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Home Loan Workbook

HOME LOAN WORKBOOK Your Guide to the Home Loan Process

USA Mortgage is a full service mortgage lender. This means that USA Mortgage will see you through all aspects of the loan process from the time you meet one of our mortgage bankers to the day you sit at the closing table, and ultimately fund your loan with our own money. To borrowers and REALTORS®, being a mortgage lender means you can expect a home financing experience free of hassles and headaches. Complete control means having in-house operations such as processing, underwriting, closing, and funding. Performing all aspects of a loan under one roof assures that the company will strive to never miss a loan commitment date, or closing. Controlling every aspect of the loan process doesn’t just mean following through with the paperwork and making sure the clients get all of their questions answered, it also requires having access to options that best cater to individual needs. USA Mortgage has the ability to adjust to individuals’ needs on-the-spot.

We understand the many questions and concerns of homebuyers. That is why we designed this book to assist you with the purchase of your new home. It is our goal to provide you with the most professional and informative service available, and we are always just a call away when you have a question.

Let’s start with learning the basic steps to homeownership.


1. Loan Application & Pre-Qualification

2. Documentation

3. Home Shopping

4. Begin the Loan Process

5. Underwriting

6. Inspection and Appraisal

7. Conditional Approval

8. Final Approval

9. Closing

10. Possession!



When buying a home you will need to have money for your down payment and closing costs. The percentage you must put down depends on the loan program you are using. Closing costs often represent one of the most unexpected expenses for homebuyers. They typically account for 2% to 5% of the home’s purchase price, so it’s important to save for them ahead of time. Closing costs are due on closing day, or the day you sign your loan paperwork and the property title is transferred into your name.

Below are some possible sources for your down payment and closing costs.

1. Payroll Deductions: One of the best ways to save money is to hide it from yourself. Payroll deductions or allocating a piece of your direct deposit to a special savings account can be a great way to trick yourself into saving. 2. Tax Refund: You know it’s coming why not use it toward your down payment? If you’re really serious about home ownership, talk to an accountant about tax planning to make sure there is a little green at the end of the year to help you with your down payment. 3. Borrow from the 401K: It’s not losing your retirement; it’s more so using a piece of one investment to make another. First time homebuyers can one-time borrow up to $10,000 from their individual retirement accounts (IRAs) without paying the early withdrawal fees. Be sure to talk to your 401K or IRA Administartor to find out how it will impact your retirement. 4. More Work: Yes, we said it; more work. If you’re serious about reaching your down payment goal, consider spending a few hours working part time. 10 hours/week at $10/hour all year will get you $5200 closer to your goal. You may be bringing in more money using our down payment sources, but you still have to save it. There are several methods to learning to spend money wisely and save what you can. Below are a few that may help you reach your goal. 1. Plan for progress - Your Dream Budget Saving isn’t all dollars and cents, it’s a little emotional. That’s why we recommend finding a few visuals to remind you why you’re saving. They could be photos or a list of features of your dream home. Whatever your focal point, store it close to your budget, wallet, or in the place you pay bills to remind you of what you’re working for. 2. Slow your Spending - The 10-day Rule The biggest enemy of spending is the impulse buy. For purchases over $25 exercise self-discipline and give yourself 10-days to decide if this purchase is for a real need or a want? 3. Avoid the Convenience From coee on the go to lavish meals out, consumers pay quite a bit for convenience. Avoid your local convenience stores and become friends with your kitchen to help your bottom line. 4. Track Expenses - Face Your Truth We scoured the net and all experts agree, the only thing more powerful than creating a budget is tracking it. Schedule time with yourself each week to face the truth about your spending and find new ways to save. 5. Eliminate the Excess Spending Locate the excess in your budget and slash it. Trade the gym for home workouts, movie nights out for rentals at home, and keep an eye out at the end of each month for services.



