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Holland & Usry, PA - May 2022

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Holland & Usry, PA - June 2022

dump buckets. If you have water guns in the fight, make sure to strategically place buckets of water

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Holland & Usry, PA - April 2022


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Holland & Usry, PA - February 2022

2 cup canola oil • 1 tbsp distilled white vinegar • 1 tsp red food coloring (gel works best) • Frost

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Holland & Usry, PA - July 2022

4 cup brown sugar • 18 oz barbecue sauce • 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce • 1 tbsp hot pepper sauce • 1

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Holland & Usry - May 2021

2 tbsp fish sauce Juice of 1–2 limes, to taste 4 small shallots, thinly sliced 4 green onions, thinl

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Holland & Usry, PA - December 2021

4 tsp vanilla extract • 2 cups milk • Cinnamon and whipped cream, for garnish Directions 1. In a med

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Holland & Usry May 2019

4 tablespoon dried thyme 864.582.0416 Inspired by PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID P

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Holland & Usry May 2020

2 cups for later use. 3. In a bag, add the remaining on the grill, cook pork until the thickest part

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Holland & Usry May 2018

2 packet ranch seasoning Directions 1. Heat grill to medium. In a large pan, toss potatoes with oliv

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Holland & Usry October 2017

Holland & Usry October 2017 Co-Parenting During the Holidays THE IMPORTANCE OF PUTTING KIDS FIRST it

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Holland & Usry, PA - May 2022


In Honor of Our Heroes

Ronald Reagan once said, “… And if words cannot repay the debt we owe these men, surely with our actions we must strive to keep faith with them and with the vision that led them to battle and to final sacrifice.” This month, on Memorial Day, with great honor and respect, we remember all of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who lost their lives serving our country and fighting for our freedoms. We memorialize the bravery of every member of the military who dedicated their lives for us. It’s a debt we can never repay. While Memorial Day today is observed on the last Monday of May, and for many is a day off work, it has an interesting history. In 1868, after the Civil War had ended, General John A. Logan called for May 30 to be a day of remembrance for all of the lives lost in the Civil War for both the North and the South. It was called Decoration Day and civilians decorated the graves of the brave men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice. However, because of other major conflicts in the 20th century, the holiday evolved to commemorate all military personnel who lost their lives in the line of duty and became known as Memorial Day. Eventually, in 1971, the federal Uniform Monday Holiday Act went into effect (passed by Congress in 1968), making Memorial Day officially the last Monday in May, thus creating a three-day weekend for federal employees and a federal holiday. This Memorial Day, I urge everyone to take time to remember all of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Over the Memorial Day weekend, many will be traveling, taking road trips, enjoying their first barbecue or picnic of the summer, gathering with friends and family, or visiting the beach, lake, or pool. Please be safe!

If you’re getting behind the wheel, be sure you are well rested and alert. Drive defensively and follow all rules and regulations of the road. If you’re planning on drinking, arrange for a designated driver to take you home, even if it’s a Lyft or an Uber. If you’re having a barbecue, never grill inside and always supervise a lit grill. Lastly, if you are heading to the pool, lake, or beach and plan on swimming, use floatation devices and always supervise children. Safety always comes first! As a reminder, in the event of an accident, we handle personal injury cases and are here to help in any way we can. Happy Memorial Day to all and thank you to all who have served or currently serve. We salute you.



Do It Your Way

Let’s face it: The kids probably aren’t going to get you what you really want for Mother’s Day. We know it’s the thought that counts, but you’ve still earned some pampering. It might be time to take matters into your own hands by celebrating yourself this year — no matter what your children and/or partner have planned. Here are some ideas to get you started. Take the day off. It might be the greatest gift any mother can give herself. Let your partner, the grandparents, or a babysitter take care of the kids for the day and spend time doing what you want to do. Maybe that’s sleeping in late, finally going to see a grown-up movie in a theater, reading a juicy novel, or going on a shopping spree. It doesn’t matter what you choose — not having to worry about temper tantrums, meals, or bedtime is the true gift here. Enjoy a girls’ day out . You probably don’t get to see your friends as much as you’d like, so take the time to get together for some kid-free fun. You can treat yourself to brunch,

manicures, or just a bottle of wine and a good laugh. Having the opportunity to catch up with the gals you love the most can be a great way to rejuvenate. Create a group text and get the party planning started! Have a date night — with the person of your choosing. With whom would you most like to spend some alone time? If it’s your partner, arrange a romantic evening for adults only. If it’s your best friend, schedule a fun outing. Maybe your ideal Mother’s Day involves the kids after all! If so, plan some one-on-one time with each of them, doing something special you know they’ll love. Whomever you choose as your date, you’ll feel more connected (and appreciated) than ever. If your special Sunday is already booked with family activities, remember you can always pick another weekend to treat yourself. That way, you can still get your ideal day — and enjoy the kid-prepared breakfast you’ve come to expect and love.

Testimonials HIGHLY RECOMMENDED –H& S “I found this firm by doing a Google search related to an automobile accident (not looking to sue for personal injury). I called, left a message, and Mr. Usry called me back promptly. I had specific questions, and Mr. Usry answered those fully, and he asked me some questions, providing some insight I had not considered. All-in-all, this phone consultation provided more help than I have received from anyone. I am confidant that I can take the next steps forward to resolution without having to spend thousand of dollars in unnecessary fees. What impressed me the most was his ability to be quite knowledgeable, well-versed in the law, and compassionate, traits you rarely find in an attorney. I highly recommend Mr. Usry, as I know he will be the attorney I retain if/when I need one again.”

