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H Charles Jelinek Jr. DDS April 2021

4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 425 F and grease an 8-inch squar

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - May 2020

2 avocado, cubed 2 oz crumbled goat cheese DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 450 F and line a baking sheet

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - November 2019

3 cup shredded leftover turkey • 3 tbsp leftover cranberry sauce DIRECTIONS 1. Coat inside of each b

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H. Charles Jelinek Jr. DDS - November 2020

4 cup unsalted butter, cubed 4 (2-inch) cinnamon sticks • 5. Bake, turning every 15 minutes, until s

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H. Charles Jelinek Jr. DDS - November 2021

2 cup chicken stock • 1 lb Mexican chorizo • 1 white onion, chopped • • 1 carrot, chopped • 1 celery

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H Charles Jelinek Jr. DDS December 2018

H Charles Jelinek Jr. DDS December 2018 December 2018 JEL INEK JOURNAL www.Nor thernVirginiaDental .

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS March 2019

2–3 hours. 5. Remove, slice across the grain, and serve. Solution on pg. 4 Inspired by Food Network

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - June 2019

7 ammunition production plant. We spent the summers of my childhood visiting my grandparents, and I

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - December 2019

4 cup coconut sugar • 2 8-oz cans water chestnuts • 1 lb sliced bacon, quartered • Tamari (wheat-fre

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H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - September 2019

2 cup onion, diced • 1 red pepper, diced • 2 strips bacon, cut into squares 1 large sweet potato,

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H. Charles Jelinek Jr., DDS - November 2018

November 2018

JEL INEK JOURNAL FROM WEST POINT TO DENTAL SCHOOL HowMy Family’s Military Background InspiredMy Passion for Helping Others 703.584-5996 www.Nor thernVirginiaDental .com

S erving others is ingrained in my family heritage. My father, brother, brother-in-law, and I all graduated from the United States Military Academy. I have a nephew who went to the Air Force Academy, and another nephew went to the Coast Guard Academy. My other brother got the brains of the family, became a doctor, and served at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. He now heads the radiology department at several of the largest hospitals in Washington D.C. Growing up, I lived in more than half a dozen states by the time I graduated high school, including Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Oklahoma, Texas, Kentucky, and Virginia. From grades nine to 11, I attended school in Pennsylvania, but I graduated from a Kansas high school. This is the life of an Army brat, and anywhere I went, I met kids in the same boat.

sitting in Baylor College of Dentistry. After graduating from Baylor around 1987, I made my way to Tennessee. I pitched my dental practice to at least 10 different banks, but the loan rejections kept coming in. They were impressed with my background and well-thought- out plan, but the economy was too turbulent for that kind of gamble.

That’s when my brother invited me to join him in Northern Virginia, where he moved after having lived near there when our father served at the Pentagon. So, I camped out in his basement for three weeks before I finally bought my first practice. And then I bought another and then another. I ended up buying four practices, and that’s where I am today.

I’mintriguedand passionate about helping my patients lead fuller, pain-free lives ...”

That’s part of the reason I valued my time at the United States Military Academy at West Point so much; it’s where I gained 975 brothers. The bonds we built and have sustained since graduation make for some of the best relationships I have today. We support one another and encourage each other, having formed connections very few people will ever understand. We survived years of very intense training together as the U.S. was going through the hard-fought Vietnam War. Upon graduating, I’d just missed being deployed to Vietnam, so I honored my five-year Army commitment by serving as a battery commander in the field artillery. I continued to serve as best I could, but I knew I wanted to work for myself. I told my family I wanted to go to dental school, and while they all understood, they were surprised and confused. I don’t think my dad was too thrilled, either.

I’m intrigued and passionate about helping my patients lead fuller, pain- free lives, and that’s why I want to devote more of my time to helping patients with chronic headaches, snoring issues, and pain. I still enjoy general dentistry, and I want to take the service and discipline I learned in the Army and apply it to helping others lead better lives. I recently had a 63-year-old patient who was dragged into my office by his wife. He’d had a headache every day of his life since he was in middle school, and about three times per week, he had a migraine. After treating him, this man only experiences headaches once a month. That’s life- changing, and that’s what I want to keep doing for my patients.

