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Gems Publishing - November 2020

or the “shoe leather” Gems described above to get your foot in the door of small- to medium-sized lo

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Gems Publishing - May 2020

or just to express your appreciation that they are your patient. When each of you takes just five mi

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Gems Publishing - July 2019

Gems Publishing - July 2019 By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent deploy … multiple catastrophic hydraulic

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Gems Publishing - August 2020

Gems Publishing - August 2020 By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent You’re 55 years old (substitute your a

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Gems Publishing - October 2020

or should do when there's "downtime." Let’s say a patient doesn’t show up or calls with a last-minut

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Gems Publishing - February 2020

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! MARCH 4-7, 2020 Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWith

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Gems Publishing - June 2020

20" rule of Maximum New Patient Retention. When patients are anxious about finances due to local (an

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Gems Publishing - January 2020

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! MARCH 4-7, 2020 Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWith

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Gems Publishing - September 2020

7. While we still do some of the more traditional marketing, we are doing less and less of it becaus

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Gems Publishing - November 2019

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWithMr. VanceMorris!

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Gems Publishing - July 2020

By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent

Illness, death, disruption of most of our daily lives. Lost income, lost jobs, anxiety, and depression. If I were to list all the negative factors associated with COVID-19, it would fill multiple volumes of this newsletter. If you’ve been on Planet Gems for any length of time at all, you know that’s not in my nature. In fact, Elizabeth, my wife the engineer , likes to say that I “make lemon chiffon pie out of lemons!” I’ll leave the negative reporting to the print and online media, networks, blogs, social media, etc. That’s what they do best anyway. Today I’ll focus on five lessons our members learned from our first pandemic to hit the U.S. this century. Many of you have already begun using these lessons to improve your practices, your patients’ health … your lives. Elizabeth, the Gems Team, and I have the deepest respect for all our members who have been pushing through this most difficult time and coming out stronger as a result. When my daughter Alexa was 14 years old, I co-coached her volleyball team with a man name Russ. Colonel Russell E. Smith was the commander of the 25th Marine Regiment. At the end of the volleyball season, Russ gave each player a black USMC T-shirt that said, “Pain Is Weakness Leaving the Body.”

serious problems with your hands, eyes, or back … serious enough to force you to retire. Now add to my list, “or pandemic that shuts your office down for weeks … months … or the next one could be years…” Imagine how different your experience of the last three months would have been if you were only in dental practice because you wanted to be. Imagine how much easier it would have been on you if money were truly no longer a factor … you could sell or simply close your doors and walk away, if you chose. That’s the peace of mind enjoyed by those who worked hard (and smart) to put themselves in such a position. If you are one of the few who did, kudos for a job well done. For the rest, and at the risk of sounding like a broken record, plan now to build your practice and your finances so you could retire in five years if you want (or need) to. Goal = Financially able to retire by 2025. It doesn’t mean you will retire. Just that you’ll be able if you want (or need) to. LESSON NO. 2: PPOS ARE EATING US ALIVE. MAYBE IT’S TIME TO SAY GOODBYE. This is perhaps one of the most amazing benefits to have come out of the pandemic. Benefit? The simultaneous realization by an unprecedented number of our colleagues that it’s beyond time to reduce dependence

to the experts, there will be health, financial, and social repercussions for a long time to come. How can we use this pain to become stronger? LESSON NO. 1: A 5-YEAR EXIT STRATEGY WAS (STILL IS) AN INVALUABLE GEM. For the past 20 years, I’ve been urging Dentists, regardless of age, to plan an exit strategy to be able to leave dentistry within the next five years. A few Dentists took my suggestion to heart and did exactly that. They gave it their all and within five short years, they were financially able to retire if they chose. Why five years, especially if you are only in your 30s or 40s? My rationale was that you never know if or when you may develop

We have all just experienced pain of varying degrees, for an extended period. According

