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Gems Publishing - October 2019

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! Saturday afternoon “Behind-the-Scenes” Disney Tour L

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Gems Publishing - November 2020

or the “shoe leather” Gems described above to get your foot in the door of small- to medium-sized lo

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Gems Publishing - May 2020

or just to express your appreciation that they are your patient. When each of you takes just five mi

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Gems Publishing - August 2020

Gems Publishing - August 2020 By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent You’re 55 years old (substitute your a

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Gems Publishing - February 2020

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! MARCH 4-7, 2020 Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWith

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Gems Publishing - June 2020

20" rule of Maximum New Patient Retention. When patients are anxious about finances due to local (an

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Gems Publishing - July 2020

Gems Publishing - July 2020 By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent Illness, death, disruption of most of ou

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Gems Publishing - January 2020

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! MARCH 4-7, 2020 Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWith

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Gems Publishing - September 2020

7. While we still do some of the more traditional marketing, we are doing less and less of it becaus

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Gems Publishing - November 2019

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWithMr. VanceMorris!

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Gems Publishing - October 2020

By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent

During the past few years, many of our members have deployed the “Evening In- Office Implant Seminar” Gem with great success. You don’t have to attract a large crowd of attendees to make this Gem a financial home run! GG12 Alumni Member Dr. Gordon Roeder reports routinely getting at least one major implant case every time he runs an in-office public seminar … even with only 8–10 attendees in the room.

colleagues (competition) are packing prospective new patients into the reception area for evening seminars!

audience. Nobody showed up! The first key to a successful public seminar is creating and deploying enough effective marketing and PR (FREE PSAs!) to actually attract attendees. The second key? You must get appointments during the seminar! In order to maximize results, craft an irresistible special offer that’s only available to those who schedule their first appointment during the seminar. GG12 Members Additional Resource: Go to SITE MAP ' GG12 MONTHLY TEAM TRAINING TOOLKIT ' MODULE 100 “IN- OFFICE PUBLIC SEMINARS - AN A TO Z HOW-TO BLUEPRINT.” Everything in this training applies to “virtual” seminars as well. The only difference is that your prospective new patients will be with you, live, online, instead of crowding into your reception area!

2. Few of your local competition will figure this out. Yet. Here are additional BIG advantages. First, it’s unlikely that many (if any) of your local colleagues have already realized they can run the same (or better) evening implant seminars virtually ! Even if one or more did, as Leonard Nimoy told our Gems audience at the Marriott, Cambridge: “There’s always room for one more good one at the top!” The second advantage is that prospective patients may find it easier , safer, etc. to attend your implant seminar when they don’t need to actually show up at your office! It’s conceivable that with the appropriate level of marketing (without which you’ll have NOBODY attend), you could have significantly more prospective new patients attend than if you were able to hold the events in your office. 2 Keys to a Successful Virtual Public Seminar In the mid 1990s, I ran my first evening public cosmetic dentistry seminar. I rented a room at a local Howard Johnson’s hotel (smooth, eh?). I had food for the attendees, my slides (they were actually slides back then!), and more. The only thing missing was the

There May Be Some BIG Advantages Running These Today Demand didn’t just go away.

Whether you’re targeting implants, Invisalign, or cosmetic smile makeovers, the folks in your area who need and/or want these services are still there. If anything, there may actually be pent-up demand. Just as people couldn’t get in during the lockdown for routine cleanings, exams, and restorative care, big cases were put off as well. 1. Nobody is offering in-office evening seminars right now! Some doctors have removed one-half to three-fourths of their reception room chairs in order to create social distancing. Others have entirely eliminated use of the “waiting room” and have patients wait in their cars until the team is ready to walk them from the front door directly to the dental chair. You can be certain none of your local

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to really pour it on. As they say, make hay when the sun shines.

Here is how EASY it is.