— Dr. H. Charles Jelinek, Jr., DDS

I come from a long family history of military service, and while I enjoyed the time I spent in the Army, after five years of service I found myself


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Published byThe Newsletter Pro


Take a Quick Look at the History of Fixing Crooked Teeth The Skinny on Straightening Everyone loves a good smile — even the ancient Egyptians. Teeth straightening can be traced back to ancient civilizations, but their practices and the path to the dental devices of today took some interesting (and likely painful) turns. There is some evidence to suggest that early humans cared about their oral health even in death. Archaeologists have discovered catgut wire made from animal intestines on the teeth of mummified Egyptians, while writings from early philosophers mused about ways to fix crooked teeth. But it wasn’t until the father of dentistry, Pierre Fauchard, invented the “bandeau” in the early 1700s that modern teeth straightening took off. Fauchard designed a metal horseshoe-shaped device with holes for the teeth to fit into. Fauchard would then manually force the teeth into place by cranking them. By the 19th century, headgear and early forms of braces began to take shape. By the 20th century, the father of modern orthodontics, Edward H. Angle, identified the reasons and grave impacts of contorted teeth, pushing dental diagnostics forward with his research and devices. In the 1970s, dental specialists were able to transition from anchoring wire to patients’ teeth to using adhesive to stick the corrective devices onto teeth. Stainless steel also replaced silver and gold dental devices, making orthodontics more affordable. Luckily for patients today, there are plenty of safe and sanitary options for a perfect smile, including multiple options for braces and liners. At the dental office of H. Charles Jelinek Jr., DDS, patients have the option to use Invisalign for a safe, noninvasive way to get healthier teeth. Invisalign treatment is a series of invisible liners that reshape the contour of crooked teeth every few weeks to give the perfect smile. The product fits over teeth like a retainer, but the clear and thin material makes the liners less intrusive. It would be ideal if no one had to force their teeth into proper alignment, but at least animal intestines and manual twisting are no longer corrective options. If you’re interested in learning more about how our dental office can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted, visit

Should Last BeyondThanksgiving

Taking the time to acknowledge who and what you’re grateful for is a Thanksgiving tradition far more important than turkey or football. It’s the cornerstone of the holiday and the reason we feast together in the first place. But when you really think about it, should expressing our gratitude and appreciation for others be limited to one day every year? Of course not! Why Gratitude Matters As we get older, it’s easy to succumb to negativity and pessimism — “Kids these days,” “The world isn’t what it used to be,” etc. The crabby grandparent and angry old neighbor are archetypal depictions of later life. But these fictions don’t have to be your reality. Recognizing and acknowledging gratitude will help you take stock of the positive aspects of your life and dwell less on unhappy thoughts. Being grateful has also been linked to significant health benefits. According to gratitude expert and author Dr. Robert A. Emmons, “Preliminary findings suggest that those who regularly practice grateful thinking do reap emotional, physical, and interpersonal benefits. Adults who keep gratitude journals on a regular basis exercise more regularly, report fewer illness symptoms, feel better about their lives as a whole, and are more optimistic about the future.” How to Practice Gratitude In the above quotation from Dr. Emmons, he mentions the practice of keeping a gratitude journal. This activity is a great way to start seeing the world with a more positive, appreciative eye. As often as you can, take a few minutes to write down the acts, people, and moments that you’re grateful for. Some will be big, others small — but all will have an impact on your

mood and bring a smile to your face. Before you know it, you’ll have an entire book full of good memories and warm feelings.

While keeping a journal is great, there are other ways to go about cultivating and expressing gratitude. The easiest one is simply to say “Thanks” whenever you can. It may seem insignificant, but you’d be surprised what a difference it makes. When you approach the world with the perspective that every day is Thanksgiving, it’s only natural to be grateful.

We all have moments when we want to curse the world, especially as we get older, and those experiences are perfectly normal. Just as frequently, though, we have moments that are worth celebrating, often with people who are worth appreciating. Which will you think about more?



Why DoWe Snore?


Old cartoons will have you believe that snoring is just indicative of being deeply asleep — deep enough to not notice anything going on around you. In reality, if you’re a frequent snorer, your body may be warning you of a bigger issue, and ignoring it will only make the problem worse. Learn more about the causes, risks, and treatment options for snoring with these facts. What is it? Snoring is relatively common, and it can begin or increase in intensity as people age or gain weight. The rumble and grunting noises are verberations on your airway passages due to a physical blockage of the paths to your nose, throat, and mouth. What does it mean?