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... continued f rom cover

LESSON NO. 3: NEW PATIENTS WILL CHOOSE OUR PRACTICE EVEN THOUGH WE’RE NOT IN-NETWORK. One of my favorite stories (and a great lesson) from the pandemic was told by GG12 Coaching Member, Dr. Anna Pollatos. During a recent Gems Family Gathering Wednesday evening bonus session, Anna was kind enough to share her experiences post-COVID with brand-new patients with insurance plans for which she is NOT a provider. In one week, 9 out of 9 scheduled AND showed up for exam … several of them leaving THOUSANDS of dollars in deposits! HUGE KUDOS to Dr. Pollatos and her team. They sold 9 for 9 of those patients on their dental health benefits savings plan! Anna commented, and this is a HUGE TAKEAWAY EYE-OPENER, that her PREVIOUS business team member, upon hearing that the patient had PPO insurance for which they were NOT in network, would have ended the conversation and bid them farewell! On a similar note, train your team what to say to existing patients who say they “need to switch dentists since their insurance changed,” and you are not in their new network. Let them know that you are able to treat and help them get benefits even though you are now an out-of-network provider. Tell them you’ll take care of all the insurance paperwork and that the two differences will be reimbursement at a lower level, and the insurance company will likely mail the check directly to the patients.

old and had no life insurance, zero put away for my mother, and a lot of debt. You already know the end of the story. When he lay dying at the MA General Hospital, he asked Elizabeth and me to take over his practice and turn it around so my mom would have something to live on. During the first month after he passed away, I had to fire and replace two of his three general Dentists for knowingly (and repeatedly) committing malpractice. In less than three years, we were able to eliminate 13 of his 15 PPOs and transform his practice into a profitable business where patients received excellent care.

"According to the experts, there will be health, financial, and social repercussions for a long time to come. How can we use this pain to become stronger?"

on mismanaged care preferred provider organizations (PPOs) is overdue.

George Addair said, “Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” As general Dentists, we run a small business with overhead that varies from 60%–80%. Sure, there are still a few who’ve been able to maintain a bare-bones overhead of 50% and, yes, there are some who’ve strayed upward of 85% overhead. But most GPs are making (pretax) about 25%–35% off of collections. SO WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU SIGN A PPO CONTRACT AGREEING TO GIVE UP 25%–35% OF YOUR FEE?!

The answer is simple — fear. You’re afraid that:

You won’t have enough new patients to sustain and grow your practice and revenue. Droves of your existing patients (who are on these plans) will leave your practice if you drop their plans. You’ll lose money if you don’t sign with the devil.

I never thought I would see the day when so many of our members would simultaneously shout from the rooftops (like in the 1976 classic film, “Network”), “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” KUDOS to those who have already begun to take measures to strengthen their new patient flow, add an in-office dental health benefits savings plans, and train your teams on the verbal skills to help mitigate the loss of patients as you reduce the PPO footprint in your practices. CAUTION: Although reducing the number of managed care plans with which you participate may be a good decision, doing so without a proven-effective plan can be worse than taking no action at all. You’ll find my step-by-step plan at SITE MAP ' COMMUNITY ' GEMS FAMILY GATHERINGS ' 023 2020- 06-24 HOW TO DUMP YOUR WORST PPOS, KEEP THE PATIENTS, WORK LESS, AND MAKE MORE MONEY.

I understand the fear. My father had 15 managed care plans, all of which required accepting compromised fees for the privilege of treating their patients. He would always remind me that his practice was in an economically depressed area. His patients all worked for just a few big companies and factories, all of which offered only PPO dental coverage. His patients would leave him at the drop of a hat if he didn’t participate in-network with their plans. He was afraid to reduce or eliminate his participation with the plans. “Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” He had 11 chairs, three general Dentists, two Specialists, and a team of over 20 people. The more dentistry they did, the more money he lost. He worked until he died. He was 76 years

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"One of the most amazing benefits to have come out of the pandemic is the simultaneous realization by an unprecedented number of our colleagues that it’s beyond time to reduce dependence on mismanaged care PPOs."