You know the saying “as easy as 1-2-3”? Well, that is exactly what this Gem is! There are three steps, and each piece is so simple that you will be asking yourself why you HAVE NOT done this before. Don’t miss each crucial step in this GoldRush campaign. 1. The GoldRush Flyer: Like every module in our DONE-FOR-YOU system, the “Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em” program comes with ready-to-use “done-for-you!” tools that only require 60 seconds of customization. This flyer is no different. Simply add your practice’s contact information and location to the flyer, and it’s ready for you to print! And then … a. Print and mail a flyer to every active patient on your list (patients who have been to your practice within the last 18–24 months). Only send one flyer to each household. Pro Tip: Handwrite the mailing and return addresses on the envelopes. When people receive mail and see a printed address rather than a personal handwritten one, it usually gets tossed in the trash. The handwriting ensures patients experience a personal connection and actually read what you have to say! If you do not think your team has time to do this, ask each person on your team to address and stuff 10, 15, or 20 envelopes per day for two weeks. By the end of the two weeks, you could have hundreds of envelopes ready to be stuffed!

By Chuck Nemitz, Certified GG12 Coach

It’s safe to say that 2020 was not the year anyone expected … or was prepared for. Remember where you were at this time last year? If you happened to read this newsletter, you may have learned about one of our most popular and most frequently deployed strategies here on Planet Gems. It’s a surefire way to help your patients maximize insurance, all while giving your practice ONE FINAL PUSH to round out the fourth quarter as your best quarter yet. The Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em Family GoldRush Patient Motivator Module encourages your patients to use the insurance benefit they’ve been working for all year before those benefits disappear on Dec. 31. It’s a mad (and calculated) dash to close out the year, getting more of your existing patients back in the door, more referrals to walk into your practice, more new patients in the chair, and ultimately, more money in your pocket.

‘Em or Lose ‘Em Gems Family GoldRush Patient Motivator Module one of the MOST IMPORTANT Gems of 2020! Your patients need to use up their benefits before the end of the year, and you need a kick-start to propel you into 2021. Many patients will be blindsided in January when they discover they lost dental benefits as the clock struck midnight, Dec. 31, 2020. WARNING THEM TODAY will benefit you both tomorrow! As for your practice, this Gem could be THE KEY to a strong final quarter in 2020. Perhaps you lost revenue in 2020. If you did well this year, HUGE KUDOS … and even more reason to POUR IT ON RIGHT NOW! Unless you’ve already reached out about “Use 'Em or Lose 'Em!” end-of-year dental benefits, then you likely have hundreds of patients who do not even know their dental benefits are about to expire. Now is the time

What could go wrong?

Perhaps if we had a crystal ball, we would have been able to sound the

“Your patients need to use up their benefits before the end of the year, and you need a kick-start to propel you into 2021.”

alarm! We would have warned you that an unprecedented virus would cause COVID-19, require massive dental practice shutdowns, and dominate the headlines of 2020. This pandemic has changed our practices, livelihoods, and even our personal lives, but if it has done anything you can capitalize on, it has made the Use

OR … if you’re fortunate enough to be crazy busy right now but don’t want to miss the opportunity to grow your revenue even further … hire a high school student to do this for you.

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in the Doctor’s chair … perhaps even that day. You also have no guarantee that your next patient is coming, so keep working until someone informs you that they have arrived. You’ll be amazed at what you can get done if you’re working efficiently. 2. If they can’t come in for the appointment they missed, see if they can come in later that same day if there is an opening in the schedule. 3. Check your schedule and try to fill any other openings that day. If there are holes in your schedule, your top priority should be to keep all chairs filled TODAY . Worry about tomorrow only after all chairs are filled today. If today’s schedule is “light,” look at the next week of scheduled appointments and try to get patients in earlier (if their dental plan allows*). For instance, if you have an opening on Tuesday at 9 a.m., chances are pretty good that a patient scheduled next Tuesday at 9 a.m. might be able to take the earlier appointment. *Always book recall for the interval (e.g., six months) plus one week. Doing so will ensure you have a deep pool of patients who can be moved up from next week to this without affecting their insurance coverage.

convenient time. Does the entire staff know how to use these tools to help fill the schedule? Again, this would be a great list to use to fill the schedule.

