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Hamilton Insurance Group - Quarter 4 - 2021

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Hamilton Insurance Group - 1st Quarter 2022

2 an avocado. Repeat for the 3 remaining bowls, drizzle with balsamic glaze and any other desired to

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Hamilton Insurance Group - Quarter 3 2022

Hamilton Insurance Group - Quarter 3 2022 THE SILVER LINING To Your Life & Health 770-744-1855 I APP

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Hamilton Insurance Group - Quarter 2 2022

Hamilton Insurance Group - Quarter 2 2022 THE SILVER LINING To Your Life & Health 770-744-1855 SHAPI

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Hamilton Insurance Group - Q1 2021

rent quote. We represent the top insurance companies in the country. Find out if you are paying too

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Hamilton Insurance Group - Q3 2021

Hamilton Insurance Group - Q3 2021 THE SILVER LINING To Your Life & Health 770-744-1855 CELEBRATING

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Hamilton Insurance Group - Q2 2021

healthypets . 4

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Hamilton Insurance Group - September 2019

2 lbs. heirloom and cherry tomatoes, roughly chopped • 2 scallions, thinly sliced Medicare Annual El

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Hamilton Insurance Group - October 2019

Hamilton Insurance Group - October 2019 THE SILVER LINING To Your Life & Health 770-744-1855 A K ey

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Hamilton Insurance Group - March 2019

4 cup ricotta cheese • 1 garlic clove, grated DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 425 F. 2. Wrap beet tightly

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Hamilton Insurance Group - May 2019

2 inch between filling and top of mold. 6. Using a small knife, gently swirl layers together. 7. Ins

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Hamilton Insurance Group - Quarter 4 - 2021

THE SILVER LINING To Your Life & Health



Meet Jayvon, My New Assistant

and Ja-Nai take calls. Sometimes, however, some of my clients only feel comfortable speaking with me. They’ll pick up the phone and get either Jayvon or Ja-Nai, and they’ll say something like, “Who are you? Oh, can you let me talk to Mr. Hamilton, baby?” While I can understand my clients’ desire to speak with me directly, I want to be clear: If you’re talking to Jayvon or Ja-Nai, you’re talking to me. They are my left and right hands, and I’ve trained them to take all sorts of calls from clients. Ja-Nai is a licensed insurance salesperson herself. I can’t do nearly as much for my clients or for my business without their assistance. At the same time, though, if I have a client who really does need to speak with me directly, I’m always nearby when they’re on the phone with Jayvon or Ja-Nai. If something is “above their pay grade” so to speak, then I’m there to take the call. Most of the time, though, both of my assistants are more than qualified to solve any problem you might have. While growing my business is a big goal of mine, the goal that supersedes it is client retention and customer

Jayvon was there, so I explained the situation to him, to which he responded, “This is above my paygrade — let me get you a manager to talk to so we can sort this out.” And that’s what he did. After speaking with the manager, we found out they had been overcooking their mac and cheese. Problem solved. All in all, I was impressed with how Jayvon handled the situation. I asked him if he was working for Marlow’s Tavern full time. He wasn’t. So, I told him what I do, and asked if he wanted to work for me as an assistant. He said he’d love the opportunity and showed up early for his first day of training. From my experience speaking with him when I called Marlow’s Tavern, I knew he was good on the phone. During training, he stumbled over his words a few times, but ultimately, he did really well. I didn’t even need to train him for the whole day before he started taking calls from clients in stride. I was really impressed with his willingness to implement the pointers that I would give him. A lot of young people these days don’t take instruction well, but Jayvon immediately proved to be an exception to that. Ever since hiring Jayvon, I’ve seen an increase in sales, and all signs indicate that we’ve been better about staying in touch and following up with our clients. Plus, I’ve been freed up to grow my business by having him

Earlier this year, I hired a

new assistant in addition to Ja- Nai, who has been my assistant for about three years. His name is Jayvon, and I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce him to all of you, and tell you about why he’s been such an incredible asset to my team. When I first met Jayvon earlier this year, he was working at a Marlow’s Tavern here in town. My daughter is a big fan of their mac and cheese, but one night, when she was about to dig into some of it, she saw that it had some unfamiliar “brown stuff” in it. I called the restaurant the next day to sort the issue out, and that’s when I first met Jayvon. My first impression of Jayvon, who was 18 at the time, was that he handled the situation much more calmly and respectfully than I would have expected for someone his age. He apologized, and then immediately let me know how he would make it up to us with a free meal, with an added side of some sort. Okay, no problem, I thought. The next time we went to Marlow’s Tavern, however, there was still some unknown brown substance in their mac and cheese! With that, I decided to go inside the restaurant and talk to someone directly.

satisfaction. I want you to feel cared for — and Jayvon and Ja-Nai help me do that.