UNDERSTANDING YOUR CREDIT SCORE One of the first steps in readying yourself to buy a home is to examine and evaluate your credit standing. Even though your credit score isn’t the only factor lenders use to determine whether or not you qualify for a loan, it’s an important part of your overall credit health. FICO is the most widely used scoring model in the United States and Canada. FICO’s model is designed to determine how likely you are to become 90 days late on any payment within the next 24 months. Each financial choice you make—how much you spend on credit, how responsibly you pay down your debts, how many credit-related accounts you have, etc.—gets reported to three reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. When a lender gets your credit report, they also usually request the accompanying credit score, which boils everything down into a single score based on that agency’s proprietary version of the FICO scoring model. Your score can be broken down into 5 basic components: payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit inquiries, and type of credit used.


Payment History (35% of overall score) Your payment history gives prospective lenders an indication of how responsible you are when paying down debts. Keep in mind that your payment history is one of the most influential factors determining your credit score. Late payments on items that are more recent or for larger amounts will weigh more heavily on your score. Tip to improve: Make payments on time, all the time - even items in dispute. Pay the bill and worry about the refunds later. Amounts Owed (30% of overall score) This is the total value of your debts across all accounts. It’s not necessarily bad to have credit accounts with balances, as long as you are paying on the accounts consistently. “Maxing out” your available credit is much more concerning to a potential lender. Tip to improve: Don’t close out “old” credit cards, and don’t lower your available credit limits. Having access to credit is good. Length of Credit History (15% of overall score) Typically, a longer, more established credit history will earn you a higher score. Tip to improve: Don’t close cards with “history”. You need them to show you’re experienced with credit. New Credit Inquiries (10% of overall score) Opening multiple new credit accounts in a short period of time makes a borrower look like a higher risk, especially if the borrower has a relatively short credit history. Tip to improve: When you shop for a mortgage, multiple credit checks can count as a single credit inquiry, protecting your credit score. Type of Credit Used (10% of overall score) The FICO model looks at your overall credit picture and how your debt is spread out over dierent types of accounts.







Payment History Amounts Owed Length of Credit History New Credit Inquiries Type of Credit Used

Tip to improve: Don’t carry an abundance of store charge cards. Interest rates are high and FICO model looks unfavorably upon them.

Please note that: • A FICO score takes into consideration all these categories of information, not just one or two. No one piece of information or factor alone will determine your score. • The importance of any factor depends on the overall information in your credit report. For some people, a given factor may be more important than someone else with a dierent credit history. In addition, as the information in your credit report changes, so does the importance of any factor in determining your FICO score. Thus, it’s impossible to say exactly how important any single factor is in determining your score What’s important is the mix of information, which varies from person to person, and for anyone person over time. • Your FICO score only looks at information in your credit report. However, lenders look at many things when making a credit decision including your income, how long you have worked at your present job and the kind of credit you are requesting.


HOME BUYING BASICS At USA Mortgage we recognize that becoming a homeowner is a milestone in anyones’s life and we are here to turn your loan application into a reality. You are just a few steps away from stepping into your new home. Before you seal the deal, make note of a few important concepts to keep the home buying process on the right track. General Purchasing a home may be your largest financial transaction to date, so paying close attention to detail is critical. With the assistance of your real estate agent and USA Mortgage, you can rest assured that the process will be ecient, smooth, and a great learning experience. You Can Count On Your Real Estate Agent To: • Preview available homes to weed out those that are overpriced or undesirable. • Present to you the homes that suit your needs as you have defined them. • Help you to determine the dierence between a “good buy” and a property that, due to its nature (neighborhood, market appeal, etc.), might have to be discounted if you decide to sell in the future. • Negotiate the best deal for you. With a pre-qualification letter from USA Mortgage, your real estate agent will be able to demonstrate that you are qualified and capable borrower. This will strongly influence the seller and may make the dierence between the seller accepting your oer or someone else’s. You Can Count on USA Mortgage To: • Assist you in selecting the best loan to meet your personal situation and goals. • Keep you informed of your loan status throughout the entire process. • Keep your real estate agent informed of our loan progress. (Please note: your personal information is always kept confidential between you and us; only mortgage milestones and progress will be shared.) You Can Count On Yourself To: • Keep your Real Estate Agent informed of any questions or concerns as they develop. • Keep the process moving by providing documentation and decisions as soon as reasonably possible. By doing so, many of the details are taken care of early in the process so you can comfortably concentrate on any last-minute details or events that require your attention. • Remain objective throughout the process to eectively make the business decisions that are best for you.