9. Restock all restrooms, lab, etc. with paper towels, tissues, cups, etc.

10. Restock/clean the coffee area in reception room if you have one.

4. Check the Doctor’s schedule and try to fill any openings they have that day.

11. Make any bleaching trays that need to be made.

5. Check tomorrow’s schedule and try to fill any openings in your schedule and in the Doctor’s schedule.

12. Take/develop any films for patients who are being seen by other providers.

6. Jump in and PERIO CHART the Doctor’s new patient before the Doc enters the room.

13. Assist other providers (Doctor or Hygiene).

Only after your schedule and the Doctor’s schedule are COMPLETELY FULL FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW DO YOU PROCEED TO “BUSYWORK.” FILLING TODAY AND TOMORROW’S SCHEDULE IS ALWAYS THE NO. 1 PRIORITY!! Then confirm tomorrow’s patients. 7. Pull your charts for the following day and print out tomorrow’s schedule. Read your charts and note on tomorrow’s schedule who is due for perio charting, DIAGNOdent (SoproLIFE, CariVu, Canary, etc.), oral cancer screening with adjunctive devices like VELscope or Trimira, or X-rays (BW’s, PA’s, FMS, panorex).

14. Pour up models that need to be poured.

15. Assist in cleaning up and setting up operatories.

16. Sterilize instruments (not just yours!) and put clean instruments away.

17. Set up Hygiene and Doctor trays.

18. If you are still using film, put FMS setups in cups so they’re all counted out and ready to use.

19. Assist front office with filing (charts, bills, invoices, etc.).

Make notes regarding:

20. Assist front office with any mailing (billing, insurance claims, marketing, etc.).

Who has a diagnosed treatment that has not been scheduled?

21. Assist front office by copying X-rays they need copied.

“Only after your schedule and the Doctor’s schedule are COMPLETELY FULL FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW DO YOU PROCEED TO ‘BUSY WORK.’”

Who has a large balance that needs to be taken care of?

22. Change cold sterilization solutions if they are due to be changed.

Who might benefit from having a cosmetic imaging photo taken?

23. Make up new Birex or whatever disinfectant you use in the operatory if it’s due to be changed.

Who should we ask for a video testimonial?

Your practice management software should have a “missed appointment file” that will give you a list of all patients who have missed appointments. Is your staff appropriately tracking these patients? Use this list to try to fill openings. Maintain a “short call list”! Build and maintain a list of patients who would like to be placed on a cancellation list if an appointment becomes available at a more

24. Check in lab cases or box up lab cases that need to go out.

To whom should we send a “bun- warmer” personal note at the end of the day?

25. Clean all counters in lab and operatories.

Who has family members due for recall? Try to get them scheduled!

26. Perform equipment maintenance. For instance, clean the autoclave with Chamber Brite or any other solution meant for

8. Restock all operatories, not just hygiene.

Continued on Page 8 ...

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• Keynote Presentations (pages 2-3) • Mastermind Sessions • Networking! Meet with old friends and make brand new ones as we welcome our newest inhabitants to Planet Gems! • Special SECRET RETREAT BOX shipped to your office before the event • One fee for your entire practice • 2 Training, Health & Fitness Sessions with MaryBeth Paul, Certified Personal Trainer ATTEND THIS VIRTUAL EVENT AND IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH & FITNESS! • Transformational engaging Team-Building Breakout Sessions • Lightning Rounds in Breakout Rooms • 15 CEU Continuing Education Units • Raffle Wheel Spins (of course!) • Cool PRIZES & GIFTS SPECIAL DISCOUNT DISAPPEARS MIDNIGHT EDT MON 10/26/20 “Tech Check” Wednesday 3/3/21 drop in for just 10 minutes 2 PM to 5 PM EDT Pre-Event “Tech Check,” Networking and raffles... drop in for 10 minutes or stay as long as you like. 3-Day Event: Thursday, 3/4/21 - Saturday, 3/6/21 Main event is 3 days, 11:00 AM EDT to 4:00 PM EDT plus 2 hours for Optional AFTER HOURS Fun and Games and more raffles Thursday and Friday nights!

