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GA Injury Advocates - May 2020

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GA Injury Advocates - May 2020

4 cup brown sugar Solution on Page 4 6. 1 tbsp molasses Inspired by Bon Appétit (770) 233-7400 3 If

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GA Injury Advocates - November 2020

2 tbsp maple syrup • 1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped Directions 1. 3. Preheat oven to 400 F, placing

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GA Injury Advocates - January 2020

GA Injury Advocates - January 2020 Auto Injury T R I B U N E January 2020 3 Steps to Achieve Every G

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GA Injury Advocates May 2019

2 inch between filling and top of mold. 6. Using a small knife, gently swirl layers together. 7. Ins

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GA Injury Advocates - October 2020

4 tsp pepper • • 3 cloves garlic, minced Directions 1. 3. Preheat the oven to 400 F and line a bakin

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GA Injury Advocates - December 2020

4 tsp salt 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup powdered sugar, sifted (plus extra for rolling cookies) 1 cup

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GA Injury Advocates - July 2020


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GA Injury Advocates - August 2020

2 tsp sea salt Pepper, to taste 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 cup corn 6 cups arugula, packed Directions 1. 3

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GA Injury Advocates - May 2021

2 taza de pimientos verdes, cortados en dados • • • Direcciones 1. En una licuadora, haga un puré de

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GA Injury Advocates - June 2020 Auto Injury T R I B U N E JUNE 2020 How to Survive Being Blindsided

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GA Injury Advocates - May 2020

Auto Injury T R I B U N E

May 2020

The Secret to Limitless Positivity POWER OF WORDS About 15 years ago, I lost a case that I should have won. My client had been rear-ended, but the jury messed up. They ruled against us because I didn’t show a police report. What the jury didn’t know is that you’re not allowed Our word choice doesn’t just impact our own lives. The words we choose can also impact the lives of those around us, even total

strangers. Sometime ago I was standing in a huge line at Starbucks. The line was moving slowly, though I could see the baristas rushing around behind the counter. They were clearly understaffed. When it was my turn, the barista asked how my day was going, but her eyes never left her computer screen. She was ready to take my order.

to show police reports, but I didn’t bring this up beforehand. At the time, I had two assistants working on the case with me, and they both had very different reactions. One assistant was furious. She kept raging about how angry she was and calling the jurors all kinds of names. My other assistant was more subdued. I asked her if she was upset, and she told me, “I’m annoyed and disappointed for our client.” They were both unhappy about how the case went, but they used different words and that impacted how they reacted to the situation. One assistant was angry and she stayed angry for a long time. The other was disappointed, but she was already looking ahead to make sure this didn’t happen to another client. I took this to heart and learned two lessons. First, make sure the jury isn’t waiting to see a police report. And second, we should choose our words more carefully. The words we choose when speaking to others and when speaking to ourselves matter. I’m a big believer that the way you talk to yourself impacts your life. If you talk to yourself negatively all the time, then negativity is all you’ll see. If you’re always putting yourself down, then you’ll never have the courage to take risks or go after what you

want in life. Likewise, when we use positive words to describe ourselves or our lives, we tend to see a lot more positivity in the world. I don’t mean pretending everything is okay when it’s not. But if you’re struggling with something, no good comes from saying, “I’m such an idiot. I can’t do this!” The situation feels so much different if you instead say, “This is difficult, but I’ll get there.” I also make a point to pick a more positive word when I’m talking. I don’t call Karen my wife, because a lot of people associate the word “wife” with “ball and chain” negativity. Instead she’s my girl. Some people raise their eyebrows at first, but to me, this sounds more positive. Likewise, I never use the word “habit.” When people hear the word habit, they automatically think of bad habits. Instead, I use the word “ritual” when I talk about the routines we can develop to improve our lives. For example, a good morning ritual can set you up to have a much better, more productive day.

“I am doing fantastic!” I told her brightly.

She stopped and looked up at me with surprise. Then she smiled and said, “I’m really glad to hear that.” When we choose to use positive words, we can bring positivity into the lives of other people. All we need to do is pick a word that is slightly better or more positive than whatever the situation currently is. After waiting in a long line, I was fine, but by telling the barista I was fantastic, I brightened her day. Plus, it made me feel more positive, and when I walked out with my order, my day was feeling pretty fantastic. Words mean things. The words we use matter and have power over our lives. Let’s be more thoughtful about the words we choose to use each day.

–Ramiro Rodriguez, Jr.