Our mortgage bankers can guarantee that you will learn a lot about mortgages during the home buying process. That’s why USA Mortgage works to make home buying a positive learning experience as well as help you take the next steps into a new home. We have compiled 4 things we feel you should know about mortgages. • Small changes in interest rates can make a big dierence. A lower interest rate (even by less than 1%) could save you 10’s of 1000’s of dollars over the life of your loan. • Adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) are limited in how much they can adjust per year. You can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that ARMs are not as risky as they may seem. While interest rates may climb over time, your mortgage rate doesn’t have to. ARMs. typically have a cap on how much interests rates can increase each year. • Paying points up front may work to your benefit if you plan to stay in your home for many years. Points are an additional fee you can pay when you close on your home and are expressed as a percentage of your loan. For example, on a $200,000 loan, two points amount to $4,000. If you pay these points up front during the closing, often times it leads to a lower interest rate. If you plan to stay in your home for several years or even decades, this may be a wise purchasing decision. • Start saving for your down payment. Even if you are approved for a program with little or no down payment, you need to start putting money away. You may be required to pay for a termite inspection, home inspection, or occupancy permit out of pocket. Having money put away will help get items taken care of quickly. Whatever is left over after closing can be put to use adding touches that make your new house a home.



Loan Application and Pre-Qualification The first step in the Mortgage Process is to complete a full loan application. Once your application is received, an experienced Mortgage Banker will help explain dierent financing options that are best suited for your goals. This beginning stages of the process does not guarantee an approval for a mortgage, however it does provide the knowledge required to set realistic expectations in respect to spending limits. Documentation Financial documents supporting the mortgage application must be submitted and verified by underwriters. Documentation commonly requested (but not limited to) would include 30 days pay stubs, 2 years complete tax returns, 2 years W2’s and 1099’s, photo ID’s for all applicants, current checking and savings account statements, and recent retirement/investment account statements. If you have experienced a divorce or bankruptcy, supporting documentation will be required. Home Shopping Now that the pre-approval is in place, you can begin the process of shopping for your dream home! You might consult with a REALTOR® about your needs and prepare a list of available inventory that suits your search criteria. When the perfect home is located, your REALTOR® will present your oer to the seller. Begin the Loan Process When all parties have agreed to the terms of the sales contract, you will meet with your Mortgage Banker to discuss the dierent financing options you may qualify for. When the type of mortgage, and term, has been determined, you will sign the Loan Application and the Loan Estimate. This document is not 100% accurate in the early stages, however, it does provide you with a realistic picture of your transaction. Underwriting A Mortgage Underwriter’s job is to assess the risk of lending you, the applicant, money to purchase your home. They will consider factors such as credit history, employment history and income, and your ability to repay when determining if they will approve your loan or not. Inspection and Appraisal Your REALTOR® will recommend a capable home inspector to conduct a thorough inspection of the property. The inspector will check for any structural and/or material defects in the property and provide a written report about their findings. If the property contains items that need to be addressed, per the inspection report, the REALTOR® can submit a building resolution document that request the seller to correct the deficiencies or provide a credit for the repairs at closing. (USA Mortgage does not require a copy of the inspection as this is a voluntary inspection) USA Mortgage will order an appraisal on the property from one of our approved vendors. The appraisal report is required by underwriting as it provides a collateral assessment of the property, assuring the Lender that the property value is commensurate with the purchase price. Conditional Approval After the initial documentation has been collected and the appraisal report has been issued, the file is submitted to our Underwriting Team for review. Typically on the first review, the Underwriter will issue an “approval” but with some conditions. These “conditions” are items that the Underwriter needs additional clarity on. Once these conditions are met, the final approval will be issued. Final Approval The final approval is issued when all documentation has been signed o on by Underwriting. It is imperative that this final approval date is met prior to your loan commitment date on the sales contract. Since this milestone is time sensitive, staying motivated and providing all requested information will allow us to meet the designated date of loan commitment and prevent any delays or extensions. Closing The loan closing appointment typically occurs at a Title Company and represents the time when all Buyers sign the final loan, and title, documents. This will include the transfer of title and all recording instruments that show YOU as the new owner! Possession!