Meet MaryBeth “50-Something”-year-old mother of 3! MaryBeth is a Certified Professional Trainer, track coach, model and actress. She is also the secret behind how Elizabeth, “my wife the engineer” and I stay in shape. No, the photo of MaryBeth flying through the air (on the left) was not PhotoShopped! She really is that high in the air! Twice during our 3-day virtual event, MaryBeth will get us up out of our chairs and moving. We’ll be working on Strength, Flexibility, and Motion! Everyone can participate regardless of your age or current level of fitness.

GEMS FAMILY VIRTUAL FALL RETREAT & MASTERMIND SESSIONS MARCH 4-6, 2021 • 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT “LAYING THE FOUNDATION FOR MINIMUM OVERHEAD AND MAXIMUM PROFITS” 5 Secrets to Keep Your Overhead Low and Profit High James Anderson, DMD has built 9 dental practices in the last decade. He is CEO and Founder of eAssist Dental Solutions, the nation’s largest dental billing provider for independent dentists and group practices. eAssist was recognized by Inc 500 (2016-2017) as one of American’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies. Dr. Anderson is a Harvard Business School alumnus. COLLECT 100% OF WHAT YOU’RE RIGHTFULLY OWED & DON’T BE AFRAID TO NEGOTIATE EVERYTHING!

The best way to increase the profitability of your practice is to ensure that you’re not giving away your profits! This seemingly simple concept is a common shortfall for dentists and their teams. We’ll show you where you could be losing money, and how to plug those holes.

Dr. James Anderson

4 Our best tips for maximizing your insurance collection rate—from clean claims and clinical notes, to appealing and overturning denied claims. You deserve to get paid what you’re owed from insurance companies. We’ll show you how. 4 Patient portion, billing, statements, collections... it can be a fine line to walk. What’s the best way to collect what you’re owed from patients? When should you collect payment? How often do you follow up on patient balances? When should you give up and write it off? We’ll cover what we’ve seen work best and will reveal how our Chief Strategy Officer, Dr. Warren Willis keeps his margins high, his overhead low (under 40%), and his profits high in all of his dental practices. We’re sharing his secrets to starting 12 successful, highly profitable dental practices. 4 Real case studies from real dental practices that average 35-38% overhead each month—and how to duplicate their processes in your own practice 4 Understanding accounting and business terms like net profit margin, EBITDA, opportunity cost, BATNA, anchoring, and operational bottlenecks—and why each of these matters to the success of your practice 4 How to calculate your hourly overhead rate & net profit margins (and real-world application of these important calculations) 4 Meet THE BIG 5: 5 key principles every dentist needs to know to keep overhead low and profits high 4 Discover how to map out your negotiating space, what “BATNA” is, why anchoring is key for successful business negotiations, and more... 4 12 items you can negotiate lower rates for in your dental practice—and how to negotiate with integrity and confidence HOW TO ADD $200,000 A YEAR BY GETTING INSIDE YOUR PATIENTS’ MINDS AND RESOLVING VIRTUALLY EVERY CONCERN, OBJECTION, AND DELAY TACTIC YOUR PATIENTS WILL USE...EVEN THE ONES THEY WON’T TELL YOU.” 4 Discover the secret to using questions to stir emotions and drive sales 4 Why using logic is the enemy to getting a “yes” 4 The antidote to the most popular decision avoidance techniques your patients use 4 The “Magic 8” emotions you need to target in your sales approach 4 The 3 most powerful ways to physically introduce emotion 4 Why you need to choreograph your sale from beginning to end (and how to rehearse it for maximum effectiveness) 4 The 7 hidden techniques amplify your patients’ emotions 4 The 4 question categories you need to know and the 2 you need to perfect to get higher

TOM RICH, MBA Senior Practice Analyst

case acceptance and patients begging you to treat them 4 The persuasion technique so powerful it should be illegal 4 How effective listening is the “fast-lane” for influencing your patients to take action

Planet Gems Senior Practice Analyst, Mr. Tom Rich has written over 2000 direct response ads, managed large and small call center operations, and has recruited and trained hundreds of sales professionals. Tom has helped companies (from Fortune 50 companies to smaller operations) maximize their sales and marketing strategies. Tom earned his MBA, in Marketing and Consulting, from the Thunderbird School of Global Management and holds a BA in Marketing and Mandarin Chinese from the University of Utah.