El Abogado Ramiro (El Abogado Amigo) y su equipo hablan español


(770) 233-7400




Summertime is synonymous with many childhood experiences: hours splashing in the pool, sleepaway camp, and snow cones, to name a few. A quintessential summer destination that isn’t as common these days is the drive-in theater, yet many childhood memories are built on this little bit of nostalgia. The first drive-in theater opened in 1933 in Camden, New Jersey. At the time, films cost 25 cents per person, plus 25 cents per car, and drive-ins usually got movies in the second run, after they’d shown at indoor theaters. The trend started off slow, but by the ‘50s, Americans had fully embraced the outdoor theater experience. The ‘80s brought a charismatic Michael J. Fox to audiences in “Back to the Future,” and shortly after, “The Sandlot” hit the big screen and gave us lines that we’d quote for the next decade (“You’re killin’ me, Smalls!”). As of 2018, USA Today estimated that only about 330 drive-in theaters still exist in the United States. But if you don’t have one in your area, there’s a way you can enjoy the outdoor movie experience without having to leave your backyard. Your outdoor cinema starts with a projector. If you don’t have one, they are readily available to purchase at most big-box stores. For playing the movie, you’ll need a laptop and streaming service or a DVD or Blu-ray player. You’ll connect these devices to your projector through an HDMI port. As long as you’re not broadcasting to the whole neighborhood, stereo or computer speakers should be just fine, but you can also opt for a Bluetooth speaker that will give your audio a big boost. Next, you’ll need a flat surface to display the movie. A plain, white bedsheet makes a good screen, or you can make your own with white fabric from craft stores or online. Cushions, blankets, and outdoor hanging lights add a fun touch to your cinema. Just be sure to turn the lights off before the movie begins — and silence those cellphones!

School is out for the kiddos, which means that for the next few months, they’ll have six extra hours in the day and no idea what to do with them. Why not set aside some of that time for an educational and fun adventure? International Museum Day comes this month on May 18, making now the perfect time to plan your next visit for when the local museums open their doors again. Your kids might think museums are boring, but we’ve got you covered. Here are some ways to make their next museum visit fun and exciting. 3 TIPS TO MAKE YOUR VISIT MORE KID-FRIENDLY

Visit exhibits that will interest your kids.

Whether you’re at your local history museum or the Louvre, don’t try to rush through as many exhibits as you can. That will just make your kids (and you) tired and cranky! Instead, pick out a few exhibits that your kids will find interesting, like dinosaurs or electricity, and just visit those. That way, your museum adventure will be a lot more fun and relaxing.

Make the visit interactive.

Just meandering about reading placards all day will leave even the most studious children watching the clock. If you want your kids to enjoy the museum, then you’ve got to make your visit engaging. Try looking at the museum’s exhibits online before going and creating a scavenger hunt for your kids to follow with fun directions, like “Find a painting with two babies making silly faces,” or “Tell me how many pterodactyls you can find in the dinosaur exhibit.” Your kids will be way more engaged in the exhibit, and they might learn something to boot.

Once your setup is complete, select your movie, get the popcorn popping, and enjoy some movie magic right in your backyard.

Take a food break or visit the gift shop.

If your kids aren’t too excited about visiting a museum, a little incentive to get them to go — like taking them to the museum’s food court or purchasing them a keepsake from the gift shop — never hurts. Even if that’s the only thing they enjoy about the museum, they will still have positive memories associated with their visit.


Here’s One for Mom!

The Unexpected History of Mother’s Day

Cultures around the world and across time have developed celebrations honoring mothers. One of the earliest Mother’s Day celebrations dates back to a spring festival in ancient Greece that celebrated Rhea, the mother of the Greek gods. However, Mother’s Day as most Americans recognize it didn’t appear until the early 20th century. Anna Jarvis, a woman from West Virginia, idolized her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, who was a community activist who founded Mothers’ Day Work Clubs. These clubs taught local mothers how to care for their children. She also helped care for wounded soldiers when the Civil War broke out, and after the war, she organized efforts to promote reconciliation. After Ann Reeves Jarvis passed away in 1905, Anna began campaigning for a holiday that would celebrate all mothers, honoring the sacrifices they make for their children. With financial backing from John Wanamaker, a Philadelphia department store owner, Anna organized the first official Mother’s Day celebration in the United States. It was held in May 1908 at a Methodist church in Grafton, West Virginia. On that same day, thousands of

