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Gems Publishing - October 2019

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Gems Publishing - November 2019

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWithMr. VanceMorris!

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Gems Publishing - October 2020

or should do when there's "downtime." Let’s say a patient doesn’t show up or calls with a last-minut

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Gems Publishing - August 2019

or send out a direct mailing campaign. • HOW DO WE GET THE WORD OUT? • • • • 8

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Gems Publishing - May 2019

should diagnose and treatment plan. In fact, every state in the Union has laws about this, don’t the

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Gems Publishing - January 2019

newsletterpro into your search bar to start your free 30-day trial and let AWeber help you craft goo

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Gems Publishing - March 2019

her role, what kind of care they are providing, and — using Tom’s verbal skills — promote better den

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Gems Publishing - September 2019

emergency chair. Now, whenever we find an unexpected cavity on a patient using our WHALYA challenge

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Gems Publishing - April 2019


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Gems Publishing - July 2019

Gems Publishing - July 2019 By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent deploy … multiple catastrophic hydraulic

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Gems Publishing - February 2019

2021. Provider ID #210991 WEB FORM IC SITE & PORTAL of gum disease, Dentists are putting patients at

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Gems Publishing - October 2019

Lessons I Learned From Dan

By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent

Of course, there’s no way to share in one article (even spread out over two newsletters), what I learned from Dan over the course of 23 years. But a number of “Dan-isms” come to mind. Each teaches an important business, marketing, or sales lesson. Over the last several days since I learned of his illness, I’ve been putting together a list to share with you.

make a transaction (sale). The LIFETIME VALUE of a long-term customer should blow away the potential value of a single initial transaction. Focus on using the transaction as a means of gaining and nurturing a lifetime customer, client, or patient. HINT: Dentists frequently voice concern over the “lost revenue” from a low-cost new patient special offer. Don’t compare your average production per hour to the new patient first visit and expect them to be equivalent. Get more new patients in the door even at a low initial visit fee. Wow them with an amazing personalized experience and enjoy long-term relationships and high lifetime value. The likelihood of a sale is far more dependent upon the attitude of the seller than the attitude of the buyer. Time and again, this concept is proven when one person successfully sells to a prospect or client in a situation deemed impossible by others in the same or similar situation. Example: At the end of the cleaning visit, most Dentists and Hygienists don't sell fluoride to adults because they "know" adults will refuse fluoride since it's not covered by insurance. However, my five Hygienists routinely achieved 80%-plus THE ATTITUDE OF THE SELLER MATTERS.


No matter how amazing you think the ad or campaign looks, until you deploy it to a specific market in a particular media at the chosen time, nobody can guarantee it's going to work.


acceptance of fluoride for adults, paid out of pocket ... because my Hygienists understood why fluoride for adults is imperative and exactly what to say to help patients perceive the need.

Don't get a customer to make a transaction. Too often, businesses focus on getting a new customer purely to


NOT! All of our businesses (dental practices included) are far more alike than they are different. A concept or strategy that works in one business is likely to be useful in many other seemingly unrelated businesses (you simply have to remain open to the possibility and figure out how to leverage the idea in your vertical).

"The LIFETIME VALUE of a long-term customer should blow away the potential value of a single initial transaction."

Continued on page 2 ...

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... continued f rom cover



profession revolves around educating, find a way to make it entertaining, too.

Price is often far less of an issue than we think. Our customers, clients, and patients are often willing to pay more than we may expect.


... only copy that's too boring. People inexperienced in marketing look at the length of a long-form sales letter and ask, "Who would read something that long?!" Dan's answer? A buyer.

The longer the guarantee period, the less likely the customer, client, or patient is to return the product or ask for a refund. It's a paradox. The shorter your guarantee period, the more likely it's on the customer's mind (“I only have 30 days, and I haven't even opened the box ... I'd better return this now”). If my ad contained only this headline and a response phone number, would anyone buy? Dan offers two headline tests. Take the headline from your advertisement and add only a phone number. Would the headline and response phone number be enough to get some folks to buy? The other was the "Who Cares?!" test. Read your headline and ask yourself if your target market would really care ... YOU SHOULD TEST YOUR HEADLINES. The order form must be able to stand alone as its own sales letter if separated from the rest of the mailing. Assume the recipient of a direct mail piece will open the envelope and scatter the contents. If they lose the sales letter and everything else, the order form must repeat enough of the crucial sales information to persuade the recipient to take action and make the purchase. Show up at your sales call with a "shoebox overflowing with testimonials.” This speaks to Dan's concept that we must arrive with "an abundance of proof." "Most bullets (and marketing) fail to motivate the prospective buyer due to lists of 'features' leaving it up to the prospect to figure out the 'benefits'..." THE ORDER FORM IS A SALES LETTER. TESTIMONIALS PROVIDE PROOF.



Bullets with features are fine, but the power of bullets (and copy in general) comes from highlighting the benefits. Most bullets (and marketing) fail to motivate the prospective buyer due to lists of "features" leaving it up to the prospect to figure out the "benefits" he/she would enjoy as a result of those features. Speak to the benefits!