“HOW TO STAY OUT OF JAIL, MAXIMIZE YOUR PATIENTS’ BENEFITS AND YOUR PROFITS WHILE SIMPLIFYING THE INSURANCE QUAGMIRE AND AVOIDING THE MOST COMMON INNOCENT CODING ERRORS” Coding errors are predictable in today’s dental practice. Learn the top coding errors and how not to make them! You will also receive new, valuable information on some of the “hot” sections of the CDT code, which you can use to identify and “fix” coding problems that lurk in your practice. Most practices can expect legitimate net increases in cash flow immediately by learning how to do it right. Based on several thousand dental practices studied, these common problems were identified: 4 Consistent Coding Errors 4 Clinical Protocol Issues 4 Potentially Fraudulent Activities Dealing with dental insurance is overwhelming but key strategies can save you time, prevent hassles, and keep you out of jail. You will receive essential tools to properly file dental insurance claims and calculate primary and secondary insurance receipts. In addition, co-pay forgiveness, discounting, multiple fee positioning, patient gifts, falsifying NPI numbers and even PPO strategies will be discussed. Stop leaving money on the table, as PPOs dominate the marketplace - a tipping point! Dr. Charles Blair


This discussion will elucidate essential elements for establishing and maintaining cardiovascular wellness. The dental profession is positioned to play a profound role in this regard. Oral health staff and providers will learn concurrent health issues and physical traits their patients may have which heighten CV risk. Attendees will be informed about the wisdom of utilizing technology to detect asymptomatic CV disease (CVD). This talk will provide education regarding inflammation as the cause of CVD. A special focus will be directed toward oral health as a cause of arterial disease and potential trigger of CV events. The BaleDoneen Method bridges the gap between medicine and dentistry to promote arterial wellness. Participants will be in position to enhance their own CV health as well as their patients. 4 Introduction to The BaleDoneen Method 4 Red Flags- who is at risk? 4 Arteriology- understanding arterial disease 4 Inflammation- the cause of arterial disease 4 Event Reality- what causes obstruction in blood flow 4 Root causes of inflammation

Dr. Amy Doneen ClinicalAssociateProfessor WashingtonStateUniversity College of Medicine

This discussion will elucidate essential elements for establishing and maintaining cardiovascular wellness. The dental profession is positioned to play a profound role in this regard. Oral health staff and providers will learn concurrent health issues and physical traits their patients may have which heighten CV risk. Attendees will be informed about the wisdom of utilizing technology to detect asymptomatic CV disease (CVD). This talk will provide education regarding inflammation as the cause of CVD. A special focus will be directed toward oral health as a cause of arterial disease and potential trigger of CV events. The BaleDoneen Method bridges the gap between medicine and dentistry to promote arterial wellness. Participants will be in position to enhance their own CV health as well as their patients.


If you want to rapidly and consistently increase your dental practice revenue by adding new patients in need of perio, endo and lots of crown and bridge, open your arms and your door to new patient emergencies and watch your practice blossom. Cosmetic makeovers are fun and lucrative. Invisalign is amazing. And everyone loves to add big implant cases. All good. BUT... the fact is that there are exponentially more people in your neigh - borhood, TODAY, who are suffering from a dental emergency and ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR YOU! Make it easy for them to find you and enter your practice. Build a single-purpose web page to make that happen. 4 Stop trying to “SELL” dentistry to people who don’t want what you have to offer. You’ll save an enormous amount of your valuable time to invest in those who do want your care.