Income • 30 days paystubs • 2 years taxes (all pages and schedules) • 2 years business taxes all pages and schedules (if applicable) • 2 years w-2s and/k-1s/1099s (if applicable) • 1 months recent paystubs • Social security or pension award letter (if applicable) Assets • 2 months bank statements (all pages) • Current asset statement (401k/IRA/mutual funds/etc) Other • Drivers license • Declaration page for home owners insurance (or name and number of agent) • Recent mortgage statement for all currently owned properties • Copy of earnest money • Agent contact info • Copy of signed contract Down the Road • Homeowners insurance agent name and number • Canceled earnest money check DOCUMENTS THAT MAY BE NEEDED TO PROCESS YOUR LOAN




• Keep all records and documents in good order

• Availability - Keep your financial records close at hand in case updates are requested.

• Income - Be aware that underwriters typically verify your income and tax documents through your employer(s), CPA, and/or IRS tax transcripts. Hold onto new paystubs as received.

• Assets - Continue saving account statements. Keep all numbered pages of each statement. Ex. 8 of 8.

• Gifts - If you’re receiving any gift money from relatives, they’ll need to sign a gift letter (we’ll provide) and an account statement evidencing the source, which must be “seasoned” funds.

• Current residence - If you’re renting, continue paying your rent on time and save proof of payment. If you’re selling your current residence, be prepared to show your closing disclosure. If you’ll be renting your home, you may need to show sucient equity, a lease and receipt of the first month’s rent and security deposit.

• Keep your credit shining - Continue making payments on time. Your credit report may be refreshed, and any negative change to your report could cause you to lose your approval and your home.

• Understand that things have changed - Underwriters require more documentation than in the past. Even if requests seem silly, intrusive or unnecessary, please remember that if they didn’t need it, they wouldn’t ask. Don’ts

• Apply for new credit - Changes in credit can cause delays, change the terms of your financing or even prevent closing. If you must open a new account (or even borrow against retirement funds), please consult with us first.

• Change jobs during the process - Probationary periods, career or even status changes (such as from a salaried to a commisioned position, leave of absence or new bonus structure) can be subject to very strict rules.

• Make undocumented deposits - Primarily large but sometimes even small deposits must be sourced unless they are identified. Make copies of checks and deposit slips. Make sure you keep all documents on any large deposit.

• Wait to liquidate funds from stock or retirement account - If you need to sell investments, do it now and document the transaction. Don’t take the risk that the market could move against you leaving you short of funds to close.



Everyone’s closing costs vary slightly, but below are some examples of what might be included: Application Fee Fee charged by lender to pay for the fixed costs related to mortgage loan processing, such as appraisal, credit report, and underwriting. Closing Fee The fee charged by the agent who prepares the closing documents and closes the loan on behalf of the lender. Commitment Fee This often called an orgination fee and is generally computed at 1% of the mortgage amount, or any amount as charged by lender. Discount Points Each point is equal to 1% of the mortgage amount. Points are used by the lender to adjust the yield on the mortgage when it is sold to an investor. By paying more points, the borrower can obtain a lower mortgage interest rate. Funding Fees Normally applicable on VA loans only, equal to a percentage of the loan amount. The fee is due at closing or may be added to the loan amount and financed. Homeowner’s Insurance One year premium is due in advance of the time of closing. Mortgage Insurance Insurance required by the lender when the down payment is less than 20%. In case of loan default, this insurance reduces the lender’s loss. Pre-Payables Adjustment to escrow accounts from the date of closing to the date of the first payment. Interest is paid through the end of the month of closing; taxes are paid through the end of the month of closing, plus the following month. Two months of PMI may be collected. Two months of homeowner’s insurance may be collected. A homeowner’s insurance policy must be provided along with a receipt showing that the first year’s premium is paid. Processing Fee Fees charged by the escrow processor (either working for the escrow company, title company, or real estate company) for administrative escrow services performed from the point - of - contact through closing. Recording Fees Fees charged by state and municipal entities for entering the closing documents into public record. Survey Fee Fee usually required and used by the lender to check for encroachments from within or from outside the subject property. Title Insurance Provides protection for lenders and homeowners against financial loss resulting from legal defects in the title. Underwriting Fee Fee usually included in the application fee, although practices do vary lender to lender. Flood Certification Fee Lender must determine if the home requires flood insurance. Tax Service Fee A one-time collected at closing which arranges for the payment of real estate taxes from the borrower’s escrow account to the taxing authority or verfies payment to the taxing authority.