Spicy, Creamy Sweet Potatoes For many, oral appliance therapy can greatly reduce the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea. In more severe cases, sometimes the tonsils and adenoids have to be removed. Sleep apnea sufferers also have plenty of other options for recovery, which include CPAP body. Snoring is often a symptom of a larger issue and can be caused by allergies, sickness, excessive weight, irritated tonsils or adenoids, the shape of your nose or mouth, or obstructive sleep apnea. Those who snore are also less likely to get a good night’s sleep, which can lead to irritation, lack of focus, and drowsiness. Sleep apnea’s impacts, meanwhile, are more dangerous. The disorder can negatively affect your sleep patterns, put extra strain on your heart, and can cause irregular breathing — hence the snoring. Studies show that about half of all snorers are living with obstructive sleep apnea. How can I treat it?

breathing machines as well as diet and exercise. The best way to diagnose

your snoring issue and get back to proper sleep is to see a specialist who can give you an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Don’t ignore your snoring. Learn more about how the dental office of H. Charles Jelinek Jr., DDS, can help you with your sleep apnea and snoring problems by visiting .

Despite its commonality, especially among men, snoring is not normal for the human


Sweet potatoes are aThanksgiving staple, but they’re often the blandest thing on the table. Luckily that’s not the case with this recipe, which featuresThai spices and coconut milk.


1/2 cup dark brown sugar

5 pounds sweet potatoes

4 tablespoons unsalted butter

1 cup canned coconut milk

1 tablespoon kosher salt

1 tablespoon Thai red curry paste


cover with foil, and bake for 20 minutes. 5. Uncover potatoes and dot with

1. Heat oven to 375 F. On a large sheet pan, bake potatoes until very soft, approximately 75 minutes. 2. Let potatoes cool until they are safe to handle, then peel and mash. 3. In a small saucepan over low heat, combine coconut milk and curry paste. Once mixed, add the mixture, salt, half the sugar, and half the butter to potatoes. 4. 30 minutes before serving, heat oven to 425 F. Spread potatoes in a baking dish,

remaining butter and sugar. Broil until brown, crusty, and delicious. Serve hot.

Solution on pg. 4

Inspired byThe New York Times


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8505 ARL INGTON BLVD, SUITE 260 • FAIRFAX, VA 22031 703.584.5996 • www.Nor thernVirginiaDental .com



My Journey to Dentistry


How to GiveThanks Year-Round

A History of Straightening Smiles


Get to Know Your Snores

Spicy, Creamy Sweet Potatoes


A Historic Veterans Day


This year, Veterans Day takes on particular historic significance: Nov. 11, 2018, marks the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended the First World War. Countries around the world will commemorate the signing of this peace agreement with moments of silence, centennial ceremonies, and historical exhibits.

nationalist provided the spark that would eventually burn down much of Europe. A chain reaction of land disputes, pre-emptive attacks, and strategic alliances brought over 30 countries into World War I. The Great War that ravaged Europe resulted in a devastating loss of life, but from those ashes rose a renewed appreciation for the importance of peace and a global effort to ensure its place in the future. The Restoration of Peace In 1918, Germany surrendered unconditionally, and the armistice ended the fighting at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, though the war did not officially end until the signing of the Treaty of Versailles the following July. An estimated 16 million soldiers and civilians died in just four years, making it one of the deadliest conflicts in modern history. Veterans Day Originally called Armistice Day, Veterans Day was first observed on Nov. 11, 1919, to honor the one-year anniversary of the armistice, and it became a U.S. holiday in 1938. Today, Veterans Day celebrates veterans who served their country honorably. The U.K., France, Australia, and Canada also commemorate their veterans in November. If you know a veteran, thank them for their service this month.

Unlike Memorial Day, Veterans Day is a celebration of life. It’s a day to honor the

power of peace and the living veterans across the globe who have served their countries. This November, take a moment to remember the war that helped shape the international community’s dedication to

peace and thank the individuals who served to defend it.

The Great War By 1914, a world war had been years in the making, but the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire by a Serbian



Published byThe Newsletter Pro