The "Irresistible Offer" is a cornerstone of marketing ... but without a motivation to act now (deadline), response will be limited.

"The likelihood of a sale is far more dependent upon the attitude of the seller than the attitude of the buyer."


Robert Colliers’ "enter the conversation in their mind" is good advice. Everyone is having a conversation in their mind at all times. If you can enter the conversation where they are, you'll have their attention.



The fact that you or I may not use coupons or respond to x or y offer is IRRELEVANT. Don't preview your marketing by showing it to your team, friends, or relatives. The ONLY opinions that count are purchases by your customers, clients, and/or patients. PEOPLE ARE FAR MORE MOTIVATED BY FEAR OF LOSS THAN OPPORTUNITY FOR GAIN. We all know that everything is first sold based upon emotion and only secondarily based upon logic or reason. When considering which emotions to target in your marketing, Dan recommends we keep in mind people are far more motivated by fear of loss than opportunity for gain. (Cialdini proved that when he made a single change to the Bose Wave campaign which doubled their sales ... and was based upon the Wave helping you hear what you've been MISSING).

"Uninvited pest becomes welcomed guest." Just because a prospect didn't respond to your offer when you sent it doesn't mean they're not interested. It's often the timing of the offer. In his classic, "Hey idiot, your house is on fire" story, Dan talks about the number of times he tried to chase this pest away ... the guy kept knocking, finally climbed an 8-foot wall with shards of glass on the top, and came up to his back deck banging on the glass. "Al the plumber." "Your house is on fire!" It's the stories that engage people and embed into their memories. Stories are an essential piece of the sales puzzle. We hope and pray for a full recovery but realize that our friend and mentor may not be with us much longer. Elizabeth and I are grateful beyond what words can express for his friendship and guidance. “DK” will always live on in our hearts. STORIES SELL!


Entertainers are paid far more than educators. Even if your business or

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For the latest up-to-date information about what’s happening on Planet Gems, go to and click on “Calendar” (menu bar, top left of homepage). If you have questions, please contact your Personal Gems Concierge or call 1-888-880-GEMS (4367). 90-MINUTE GG12 TEAM TRAINING WEBINARS: GG12 Dental Practice Transformation members, please block out this monthly program on your calendar. These occur just once each month, but they could easily be the most important 90 minutes you and your entire team invest. GG12 OFFICE HOURS: Twice each month, my office door is open for your visits. This is an opportunity for GG12 Doctors and Team

Members to reach me directly with questions about dental practice management.

GEMS INSIDERS’ CIRCLE™ QUARTERLY Q&A WEBINARS: Four times each year, I’m available in the evening for up to 90 minutes to answer your questions about any topics of your choice regarding dental practice management.

Oct. 4: 12–1 p.m. EDT — GG12 Office Hours

Oct. 21: 8:30–10 p.m. EDT — GG12 GIC Platinum Global Mastermind

Oct. 22: 12–1 p.m. EDT — GG12 Office Hours

Oct. 23: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EDT — GG12 90-Minute Monthly Team Training Webinar

Dr. Gloria Mabasa, UK Dr. Jimmy Loo, Canada Dr. Margaret Houting, WI Dr. Karey Kusuhara, CA Dr. Michael Calabrese, MA Dr. Barkley Daugherty, NY Dr. Mack Greder, NE Dr. Zenobia Sowell, IL Dr. Les Latner, CA Dr. Douglas Leigh, MA Dr. Janet Wolery, OH Dr. Steven Oliver, OK Dr. Robert Harelick, MA

Dr. Jim Donley, MI Dr. Seth Tambrini, IN Dr. Larry Hamburg, NY Dr. Paul Revereza, CA Dr. Ronald Hull, GA Dr. Bill Vagenas, MA Dr. Michael Conrad, PA Dr. Phillip Wallace, OH Dr. William Stutman, MI Dr. Kenneth Lubritz, TX Dr. William Baker, MS Dr. Justine Kelley, MA Dr. Phelan Thomas, IA Dr. Debby Wright, NV Dr. Mark Anderson WY

Dr. Kent Caserta, OH Dr. George Hoop, FL Dr. Kenneth Nash, MS

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WED 3/4/20 to SAT 3/7/20

REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! Saturday afternoon “Behind-the-Scenes” Disney Tour LIMITED to 1st 60 Registrants Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWithMr. VanceMorris! “Systematic Magic LIVE! FromWalt Disney World”

A Disney Insider’s “Behind the Curtain” System for Service, Development, Growth and Profits. Unvarnished Behind the Scenes Service and Profit Truths (not found in a Disney Institute seminar) Who Should Attend this SPECIAL PRE-EVENT DAY? This “Deep Dive” peel back the curtain on EXACTLY HOW Disney consistently delivers legendary service is mission critical for Dentists, Office Managers, or those with the authority to affect change in your practice

Create an environment where the outside world melts away, inhibitions to price are lost and patients become raving fans. Inspire, encourage and impel your team members to ACTIVELY deliver consistent, superior and best-in-class service Create a more efficient (profitable) process for delivering best-in-class service to your patients day in and day out Become recognized as THE expert “Go-To” dentist in your area What sets you apart from all the rest of your local competition Create service standards that consistently deliver profitability far exceeding today’s dental profesion norms.

