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Hands For Living_Get a Grip on Hand Injuries at Work

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Hands For Living: Relief From Hand Injuries


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Hands For Living_Avoid Wrist Injuries

8 cup cheese. Cover with another tortilla and cook for two to three minutes or until golden brown. F

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Hands For Living_Holidays Without Hand Pain

Patient Spotlights “My pain subsided fast!” “My therapist encouraged me to do whatever I could, or f

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Hands For Living_Fall Activities and Hand Pain

2 lb whole grain spaghetti • 1 tsp garlic powder • 1 tsp onion powder Directions Preheat broiler on

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Hands For Living_Protect Your Hands

1sudoku. 3 8

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Hands On PT_Sciatica / Back Pain

Back Pain Hands On Physical Therapy SEPTEMBER, 2020 How to Find Relief from Sciatica and Back Pain?

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Hands On PT_Relieving Neck Pain

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Hands For Living_Keep Your Hands Warm

L, CHT If there is one thing that I tell clients every single day, it’s this: after a significant in

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ReQuest: Avoid Unnecessary Work Injuries

self-pay patients, flexible payment schedules, and same-day appointments. We also accept patients wi

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Hands For Living_Get a Grip on Hand Injuries at Work


Get A Grip On Hand Pain Caused By Work Injuries

NEWSLETTER Back in the Saddle Again! By: JoAnn Keller, OTD, OTR/L, CHT

Are you in Pain? Call Today And Start Feeling Better Fast! 425-368-7943

True confessions: I have a horse. It’s been a lifelong interest, pastime, and passion! I love theirbeauty,strength,andpeacefulness,aswell as the relationship I have built withmy longtime partner,Olievia. She’sbeenwithmesince2005, andwehavecompeted in jumpinganddressage competitions. I ride 3-4 days per week, and it’s an important part of my life. Horses, like people, get injured. Olievia and I have missed two competitive seasons, as she had a pair of injuries – she recovered from one andwasreadytogo,and thensufferedanother. Those thin legs on the big beast are fragile – there are bones, tendons, and ligaments there, just like in our hands and arms…. And theywork

hard. As with people, it can take 12-18months before an injury is completely healed as well as it possibly can be. I am pleased to report that we are back to competitivefitness,and inJuneweattendedour first competition since 2015. We re-started in dressage at the Prix St. Georges level where we left off, and will continue our progress forward! Olievia has been a joy to work with over the years, and although I don’t jump her anymore because of her prior injuries, she has excelled at the precision sport of dressage. We qualified for a regional championship event that will be held in September, and I look forward to seeing our progress over the summer!


Your hands play a vital role in every activity you do from the minute you wake up until the minute your head hits the pillow. It’s not until we develop a hand, wrist or elbow injury that we begin to see just how much we rely on these tools for work. If you have experienced a hand injury at work, or if your hand injury is preventing you fromworking the wayyou need to, you may be wondering what comes next. Fortunately, there is help available. Call our office today for a free consultation and find out how we can help reduce your hand, wrist or elbow pain.

1. Work injuries are often more complicated than they appear.

Some work place injuries are cut and dried. Breakingyour wrist in an accident requires a certain amount of time to heal. However, other work-related injuries are more difficult to identify. You may have wrist pain from a repetitive motion at work, or you mayhave it fromworking onyour computer at home. Someone who specializes in the movement of the hands, wrists, arms and elbows can help determine an injury’s cause as well as identify ways to prevent further injury. Hand therapists are these specialists! 2. Movement is good. There is a natural tendency to believe that rest is the most effective way to relieve pain in a joint. While an injury to your hand, wrist or elbow at work may require modifications to your daily tasks, immobilizing a joint completely rarely offers a long- term benefit. In most cases, targeted exercises, stretching and in some cases bracing can help keep heal an injury faster than stopping movement completely. 3. Treating a work injury takes time. Wouldn’t itbegreat ifwecouldwaveamagicwandandbehealed whenwe are hurt? Unfortunately, treating an injurynot onlytakes time spent in a therapist’s office, it takes time on your own.The amount of time you spend in hand therapy is tiny compared to howmuch timeyou spend elsewhere. Hand therapy is designed to give you the tools to improve your condition on your own. Fully committing to hand therapy to treat your pain, doing your exercises at home and following your therapist’s instructions to the letter will shorten the amount of time it takes to recover fully from an injury. You have to put in the time.

4. Returning to work is the primary goal. In the end, a hand therapist’s primary goal is to get you back to work, pain-free and fully functioning. This may require you to make accommodations to your work schedule, tasks, environment, or even wardrobe. If you do not understand the purpose behind an exercise, ask! Your therapist will be happy to explain the reasons why you are asked to stretch, move or exercise a certain way. They will even explain how it relates to your job and what impact therapy will have on your future. If you have been injured on the job, call Hands for Living today for a free consultation. Our specialists will work to relieve your hand, wrist, arm, or elbow pain and get you back to work. Hand therapy can be extremely beneficial if you’re struggling with tendonitis. Unlike conventional medications—which can provide much-needed pain relief but mayalso come with unwanted side effects—hand therapy addresses symptoms and root causes of inflammation and tendon damage. In this way, relief is more thorough and longer-lasting.

4 Simple Ways To Make Hydration AHabit

Hand Exercise Helps With Weakness and Pain

Flex Bar Bend

Many people are so busy that they barely have time to eat, let alone pause for a water break, and you may find that you often go hours and hours without quenching your thirst. But staying hydrated has real advantages, including helpingyoumaintain your energy and focus. It’s important to giveyour drinking habits the attention they deserve. Here are some simple ways to stay hydrated this summer. 1. Always carrya water bottle. Ifyou have a bottle within arms reach, it’svery likelythat you’ll mindlesslysip from it throughout the day, without having to make a conscious effort.

Execution: •

Grip and bend the bar. Repeat 8 times.

2.Whenyou’refeelingfrazzled,grabaglassofcoldwater.Studies show that people instantly feel more alert after drinking H2O.

3. Sip on a mug of herbal tea every evening. If you make this a habit,you’lladdanextracupoffluidtoyourbodyeverysingleday.

4. Eat a diet rich in whole foods. By eating foods like vegetables, fruits, and yogurt, you’ll automatically up your fluid intake.

Patient Spotlights “I was well informed on my injury” “My therapist informed me well in the dos and don’ts of healing, was considerate of my pain tolerance and helped me not rush the healing process. My therapist was kind-hearted and truly values her patients and puts their wellbeing first.” Stefan H. “My therapist was amazing!” “My therapist was amazing, outstanding and very knowledgeable. She has a great therapy team and scheduling system.” Virginia M.

Fruit Sparklers Recipe


• 1 whole watermelon • 16 ounces fresh blueberries • Bamboo skewers

Directions Cut watermelon vertically into 1 inch thick slices. Use a small star cookie cutter to cut out star shapes from the flesh of each watermelon round. Thread 7-10 blueberries into the center of each bamboo skewer, leavingenoughspaceat theend forsomeone to be able to comfortably hold it, and a space at the top for the watermelon star. Place the watermelon star on top and set the fruit sparklers on a serving tray. Cover and refrigerate until ready to enjoy.