but don’t include any actionable steps. Help your kids think of tangible ways to act on those goals. For example, if they want to be tidier, a good resolution might be for them to clean their room once a week or take responsibility for one household chore every day. Don’t do all the work for them. While it’s important for you to help your kids formulate their goals, be sure that you aren’t taking over. If they’re ultimately responsible for their resolutions, they’ll feel more compelled to keep them. Instead, suggest different goal areas they could improve, such as home, school, or sports, and let them elaborate. When it comes to creating habits, nobody is perfect, so even if your kids falter on their goals in the middle of February, don’t worry. The important thing is that you continue to encourage them every step of the way.


The Real History of Boiled Peanuts

“It’s boiled peanut time again, the season in which hundreds of unsuspecting Yankees are taken by surprise by the soggy Dixie delicacy.” In September of 1946, an AP article datelined Tallahassee poked fun at Northern visitors caught off guard when eating boiled peanuts for the first time. Despite being relatively unheard of in the Northern States, where “roasted” or “buttered” are the only ways to prepare a peanut, boiled peanuts have a long history in the South. But even fans of this salty treat might be surprised to learn the truth of that history. A popular tale insists that boiled peanuts became a Southern staple during the Civil War, when Confederate soldiers were forced to eat peanuts after Union General William T. Sherman’s march through Georgia cut off supply lines. However, the reality is that peanut oil was used as a substitute for whale oil during the Civil War, which meant eating peanuts was a luxury that soldiers couldn’t afford. Even if Confederate soldiers did get their hands on “goober peas,” as peanuts were often called, they probably weren’t boiling them yet. Much like okra and black-eyed peas, boiled peanuts’ popularity started with black Southerners.

Peanuts were brought to North America by enslaved West Africans during the Colonial era. Up until the Revolutionary War, peanuts were cultivated mostly by African Americans and often used in soups and stews, common dishes in West Africa. A century later, the South experienced a peanut boom after the Civil War as farmers looked for alternatives to cotton monoculture. By the 20th century, white farmers learned from their African American neighbors that fresh green peanuts could be boiled into a tasty treat. newspapers and quickly spread across the South. Soon, boiled peanuts were sold on every street corner, the treat becoming as popular as ginger cake and root beer. Since boiled peanuts are made from fresh green peanuts, they were originally only available during the summer months during the peanut harvest. Fortunately, today boiled peanuts are available year-round and have cemented themselves as an iconic Southern delicacy. Recipes for boiled peanuts began appearing in the society pages of South Carolina






Cabbage is in season right now, which means it’s the perfect time to try your hand at making sauerkraut. The fermented cabbage requires only two ingredients, keeps for months, and is packed with beneficial probiotics.

1. Remove outer leaves from cabbage. Slice very thinly. 2. In a large bowl, combine cabbage and salt. Let stand for 20 minutes. 3. Squeeze cabbage to release juices.

Let the cabbage continue to soak and release juices for another 20 minutes.

4. Transfer to a jar and press down


cabbage until completely submerged in its juices. Weigh down cabbage. 5. Seal jar with airlock. Let cabbage sit at room temperature and away from sunlight for one month. Once fermented, transfer to the fridge. Sauerkraut will keep for six months to one year.

• •

2 lbs cabbage

4 tsp fine sea salt

• Equipment • Jar •

Lid with airlock

Something to weigh down cabbage, ideally made of a nonreactive material like glass

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332 North Marietta Pkwy Marietta, GA 30060 (770) 233-7400


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My Secret to Success Helping Your Kids Make New Year’s Resolutions The Benefits of Hosting an Exchange Student Boiled Peanuts on Every Corner How to Make Your Own Sauerkraut Tour of Marietta




Honoring the Fallen at Marietta Confederate Cemetery

“To the 3,000 soldiers in this cemetery, from every Southern State, who fell on Georgia soil, in defense of Georgia rights and Georgia homes.” –Inscription on a monument in Marietta Confederate Cemetery In September of 1863, Dr. William H. Miller, a Confederate surgeon from Kentucky, became the first person to be buried in the Marietta Confederate Cemetery. The cemetery was established as a gift to the town from Jane Glover, the wife of Marietta’s first mayor, John Glover. A few days after Dr. Miller’s burial, 20 soldiers were buried in the cemetery after being killed in a train collision just north of Marietta. Unfortunately, these weren’t the last souls to be put to rest in the Marietta Confederate Cemetery. During the Civil War, Confederate soldiers who died in the battles of the Atlanta Campaign, including Chickamauga, Kolb’s Farm, and Kennesaw Mountain, as well as soldiers who died in nearby hospitals, were put to rest in Marietta. After the war, hundreds of more soldiers who

died elsewhere were recovered and reburied in Marietta. As the final resting place of over 3,000 soldiers, the Marietta Confederate Cemetery is the largest Confederate cemetery south of Richmond, Virginia. Due to the importance of the city, this cemetery became the first place in the South where the Confederate flag was allowed to fly. Despite its historic significance, the cemetery fell into disrepair. The Ladies Memorial Association owned and maintained the cemetery for many years before the state of Georgia took over the deeds. By 1902, the wooden markers of each grave had deteriorated and many names were lost. It’s thanks to the efforts of local Marietta citizens and group, including the Marietta Confederate Cemetery Foundation, that the cemetery has been restored in recent years. The grounds are carefully maintained and benches and statues have been added to the site. Today, citizens can take a walking tour of the cemetery to pay respects to the past.

Echoes of the Past