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“Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

Some patients will say they didn’t realize they could get ANY benefits if they stayed with you and are happy to remain in your practice. And others will want to bail since it’s going to cost more money. For those folks, it’s at that moment that your team member should say, “Well, Dr. Smith has recently introduced an in-office Dental Health Benefits Savings Plan, which you could use in ADDITION to your insurance … normally the plan is X hundred dollars per year … but if you’re willing to allow us the opportunity to continue to care for your family … we’ll waive the plan fee … our GIFT for you AND your family for the first year.” LESSON NO. 4: BANKERS HOURS ARE FOR BANKS. Forgive the imagery, but for the last 20 years, trying to convince Dentists to offer more patient-centric hours has been like pulling ankylosed teeth! I really do get it. We chose dentistry for a variety of reasons, one of which was that we could make a nice living working 9-to-5 just four days per week.

got going, and the others abandoned ship! We’ve heard widespread instances of team members who:

Say they’ll return but want to stay out (on unemployment) for “just a few more months.”

but for most practices, offering at least two early mornings (7 a.m.) and two nights until 9 p.m. plus at least one (if not both) weekend days will help you grow your practice and your revenue far beyond what you are otherwise able. I’ve been thrilled to hear how many of our members have already made significant changes in the days and hours they are offering. The results speak for themselves. Many of our members report hitting goals repeatedly since reopening, and a couple have even reported all-time, record-breaking months. LESSON NO. 5: THE TEAM THAT REALLY WASN’T — REVEALED! Of all the lessons learned from the pandemic, this has got to be one of the most painful. When the going got tough, the tough

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Simply QUIT.

Were sitting at home collecting unemployment and were unwilling to work ON the practice during the time they couldn’t work IN the practice.

The lesson? If you are fortunate enough to have chosen “A” players … 110%-ers … then do everything in your power to create an environment they thrive in and love. If you have put up with STAFF (they are NOT “TEAM”) who should not have been on your team … life’s too short. Free up their future to make room in your practice for more 110%-ers … the ones who always give their all, have a smile on their faces, and somehow make even the harder days a joy to experience.

That may still be the case in isolated pockets,


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Dr. Holly Sletten, CA Dr. An Nguyen, CA Dr. Mimi Hernandez-Cabanban, CA Dr. Debra Eaton, OK Dr. Mark Langberg, MI Dr. Alexander Zilberman, PA

Dr. Dennis Hong, CA Dr. Sheida Mohammadizadeh,CA Dr. DiemTran, MN Dr. William Straka, NC Dr. Bob Stella, CA

Dr. Igor Ochev, CA Dr. Cheryl Watson, IL Dr. Gohar Grigorian, CA Dr. John Corino, NJ Dr. Steven Danzig, PA Dr. Hugh Bialecki, CA Dr. Paul vanLonkhuyzen, MI Dr. Scott Schmidt, MN Dr. Diane Arel, OH Dr. James Bukovac, VA Dr. Ronald Petrosky, NJ Dr. Joe Muscatiello, NJ Dr. Sidney Cradduck, PA Dr. Jose Ferrara, LA Dr. George Conrad, WV Dr. David Seidman, NY Dr. Bruce Hutchison, VA Dr. Gregory Neu, IL Dr. Mark Castor, TX Dr. Aleksandr Shibko, MN

Dr. Jason Gomes, Canada Dr. Quynh Anh Pham, Canada Dr. Omar Kassam, Canada Dr. John Banducci, Canada Dr. GordMorris, Canada Dr. Ketan Shah, UK Dr. Anahita Farahani, CA Dr. Aleksey Kozlov, NM Dr. Christopher Comfort, CA Dr. Teresa Lowery, CO

Dr. Stuart Anderson, CA Dr. Robert L Porter, TX Dr. ValerieWaddell, NC Dr. Kayla Cuddy, MA Dr. Thomas Renny, NJ Dr. James Formaker, CA Dr. Stacie Holt, TX

