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4 cup coconut oil Directions 2. Combine the watermelon, 1. In a small saucepan, sauté spices and her

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Gibson Law Group - January 2018 DIVING DOWN WITH GLG JANUARY 2018 GIBSONLAWGROUP.COM (817) 769-4044

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contact_us.htm to discuss whatever you might need. We can personally attest that throughout our rela

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Gibson Law Group - June 2018

have a voice in the proceedings. If The Gibson Law Group drafted your Partnership or LLC agreement,

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Gibson Law Group - August 2018





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Nida Nadir

Bringing a Fresh Perspective to The Gibson Law Group

I t’s amazing, in our line of work, all the little things you get to do for regular people just trying to get by. Recently, I had an electrician come to me for help. He’d been slapped with a judgment against him to the tune of $30,000 and had no idea what to do. Turns out, he wasn’t the one who had actually owed the money — to oversimplify a little here, his previous attorney was suing him after he’d given him a batch of bad legal advice. Whatever the case, it was clear that this guy should definitely not have been talking to my client the way he was. So, long story short, I was able to get in touch with that previous neglectful attorney and have some choice words with him. After all that good stuff, we were able to get that $30K trimmed down to something much more manageable, and the electrician was free to breathe a sigh of relief. Now he’s working with me to get the appropriate business mechanics in place and sending me any releases before he ever signs them. He’s a lot better off and will be for a long time to come. It was fulfilling to be able to help this hardworking guy out of a bind he’d found himself in due to nothing more than a couple of small mistakes he had made. Luckily, I get to do this kind of thing all the time — and even more often now, since I signed on as Of Counsel for The Gibson Law Group in June. It’s this opportunity to support regular folks through trying times that keeps me coming into the office each day. Honestly though, when I was growing up, I was never destined to be an attorney. If you ask my family, I was supposed to be a doctor.

watching soap operas, though a few lessons helped too. My father was a physician and my brother was a physician, so naturally, I was going to be a physician too. But after a long, labyrinthine path through my undergrad following my relatives around — I started off in community college, bumped up to UCLA, headed up to Wayne State University in Detroit, transferred to University of Waterloo up in Canada, and finished up at UT Dallas — I wasn’t quite ready to put in 10 more years of school before starting a family. So, while all of my friends were studying for the MCAT, DCAT, or some other type of CAT, I began studying for the LSAT. Today, I couldn’t be happier that I made that fateful decision. I get to help people protect their livelihood and continue to put bread on the table for their families every day. I take the faith and trust my clients put in me very seriously and do absolutely everything within my power to make their lives easier, chasing away the sleepless, stressed- out nights they’ve been experiencing. Outside of the office, most of my time lately has been devoted to my toddler son and preparing for our next little one, who’s due this November. My life has changed a lot in the last few years, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Between being there for my family and serving my clients the best way I can, I can’t imagine a more gratifying, meaningful day-to-day.

–Nida Nadir

I’m a Muslim girl, born and raised in Pakistan, who didn’t come over to America until I was 12 years old. I learned English mostly from



Published By The Newsletter Pro

A HELPING HAND Why Business Leaders Need to Ask for Help

is one of mankind’s greatest strengths. But if the act of asking for help is so essential in our lives, why do entrepreneurs have such a hard time with it?

This struggle often comes from pride, the idea that if you admit you can’t do it all, then you can’t do anything. But this mindset often leads to ruin. In a survey by 99 Design, most entrepreneurs claimed the worst mistake they ever made wasn’t a poor financial decision or bad planning — it was simply not asking for help early in their careers. Having to ask for help isn’t a sign that you’re unable to achieve what you set out to do. In fact, when you ask for help in business, you may find you’re able to achieve more. This is because asking for help is a form of networking. You’re actively reaching out to experts, learning how other people solve problems, and broadening the awareness of your name and brand at the same time. If you struggle to ask others for help when you need it, start by changing your mindset. You don’t have to do it all; you’re just one person, and sometimes one person needs to delegate tasks to others to get more done. Asking for help is also easier when you know what you want to ask for. BEWARE THE TOP 3 In truth, if you are setting up a new business, you shouldn’t be doing it online at all. We always recommend using an attorney. The few hundred dollars you spend today can, quite literally, save you tens of thousands or more tomorrow. Remember the movie “The Social Network” about the Harvard frat boys who created Facebook? They didn’t set their deal up properly or even write it down. The Winklevoss twins famously settled their lawsuit against Mark Zuckerberg for $65 million in cash and stock, which is great until you consider that Zuckerberg is now the third richest person in the world with a net worth of $81,600,000,000. So, the next time you think about setting up a business, beware the Top 3, but, better yet, come see us. That old saying about being pennywise and pound foolish has been around for 500 years for a reason. P.S. Don’t feel too sorry for the Winklevoss twins. They invested their Facebook settlement in Bitcoin at $120 a coin and, at today’s price of $7,426 a coin, are reported to be the first Bitcoin billionaires.

“Can you give me a hand?”