–Duane Hamilton 1 770-744-1855

Fun for All This Fall 5 Corn Maze Safety Tips

Fall brings apple cider, pumpkin patches, fun seasonal outfits, and corn mazes. Unless you are visiting a “haunted” corn maze, you and your family probably won’t be chased by a chainsaw-wielding serial killer while you try to navigate through. However, safety risks are still present. Here are five safety tips to keep the fun coming during your next corn maze experience. Follow the rules. At the entrance to each corn maze, there should be a sign stating the rules for visitors. For the safety of yourself, your children, and others, be sure to read each rule and follow along. Always accompany your kids in the corn maze — it is a maze, after all!

• Medicare Advantage can (but doesn’t always) include prescription drug coverage as well as dental, vision, hearing, etc. Original Medicare does not provide these additional benefits. • Original Medicare is covered by the federal government, whereas Medicare Advantage is provided by various private insurance companies. This means that the cost of Medicare Advantage coverage can vary based on your location and your provider. The Costs Premiums, deductibles, copays, and coinsurance will vary depending on which Medicare plan you enroll in. So, with Original Medicare , you get: • The Part A ($0 for most) and B premiums • Deductibles for Parts A and B • Part B coinsurance • Copays for Parts A and B Watch for tripping and fire hazards. Keep your eyes peeled for any obstacles on the path, including holes, bumps, ruts, and corn stalks. While navigating a maze, it can be easy to forget to look down while searching for the exit. To prevent fires, you should also avoid smoking and never use matches or lighters. Wear proper footwear. Ensure that you and your family all have proper footwear, preferably closed-toed shoes, while exploring the maze. You never know what kind of critters or potentially harmful hazards may appear in your path.

With Medicare Advantage, you get: • Part B premium • A low cost or $0 plan premium • A plan deductible (maybe) • Copays for covered services and items If you are considering switching from your current Medicare plan to the other option, there are four considerations you need to make: Is the plan available in your area, do you like the benefit structure and cost sharing (premium, deductible, co-pays, and co-insurance), will your doctors accept the plan, and are your medications covered? If you have any other questions about this or open enrollment in general, call Hamilton Insurance Group today at 770-744-1855. Eat beforehand and stay hydrated. Be sure to eat before setting out into the maze and don’t bring any glass bottles with you, as it can be dangerous if broken. Furthermore, do not consume alcohol before or while enjoying your time at the corn maze. Be prepared. Accidents can happen, usually at the most unexpected times! It is important to always have a first-aid kit handy. Be sure to call 911 in an emergency and let staff know what is going on. As long as safety is the top priority this fall, fun will be had by all!

Original vs. Medicare Advantage

Open enrollment for Medicare begins on Oct. 15 and runs through Dec. 7 this year. If you get your health insurance through Medicare, this is the time of year to review your coverage and make sure it suits you going into 2022. Among the many considerations during open enrollment, one that deserves a deeper dive is whether you should enroll in Original Medicare or Both Original and Advantage Medicare come with pros and cons, depending on what you’re looking for in your coverage. Generally, however, these are the key differences between the two plans: • Original Medicare offers hospital Medicare Advantage. The Key Differences

(Part A) and medical (Part B) coverage. Medicare Advantage combines both parts with other health benefits under one plan.


To Find Out, Ask Yourself These Questions W hich N ational P ark S hould I V isit ?

and everywhere else in between. If you’re a geology fan, you might like Zion or the Grand Canyon, but if you long for lots of green, you could try Olympic National Park in Washington state. How do you want to explore these places? Are you okay observing nature from your air conditioned car, or do you want to hoof it into the wild? What about something in between, like horseback riding, kayaking, or even rock climbing? No matter how you want to travel to your favorite sites, chances are park services will make multiple options available to you. What are your ideal weather conditions? The northernmost national park in America is Gates of the Arctic, where freezing temperatures can happen any time of the year. The southernmost park is the National Park of American Samoa, which consists of tropical rainforests. Every other park exists on a spectrum between these two in terms of weather. How far do you want to be from creature comforts? In some parks, you have the option of a nice hotel room with a hot shower every night. At others, you’ll have only what you can carry with you on your back to keep you comfortable. Many parks have options for both kinds of people. Regardless of where you stay each night, however, any visit to a national park is sure to be an adventure!

According to Lonely Planet, October is the best time to visit a national park. It’s when the weather starts to cool down in most of the country, and fewer people are traveling out and about. Each of the country’s 63 national parks are wholly unique from one another, so it’s impossible to pick the best one to visit for everyone. However, if you want to visit a national park, you can ask yourself these questions to figure out your next adventure! How far away from home are you willing to travel? There are national parks all over the country, so you could fly thousands of miles away or just drive for a few short hours. The closest national parks to Atlanta include Congaree in South Carolina and Great Smoky Mountains in Kentucky and Tennessee What kind of landscapes do you want to explore? Maybe you’re more concerned with sights than proximity. America’s national parks exist in arid deserts, lush forests, Don’t you just hate it when you are expecting an extremely important call, but when the phone rings, it’s an annoying and/or pushy telemarketer hawking Medicare? Whether it’s getting back the $148.50 for the Part B premium or getting more benefits, they will all bring up Medicare in their spiel. Telemarketers are simply salesmen who are like actors on stage. They consider you their rapt audience, magnetically swept away by their presentations. And they are hoping you will question your own insurance plans and benefits … and choose their plan. As your insurance advisor, we represent every Medicare insurance company and know their plans intimately. Before you decide, I encourage you to first speak with me to inspect both plans against each other. Change can be good, but when it comes to your insurance health and well-being, I will never change my commitment to you. I am a phone call away Monday through Friday to discuss any questions or concerns about your plan or any others you are considering.