Dr. Regina Gumucio, NJ Dr. Robert Malone, CA

Dr. Jiyoung Jung, TX Dr. Jeffrey Ferrer, NY Dr. Glen Shanock, NY Dr. James Walton, FL Dr. Paulette Soltis Hamilton, PA Dr. Byron Rome, LA Dr. WilliamMessersmith, PA Dr. Sofia Kavakoglou, NY Dr. Julie Hong, PA

Dr. Jason Estep, MS Dr. Snehal Patel, NJ Dr. PhilipWolff, CA

Dr. Veena Reddy, DE Dr. Denise Antalis, OH Dr. Jin Cha, CA Dr. Klaus Radtke, TX Dr. Barbara Lewis-Heywood, NM

Dr. Mark Johnson, NM Dr. Donald Roman, NJ Dr. Jose Gonzalez, TX Dr. Elizabeth Demichelis, CA Dr. WilliamPoe, CA Dr. Lee Gold, NY

Dr. Randall Ruisch, IA Dr. Mario Fiorentini, NJ Dr. Nicholas Vece, NY

Dr. Kathy Zahedi, CA Dr. Ellen Vossler, NY

GG12 Office Hours: Twice each month, my office door is open for your visits. This is an opportunity for GG12 Doctors and team members to speak with me directly with questions about dental practice management or life on the Planet (Gems!). Gems Insiders’ Circle™ Quarterly Q&A Webinars: Four times each year, I’m available in the evening for up to 90 minutes to answer your questions about any topics of your choice regarding dental practice management.

For the latest up-to-date information about what’s happening on Planet Gems, go to and click on “Calendar” (menu bar, top left of homepage). If you have questions, please contact your Personal Gems Concierge or call 1-888-880-GEMS (4367). 90-Minute GG12 Team Training Online Events: GG12 Dental Practice Transformation members, please block out this monthly program on your calendar. These occur just once each month, but they could easily be the most important 90 minutes you and your team will ever invest.

JULY 15: 8:30–10 p.m. EDT — Gems Family Gathering: "How to Add $400,000 to Your Revenue, See Fewer Patients, Do More Good, and Spend More Time With Your Family.” (Dr. Todd Shatkin) JULY 22: 8:30–10 p.m. EDT — Gems Family Gathering: “A Simple Math Formula to Determine Which PPOs to Drop First and Fast!” (Clint Johnson) JULY 29: 8:30–10 p.m. EDT — Gems Family Gathering: “How to Add $250,000 in Revenue to Your Practice, Improve, and Possibly SAVE

Register today for your Fall Gems Family retreat in Boston starting on Wednesday night, Sept. 23, 2020, with dinner at my home. Doctors and team members often tell us they have never experienced anything like our retreats in all their years attending dental continuing education. Gems Family and GG12 Mastermind Members will form lifelong bonds with their fellow members. The retreat ends at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020.

LIVES in the Process." (Dr. James Metz)

JULY 31: 11 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT — GG12 Office Hours

AUG. 5: 10–11 a.m. EDT — GG12 Office Hours

AUG. 5: 8:30–10 p.m. EDT — Gems Family Gathering: “The 5 Levels of COVID-19 Safe Dentistry — Prioritizing by Effectiveness.” (Dr. John Bain)

JULY 15: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EDT — GG12 90-Minute Monthly Team Training

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Dr. Kevin Norige, Platinum Member

It’s times like the weeks and months we have spent “sheltering in place” due to COVID-19 that remind me how Dr. Orent leads a universal charge to make dentistry about so much more than oral health. Planet Gems creates a worldview and opportunity for us all to help make dentistry better. The Gems we learn provide paths by which we can provide better health care through dentistry. Tom and his Gems Team have changed so many people’s lives, and as we deploy the Gems, our patients and team members feel those ripples of change.


