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EMAIL Darin Garman, Apartment Specialist! #319-350-5378 [email protected] WWW.DARINGARMAN.COM N

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Heartland Investment Partners - September 2021





DARINGARM 319-350-5378

You might remember from past newsletters that my father wasn’t in the picture when I was growing up. In some ways that was tough, but it also wasn’t because I had three great parental figures in my life: my mom, my grandma Erma, and my grandpa Stanley. I grew up living with the three of them and my uncle in a small two-bedroom house in the little town of Algona, Iowa. It might not have been a typical family situation, but it was normal to me! My grandparents were the hardest workers I’ve ever met. My grandpa Stanley worked into his late 70s taking care of the city’s rose garden and the surrounding park. He rose at 5 a.m. each day to go to work, and on weekends, he was either mowing the lawn, shoveling, or manning the snowblower, depending on the season. If something needed to be done around the house, he did it! My grandma Erma was an old-school homemaker, but she worked just as hard as my grandpa. She was always cleaning, vacuuming, sewing, cooking, or grocery shopping. (The latter was a funny chore for her because she never got her driver’s license — Grandpa had to drop her off at the little town grocery store and pick her up after.) My grandparents raised eight kids, then got on with the business of raising me, too! The two of themmade me the person I am today. They passed on their work ethic, love, care, and generosity. We never had much money, but they were always there to give me a ride or a word of encouragement when I needed it, and if I ever wanted a dollar or two, they found a way to dig up the bills. I’ll never forget the day when, at age 8 or so, I walked into the garage where my grandpa Stanley was bent over working on the snowblower. I could see that he was busy tweaking the carburetor but I wanted a bit of attention, so The Grandparents Who Raised Me Like a Son Meet Erma and Stanley Garman

I went up to him and said, “Grandpa, give me five!” holding my hand up for a high-five. He looked over and said, “Well, Darin, I don’t have five but I’ve got three, let me get it for you!” Then, he dug into his jeans pocket and gave me three $1 bills. That was just the kind of man he was. Most grandparents look forward to seeing their grandkids for a week or two and then sending them home, but my grandparents didn’t have that luxury. And I don’t think they would have wanted to hand over the baton, either! (Sometimes when I got in a lot of trouble, they probably wished they could have sent me home somewhere else, but ultimately, I could do no wrong in their eyes. I could have broken 10 local laws, stolen a car, and parked it in the driveway and they would have sworn up and down that I had nothing to do with it.) They really were like parents to me and passed on their values from day one. They always had my back. That kind of unconditional love means a lot. Sunday, Sept. 12, is National Grandparents Day, but I don’t need a holiday to remind me of my grandparents. I think about them and the lessons they taught me every day. If I’m half as good a grandfather as my grandpa Stanley was, I’ll be proud! –Darin Garman

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It’s Time to Diversify You

r Banking!





3. You can make sure ALL of your money is insured. The FDIC only covers up to $250,000 per depositor, per bank. So, if you have high-value accounts, depositing with multiple banks can ensure all of your money is covered. 4. The more accounts you have, the more withdrawals you can make penalty-free. Many money market and savings accounts have limits on how many times you can pull money out each month. If you bank with several institutions, you can make a few withdrawals from each of them, stay under the limits, and avoid fees. 5. You’ll have access to more banks and ATMs. Do you travel across your city, state, or the country regularly? If you do, it can be beneficial to bank with several institutions so you’re always close to an ATM or bank branch. For example, you may want to use a local credit union at home for the member benefits but bank with a national bank for out-of-state emergencies.

You’ve probably heard the expression, “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.” But what about “Don’t put all of your dollars in one bank”? Banking at a single institution is the default for most people, but just because something is the typical strategy doesn’t mean it’s the best one for you! Here are five reasons to consider taking the road less traveled. 1. Different banks have different perks. Credit unions are member-run nonprofits and often don’t have minimum balance requirements. Traditional banks have cutting-edge financial technology and more loan options. Some banks offer high-yield checking accounts while others don’t, and online banks can have interest rates on savings accounts up to 15 times higher than brick-and-mortars. By banking with more than one institution, you can get the best of both (or three!) worlds. 2. You’ll have a backup if one bank fails. According to Bankrate, 511 U.S. banks failed between 2009 and 2020. That’s not nothing! If your bank isn’t insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) and it fails, you could lose your entire balance, so diversifying your accounts (or choosing only FDIC-insured banks) is a good backup measure.


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Harvard Study

It’s Official: A

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Obviously, for apartment property owners and investors like us who are looking to increase their holdings in apartments over the next year, this fact is VERY good news. My team and I have actually been talking about this trend in the rental market for a number of years, and I have to admit it feels good to finally have confirmation on what we have been saying all along. The truth is that our ownership society is still in flux, and it’s becoming more and more of a renter’s society every day. If you’re a paranoid investor like me and you’ve been waiting for proof of that, Harvard just handed it to you!