Asking for help is a simple request. Most people do it every day, whether they’re getting a second opinion on a paint color or asking a stranger to hold the elevator. Asking for help is important; the ability to work as a team

We all know the top 3–5 results from virtually any web search are sponsored ads. Type in “airlines,” for example, and the first four results are travel services like Expedia. The largest airline in the world, American, shows up fifth. Most folks booking a flight are not going to confuse Travelocity with American Airlines, but the same is not true when looking for online business services. Did you know that most services offered for free by the government are also offered by online providers for a fee? And guess who sponsors ads? Not Uncle Sam. When setting up a new company in Texas, the minimum necessary forms are available on the Secretary of State’s website. The application for a Federal Employer Identification Number is at All of these forms are available for free, but if you simply type in “EIN,” for example, the first options you get are sponsored ads from predators looking to charge a fee. Their websites always look official. Most of these paid services simply overlay their software onto the IRS website, so you pay them a fee, but the form you fill out is quite literally the form available at The same is true with forms from the Secretary of State.


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If you are overwhelmed by a big project, take a moment to write down your goals for that project, along with a list of action steps and resources needed to get there. Then think about who you can reach out to in order to tackle these steps. If you’re still uncomfortable with asking for help, make a point of helping others when you can. Being helpful changes the way you perceive receiving help and builds a positive reputation with others. When you are viewed as being helpful, other people want to help you in return. Asking for help means admitting you can’t do it all alone. But why should you have to? Doing it all alone can be pretty lonely, and asking for help means you have a team to support you wherever you go. SUDOKU

Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR) is a revolutionary new concept offered exclusively by The Gibson Law Group as an alternative to expensive, time- consuming, soul-sucking litigation. In RDR, your dispute will be resolved in one day, on short notice, and for an affordable, fixed fee. In RDR, Judge Gibson does not represent either side. You are paying him to resolve your dispute fairly, in accordance with the law and in an enforceable manner. FACT: The vast majority of lawsuits settle at or following mediation, and only after the parties have spent thousands and thousands of dollars in legal fees and court costs. MYTH: Arbitration is a cheaper alternative to litigation. That is rarely true. While arbitration can move faster than a lawsuit, the parties still have to pay their lawyers, and, unlike in court, they have to pay the arbitrator for his or her time as well. In even the most basic cases, the fees paid to the arbitrator(s) can easily exceed $15,000 per side. In contrast, the filing fee for a lawsuit is about $300. A BETTER WAY: Here are nine advantages RDR offers over litigation, traditional mediation, and arbitration: • The decision-maker is former civil trial judge David Gibson — you avoid the possibility of an inexperienced mediator. • Saves you money — attorneys and mediators typically charge by the hour. The cost to participate in the RDR program is $1,500 to $2,500 per party, depending on the complexity of the case. • Speed — appointments available in days, not the months it can take for a trial setting. • Immediate ruling — Judge Gibson will issue a binding decision immediately following the conclusion of your RDR session. • Private — proceedings and the final ruling are not available to the court as a public record. • Preserves relationships — parties have the opportunity to hear each other in a nonconfrontational setting. RDR IS A GOOD OPTION IN THE FOLLOWING CASES:





• Contract disputes • Business disputes • Partnership disagreements • Will contests • Employment issues • Leases


(817) 769-4044

GIBSONLAWGROUP.COM 1304 W. WALNUT HILL LN. STE. 212 IRVING, TX 75038 (817) 769-4044


INSIDE Meet Nida Nadir, Our New Of Counsel!

Why Is It Hard to Ask for Help?

Beware the Top 3

Rapid Dispute Resolution

Take a Break!

Safe Sailing This Hurricane Season

After last year’s devastating storm season, would-be tropical travelers are undoubtedly hesitant about purchasing those discounted plane tickets to the Caribbean Basin. No one wants to face a possible evacuation during their vacation — or worse, be forced to weather a hurricane at a beachfront resort. If you want the most bang for your buck while enjoying the turquoise waters of the Caribbean this fall, consider booking a cruise. Cruise-ship travel is a fun and adventurous way to explore any time of year. After all, what could be more magical than a floating hotel room where you fall asleep in one country and wake up in another? This charming mobility is also what makes cruise travel the safest option for visiting the Caribbean and the coast of Mexico this time of year. Safety and Savings Much like resorts and airfare, cruise lines discount their Caribbean fares significantly during peak hurricane season, from August to October. However, unlike a traditional hotel, these massive ships have the luxury of navigating out of a storm’s path with ease. For all their ferocity, hurricanes move slowly across the Atlantic and have relatively predictable trajectories. Meanwhile, modern cruise ships carry the most Safe Sailing This Hurricane Season BOOK A CARIBBEAN CRUISE

sophisticated weather-tracking instruments, allowing them to bypass even small storms and inclement weather.

Flexibility Is a Must The flipside of this ability to dodge storms is the fact that your ship may not be able to stick to its original itinerary. You may have to anchor at an island you weren’t expecting to or miss out on seeing a port you were supposed to visit. If you have your heart set on seeing a specific location, cruise travel this time of year may not be for you. But if you are simply looking for a safe, affordable vacation to a beautiful region, then it doesn’t much matter which white-sanded beach you wake up to next. While unpredictable weather will always be a concern for any vacation, the safety and variety cruises offer make them great options for anyone looking for a Caribbean getaway before the holiday season. So if you have a flexible schedule and a healthy sense of adventure, it’s time to call your travel agent, pack your sunscreen and bathing suit, and head to paradise!



Published By The Newsletter Pro