people attended a Mother’s Day event at one of Wanamaker’s Philadelphia stores. Determined to make Mother’s Day a national holiday, Anna started a letter writing campaign to newspapers and prominent politicians. In 1914, Anna’s hard work paid off when President Woodrow Wilson signed a measure to celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May. Unfortunately for Anna, her long-held dream quickly became a nightmare. Florists, card companies, and retail stores soon began using Mother’s Day as a sales opportunity. Anna openly denounced the commercialization of Mother’s Day. By 1948, she would disown the holiday altogether and lobby to have Mother’s Day removed from the calendar. This time, her efforts did not come to fruition. Americans loved Mother’s Day, commercialization and all, which remains true to this day. Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 20, this year. Make sure to call your mom, your grandmother, your aunt, or any other maternal figure in your life to let them know you appreciate their hard work. And though Anna Jarvis might not approve, we personally think heartfelt gifts are always a good way to show appreciation.

Anna Reeves Jarvis



Whether you’re celebrating your mom or those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country, there’s no better recipe to grill up than these delectable country-style pork ribs.




• • • • • • • • • •

2 heads garlic, cloves separated

In a blender, purée garlic, ginger, hoisin sauce, fish sauce, honey, rice wine, chili oil, oyster sauce, and toasted sesame oil until smooth. Reserve and chill 1 1/2 cups for later use. In a bag, add the remaining mixture and pork shoulder. Marinate for at least 8 hours. Using a convection plate on the grill, cook pork until the thickest part reaches an internal temperature of 140–145 F. In a large saucepan, simmer brown sugar, molasses, and reserved marinade for 6–8 minutes. Baste the pork with the brown sugar glaze for 2 minutes before serving.

3 thumbs ginger, chopped

1 cup hoisin sauce 3/4 cup fish sauce 2/3 cup honey 2/3 cup rice wine

2. 3.


1/2 cup chili oil

1/3 cup oyster sauce

1/3 cup toasted sesame oil 5 lbs boneless pork shoulder, flattened


• •

3/4 cup brown sugar

Solution on Page 4


1 tbsp molasses

Inspired by Bon Appétit

(770) 233-7400 3

If you or a loved one has been injured, call our office today for a free consultation.

332 North Marietta Pkwy Marietta, GA 30060 (770) 233-7400


Sudoku solution



How Words Can Change Your Life Make Your Museum Visit Fun for the Kids! The Timeless Charm of the Drive-In Movie How Did Mother’s Day Begin? Sticky and Sweet Pork ‘Ribs’ Tour of Marietta




Where in Marietta can you find the jury roll from the old Marietta Courthouse, a Bible written in the Cherokee language, the story of Cobb County’s most decorated World War I veteran, and an original icebox? Only at the Marietta Museum of History! Housed in the historic Kennesaw House building, the Marietta Museum of History (MMH) holds the largest collection of artifacts celebrating the history of Marietta and Cobb County. It was founded in 1996, and since then, museum staff and a team of dedicated volunteers have worked to educate guests and inspire curiosity every day. Visitors from every state in the union have come to the museum to discover its extensive collections. Guests can explore the Homelife Gallery, the Military Gallery, and the General History Gallery, which preserves the history of Cobb County, from the lives of Native Americans through important local business of the 1950s. MMH also features a number of exciting temporary exhibits that focus on unique pieces of Cobb County history. Current guests can see Andrews’ Raiders Room, a former hotel room in the Kennesaw House where the Great Locomotive

Chase of the Civil War began. There’s also “The Man with the Camera: Photographs by Raymond T. Burford,” a special exhibit showcasing the work of local photographer Raymond T. Buford, who documented the life of Cobb County’s black communities from the 1940s through the 1960s. Their newest exhibit, “Made by Her Hands: The Beauty, Warmth and Stories of Local Quilting,” aims to highlight women, who are often forgotten by history, through the exquisite quilts made by women of Cobb County. Going far beyond just preserving history, MMH partners with our community to make the future of Marietta just as vibrant and enduring as its past. MMH hosts the Marietta StreetFest each September, accommodates school tours and field trips all year long, and provides mentoring for other local organizations to start their own museums. For over two decades, the Marietta Museum of History has captured everything that makes Marietta and Cobb County unique. Make plans to visit this special part of Marietta with your family this summer! Visit their website at MariettaHistory. org for hours and upcoming events.

Discover Something New at the MARIETTA MUSEUM OF HISTORY