Mr. Vance Morris GKIC Reigning Marketer of the Year

What’s Included in this SPECIAL PRE-EVENT DAY: Exclusive ½ Day Meeting building your own Disney Style Service System. At the end of the day you will have a blueprint to implement in your practice the following Monday. Value ($3497) Resources, Guides, Blueprints andWorkbooks (Value $297) Exclusive VIP reception with current Disney Leaders . Ever want to know how “the rubber hits the road”? You will have unprecedented access to these Disney leaders to ask any question you want to. We will also be serving a feast of hors d’ oeuvres menu that will certainly be your dinner. (Priceless)

Dr. James Metz is a 1973 graduate of The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. He maintains a restorative dental practice with an emphasis on dental sleep medicine and reconstructive dentistry. Dr Metz’s current research with Oral Appliance Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and Headache have led to the completion of a 136 consecutive patient study was just published in Frontiers in Neurology. The outcomes, using his techniques, have compared favorably to CPAP therapy for mild, moderate, and even severe OSA patients.


Dr. Metz was a member of the American Dental Association’s Scientific Investigation Committee Workgroup, which defined the role of the Oral Appliance for the control of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Metz during the past 7 years has been a member of the Scientific Investigation Committee of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, which publishes their literature review yearly in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. He has served on the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine board of directors, course development committee, public relations committee, chair for both the Introductory and Advanced Course of Dental Sleep Medicine, and vice-chair of the AADSM Annual Meeting in 2014. He is a board member of the Ohio Sleep Society. Metz is the founder and current chair for the Dental Interest Group of the American Thoracic Society. As a member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry and International Academy of Gnathology, he has pursued excellence in the field of Restorative Dentistry during his entire career. Dr. Metz is also a member of the American College of Dentists, American Dental Association, and served as president of the Muskingum Valley Dental Association. COURSE OBJECTIVES Breathing is basic. Our primitive brain controls the process, and we take it for granted. We as dentists can influence the available oxygen dramatically. An understanding of the physiology of breathing will allow for a more precise treatment plan of our restorative care. Considering that breathing well may increase your patient’s quality of life and possibly even their lifespan as well as the durability of the finished restorative case, this course will cover the process from intake to completed treatment. The overall objective is to present a logical and efficient way to incorporate Mandibular Advancement Therapy into dental practice.

5. Eval, analysis, & comprehension of polysomnogram reports & the necessity of med- ical eval & importance of a multidisciplinary team approach to treating snoring & OSA 6. Appliances 7. Building a delivery team in the office.

At the completion of this talk, participants will be knowledgeable in: 1. Why we sleep and how sleep impacts your day-to-day dentistry 2. Physiology of sleep (focus is the heart, brain, and basic pulmonology) 3. The terminology of Sleep Medicine 4. The pathophysiology, demographics, and sequelae of OSA

8. The appointment process – how to handle the flow. 9. Patient motivation – it is more than an appliance 10. Billing and Insurance

“SATURDAY AFTERNOON PRIVATE BEHIND-THE-SCENES Disney Tour Limited to the 1st 60 People to Register” Private Keys to the Kingdom Tour (not available to the general public)

An in-depth, 3 to 4 hour behind scenes look at the most iconic theme park at Walt Disney World Resort. You will experience exactly how Disney consistently creates the magic on a daily basis through this tour of the Magic Kingdom. You will go “underground” into the “utilidor” and see how the magic is created from the perspective of the cast members. The tour guides will also focus on the “business” of the park.

VIP Attractions experiences (at least one and maybe two behind the scenes look at the rides, depending on time) then of course; you’ll have a chance to ride the ride! The tour will focus on the FOUR key strategies that Vance introduced you to: Safety, Courtesy, Show and Efficiency. This will solidify your un- derstanding and ability to implement your own key strategies in your dental practice. Tours are small groups with plenty of time and opportunity for questions.

Disney has limited this tour to a hard count of 60. This is the maximum they can do in one day. So if you want to see the behind the scenes magic, SIGN UP TODAY! These spots never last! Please indicate on your form how many spots you need. We will be counting these at the back table. Once we hit 60, it will be sold out.

“The Secret to Using KPIs to Achieve Killer Practice Income!”

During this presentation you will discover:

The #1 activity you must do every day to avoid unpleasant and disastrous financial surprises Discover the single best tool for “Gems-centric” practices to always identify neglecated areas, track progress, and master their numbers How using your dashboard to implement and track a few simple changes can create massive and sustainable gains in profit The only time it’s remotely okay to ignore the numbers (“non-quantifiable criticals”)

The KPIs that matter most and how to fully leverage them to create more profit, happier team members, and healthier patients The critical leading and lagging indicators in your practice (and what to do about them) The 3 ways to get your team super-motivated and hyper-focused on your numbers How unhealthy business >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12

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