Investors like us always have plenty of ideas about the market, and we love to share them. Sometimes when we talk to each other, though — especially when it comes to investing — we like to know that what we’re sharing is a fact and not just an opinion. The key word here is FACT. You know as well as I do that in the investment world it is hard to really find
a “sure thing.” In reality, it doesn’t exist. So, when you find a fact you can use and truly profit from, that’s obviously a good thing! This magic moment just happened for me. So, what is this big fact I’ve discovered? Well, the folks that throw their weight around at a school you may have heard of (it’s called Harvard) have just confirmed what a lot of us have known all along: The number of renters in the U.S. will continue to go up! I just finished reading the Harvard study and learning all the reasons the rental population will continue to explode, and I closed it feeling great!

So ... What will YOU do to profit from this news?

Will you use the information in Harvard’s study to better your income and net worth?

Your answer should definitely be “Yes!” Doing so is as easy as giving me a call — and that is a FACT!

Have a terrific September!


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On Sept. 30, 1972 — almost 50 years ago today — President Richard Nixon declared Sunday, Oct. 1, National Heritage Day. “I call upon all Americans to reflect upon the composite vitality, enthusiasm, and tenacity of the many separate peoples who have built our beloved country,” Nixon wrote. Here in Iowa, our state’s heritage is complicated. Before settlers arrived from other countries, the Dakota Sioux, Iowa (or Ioway), Otoe, Sauk, and Mesquakie tribes lived throughout the state. The Iowa tribe was the most widespread. They called themselves the Bah-Kho-Je, or “People of the Grey Snow,” because in the winter, smoke from their fires gave their snow- covered dwellings a gray cast. The Bah-Kho-Je people lived peacefully in the area until 1824, when settlers from the other American colonies moved west and forced them off of their land. Similar situations happened across the state with other tribes. This, as you would imagine, caused conflict! The most famous example was the Spirit Lake Massacre of 1857. In the spring of that year, a Dakota Chief named Inkpaduta led an attack on a settlement near what is today the city of Spirit Lake, Iowa. They killed more than 30 pioneers and kidnapped four young women. (No one is quite sure what motivated the massacre. It may have been the result of conflict over food and land after a harsh winter or revenge for the murder of Inkpaduta’s brother, sister-in-law, and their five children.) Whatever the cause, the Spirit Lake Massacre brought us one of Iowa’s most famous stories: the tale of Abigail Gardner Sharp. Abigail was one of the girls kidnapped during the massacre and carried off to the Minnesota territory. She was just 13 years old at the time. Although two of the captured girls were killed, Abigail survived and was eventually ransomed by the state of Minnesota for $400. She married and lived a long life, even turning her father’s original land (in what is now Arnolds Park, Iowa) into a tourist attraction! According to the Census Bureau, most Iowans today have German, Irish, English, Native American, Norwegian, Dutch, and Swedish roots. Though our history isn’t perfect, we’ve overcome the conflicts of the past and come together as a single, proud Heartland people.







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Darin Garman: Heartland’s Most Trusted Multi-Family Investment Advisor 2505 Silver Oak Trail Marion, IA 52302 319-350-5378


Page 1 Meet Darin’s Grandparents, Erma and Stanley

Page 2 5 Reasons to Diversify Your Banking It’s Official: A Harvard Study Confirms What We’ve Been Thinking!

Page 3 Battles, Murder, and a Famous Kidnapping

Apartment Sales and Success

Page 4 Does Positive Marketing Work in 2021?





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That’s the ultimate thinking behind a lot of inclusive empowerment and positivity marketing today. And why wouldn’t you want to shop at a brand that makes you feel great? According to Accenture, over 41% of consumers “have shifted their business away from a retailer that does not reflect how important [identity and diversity] is to them.” The same study showed that 29% of consumers are willing to switch brands if they don’t showcase enough diversity. If you’re not sure where to start, try showing support for local support groups, women’s shelters, or free mental health clinics — it’s a great, positive way of supporting your community’s well-being! BUILD INFLUENCE THROUGH POSITIVITY If your brand produces positive, feel-good content, people will tend to listen. Make sure to optimize your marketing by using social media to regularly post content relevant to both your business and your local efforts. Building engagement takes a lot of time and effort, but it can pay off in massive ways. You never know when a business’s content will go viral. Consumers are exceedingly picky in 2021, but positivity will always win the day. Show your customers that they’re valued, and many will make sure to return the favor.

Positive marketing is a tactic that has been around for a long while, but in today’s world, it might be more powerful than ever. We’re constantly surrounded by terrible news about our nation, society, and the entire world, and people can definitely use more positive forces and content in their lives. Will your brand be there for them? What are other brands doing to provide positive marketing to their customers? EMPOWERMENT AND INCLUSIVITY In the 2000s, positive marketing was all about looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses. A great example of this is McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It” campaign. It’s not a bad thing to create a wonderful, positive image of your brand and the world it lives in — so long as you’re keeping up with people’s idea of a better world, too. Today, positivity is closely related to empowerment and inclusivity. What is “empowerment”? When you empower someone, you’re likely doing two things: making them feel accepted and encouraging them to succeed. Doing this helps imbue them with positive energy, and it even makes the world feel like a better place for a little while.



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