A ffordable C are A ct O pen E nrollment

Open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act/ Obamacare opens up on Nov. 1 and continues until Jan 15. If you do not receive health insurance from your employer, you do not want to miss out on this opportunity. The government even helps most people who enroll with the cost through subsidies and cost-sharing reductions. The Affordable Care Act helps make affordable health insurance available to more people. In today’s day and age, you never know what is going to happen. It’s better to be safe and protected than risk extreme medical bills in the future, especially if you are suffering from an injury or illness. In order to receive benefits for the beginning of 2022, you need to make sure that you enroll before Dec. 15, 2021.

3 770-744-1855

1201 Peachtree Street NE Building 400, Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30361




My Assistants: My Left and Right Hands Corn Maze Safety Choosing Between Original and Advantage Medicare Which National Park Should I Visit? Enrollment for Obamacare Opens Soon! Corn Mazes Date Back to Ancient Greece?

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Exploring a corn maze is a great way to get outside and enjoy the fall season with friends and family — but who came up with the idea of wandering around a corn field for fun? As it turns out, outdoor mazes are an ancient tradition, and the American corn maze of the ‘90s sprouted from the mazes of 17th-century European gardens. Don’t believe it? Here’s a quick tour of corn maze history. The Minotaur and the Maze Have you heard of Theseus and the Minotaur? This ancient Greek legend tells the story of the hero Theseus, who ventured into an elaborate maze to kill the half-man, half- bull imprisoned there. The monstrous Minotaur was known to eat heroes, and the labyrinth was known to trap them, but Theseus managed to slay the Minotaur and find his way home with the help of a string that he unspooled as he walked. This story isn’t the first recorded example of a maze or labyrinth — according to the World History encyclopedia, “[L]abyrinths and labyrinthine symbols have been dated to the Neolithic Age in regions as diverse as modern-day Turkey, Ireland, Greece, and India, among others” — but CORN MAZES DATE BACK TO ANCIENT GREECE?

it’s perhaps the most famous ancient tale. If you’ve ever navigated a Halloween corn maze staffed by ghouls and ghosts, you can see the parallels! Garden Art to Get Lost In Mazes formed from bushes began popping up European gardens in the 17th century. They were a popular artistic feature of upper-class gardens in England, more for looking at than solving. One famous example is the half-mile- long Hampton Maze, which was planted in 1690 and still stands today. The Corn Maze: An American Invention Garden mazes eventually hopped the pond to America but didn’t become interactive puzzles until Don Frantz, Creative Director of the American Maze Company, came on the scene. In 1993, Frantz created the “first ever cornfield maze for private and public entertainment” to attract college kids in Pennsylvania. Today, every small-town corn maze is a descendant of his “Amazing Maize Maze.” To learn more about that wacky history, visit



Have you ever felt like your auto insurance is just too expensive? Then Hamilton Insurance Group has the perfect offer for you!

We are offering a special deal that will save you 10% on your auto insurance for the next three years! We are supplying a defensive driving class at no cost. This class is FREE if you contact us for a link.

This class will teach you: • Safe driving behaviors • Traffic safety facts • Defensive driving techniques • And so much more! To save 10% on your auto insurance, contact us,

and we will run a personalized quote for you. We will then provide you with a link to take the defensive driving class for FREE. After completing the course, you will receive a certificate that grants you a 10% discount on your auto insurance. If our quote does not beat the competition, we will let you take the 10% certificate and use it where it benefits you the most. At the very least, you will learn new defensive driving practices that will make driving safer than ever before. Call our office today at (770) 744-1855 or email us at [email protected] to get the process started. Why wait to save money?



Call Us Today! Insurance is a necessary precaution to keep us protected in our everyday lives. The simple truth of the matter is that nobody knows what tomorrow brings. Disaster can strike in an instant, so it’s important that you have the proper protections in place.

There is absolutely no time to wait. If you have

Needing insurance is like needing a parachute. If it isn’t there the first time, chances are you won’t be needing it again. It’s imperative that you are properly covered in case of

friends or family that you know are uninsured or talk often about the expensive costs of their current plans, send them our way. We pride ourselves on providing excellent service while processing the best possible rates for our clients and would love to add your friends and family to that group. Have your friends and family call us at (770) 744- 1855 or email us at Duane@HamiltonInsuranceUSA. com to get the process started. We promise to treat your friends and family as if they were our own.

any type of emergency, but you should make sure your friends and family are covered as well. We love referrals and would enjoy the opportunity to help the friends and family of our beloved clients get the insurance coverage they need. We provide insurance in the following categories: • Health/Medicare • Dental • Life • Home and Auto