Some of the essentials to consider are the interest rates, lowest points, upfront charges and how to calculate them. Once you find the most favorable terms for your needs, work your way through the application process and get to the settlment stage, the real consideration is whether or not you will receive what you’ve bargained for. Will you find that the rates have changed, which automatically ups your cost structure? That’s where a lock-in holds value to you as a future homeowner. A lock-in - also commonly referred to as a “rate-lock” or “rate commitment” - is a lender’s promise to hold a certain interest rate and number of points for you while your loan application is being processed. The loan application process may take several weeks (or longer) to prepare, document, and evaluate. During this time period, mortgage costs are likely to fluctuate. However, if your interest rate and points are locked in, you are protected against rate increases during the application period. While having a lock-in sounds like a no-brainer, there is a small risk. You may run into an instance where rates decrease. Therefore, a lock-in may prevent you from taking full advantage of any price drops. Depending upon your lender, you may have the opportunity to lock in a lower rate in the event that one becomes available during the application period. As a future homeowner, keep in mind that the mortgage bankers at USA Mortgage have your best interests in mind. In eorts to bring you that much closer to your dream home, we do our best to process loan applications quickly and provide the lowest rates possible. While mortgage rates change by the day, our customer service remains the same.

Q: Will your lock-in be writing?: USA Mortgage has forms that set out the exact terms of the lock agreement.

Q: Will you be charged for a lock-in? Typically, the lender will promise to hold a particular interest rate and number of points for a given number of days. In order to receive these terms, you must settle on the loan within that time period. A common lock period is 30-60 days, however some lenders may oer them for a shorter period of time. On the flip-side, you may find some lenders will extend their lock in period up to 120 days. Additional fees could be involved. Q: What happens if the lock-in period expires?: It’s possible that you can lose your interest rate and the number of points you had if the lock-in period expires. This can occur if there are delays in processing, regardless if they are caused by you or the lender.


THE BASICS OF PRIVATE MORTGAGE INSURANCE (PMI) Not everyone has $50,000 in cash lying around to put down for a $250,000 home. Private mortgage insurance can be your solution if making a 20 percent down payment on a home is out of your reach. Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) is a policy provided by mortgage insurers to protect lenders against a loss if a borrower defaults on their loan. Most lenders - like our St. Louis mortgage company - require PMI for loans with loan-to-value (LTV) percentages in excess of 80 percent. Therefore, a borrower has the opportunity to make a smaller down payment of as low as 3 percent instead of 20 percent. PMI charges vary depending on the size of the down payment and the loan, but they typically amount to about a half of one percent of the loan. What USA Mortgage Suggests for You Our team of experienced mortgage bankers recommend that you keep track of your payments on the principal of the mortgage. When you reach the point where the loan-to-value ratio hits 80 percent, PMI payments can be discontinued. Because of the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998, we are required, as lenders, to tell borrowers at closing time how many years and additional months it will take for them to reach the 80 percent level. Exceptions to Private Mortgage Insurance By law, lenders can require PMI all the way down to a loan-to-value ratio of 50 percent for those individuals who are considered to be high-risk borrowers. Riskier borrowers are individuals who have reduced documentation loans, in which they provide less proof of income during the approval process. A risky borrower may also be someone with a spotty credit history and higher debt-to-income ratios. In addition, some Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans require PMI payment throughout the entire lifespan of the loan. USA Mortgage is in the business of turning hopefuls into homeowners. A 20 percent down payment is no easy commitment, so there are options to bring your closer to stepping into a new home.