LISA WEBER, RDH Certified GG12 Coach

4 Attract new patients whose biggest concern is “can you fit me in and get this taken care of today!” Your biggest problem will literally be “Where can we put all these patients?!” 4 Learn how to craft a headline for your new patient emergency page that will stop them in their tracks and persuade them to read your message


$600 OFF Registration FEE

TWO Entries* Into the TOP 5 PRIZES Grand Raffle! *Owner doctor of the practice (You Must be Present to Win)

SPIN THE WHEEL, WIN A PRIZE! Welcome to Planet Gems where the wheel may be virtual... but the prizes are REAL! There will be raffles, virtual spins and TONS of AMAZING PRIZES awarded throughout the 3 days!





PAY ONLY $1,497


Approved PACE Program Provider FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement . The current term of approval extends from 1/1/2018 to 12/31/2021. Provider ID #210991 To register for the 3-Day Gems Virtual Event go to or call 1-888-880-GEMS (4367)

By Lisa Weber, RDH — The $600K RDH, GG12 Certified Coach & Marketing Strategist

start worrying about what they should be doing during downtime, we should start training them to think like owners and not like employees. Take every opportunity you can to educate the team. Share stats with your team, like what your practice overhead is, and how much a one-hour opening in hygiene or in the Doctor’s schedule per day actually costs the practice. Of course, after we’ve done this, we are still going to see openings. What then? As our country continues to struggle economically, it is no surprise that many patients are still watching their finances carefully. They have less discretionary income and are often putting dentistry at the bottom of their to-do list. In some areas of the country, we’re doing really well, while in others, Dentists are finding it difficult to keep their schedules filled during normal work hours. One thing that has proven to be effective in many practices and in all areas of the country is offering more hygiene time during peak hours (7–10 a.m. and 4–8 p.m.) and eliminating or reducing hygiene appointments during the middle of the day when most no-shows or cancellations occur (what Dr. Orent refers to as the “Donut Hole” schedule).

Patients are much less likely to take off from work for a hygiene appointment than they used to be. Offering convenient before- and after-work appointments, as well as Saturday (and even Sunday!) appointments, will help keep your schedule full. Whenever there are holes in the schedule — or downtime of any kind — every staff member (not just Hygienists) should be expected to help with duties that might be outside their normal job description, regardless of how they are paid: hourly, salary, daily, or commission of any type. Nobody is excluded. We are a team and there is no such thing as “that’s not my job.” Downtime should be productive time for everyone. This includes business staff, dental assistants, and Hygienists. Below are recommendations for how the Hygienist should be spending downtime. Note, dental assistants and business team members can also do many of these duties when they have downtime.

Many of our members are fortunate to have amazing Hygienists. We are often asked what Hygienists can and/or should do when there's "downtime." Let’s say a patient doesn’t show up or calls with a last-minute cancellation. What next? Lisa Weber, RDH, GG12 Certified Coach, sat down one day and answered the question ... and then some!


Hardly a week goes by without a Doctor or office manager asking me, “What is my Hygienist supposed to be doing during downtime … when there is a hole in their schedule due to a broken appointment, a last-minute cancellation, or if the time just couldn’t be filled?” That’s a great question. It would be amazing if we all had team members who had "ownership mentality” instead of “worker bee mentality.” I would say long before we

Downtime Duties

1. The first thing the Hygienist should do is get on the phone and try to get the patient who no-showed to come in, even if you can only accomplish the exam and films. Try to get them in for the remainder of the appointment. This will give you the opportunity to diagnose any needed dentistry and possibly fill a hole

“We are a team and there is no such thing as ‘that’s not my job.’”

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... continued f rom Page 2

b. Print and attach flyers to all

it much more fun by offering prizes, lottery tickets, Starbucks and Amazon gift cards, etc. to team members who refer patients! Who doesn’t love team competition and prizes? The buttons are a conversation piece. It prompts someone who may be in for their October cleaning to ask, “What’s the deal with your button?” At that moment, your team has the person's full attention and can warn them about the ticking clock on their benefits. That’s all you have to do to reap the benefits of the Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em Gems Family GoldRush Patient Motivator System. Once you start, don’t let off the gas. Even if you finally make contact with patients in November, those patients deserve to know you can treat their oral health and help them to maximize their remaining benefits. You could easily see your revenue increase ( sometimes by $30,000–$50,000! ) while helping your patients prioritize their oral health. To learn more about the Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em GoldRush Patient Motivator System, contact your Personal Gems Concierge to set up a call with your GG12 Coach. You can also learn more, including additional information on timing and persistence, by visiting ' SITE MAP ' GOLDRUSH PATIENT MOTIVATOR SYSTEM (FLYERS AND EMAILS) ' GOLDRUSH 033 End of Year Insurance!