CASE RESULTS SNAPSHOT Uninsurance Policies to the Rescue!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” –John 16:33 Good News From a legal standpoint, things seemed to get worse. Both her sister’s car and the boyfriend were uninsured. But we were here to help! Because Julie was hit by an uninsured vehicle, we were able to use her own insurance coverage made precisely for this situation: uninsurance. Julie, a single mom in Spartanburg, was tragically run over by her sister’s boyfriend — a heartless, abusive criminal. He’d attacked her sister that night, and she called Julie for help. When Julie arrived at her sister’s house, she found the boyfriend in her sister’s car in the driveway with the engine running. She asked him to turn off the car and return the keys. He refused, and Julie reached into the car to turn it off herself. When she did, the boyfriend firmly grabbed her arm and said, “This is gonna hurt.” He then drove down the driveway with her hanging out the window. Once he reached the end of the driveway, he let go and drove away, running over Julie’s leg. The initial good news for Julie was that her leg wasn’t broken. The bad news was that it began to swell gruesomely, and doctors couldn’t figure out how to fix it. Finally, just over four months after getting run over, she got referred to a vascular surgeon who figured it out. He diagnosed her with extensive post-traumatic seroma, meaning her leg became engorged with blood and fluid that was causing the massive swelling. She was referred to a plastic surgeon, who fixed the complication.

Julie had more than one uninsured policy. That meant we could “stack” them, and because her injuries were so serious, we exhausted the limits of both policies. We were able to secure Julie a $50,000 settlement, and while a $50,000 settlement only scratches the surface of what she endured, we did secure one stroke of extremely good luck for Julie. Because her settlement came from uninsurance, her health insurance company had no right to be paid back due to the way her health policy is written. Julie came out way better than she would’ve on her own and made a full recovery!

Mother’s Day Brunch Rainbow Frittata

Inspired by


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Nonstick cooking spray

Basil, thyme, salt, and pepper, to taste 1/2 avocado, pitted, peeled, and thinly sliced Cherry tomatoes, halved Sriracha hot sauce (optional)

1/4 cup sweet potato, diced 1/4 cup yellow pepper, diced 1/4 cup broccoli, chopped

8 eggs

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Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 F and coat a cast-iron skillet with nonstick cooking spray. 2. In the skillet over medium heat, cook sweet potatoes, yellow pepper, and broccoli until soft. 3. In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, basil, thyme, salt, and pepper. 4. Pour egg mixture into skillet with vegetables. Don’t stir but instead use a spatula to lift the edges of the egg mixture until it is evenly distributed. 5. Transfer mixture to oven. Bake for 5 minutes or until the dish sets. 6. Top with avocado and tomatoes. Drizzle Sriracha on top (if desired).


* This newsletter is intended to educate the public about personal injury, workers’ compensation, criminal defense, and family law issues. You can copy and distribute it as long as you copy the entire newsletter. But the newsletter is not intended to be legal advice; you should ask a lawyer about your specific case. Every case is different, and all case outcomes depend on unique facts and laws.


101 W. St. John St. Suite 206 Spartanburg, SC 29306

INSIDE this issue



Remembering Those Who Gave the Ultimate Sacrifice Moms, Treat Yourselves This Mother’s Day







Case Results Snapshot


Mother’s Day Brunch Rainbow Frittata



Strengthen Your Entire Body!

If you no longer want to receive this newsletter, call Pam at 864.582.0416 or email [email protected] .

Paddle Your Way to Better Health

Big Benefits of Canoeing and Kayaking

MENTAL BENEFITS • While canoeing or kayaking, your body releases serotonin,

The weather is getting warmer, which means you can do more activities in the water. Canoeing or kayaking is an excellent way to get outdoors and be active. Besides looking at the beautiful scenery around you, taking to the water confers several physical and mental health benefits. PHYSICAL BENEFITS • Paddling can help improve your upper-body strength and muscle tone — because you’re using your arms to guide yourself through the water with the paddle. Paddling helps strengthen your arms, shoulders, chest, and back. • You use your legs to balance, maneuver, and change directions in the vessel. In turn, this movement helps strengthen your lower-body muscles . • While trying to stay centered and balanced on the water, you will develop more core strength . Paddling helps work your lower back, abs, and oblique muscles. • It’s a form of cardiac exercise that will help your heart circulate more blood throughout your body. It will also improve your endurance , enabling you to go longer distances faster.

dopamine, and endorphins from neurotransmitters. This will help boost your mood and self-confidence and improve your focus.

• These activities can enhance your memory and learning ability . This is because it exercises your hippocampus, one of the largest portions of your brain that is responsible for verbal memory and learning. • If you have trouble sleeping, this activity can improve your sleep. Exercising during the day can make you naturally tired, which helps you fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. • Since you’ll be in the sun, your body can produce more vitamin D. This vitamin is essential for strong bones and an effective immune system. Canoeing and kayaking are great outdoor activities to help you get your daily dose of physical activity and a mental health boost. So, enjoy the warm weather and be one with nature — this may be your new favorite summer hobby this year!