When COVID-19 forced the shutdown of our practice, I didn’t panic. I had all this knowledge processing in my head from years of Gems webinars, gatherings, and teachings. I knew this meant it was time to really get to work. We have been given the gift of time, and what we do with it could be valuable to our patients and the productivity of our practice when we can finally return. With a mix of veteran dental professionals and new team members to our office, I couldn’t think of anything more pertinent than take this time to focus on training.

I immediately created what I dubbed “The Super South Windsor Smiles Hygiene Team Members Conference.” I had four categories, including Camaraderie, Consistency, Efficiency, and Productivity, and quickly scrounged up my materials. I was so excited. I knew we were going to learn a lot about each other and become more proficient as a team. What could go wrong?

Well, you know what they say about best laid plans … I guess we’re all learning about that with COVID-19! After I sent out a message inviting my team to come back into the office for this super conference, I received a message from my lead Hygienist. She didn’t feel safe coming into the office for the conference due to the virus. After all, that IS the point of our practice being closed.

"New team members are raving about all the new techniques they are learning, and we’re becoming a cohesive team as a result!"

Plus, her message prompted a great reminder. I knew that like everyone else, my team was dealing with their own

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( Editor’s Note: You can find Dr. Orent’s “29 Classifications of Your Patients That MUST Be on 3-Month Recall” on ' SITE MAP ' Additional Resources ' SUPER HYGIENE TOOLKIT ' 009 HOW TO DOUBLE YOUR HYGIENE RECALL.) After creating the modules, I made the process easy by asking team members to complete the programs by the end of certain days and to touch base with me if they were unable to do so. I even included inspirational readings, some of which I pulled from Dr. Orent! I also asked them to say one verbal affirmation each day. Like I said, this isn’t an easy time, but I wanted them to remember the tremendous value they have. It’s powerful to say, “I am helping to improve my patients'

circumstances. Some of them had to take on the role of parent and teacher overnight, while others were dealing with family members who were classified as “essential workers” or laid off completely. They had their own lives to worry about during such a trying time in our world’s history. Yet, I wasn’t ready to give up on The Super South Windsor Smiles Hygiene Team Members Conference. Instead, I made it into a teleconference. I broke down my four categories into 11 modules, which, in the interest of “TOBI,” I sent to my team in an episodic format because I didn’t want to bog them down with 11 modules out of the gate! I peppered my modules with a few of Dr. Orent’s Gems and added a few of my own philosophies and ideas for good measure, but here are some of the modules you may find the most valuable.

we come from and why the practice is the way it is today.

lives,” or “I am an important part of an amazing team” to yourself each day.

( Editor’s Note: Learn more about Disney’s practices at InsidersCircle. com ' SITE MAP ' GEMS INSIDERS’ CIRCLE WEBINARS ' GICW 100 Morris $153,000,000,000 OF SECRETS TO DISNIFY YOUR PRACTICE.)

At the time of writing this, we were heading into our fifth module, and I could not be more thrilled with the feedback I have been hearing. New team members are raving about all the new techniques they are learning, and we’re becoming a cohesive team as a result! Once we finish all the modules, I plan to compile everything in one location for better continued training. It’s already made us so much better, so why shouldn’t it continue? This entire process has even inspired me to reexamine our common practices. For example, we have infection control processes listed for our team members to use in each exam room. You will never believe what was missing from the checklist … HAND- WASHING! While this is a common practice before every action, we should always include it on a checklist! Ultimately, I know this time has been difficult but powerful for my team. We are communicating and working more effectively because we understand and utilize the same protocols. We are a strong, unified, cohesive team for our patients, and that’s something they need now more than ever. Editor’s Note: If you would like to learn more about any of the Gems mentioned in this story, please reach out to your Personal Gems Concierge

3. Role of the Hygienist: Like any

organization, it’s important that each member of our team understands how significant their role is and the tasks of those around them. As we learn through Gems, cross-training is invaluable. 4. ‘Perio Protect’ and Other Modalities: Through the Gems Family, we read a lot of valuable material. I cannot tell you how much information I have stored up over the years! But as powerful as these materials are for me, they can be equally important for my team. I wanted to introduce my team members to a few of our most impactful Gems, including Dr. Orent’s “29 Classifications of Your Patients That MUST Be on 3-Month Recall.” This seven-page document is loaded with information on how we can better serve our patients and treat their oral and whole-body health. When my Hygienists understand why we’re asking Ms. Jones to come back in after three months and just how beneficial this could be to her health, then we are united in our efforts to protect and treat our patients. It only makes us stronger.