insurance patients’ charts (or routing slips if you are paperless). The team member who seats patients should read the headline of the flyer to each patient before handing it to them. As they wait for their Hygienist or the Dentist, the patient will likely read the flyer. In most cases, they will ask questions, too. This ensures every visitor between now and November understands that time is of the essence if they want to maximize and not lose insurance benefits.

“Now is the time to really pour it on. As they say, make hay when the sun shines.”

Simply drop in your contact information and send them away! Just be sure to use the following tactics ... a. Send the first email to all the email addresses you have for patients. Remember, email is free. Cast a wide

net by including every patient for whom you have an email address (unless they have unsubscribed), regardless of how long it has been since their last visit.

c. Attach the flyer to every piece of direct mail you send to patients. This includes birthday cards, newsletters, and bills (which you would not be sending if you follow Gems’ GoldMine UnderGround Team Training Toolkit 006 FINANCIAL OPTIONS AND EXACTLY HOW TO SELL THEM). Don’t forget to include your vendors! After all, they need oral health treatment, too. 2. GoldRush Emails: Once again, these emails are already written for you! We have included a few different options so you can target your patients with various pieces of information at different times. This increases the chances of your patients opening and reading your emails.

b. Follow up seven days later with the second email. IMPORTANT: You will get some attention from your flyers, but not everyone pays attention to email. Some people are attached to their phones, and you are more likely to snag their attention via SMS. 3. GoldRush Buttons: These are a surefire conversation starter! In addition to the emails and flyers, we have created buttons your team members can wear. Have your team members wear the buttons on their scrubs, and ask them to just affix them to their jackets or purses so they wear the buttons while out shopping or walking. Make

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GG12 Office Hours: Twice each month, my office door is open for your visits. This is an opportunity for GG12 Doctors and team members to speak with me directly with questions about dental practice management or life on the Planet (Gems!). Gems Insiders’ Circle™ Quarterly Q&A Webinars: Four times each year, I’m available in the evening for up to 90 minutes to answer your questions about any topics of your choice regarding dental practice management.

“How to Achieve the Practice of Your Dreams & Financial Freedom Fast (Without Spending More Time at the Office!)” Dr. Charles Blair: "How to Stay Out of Jail, Maximize Your Patients' Benefits and Your Profits While Simplifying the Insurance Quagmire, and Avoid the Most Common Innocent Coding Errors" Dr. James Anderson: "Laying the Foundation for Minimum Overhead and Maximum Profits" Tom Rich, MBA, Senior Practice Analyst: "How to Add $200,000 a Year by Getting Inside Your Patients' Minds and Resolving Virtually Every Concern, Objection, and Delay Tactic Your Patients Will Use ... Even the Ones They Won't Tell You." Lisa Weber, RDH, Certified GG12 Coach, aka “The 600K Hygienist”: "How to Craft a Simple Single-Purpose Landing Page to Attract and Guide New Patient Emergencies Off the Web Right Into Your Chair"

For the latest up-to-date information about what’s happening on Planet Gems, go to and click on “Calendar” (menu bar, top left of homepage). If you have questions, please contact your Personal Gems Concierge or call 1-888-880-GEMS (4367).

90-Minute GG12 Team Training Online Events:


Based upon overwhelmingly positive feedback from our Gems Family Fall 2020 Virtual Event, the 90-minute monthly GG12 meetings will use the Zoom platform and will be roughly 30 minutes of presentation, followed by about one hour of group mastermind! GG12 Dental Practice Transformation members, please block out this monthly program on your calendar. PLUS … based upon results from the GG12 member survey in which I asked if you wanted to stay at 11:00 a.m. EDT or move to the evenings for your monthly meeting, we are MOVING TO 8:30 p.m., effective immediately! See below: 87.5% of respondents said to move to the evening!

