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Golden Tax Relief June 2018

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Golden Tax Relief - March 2018

Golden Tax Relief - March 2018 32850 US-43 STE B, THOMASVILLE, AL 36784 844-229-8936 GOLDENTAXRELIEF

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Golden Tax Relief - October 2018

4 inch thick Toothpicks for skewering • 2 pink lady apples • Directions 1. Core apples and cut each

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Golden Tax Relief - November 2018

Golden Tax Relief - November 2018 32850 US-43 STE. B, THOMASVILLE, AL 36784 844-229-8936 GOLDENTAXRE

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Golden Tax Relief - December 2018

2 cup unsalted butter, melted 2 teaspoons kosher salt, or more to taste Directions 1. Heat oven to 4

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Golden Tax Relief - May 2018

Golden Tax Relief - May 2018 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411

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Golden Tax Relief - April 2018

2 teaspoon crushed red pepper Salt Parmesan cheese Directions 1. Cook the pasta according to package

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Golden Tax Relief January 2018

Golden Tax Relief January 2018 32850 US-43 STE B, THOMASVILLE, AL 36784 844-229-8936 GOLDENTAXRELIEF

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Golden Tax Relief - July 2018

4 cup olive oil 2 green bell peppers Salt and pepper, to taste Directions 1. Heat grill to medium. 2

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Golden Tax Relief - September 2018

4 cup apricot preserves • Directions 1. Butter each slice of bread on the outsides and sprinkle with

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Golden Tax Relief February 2018

4-inch squares 4 slices bacon, quartered 1 tablespoon chopped parsley • Directions 1. Heat oven to 4

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Golden Tax Relief June 2018

32850 US-43 STE B, THOMASVILLE, AL 36784 844-229-8936 GOLDENTAXRELIEF.COM G o l d e n G a z e t t e JUNE 2018


If you know me, then you know I value a strong work ethic over just about any other quality. So today, in honor of Father’s Day, I’d like to tell you a little bit about the man who first taught me the value of gritting your teeth and getting things done. For as long as I’ve known him, my dad has been a workhorse. You don’t get much choice about how hard you work when you’re a farmer, especially when you raise cattle. In that industry, you either bust your tail to make a living or you go broke. But even amongst his peers, my dad’s a man of extraordinary willpower. Growing up on that farm, I saw my father push himself to the limit, and I never heard one gripe from him. An Army veteran who served in Vietnam, nothing seems to phase my father. Not even the time one of our cows burst into flames. As a kid, I was helping my father and his farmhand brand cattle. It was a two-step process: The burning hot brand was applied to the cow, then they applied some fly ointment to keep insects away from the fresh brand while it healed. The ointment we were using at the time was alcohol-based, and, well … the farmhand applied it to one of the cows without realizing she hadn’t been branded yet. Whoosh! As soon as that burning brand touched fur, the beast lit up. While the farmhand and I were in utter shock, my

dad calmly took a rag and put out the flames himself. Thankfully, the cow was more spooked than hurt; the fire had only burned through the ointment on top of the fur. That’s the way my dad handled business. No matter what obstacles sprang up, he always calmly and efficiently did what needed to be done, even if it meant great personal sacrifice. In another

dad was doing for me. With all the demands of keeping his companies (and farm) afloat, he wasn’t around a whole lot, and there was a time I resented him for that. But as I got a little older and a little wiser, I realized all the blood, sweat, and tears he put into his work were all for his family. Seeing his bleeding hands on the farm was my first realization of just how much he sacrificed for us.

“As an Army veteran who served in Vietnam, nothing seems to faze my father. Not even the time one of our cows burst into flames.”

instance, a cow slipped in the head catch that had been restraining her, putting herself and us at risk. Without missing a beat, my dad released the head catch, causing the animal to lunge forward. He caught the cow in the correct way, giving the startled farmhand a look as if to say, “Well, what are you waiting for? Finish the job.” An hour later, when we were done working the cows, he said, “Okay, time to go to the hospital.” That’s when I first saw his hands; they had deep lacerations from where the animal had hit the catch, pinching his hand and fingers against the pipes. Like I said, nothing phases him.

Dad, I’m not the smartest guy around, but I’ve never been taught to be the smartest; I’ve been taught hard work beats talent every time. The person with talent gets lazy. They know success and take it for granted, while hard workers strive for it every day. I use that mindset every day, and you’re the one who taught it to me.

Thank you for everything you do. Happy Father’s Day,

I’ll admit that when I was younger, I didn’t fully appreciate all that my



Published by The Newsletter Pro •

The Hazards of Blue Light

10-Year Rule

Does the Statute of Limitations Even Matter?