Introductions: I have four new Hygienists on my team, so it was vital that we used this time to get to know one another and build trust. This instills confidence in each other and builds a community of dental professionals.

2. Organization History and Traditions: As we learned from Vance Morris, Disney is a powerful corporation to look to when building any business, and as a dental practice, there’s no shortage of steps we can take to “Disnify” our patients’ experiences. I borrowed this idea from Disney because I saw the value in making sure my team understood where

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Next, keep your area light and fun. Don’t just sit behind a table. Prop your wheel up near the front where passersby can see the prizes you are offering and engage with the people in your booth and those waiting in line. You want your booth to feel inviting. It has to be something people will want to spend time in … not a place where they feel awkward and want to leave. 3 SECRETS TO MAGNETICALLY ATTRACT EVERY MOM The easiest way to get mothers to seek out your booth and form long lines is to offer something that demands every kid drags their mom over to visit. What are the three secrets? Animal balloons, face paint, and rub-on tattoos! To see photos and descriptions of exactly how our other Gems Family Members have rocked new patient flow using this strategy, go to ' ADVANCED MARKETING BRAINTRUST ' 011 NEW PATIENT SURGE FROM STREET FAIRS. Ask your Personal Gems Concierge for help getting you started on your first new patient magnet … street fair! ( PRO TIP : If it’s affordable, pay for two booths! This will give you more space for the presentation.)

By Ira Hirsch, Certified GG12 Coach

"GG12 Member, Dr. Jerry Ryan, whose team helped him net 37 new patients from one fun Saturday event, holds the record."

Game shows are so successful for a reason. “Wheel of Fortune” and “The Price Is Right” continue to delight audiences decades after they premiered because of a powerful tool both shows use to keep contestants and viewers hooked: the spinning wheel. There’s an excitement and fascination with a spinning wheel as contestants and viewers watch each number go by. The pointer swooshes by large cash prizes or that elusive dollar on “The Price Is Right” before it slowly begins to tick ... tick … tick ….

very first new patient from an event will be 2–3 times that amount.

It’s not unusual for our members to attract 10 or more new patients during a single afternoon at a street fair. GG12 Member Dr. Jerry Ryan, whose team helped him net 37 new patients from one fun Saturday event, holds the record … in large part thanks to that fun spinning wheel!

THE PROCESS, PRIZES, AND WHEEL Your prizes should be personal and high value. Don’t give away something that anyone could just buy at any given time. Let’s start with the wheel. Prize wheels should have 12–24 slots, with varying prizes in each slot. The majority of these slots should have a “Special for You” certificate attached to them. These certificates should not have an expiration date, but they should range anywhere from $10–$200 off services from your practice. Services could include teeth whitening treatments or consultations for larger cosmetic procedures. Consider one slot with “$500 OFF YOUR FIRST $1,000 TREATMENT!”

Here’s how you can attract more prospective new patients at an event:

THE SETUP You could have the best prizes of the entire fair or show, yet people will still miss the opportunities you offer if your booth and location are not attractive enough. Look for high traffic areas, like near the bathroom or cafeteria areas. This will ensure people walk past your booth, netting a higher percentage of prospects.

(You’re waiting in anticipation for the prize, right?)