Oct. 7: 10–11 a.m. EDT — GG12 Office Hours, Open Lines Call-in with Dr. Tom

Oct. 22: 12–1 p.m. EDT — GG12 Office Hours, Open Lines Call-in with Dr. Tom

Oct. 26: 8:30–10 p.m. EDT — GG12 & GIC PLATINUM Global Mastermind Zoom Meeting

Oct. 28: 8:30 to 10 p.m. EDT — GG12 90-Minute Monthly Zoom Meeting

Register Now for Your 3-Day Gems Family 2021 Virtual Retreat & Mastermind Sessions!

Dr. Amy Doneen: “A Guarantee of Arterial Wellness: The Critical Role of Oral Health”

3-Day Virtual Event: Thursday, March 4, 2021, to Saturday, March 6, 2021

MaryBeth Paul, ACSM CPT: "Fitness, Stretching, Exercise, and Health"

Mastermind sessions, lightning round masterminds, game nights, prize wheels, and more!

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Gems Inside

p.1. How to Attract New Patients Using Evening Public Seminars p.2. Coaches' Corner

p.4. Happening on Planet Gems p.6. Recently Unearthed on Planet Gems

... continued f rom Page 7

monthly cleaning, and clean the automatic processor and rollers if you are still using film.

27. Assemble new medical history packets.

28. Send recall cards and appointment reminder cards.

29. Inventory supplies.

30. Vacuum, dust, and take out the trash.

31. Change suction traps in operatories and in central suction.

32. Run Purevac through every suction (high speed and saliva ejectors) in every operatory.

treatment that would (should) have been diagnosed and scheduled during the missed recall exams. Help each and every team member see the huge opportunity lost by allowing a single “hole in hygiene” and do everything they can to keep the schedule filled. Even with our best efforts, things happen and there will be downtime. These 38 things can certainly be expanded upon. Note that I put sharpen instruments as No. 38. A good Hygienist should be sharpening instruments as they work. NEVER should someone spend 30 minutes of downtime sharpening. That is just a complete waste of time, and if you’re not sharpening as you work, you’re not working efficiently because you’re working with dull instruments.

Please note that nowhere on this list is reading a magazine with a cup of coffee. When someone is paying you, you should be working unless it’s your lunch hour. Fair is fair. If you’re not, it’s called “theft of time.” Corporations like IBM actually fire employees for “theft of time,” so why should a small-business owner tolerate it? Team members should NEVER be surfing the internet, playing on Facebook, or texting during downtime. As a matter of fact, their cellphones should be off and in their purse or a locker if you provide one, not on their person in the clinical area . It’s just a distraction, and when we are distracted, we don’t provide five-star service to our patients. On lunch hour, they can do what they want, but while they’re on your time, the cellphones have to be put away. The most successful offices all work together as a team to keep the schedule filled, and when it’s not, they all work together to get EVERYTHING else done. No duty in the dental office is beneath any team member because as team members, we are all equal.

33. Clean alginate trays that might be soaking in alginate remover.

34. Restock Doctor’s bur blocks. (Have a photo available of the bur block so everyone knows what the doctor likes on the block.) 35. Make up new patient charts. If you add poly pockets to your charts, affix them so the charts are ready to use.

36. Clean the refrigerator in the staff room.

37. Clean the microwave in the staff room.

38. Sharpen instruments.

These are 38 possible things that your Hygienist could and SHOULD be doing during downtime. Remember that the schedule for today is the priority, followed by tomorrow’s schedule. We can’t make money, pay bills, and pay staff salaries if there is not a patient in the chair. If there is just one hole in hygiene per day, you’re losing $50,000–$60,000 in hygiene fees, plus another $160,000 or more in

“Just one hole in hygiene per day, and you lose $50,000– $60,000 in hygiene fees, plus another $160,000 or more in treatment that would (should) have been diagnosed and scheduled.”

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