32850 US-43 STE B, THOMASVILLE, AL 36784


CELEBRITY TAX FRAUD If You Can Make Money off Your Name, so Can the Government

Pete Rose’s name is plastered all over the baseball record books,

Unfortunately, Rose’s career is overshadowed by a gambling addiction and tax fraud. In the late 1980s, Rose found himself in deep trouble. From 1984 to 1988, Rose sold memorabilia and autographs and charged for personal appearances, all without reporting his earnings to the IRS. In 1989, Rose pleaded guilty to failing to report his $345,968 income, which resulted in an underpayment of taxes in the amount of $162,000. With the plea, the government dismissed a more serious charge of tax evasion. Rose faced up to three years in prison for each of the charges, but thanks to his guilty plea, the IRS settled for a five-month prison sentence and a $50,000 fine. He was forced to pay back taxes and interest, committed to treatment for his gambling addiction, and given 1,000 hours of community service. Rose finished his sentence in January, 1991. A month later, his name was placed

on the “permanently ineligible” list for the Hall of Fame.

but you won’t find it where it matters most to him: the

Unfortunately, Rose was hit with a lien from the IRS in 2004, and again in 2012, but neither Rose nor the IRS would discuss the liens publicly. As he continues to face tax problems, we are all reminded that even if you are one of the best players in baseball history, you can’t evade the IRS.

Baseball Hall of Fame. The MLB legend was permanently excluded because he “chose the wrong vice.”

PUZZLE in high school, his talent caught the eye of professional teams. After graduation, he signed with the Cincinnati Reds. Over his career, Rose set many records that still stand today. By the time he retired, Rose has 4,256 hits, 15,890 plate appearances, 14,053 official at-bats, and got on base 5,929 times. He was on a World Series-winning team three times, played in the World Series six times, and made 17 All-Star teams. Rose was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he played football and baseball as a child. After choosing to focus on baseball



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1 1/2 sticks unsalted butter

• • • • •

1 teaspoon kosher salt

1 1/2 ounces store-bought waffle cones, lightly crushed

3/4 cup light brown sugar, packed

1 large egg yolk

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1 1/2 cups oats

2 teaspoons vanilla extract 4 pints ice cream (any flavor)

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour


1. Heat oven to 350 F. While oven is heating, cook butter in saucepan over medium heat until browned, 5–8 minutes. Scrape browned butter into a heatproof measuring glass. 2. Pulse waffle cones, oats, flour, and salt in a food processor or blender. Once cones are finely ground, add brown sugar and pulse again. 3. Whisk egg yolk, vanilla, and 2 tablespoons water in a small bowl. 4. Add egg mixture to food processor while spinning on low. Once integrated, slowly add browned butter; blend until dough forms a solid mass around blades. 5. Form dough into 26 balls and place 2 inches apart on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Flatten balls and bake 12–15 minutes or until edges begin to brown. 6. Let cool, then spread ice cream between cookies to make sandwiches. 7. Freeze for up to 5 days — or enjoy today!




[inspired by Bon Appetit]






page 1 Tales FromMy Father’s Farm

page 2 What’s All the Fuss About Blue Light? Does the 10-Year-Rule Even Matter? page 3 Income FromMemorabilia Is Still Income Oatmeal Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

page 4 3 Fathers Who Risked It All for Their Kids

3 Awesome Dads

Fathers Who Put Their Lives on the Line for Their Kids

This Father’s Day, thousands of dads will receive a “No. 1 Dad” mug to sip coffee out of at the office. But the following dads took that “No. 1” to a new level.

and crossed into Syria to join ISIS. But he resolved to get his kids back. After a long, hazardous journey, he arrived in Tabqa to embrace his two daughters. To leave the caliphate — under penalty of death — they hitched a ride to the border one night

Brian Munn gave his son a liver transplant. When doctors discovered that baby Caleb Munn had a rare disease called biliary atresia, they told his parents that he was unlikely to survive past age 2 without a liver transplant. Luckily, his father was a perfect match, and he eagerly donated part of his liver in March 2015 to save his son’s life. Greg Alexander battled a bear for his son’s life. While camping in the backcountry of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Greg Alexander was startled awake at dawn by the screams of his 16-year-old son, Gabriel. He rushed out of his hammock to see a black bear dragging his son away by the head. Without hesitation, he kicked the beast in

the side, and when that didn’t work, he leapt onto its back and started punching it in the face. When the bear finally released Gabriel, Greg threw rocks until it fled. His son was hurt but made a full recovery in the hospital over the coming weeks.

and crawled along a railway line until they were within 70 meters of the border. Then they ran under fire from Turkish border guards until they could scramble

Artur Magomedov saved his daughters from ISIS. Artur Magomedov was devastated to discover that his wife had taken his 3- and 10-year-old daughters from their home in Dagestan under the cover of night, flown to Turkey,

into tall grasses. After some help from the Russian consulate in Istanbul, they made it back home, together again and safe.


Published by The Newsletter Pro •