The prize wheel can be one of the most valuable components in your booth at street fairs, community festivals, and events. You may invest close to $2,000 purchasing the wheel, renting booth space at the event, and buying prizes. Yet the lifetime value of the

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Gems Inside

p.5. Dr. Norige Performs Pandemic Alchemy!

p.1. 5 Lessons Learned From Our First Pandemic of the 21st Century

p.7. How Adding a Prize Wheel Can Boost Your New Patient Flow

p.4. Happening on Planet Gems

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Other slots should feature an opportunity for the person spinning the wheel to be entered into a chance to win the BIG raffle prize. Let the participants know there will be three third prize winners. The third prize should be $100 off any treatment or service you provide. The second-place prize should be something that’s a step up from $100 but outside your practice. Think salon gift baskets, spa days, sports team blankets, coffee machines, and other small luxury items. Finally, your top prize needs to be powerful. It needs to be something that will make patients stop and say, “They’re giving away WHAT?!” For example, when I run booths at trade shows, we often give people the opportunity to win a TV or iPad. These are items many people may already have, but the chance to get one for free still reels them in. The best part is you can get these items for an affordable price during regular sales and specials from retail stores or online. If you stock up, you will have a few on hand to give out during the year. HOW DOES THIS HELP WITH NEW PATIENTS? Here’s the real magic of the wheel. You cannot let just anyone spin the wheel or enter into the raffle. Instead, you need something from them first. Create a very short survey. Just a 3–4 simple questions about service, experience, their preferences at the dentist, their fears, etc. You need to create questions that are going to give you a signal as to who at this fair or conference would be more likely to become a patient at your practice, but you can also use this survey to gain

valuable information on services, products, or promotions you could be doing!

or 75 contact cards (raffle entries!), then call 50 or 75 people!

Here are a few sample questions:

“Mrs. Jones, it’s [your name] from Dr. John Smith’s office. We met at the Main Street Kids Fair last Saturday. I called to congratulate you … you won one of the three third-place prizes! $100 off any treatment or service in our office. I’d be happy to help you schedule a FREE consultation or a cleaning and checkup if you prefer. We have tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. and Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. Which would be better for you?” PRIZE WHEELS IN THE DENTAL OFFICE, TOO! Remember how much fun it was to go to the dentist as a kid and dig through the toybox? Don’t you just love the smiles and excitement of your younger patients simply because they get a bouncy ball or a handheld puzzle?

On a scale from 1–10, how much do you enjoy going to the dentist? (1 = hate it, 10 = love it)

When do you usually go to the dentist?

What do you associate with the dentist? (List out common fears and positives below!)

As people wait in line to spin the wheel or visit your booth, ask them to fill out this short survey. By filling this out, they will then be entered into the drawings for your top three prizes. (Remember the TV, gift basket, and your services?) Make sure your contestants know they don’t have to be present to win and let them take a spin at that wheel! It’s even better if they land on a space where they are entered into the raffle again.

Your adult patients can have that excitement, too!

In addition to a few short questions, it’s imperative that you get their contact information!

Use the prize wheel in your practice by giving patients a chance to spin the wheel after an appointment or when they hit certain milestones. Fill the slots with smaller prizes than the ones you would give away at fairs, and make sure the wheel spinning is done in front of your waiting area or near your front desk. As patients walk in, they will feel that “Wheel of Fortune” and “The Price Is Right” effect, and then you’ll hear, “Wait, how do I get to do THAT?” Your GG12 Coach can walk you through the ins and outs of setting up your prize wheel. Contact your Personal Gems Concierge to set up a call today. You can also find more information at INSIDERSCIRCLE.COM ' SITE MAP ' RETREAT PRESENTATIONS ' HARNESS THE POWER OF THE SPINNING WHEEL - MR. IRA HIRSCH.

• • •

First name, last name

Cell number Email address

Let folks know you need the contact information in order to notify the BIG prize winners following the drawing. DON’T FORGET THE FOLLOW-UP Now, here’s the key. In order for this to be successful, you have to follow up with EVERY POTENTIAL patient lead from the event. Then … call them! Don’t sit on this information. Following the event, pick the first and second prize winners. Notify those people that they won. Then pick up the phone and call EVERYONE else! If you get 50

"I called to congratulate you … you won one of the three third-place prizes! $100 off any treatment or service in our office."

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