Abstract of Title - A summary of the public records relating to the ownership of a particular piece of land. Represents a short legal history of an individual piece of property and traces the ownership of the property from the time of the first recorded transfer to present. Acceleration Clause - The provision in a mortgage that allows the lender to demand payment of the entire principal balance if a monthly payment is missed or some other default occurs. Additional Principal Payment - A way to reduce the remaining balance on a loan by paying more than the schedule principal amount due. Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) - A mortgage with an interest rate that changes during the life of the loan according to the movements in an index rate. Sometimes referred to as AMLs (adjustable mortgage loans) or VRMs (variable-rate-mortgages) Adjusted Basis - The cost of a property plus the value of any capital expenditures for improvements to the property minus any depreciation taken. Adjustment Date - The date that the interest rate changes on an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM). Adjustment Period - The period elapsing between adjustment dates for an adjustable-rate-mortgage (ARM). Affordability Analysis - An analysis of a buyer’s ability to aord a home. Reviews income, liabilities, and available funds, and considers the type of mortgage you plan to use, the area where you want to purchase a home and the likely closing costs. Amortization - The gradual repayment of a mortgage loan, both principal and interest, by installments. Amortization Term - The length of time required to amortixe the mortgage loan expressed as a number of months. For example, 360 months is the amortization term for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) - The cost of credit, expressed as a yearly rate including interest, mortgage insurance, and loan origination fees. This allows the buyer to compare loans. APR should not be confused with the actual note rate. Appraisal - A written analysis prepared by a qualified appraiser, which estimates the value of a property. Appraised Value - An opinion of a property’s fair market value based on an appraiser’s knowledge, experience, and analysis of the property. Appreciation - Increase in value due to any cause. Asset - Anything owned of monetary value including real property, personal property, and enforceable claims against others (including bank accounts, stocks, mutual funds, etc.) Assignment - The transfer of a mortgage from one person to another. Assumability - An assumable mortgage can be transferred from the seller to the new buyer. Generally requires a credit review of the new borrower and lenders may charge a fee for the assumption. If a mortgage contains a due-on-sale clause, it may not ne assumed by a new buyer. Assumption Fee - The fee paid to a lender - usually by the purchaser of real property when an assumption takes place. Balance Sheet - A financial statement that shows assets, liabilities, and net worth as of a specific date. Balloon Mortgage - A mortgage with level monthly payments that amortizes over a stated term, but also requires that a lump sum payment be paid at the end of an earlier specified term. Balloon Payment - The final lump sum paid at the maturity date of a balloon mortgage. Before-tax Income - Income before taxes are deducted. Bi-weekly Payment Mortgage - A plan to reduce the debt every two weeks instead of the standard monthly payment schedule. The 26 (or possibly 27) bi-weekly payments are equal to one--half of the monthly payment required if the loan were a standard 3-year fixed-rate mortgage. The result for the borrower is substantial savings in interest. Bridge Loan - A second trust that is collateralized by the borrower’s present home allowing the proceeds to be used to close on a new house before the present home is sold. Also known as “swing loan”.


Broker - An individual or company that brings borrowers and lenders together for the purpose of loan origination. Buydown - When the seller, builder or buyer pays an amount of money up front to the lender to reduce monthly payments during the first few years of a mortgage. Buydowns can occur in both fixed and adjustable rate mortgages. Cap - Limits how much the interest rate or the monthly payment can increase, wither at each adjustment or during the life of the mortgage. Payment caps don’t limit the amount of interest the lender is earning and may cause negative amortization. Certificate of Eligibility - A document issued by the federal government certifying a veteran’s eligibility for a Department of Veterans Aairs (VA) mortgage. Closing - A meeting held to finalize the sale of a property. The buyer signs the mortgage documents and pays closing costs. Also referred to as “settlement”. Closing Costs - These are expenses - over and above the price of the property - that are incurred by buyers and sellers when transferring ownership of a property. Closing costs normally include and orgination fee, property taxes, charges for title insurance and escrow costs, appraisal fees, etc. Closing costs vary according to the property’s area and the lender involved. Compound Interest - Interest paid on the original principal balance and on the accrued and unpaid interest. Consumer Reporting Agency (or Bureau) - An organization that handles the preparation of reports used by lenders to determine a potential borrower’s credit history. The agency gets >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24

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